Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice, but I do own the plot for this fanfiction.
A/N: This is the song played on the piano when M'gann enters the music room. I'm not the one playing it of course, but I managed to learn it in an hour or so.
👽👽👽👽👽👽👽(is this counted as being alien racist to Ms Martian? ;-; please suggest something else I can put instead of alien heads...)
I sigh. Conner stays in his corner, unmoving. At this rate, we're going nowhere. I'd came back from visiting my family in Mars to see how Conner and Wally were doing. After the incident, my whole family -mainly my parents- were worried sick, so Martian Manhunter took me back to see them and to rest up a little more.
"Connor, snap out of it. The more we explore This place and find out about it, the faster we get out of here and get back home." I plead, but am met with silence. "The rest of the team could be here too, and anyone could be in trouble..."
Connor turns around with a scrowl on his face. "Why don't you just use your stupid telepathy to go find out if anyone else is here? You have a power. Use it." I can feel my anger rising up. His short temper really gets on my nerves, even if we are dating, but haven't told anyone yet. Although I suspect everyone already knows.
"I tried that already, and it didn't work. There's some force that's preventing my telepathy from getting through. Look, we really need to move soon or we'd end up dying of thirst or starvation if we didn't get murdered by the crazy spirits everywhere. We're sitting ducks here, so we need to find a way out before it's too late."
Connor glares at me and stands up. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's just get this over with so you can stop nagging at me." Ignoring whatever he just said, I open the door and step into the dark corridor. I can't exactly get angry at Connor, because it's partly my fault as to why he's upset. I was so scared when I woke up in on the roof alone, and when he found me I thought he was a monster and nearly killed him with my telepathy.
"So...when exactly were you planning to tell everyone you woke up?" I don't expect an answer, and don't get one. Earlier that day, when my uncle and I visited the hospital room Connor was kept in, he was awake, and lying down on the bed, staring at the ceiling with a cold hard stare.
I turn around to check on Connor, and he's busy trying to open the windows in the room, but fails. I've tried opening them, both physically and with my powers, and It's like they're glued shut.
I decide to leave him for the moment. He may need some time alone to think, although who knows how long he'd been alone and awake, pretending to be in a coma? Even if he needed help, he'd probably handle it well enough on his own. Connor was never one to ask for help or to express anything going on in his mind. I didn't exactly expect answers to start spilling out, even if we were dating. I guess it was one of those things that require patience.
I check the corridor for any suspicious beings. Nothing. This place gives me the chills. It's like the 'Hello Megan' halloween special where Megan went to a haunted house. The atmosphere was exactly the same, and the place was just as spooky. I wanted to call out for the others, but if anyone or anything else besides them was here, it would attract attention, and that would not be good.
I dash to the door opposite the room Connor is in, and open the door. It creaks open loudly, echoing in the corridor. I decide not to shut it, just in case it closes in on me and I become locked in.
It seems to be a music room, like the one in school. There's a huge grand piano in the centre of the room, and surrounding it are shelves of paper and files, probably music sheets. A few instruments are lined up on the shelf, and I try to ignore the blood stains in place of some of the instruments. A skeleton slouches in the corner of the room, but i don't really want to look at it too closely or come into contact with it at all.
Piano... Didn't Artemis say she played the piano? she did say she gave up soon afterwards because she got bored of it. She ended up playing the electric guitar because she claimed it was cooler and way better than a piano. If I wasn't wrong, Robin was the highest grade in piano, and could play extremely well.
A nice soothing tune starts playing. I'm mesmerised in the sound of the music, It seems as if all my worries are just gone, and I have nothing to worry about. I can stay here forever and listen to the same piece over and over again, no troubles, no more missions, no more fears. I feel so free. (A/N: It's times like these I'm wondering what I was thinking of when I came up with this at 4am in the morning)
Then I notice the window at the far end of the room. I could try, yes. I could try to open it. I can share this beautiful music with the whole world. Everyone could be carefree. I run over to the window, and to my delight, it opens easily and silently. There is nothing but black outside this place, but it's okay. with nowhere to go, I can enjoy this for as long as I want.
The music fills me with so much hope and happiness. It's like a neverending wonderful song, on repeat for the rest of eternity. I could probably jump out of This window now and I'd be flying... Free... Happy... (A/N: this is what happens when you're high. You get retarded thoughts and either write weird stuff or come up with creative reasons to commit suicide. Don't do drugs Kids. Or sugar.)
Then I stop myself. It never even occurred to me where the music was coming from in the first place. I turn around to look at the piano. The keys are moving, as if someone's playing them. But there's nobody there. That's when I snap back to my senses, and before I think of doing anything stupid, I slam the window shut.
The music stops abruptly and the keys of the piano are slammed down on random notes, creating a horrible ear-splitting noise that completely destroys to mood set by the music. The cover of the piano slams down with a loud bang, and I jump in surprise. A guitar falls onto the ground next to me with a huge crash, creating an off-key sound. Oh no.
One by one, the shelves start falling. I scream, and run. I never noticed how wide the room was or how many shelves there were, but whenever I seemed to get closer to the door, more shelves appeared, and the door appeared to be further back. I could feel the wind that the shelves created by falling down against my clothes. I couldn't trip, or I'd be squished flat.
I could try flying, but I had no idea if I would tire out faster running or flying. "Connor!" I yell. I hope he arrives soon. Did he not hear the music playing earlier? How could he not be alerted by the falling of shelves? How was this wooden floor not collapsing? I just hope it doesn't, or I'd be gone in the black abyss. A black figure stands by the piano. It isn't conner. The figure is too small. What could have happened to him? Maybe he'd left and was too angry to talk to me. Worse still, he could have been killed off by the spirits.
Beads of sweat trickle down my forehead as one thing registers in my mind. I should not have gone off alone.
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