Young Injustice
"This first universe is very dark. So I'll be sending the kids to this kids room I have" said Luke before snapping his fingers and the children were gone.
"What's is about?" asked Connor.
"This is when Superman just found out Lois was pregnant with Jonathan, but things went differently in this universe than it did in yours" said Luke before pressing a button on his remote.
It began Connor lying in bed with M'gann early in the morning.
He then heard a knock at the front door, and got up to see who it was.
When he opened the door, he saw Superman standing there.
"Hey, Kal. What brings you here this early?" asked Connor.
"There's something I want to tell you. I know it's early, but I just couldn't wait until morning to give you the news" said Superman as he entered the house.
"Well what is it?" asked Connor.
"Lois is pregnant" said Superman.
"Oh my god! Congratulations!" said Connor.
"How far along is she?" asked M'gann as she entered the room.
"Sorry, M'gann Didn't mean to wake you" said Connor.
"She's about a month into her pregnancy. We found out just a few hours ago" said Superman.
"Well congratulations, Superman" said M'gann.
"Thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a lot of other people to tell" said Superman.
Superman then left the house and flew away.
"I can't wait for us to have kids" M'gann said telepathically.
"I know" said Connor telepathically.
"Is it even possible for them to conceive a child? One's a martian, the other is half human, half kryptonian" said Roy.
"Me and M'gann have been thinking about trying to conceive a child for a while, but we haven't tried it yet" said Connor.
"Martians can change their biology by shapeshifting, so it might be possible" said M'gann.
Meanwhile, in Metropolis, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen were at the docks, waiting for a councilman to be there to take a bribe.
"He's not coming, Lois" said Jimmy.
"Let's give our corrupt councilman ten more minutes to show, Jimmy" said Lois.
"Who shows up late to their own pay off? You know, if I had an hour's sleep for every anonymous tip we've followed to nothing, I'd be a far more well rested person" Jimmy said.
"Shhh! Get your camera ready. Someone's coming" whispered Lois as a person in a hat and trench coat appeared.
"That's not the councilman. He-" was all Jimmy could say before a man in a purple hat and coat stepped in front of them and shot a gun through his camera and into his eye.
The audience was in shock as they just watched Jimmy Olsen die. This universe started off so light hearted, but then it took a dark turn.
"JIMMY!!!" screamed Lois.
"Ew. I got Jimmy on my shoe" said the man as he and the other person removed their hats, revealing themselves to be the Joker and Harley Quinn.
"Hi, Lois!" said the Joker.
"Who's the woman with Joker?" Batman asked.
"That's Harley Quinn. She's the Joker's girlfriend who he abuses. Before this, she was a doctor at Arkham named Harleen Quinzel, but when she was studying the Joker, he was able to brainwash her and turn her insane as well" said Luke.
Many people felt bad for Harley and were disturbed when they thought of the things Joker had done to her.
"They're Bruce's foes! Why are they going after Lois?!" said Superman.
"You'll see" said Luke.
A few hours later...
Superman arrived at the docks to see Jimmy's corpse.
"Jimmy..." he said in horror.
He looked around, but found no sign of Lois. But he did find the Joker's calling card.
Meanwhile, Batman was at a Star Labs facility in Metropolis, investigating a case.
"Was anything stolen?" Batman asked the scientist there.
"A small amount of equipment. But nothing as significant. I guess you can see why we didn't contact Superman" said the scientist.
"You were experimenting with kryptonite" said Batman.
"Not to hurt Superman. We wanted to know if it had any benefits. Whether it could be used as a power source. Whether it could cure diseases. We're scientists, not monsters" said the scientist.
"We should investigate Star Labs to make sure they're not in possession of kryptonite, either. Or else it could fall into the hands of our world's Joker or another villain" said Batman.
"Agreed" said Superman.
"Well, it's in the hands of monsters now. I want a list of every person who had knowledge of the Kryptonite's existence. No one leave's this facility until-"
But then Superman zoomed into the room.
"I can't see her. I can't see Lois!" said Superman.
"We're not alone, Superman. Maybe you should-"
But then Superman handed him the Joker's card.
"He has her" said Superman.
Batman looked at the card with a grave expression on his face.
"Please. Help me. Find her" Superman pleaded.
Batman activated his ear piece, and Superman flew out of the building.
"This is a priority call to all Justice League members and reserve members. I need as many eyes, ears and minds as we can spare in Metropolis. A woman is missing" said Batman.
"You want shot whole Justice League on a missing person case?" said Green Arrow, who was in an alleyway and had just finished taking down some bad guys.
"Absolutely. We believe she was taken by the Joker" said Batman.
"Who is this missing person?" asked Zatanna, who was busy fighting a monster.
"She's one of us. That's all you need to know for now. Her name is Lois Lane" said Batman.
"Lois..." said Wonder Woman, who was flying in the sky.
"Wonder Woman, Miss Lane was last seen at the Metropolis Docks. Head there and find out if anyone saw her or the Joker" said Batman.
"I'm on my way" said Wonder Woman.
"Flash" said Batman.
Barry Allen, who was currently in his house with Iris, Don, Dawn, and Bart, responded to Batman's call.
"I'm- -" and within seconds he was in his costume and running around Metropolis.
"- -in Metropolis. What do you need?" asked the Flash.
"Search every inch of Metropolis. Superman is scanning the city from above, so start with everywhere he can't see. Underground facilities, sewers, basements- -anything lined with lead" said Batman.
"On it" said Flash as he raced around the city.
"Everyone else, report in as soon as you reach Metropolis. Share anything you-" but then the Flash appeared in front of Batman.
"You have to see something" he said.
Flash grabbed Batman and ran across the city.
"Sorry. I know carrying you is a bit... awkward. But it really is the quickest way" said Flash.
"Just go fast enough that no one can see us" said Batman.
Some people couldn't help but giggle from seeing Batman be carried by Flash.
They arrived at another Star Labs facility.
"I figured this could be related" said Flash.
"Star Labs?" Batman asked.
"And what looks to be another one of yours in Metropolis" said Flash.
They saw Scarecrow's dead body on the floor.
"Yes. It's Crane. It's the Scarecrow" said Batman as he removed Scarecrow's mask, and they saw that his face had a psychotic smile on it.
Batman's ear piece started beeping, and he answered it to hear Wonder Woman's voice.
"I'm at the docks. We got lucky" said Wonder Woman.
It then cut to Wonder Woman at the docks, tying a man up with her Lasso of Truth.
"As soon as I showed up, someone ran" Wonder Woman said.
"And?" Batman asked.
"Tell him" Wonder Woman ordered the man.
"Joker's not in Metropolis. Him and that clown lady hijacked a submarine" said the man.
Superman flew over the sea and used his x-ray vision to locate the submarine.
"I see it" said Superman.
He then flew into the water, and lifted a giant submarine out of it, then he put it down on the shore. He ripped the submarine open and found Lois in a room unconscious, with Joker and Harley Quinn performing surgery on her.
"Lois! What did they do to-" but then a green mist that was in the room went into his mouth.
"What's...? I..." said Superman.
"Something wrong, Supes?" said Joker, who was wearing a gas mask.
"Yeah, for a Man of Steel, you look kinda wobbly" said Harley Quinn, who was also wearing a gas mask.
"SUUUUU-PAH-MAAAN" said a monstrous voice.
"No" said Superman.
"SUUUPERMAN!!!" said a giant monster, that was revealed to be Doomsday.
"Doomsday!" said Superman.
"What is THAT?!" said Superman.
"That's Doomsday. He's a powerful creature created on Krypton that's strong enough to kill you. He even did kill you in one of the most famous Superman comics of all time. Don't worry; you came back eventually" said Luke.
Many were shocked that there was a creature powerful enough to kill Superman.
Doomsday roared and was about to attack Superman.
"No... Lois. The baby" said Superman.
"Baby?" said Harley Quinn.
"Here we go" said Joker with an evil grin.
"STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!" shouted Superman as he grabbed Doomsday and flew, through the submarine ceiling, and into the sky.
"Time to go" said Joker.
"We're just going to leave? But this is the first submarine I've ever owned" Harley Quinn whined.
"We'll get you another one!" said Joker as he took his gas mask and doctors coat off, and they stepped out of the submarine.
"I can't just get another one! I've named this one. You can't abandon something once it has a name. Everyone knows that" said Harley Quinn.
Joker grabbed Harley's wrist.
"Harley, any minute now, angry do-gooders are going to realize what we're up to. If we're still here when they arrive, they will hit us over and over again. Say goodbye to your submarine!" Joker said.
"Goodbye, Gunter!" Harley waved to the submarine.
But then a giant green hand of energy pinned them both to the ground.
"Gunter is a terrible name for a submarine" said Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) who was floating above them with Wonder Woman.
"It is, honestly" said Hal.
Batman and Flash then arrived.
"Batsy!" said Joker as the green hand disappeared.
"Wait a minute. Did Flash carry you here? Ha! Putting fear in the hearts of criminals... while his bright red friend carries him through the night!" said Joker.
Flash was about to enter the submarine.
"Wait!" said Batman as he put on a gas mask.
"Scarecrow's fear toxin" said Batman.
He entered the submarine and saw the operating table Lois was on.
He then came out of the submarine and took off his gas mask.
"Where is she, Joker?" Batman demanded.
Wonder Woman pulled out the Lasso of Truth.
"My Lasso of Truth will-"
"No. Not on him. I'm not sure what would spew out of that mind but it wouldn't be the truth" said Batman.
"Come on, Batsy. Use that pointy-eared head of yours. You can see the truth. You just don't want to look at it too hard" said Joker.
"What did you do to her?" demanded Batman.
"You know what I did. I operated on her. She's the trigger" said Joker.
"Flash. The missile on the submarine-"
"His name is Gunter!" Harley interjected.
"Check to see if the warhead is still there" Batman said.
"Don't bother checking. It isn't. When her heart stops, every heart in Metropolis stops, too" said Joker.
"Why would her...?" Batman then realized what the Joker's plan was.
"The kryptonite. Scarecrow added it to his fear toxin, so it could enter Superman's bloodstream through his lungs. And then..." Batman then activated his ear piece.
"Oh, my god" Batman said as he realized what Joker had done.
Dick, Tim, and Barbara realized the same thing.
"Oh, no..." Dick said.
"Superman! Superman! Can you hear me?" Batman said.
"YOU WON'T TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME!" Superman shouted as he pushed what he believed to be Doomsday into space.
"Superman! Stop! Whatever you're seeing, it isn't real!" Batman said.
The kryptonite laced fear toxin was starting to wear off on Superman.
"Did you know she was pregnant?" Joker said before getting punched in the face by Batman.
"It's Lois! IT'S LOIS!!!" Batman shouted through his ear piece.
The drug then fully wore off on Superman. And he saw that Doomsday was actually his wife, Lois Lane. And both her heartbeat, and their child's heartbeat, had stopped.
"No..." Superman said as he put his hand over his mouth while Lois squeezed his other hand.
"Boom" said Joker with an evil grin.
The warhead from the submarine that Joker placed in the center of Metropolis had activated... and Metropolis was gone.
"NOOOOOO!!!" the audience screamed.
Back at Happy Harbor, M'gann was making breakfast for her and Connor, when suddenly she felt a large amount of pain in her forehead, and she dropped to her knees.
"M'gann! What's wrong?!" asked Connor as he rushed to her side.
"I just felt millions of voices screaming. And then... silence" said M'gann.
It then cut back to what was left of Metropolis.
Superman floated down to the center of the city while holding Lois's corpse.
It then cut to Batman interrogating Joker in an interrogation room in Gotham prison.
"You took his wife. His unborn child. And his city from him. Why?" asked Batman.
"Why? You need a reason? It's probably the same reason I beat that puppy to death with a kitten last week. When they howling and meowing stops, and all you're left with is a mess of blood and brains. Well, you can't beat that warm glowing feeling inside" said Joker.
Batman grabbed Joker by the collar and pulled him forward.
"This has always been about us! Why did you do this to him?!" demanded Batman.
"Every time you and I play, I lose. I was getting a bit bored of always losing. I thought I'd ask I'd try this on easy mode for a bit. And it was easy. It was as easy as beating a puppy to death with a kitten" said Joker.
The heroes were enraged that the Joker was willing to take so many innocent lives just so he could win for once.
It then cut back to Happy Harbor, where Connor and M'gann were watching the news of what happened to Metropolis.
"My god..." said Connor.
"That's what the screams were from" said M'gann in horror.
It then cut to Flash and Green Lantern bringing the survivors outside what was left of Metropolis.
"Is that the last of them?" asked Green Lantern.
"Yep, all the outlying areas have now been evacuated to outside the fallout zone" said Flash.
"Superman?" asked Green Lantern.
"I think he's still in Metropolis" said Flash.
"Have you tried to talk to him?" asked Green Lantern.
"His communications stopped working as soon as he entered the blast zone and, with that much radiation, Superman's the one guy who can stand at ground zero. No one can really enter without..." said Flash.
It then cut to Wonder Woman in the center of Metropolis's remains, walking over to Superman, who was still clutching Lois's body.
"Clark" she said as she put her hand on his shoulder.
"Diana. I killed them. I-"
"NO. No. You are not responsible for this. That madman orchestrated the whole thing" said Wonder Woman.
Superman then stood up while holding Lois.
"Will you... will you hold her? Will you keep them safe?" he asked.
"Of course" said Wonder Woman as she took Lois's body.
"I'll be back soon" said Superman as he flew away.
"Where are you going? Superman?" she said.
As Superman flew, Green Lantern flew in front of him.
"Superman!" said Green Lantern.
"Where is he? The Joker. Where did they take him?" Superman demanded.
"Batman took him to Gotham prison, but I don't think you should-" but then Superman flew past him.
"Hey!" said Green Lantern.
Green Lantern then put a force field around Superman.
"Wait! You're hurt. You're angry. Take some time" said Green Lantern.
"Let me out. NOW" said Superman.
"Let's just talk first. I don't want to-"
But then Superman shattered the force field with a single punch, and flew off.
"STOP!" said Green Lantern as he flew after him.
"You think you can stop me? With what? The most powerful weapon on your finger?" said Superman.
"Don't make me-" but then Superman took his ring off at super speed.
Hal Jordan then started falling, but Superman caught him right before he hit the ground.
Hal then activated his ear piece.
"Batman! He's-"
"No" said Superman as he took out Hal's ear piece and burned it with his heat vision.
"Please don't do something you'll regret for the rest of your life" said Hal.
"I already have" said Superman as he flew away.
It then cut back to Batman and Joker in the interrogation room.
"Someone took it all away from you once too, didn't they, Bats? And look what you became: an all punching, all kicking little ball of angst. What do you think Superman will become? He's a god who has deluded himself into believing he's a man. What will he turn into?" said the Joker.
"There are some things even you can't corrupt, Joker" said Batman.
"Ha! Oh, Batsy. You're so cute. You honestly think your friend will still be fun to play with?" said Joker.
"He will grieve. But he will stay one of the best men I know" said Batman.
"No. I think it's going to be a whole lot funnier that that" said Joker.
Just then, Superman burst through the wall, and he grabbed Joker... and punched his arm right through him.
The audience had to resist the urge not to throw up.
The screen then cut to black.
"And that was the fall of not only the Joker, but Superman as well. Once that had happened, Superman decided to never let something like this happen again, so he started up an entire government called the Regime that ruled the world. Wonder Woman, the Flash, Aquman, Hal Jordan, Hawkman, Hawkgirl, and many others joined him, even some villains did... and they all killed whoever would stand in their way" said Luke.
Everyone gasped.
"Was their anyone to stop us?" Superman asked.
"Yes. Batman formed a group of resistance fighters called the Insurgency to fight you and your forces. Connor, M'gann, Kaldur, Dick, Artemis, Zatanna, Raquel, most of the sidekicks and young heroes, and a few other heroes joined him and tried to stop you. But you weren't gonna let them stand in your way, either. Once they pissed you off enough, you revealed all their secret identities to the world and declared them criminals. Over the next few years the Insurgency and Regime fought each other. How it all ended? You'll see that later. Onto the next universe!" said Luke.
Most of this is just copy and pasted from my Young Injustice book, but I decided to post it, anyway. Also, I had the audience not recognize Harley Quinn or Doomsday because I don't think the exist in the show yet, otherwise I think they would've been mentioned. Next is gonna be a parody of the Flash trailer, but with YJ characters as the cast. See you then.
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