Visits with the Demon
Hi guys! Long time no talk! Sorry xd I got held up with school and lost a bit of motivation. Sorry if you guys can see that as you read this. But I'm glad it's summer! It gives me more time to write this. Though I'm gonna be writing other things and doing other things. I'm wondering if I should start posting these on too.
Anyway, thanks guys for the follows, adding to a list, votes, comments, and views. There's more than 1,600 views. That makes me very happy! I'm glad you guys enjoy this. I've said this a lot, but please be patient with updates. I will get to them, but it will take time (who knows how long :( sorry ).
Well, I don't own Young Justice, DC, or any of the characters, but...
"Robin, hey man," Wally greeted as Robin walked into the room. "Up to a bit of Smash? No hacking the game of course." He held up his Wii U controller along with an extra one. Megan, Artemis, Conner, and Kaldur sat next to him on the couch, holding controllers of their own. Up on the television was Super Smash Bros. Conner grumbled something about how he preferred watching his favorite channel over this.
"Sure," Robin shrugged, flipping himself onto an available seat. "Prepare to be beaten Wally." Wally scoffed, starting the game. Wally decided to play as Sonic, Artemis as Zelda, Conner as Donkey Kong, Kaldur as Pikachu, Megan as Rosalina and Luma, and Robin as Wii Fit Trainer.
"You're choosing Wii Fit Trainer?" Wally laughed. "Dude, you are so going down." Robin didn't retaliate. You shouldn't underestimate your opponent, especially if said person is a sidekick to Batman. Right when it started, Wally was quick to spam the A button. The others moved away to their own spot as they had their small battles. Robin decided to go against Wally one on one.
"What- How are you beating me...AGAIN?" Wally sputtered as he started spamming even more. Robin let out his cackle as he continued to do what he was doing. Dodge, jump, attack, dodge, and repeat. Wally was making it too easy. Holding his A, he saved up his special attack and unleashed it, sending Sonic right onto the television screen.
"Burn!" Robin cackled, but he was soon confused. The others were dead already...right? He looked around to suddenly see Zelda appear next to his character and attacked, sending his character off of the screen too.
'GAME OVER! Winner, Zelda!'
"What?!" Robin's jaw fell to the ground in shock. Meanwhile, Artemis looked smug as Megan and Kaldur congratulated the archer. Wally patted his back in mock sympathy, causing Robin to remember to taunt him about winning.
"Another game!" Wally declared, starting the next round. And so, they continued, game after game. Who knows how long it was. Little did Robin know, he was about to be late.
'Ding dong' Robin looked at the time, 2:30 PM. Eyes widening, he tossed his controller on the couch and flipped towards the Zeta Beam.
"Gotta go guys. I'll catch up with you guys later!" Robin called. "Man, I'm so dead..." Whispering the last part, he ran through the tube. He did manage to hear Wally yell how he automatically wins this game though.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Sorry I'm late!" Dick yelled, running over to the fountains. There, sat Damian with an annoyed look in his eyes. Seeing the teen running to him, his scowl deepened.
"What happened to you, Grayson?" Damian sneered. "You're too incompetent enough to arrive on time? Next time, come early so I don't have to wait." He got up from where he sat and gave Dick an evil eye before walking off. Dick sighed. He hated when Damian did that.
"Hey, Dami," Dick called, catching up. "How 'bout this? Let's go get ice cream, and I'll pay for it all, okay?" He pointed to the ice cream standing a few feet away from them. Damian stared at the stand and then at Dick.
"Grayson, one, don't call me that. It's improper, and I will not allow you to. And two, are you attempting to bribe me with the prospect of being able to eat as much ice cream as I want without any consequences? Are you trying to get me diabetes?" Damian glared. All Dick did was grinned back, raising one of his eyebrows. A minute passed with no conversation, just staring, before action finally took place.
"Very well," Damian strutted to the stand. "I accept your proposition." Dick followed, giving him a sly look.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"I still can't believe you got so many scoops," Dick grumbled, looking at his now empty wallet. The kid had ordered enough flavors to wipe out his stash of money for the month. He didn't even have an ice cream cone for himself. Damian smirked, slowly enjoying his 6 scoop ice cream. Darn, was the kid obsessed with it?
"Grayson, would you rather break your promise?" Damian tutted. "If so, I will inform mother of your inappropriate actions." Dick sighed, not bothering to reply to it. He instead tried to coax the kid into telling him more about his favorite things, but alas, he had none besides the things that were integrated by Talia and the League of Shadows. So Dick decided to talk about many things that he could be into, but the result was the same.
"What can we do..." Dick sighed, before noticing something almost above them. "Hey, it's a cat!" Both Damian and Dick looked up to a tree to find a cat perched on a branch. It looked like it wanted to go down, but was scared.
"Wait here Damian," Dick ordered, ditching his things on the ground as he climbed the tree. Time to time, Dick would miss a step and almost fall, but he managed to hold on until he was able to get the right footing and a good grip on the bark.
"What is the meaning of this Grayson?" Damian asked. "It's not your pet. Why must you try to rescue it? Shouldn't its owner help it? Why do you spend so much effort?" Dick waited till he was able to get onto the branch, setting himself on top of it. Then he carefully grabbed the kitty before treading down carefully.
"It may not be mine," Dick stated, "but that doesn't mean we should ignore it. The kitty needed help, and we were right here. It's not right for us to just leave it there. Plus, look at its neck, no collar. This kitty's a stray. Look at it! It's so cute!" He held up the cat for Damian to look. Damian noticed how furry and fuzzy this cat was. It was in a beautiful coat of gray covered with even darker gray stripes.
"Meow," the cat looked like it was grinning at Damian. At this, a connection was created. Damian had a huge urge to hold the kitty and cuddle with it. Of course he wouldn't. Not in front of Dick. Not in front of anybody. All he did was stroke its head carefully.
"I guess it's acceptable," Damian muttered. Dick studied Damian's expression carefully.
"Just admit it," Dick said, catching Damian's attention. "Just admit that you like it." Damian, stuttered, moving away from the teen.
"Me? Damian al Ghul-Wayne? Like a cat?" Damian was surprised. "Don't be ridiculous, Grayson..." He trailed off, seeing Dick's knowing smirk. Scoffing and looking away, his cheeks turned red. Dick in turn, cackled before letting the cat down. The cat walked over to Damian, rubbed against his legs, and ran off into the bushes. Damian took a step forward in the direction before stopping.
"Well, that's that. Let's get going, Dami," Dick sighed. His stomach was rumbling right now. Too bad he still had no money to buy anything. Suddenly, he felt something get pushed into his hand.
"I overestimated my capacity," Damian frowned. "You may have the rest of my ice cream, Grayson. Your stomach is annoying me too." He placed his hands in his pockets and looked away. Dick grinned. He could decipher that it was Damian's way of showing kindness, though he'll probably deny it. Dick jumped at Damian and gave him a quick hug.
"Thanks Dami~" Damian backed away from the teen, a disgusted look on his face.
"Don't touch me, Grayson, or I shall separate your head from your body." Damian threatened. Dick smiled as they continued on their walk. He felt accomplished. Dick had noticed how Damian hadn't protested again him being called Dami.
Young Justice: A New Bat
It's been a month since Dick and Damian had started meeting each other. Slowly, the two bonded more with each other. They now know more things about the other, though Damian still has a wall between the two. However, Dick was still determined to break it down and find the real Damian in there.
"So, Little D, wanna get our traditional ice cream?" Dick asked, skipping over to the nearest ice cream stand. Damian tutted, but followed him there. Ever since Dick introduced Damian to ice cream, at every meeting, they had some. Dick had introduced him to other food too, but they had preferred ice cream over it all.
"What did I tell you about calling me by those horrid nicknames, Grayson?" Damian growled. Dick just gave him a sly smirk along with him ice cream. Grayson got Chocolate Chunk Paradise, while Damian and Oreo Mint Surprise drizzled in strawberry sauce.
"Not to, but you know I'm not gonna stop right?" Dick licked his ice cream continuously. "So, how's your mom?" Damian looked down at his feet, suddenly interested in it.
To be honest, his mother had been training him really hard. It was difficult to keep up with her lessons along with everything else. Of course he wanted to do this, take on the legacy of his grandfather and father, but he just wished he had more freedom. Mother hasn't really been helping with that. In fact, she's been adding pressure.
" fine, Grayson. She's been working hard on my training to be the heir," Damian replied. Dick wondered what was going through Damian's head since he noticed the hesitation after mother. But before he could say anything, Damian glared at him.
"What does it matter to you, Grayson?" Damian sneered. "What's gotten you all interested in mother all of a sudden? Are you planning some sort of betrayal? Are you gonna break your word?" Damain went on the defensive, leaving Dick speechless.
"What? Dami, of course not!" He denied it. "What's gotten into you? Where is this coming from all of a sudden? You should know I wouldn't do that! I'll keep my word!" Dick tried to grab Damian's shoulder, but was only pushed away. Damian started to run off, so Dick ran after him.
'Why am I running away from Grayson?' Damian wondered. 'Why did I even say those things to him?' But before he could do anything else, he and his ice cream slammed into something tall, soft, but hard. Looking up, Damian saw that he had crashed into a buff man. He was surrounded by men wearing similar clothes. Members of a gang perhaps?
"Who's this?" the man snorted. "A little brat? Look at what you did to my shirt!" The man's shirt was stained in green and red. Damian scoffed.
"I see that it's a huge improvement from before," Damian smirked. "Your shirt was horrendous." Suddenly, he was grabbed by the shirt and pulled up close.
"Listen here, you brat!" the man yelled. "Who are you to insult me?" Damian glared at him. Suddenly, a disgusting stench reached his nose. Knowing where the smell came from, he wrinkled his nose and waved his hand around his nose.
"I see that's not the only thing that needs improvement," Damian spat. "Your breath needs some work too." This earned a growl from the man who raised his fist and punched Damian in the face. Damian ignored the immense pain stinging on his cheek. Seeing how that didn't faze Damian, the man raised his hand for another punch.
"Get away from Damian!" Dick yelled, slamming into the man. Thus, he let go of Damian, allowing Dick to catch him and reach a safe place.
"Grayson, why did you-" Damian started. Dick covered Damian's mouth, but it was too late.
"Grayson? Like Wayne's Grayson?" the man asked, glaring at the teen. "I have a bone to pick with you. Maybe I'll start with your little friend here first." Damian glowered and was about to pounce at the man, but Dick stopped him. Why? Was Grayson afraid he was going to go to the point of murder?
"Dami, let me protect you," Dick whispered. "It's my job as your brother. I don't want you to get hurt." This shocked Damian. He thought of him as a brother? They're not even blood related. Plus, he was being an inconsiderate jerk earlier. Why would he feel a need to protect him?
"Grayson..." Damian murmured. "Give him a good punch." With that, Dick grinned and waited till the man got close enough to give a good, hard punch, knocking him out. It turns out that Damian's inference was true. The men who were around the man before ran up to Dick and started throwing punches.
"Dick!!" Damian yelled, about to come to help. He stopped in his footsteps as Dick took the time to look back with an expression of shock.
"Don't!" Dick yelled back. "I don't want you to get hurt in any way!" With that, Dick found new strength to fight off his attacker and within due time, defeated them all. It would've taken less time, but he had to hide his real abilities as Dick Grayson.
"Don't ever come close to us again," Dick threatened before grabbing Damian's hand and leading him away. Damian couldn't help but notice the wounds all over Grayson. He felt bad. If he hadn't ran off, this wouldn't have happened.
"Little D, what's wrong?" Dick asked, noticing the kid's abnormal quietness. He stopped and turned around to see Damian looking at the ground. It was unlike him.
"Dick...I'm sorry," Damian apologized. "If I hadn't run off..." He trailed off. Dick smiled and ruffled his hair, much to his displeasure.
"Dami, it's fine," Dick reassured him. "I'm happy to be able to rescue you. Don't feel bad. It's not your fault. Plus, one good thing came from this." He grinned, though it turned into a wince. Damian was confused. How was Grayson able to find something good in all of this?
"You called me Dick," Dick smiled. "You've said it many times." Realizing his mistake, Damian turned red. He crossed his arms and looked away.
"Don't get used to it, Grayson," Damian frowned. "Now let's get you cleaned up." Heading over the fountains, they had small smiles plastered on their faces.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"I'm here to visit~" Dick called out as he walked into the headquarters of the League of Shadows. Another month had passed. For once, Dick and Damian decided that Dick was to come visit Damian. It took a lot of effort, but Bruce finally bought the lie that Dick had told of staying with a friend for the weekend. He figured Dick could use a break from Robin.
"Ah, Richard," Talia greeted. "Welcome to our humble abode." Dick had jumped out from his ride and flipped over to the said woman and Damian. Dick went to Damian and gave him a huge hug. Much to his delight, Dick felt arms quickly wrapped around him and gave a brief embrace. It was fast and small, but it was something.
"So, what's the plan today?" Dick asked, walking with the two inside the building. As they walked through the hallway, he could see all the assassins patrolling now and then.
"I will be doing some private business for my father," Talia informed them. "You guys will just have the whole time to explore and You might see Nyssa though, since she's here for some business." Talia waved them off as she turned to a corner. Damian turned to look at Dick and motioned him to the other direction.
"Come on Grayson," Damian sneered, "I have places to show you." Dick followed behind him, but he also took in the scenery. After all, he couldn't have a good look at it while running from killers who were after him. Sooner or later, he would get lost.
"Pay attention Grayson," Damian sighed. "It will be most troublesome to have to look everywhere for you. We both know you won't stay in one spot." He grabbed Dick's hand and pulled him along. Dick grinned and made sure Damian had a hard time pulling him along. Damian, in turn, grumbled as he took them to their destination.
"So, where are we?" Dick asked once they got to the designated room. Around them, Dick could see mats, swords, and to his surprise, a trapeze with a net on the bottom. Grinning, he ran to the trapeze and touched it.
"Like it? I had mother build one here for you once you come," Damian smirked. "It's far superior than the anything you had before." He said this with such pride. Dick smiled and gave Damian a loving hug. Of course Damian tried pushing him off, but failed. Letting go, Dick turned around and started climbing.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" Dick called. "An invitation? Come on up here with me? I'm gonna teach you how to fly!" Knowing there was no point arguing, Damian climbed up. To be honest, he was curious on how these things worked. Who knows? It might come in useful in the future.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Flying is not possible for humans, Grayson," Damian grumbled as he bounced on the net. "It's pointless to learn this." Dick jumped down right next to him.
"You just need practice, Dami," He replied. "Come on, let's do it one more time. After that, I'll stop if you want." Damian sighed, getting up and climbing it again. Dick quickly followed and in no time, he helped Damian on a bar. He was swing back and forth on the first one, getting momentum.
"Ready...GO!" Dick yelled. Damian let go, reaching for the other bar. To his surprise, he managed to grab onto the bar easily and was now swinging from it. He couldn't help but let a laugh escape him. Dick soon joined along as he leaped onto the first one.
"Hey, catch me!" Dick called, jumping towards Damian. Damian reached out his hands to grab Dick while Dick did the same. Soon, they were both swinging on the same bar. Of course, Dick decided then to show him his family quadruple flip. Damian was amazed, but he didn't let it show.
"That was an acceptable experience Grayson," Damian said as he jumped onto the platform. "Now, since we had that over with, let's head over to the mat. I want to show you my sword skill. And perhaps we can also teach you a few things if your mind can comprehend it." Shrugging, Dick flipped over to the mat while Damian just swept over there in pride. Along the way, he picked up two swords and threw one at Dick, who managed to catch it in ease.
Right. Left. Up. Slash. Damian spun and guided the sword in graceful directions. It looked like he was performing an elegant dance. Dick watched him move, mesmerized by each motion. It intrigued him. Damian moved to some target dummies that stood in different parts of the room and started hacking at them.
"So you do it like this... and this... and..." Damian went on and on about how to do many moves. Dick did his best to follow along, but couldn't catch up. Damian wouldn't admit that he was doing better than most who just joined the league and were learning how to use a sword.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Well, that was a good lesson!" Dick sighed happily. He twirled his sword around him and tossed it into the air time to time. "We should do it soon. Hey, can I keep this sword to practice?" Damian gave a shrug of approval. He sat down and watched Dick as he juggled many swords.
Suddenly, the door slammed open, surprising both Damian and Dick. Dick, startled, stop mid-throw, and the sword was thrown into the wall. It was a mere 5 inch from the doorway where a woman in black hair stood. She gave them an annoyed glance. Dick grinned sheepishly, trying to figure out her identity. He didn't know who this woman was, but Damian apparently did.
"Aunt Nyssa," Damian stood and gave a short bow. Dick followed along, copying Damian. Nyssa al Ghul gave a curt nod, striding into the room with ease. She took note of the swords once she stood at the mat.
"Take positions," she ordered, looking sternly at the both of them. Dick tossed an extra sword to Damian, who caught it, and they both took their stances. Nyssa circled them, eyeing the flaws to it.
"Damian, straighten your back," she ordered. "Hold the sword up higher. Right foot up 3 cm. Good. And you, Richard was it? We never actually met. You have many faults. I trust that Damian will fix that. It's a good way for him as he becomes the heir." Damian gave her a nod and a smile as Dick gave her a wary but mainly blank look. Nyssa stayed a bit to give them both advice and pointers before turning to leave.
"Where are you going Nyssa?" Dick asked, curious. Nyssa turned back with a stern look.
"What business is to you Richard?" Nyssa demanded. "For your information, I am going to Starling City for something personal you don't need to know about."
"Okay then," Dick shrugged off. "By the way, call me Dick. It's what my friends call me. Well, have a safe journey Aunt Ny-"
"Do not dare call me that," she glared at Dick. "You may have given me permission to use your name informally, but I have not permitted you to address me as that with such informality." Dick smiled sheepishly and nodded.
"You're aunt is so uptight," Dick muttered once she was gone. Damian shrugged, going back to sword practicing.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"So, Dick," Talia grinned. "Ready to go? Do you have everything?" Dick took a quick look of his things and double checked it. Nodding, he looked up to Talia and gave her a hug. Ra's al Ghul, who was next to her gave him a curt nod to which he returned. For Damian, Dick gave him a huge hug, and Damian fought against it at first, but soon leaned against it.
"Thanks for having me over," Dick smiled. "I'll come back and visit. After all, this has been a great bonding time." And that was true. During the time Dick was here, he not only bonded with Damian, but with Ra's and Talia too. Nyssa was too stiff for Dick's taste. He didn't really got to talk to her. Not yet anyway.
"Dick," Damian called quietly. "There's still a lot of things you need to learn before you can wield the sword. We could even spar." Dick grinned.
"Of course!" Dick agreed. "We need to do this again real soon! But I have to go right now, so see ya Dami!" Giving a wink, he stepped into a helicopter. Talia had gotten a ride for him since they were practically way far away to who knows where.
Dropping Dick off of a random street, Dick called for a taxi and had it drop him off at Wayne Manor. There, he grabbed his things and rang the doorbell. Alfred opened the door and the younger bat siblings jumped on Dick, giving him a warm welcome. Not far behind, Bruce stood there grinning as he beckoned him in.
"So, how was your sleepover Dick?" he asked. "What did you do?"
"Stuff," Dick shrugged, walking towards his room. "But it was one of my best ones yet. Let's do it again!"
So, this chapter was just some bonding time with Dick and Damian. Hope you guys liked it! Sorry if it was boring or repetitive. I tried to stop myself from rushing into events and tried going by it slowly. Sorry guys, but this is probably the last of a whole chapter mainly on them hanging out. I need to move on from this event since I feel like I'm boring you. In fact, probably boring you with this author's note. Haha, thanks for listening to my complaining if you guys are reading this. I appreciate all of you guys for the patience and stuff. Hopefully I can post another chapter soon.
So tell me what you guys think. Oh, and tell me if you guys see a mistake or if the characters are a bit ooc or an event is off. I have bad memory. xd Thanks guys! <3
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