A Family Introduction
Hi guys! I'm back with another chapter! Hopefully this meets your expectations. I had something else planned for this but changed it since I thought it wouldn't go well with the plotline and feeling I'm aiming for. I'll explain it more below, so hope you guys enjoy this for now! Oh yeah, this was written quickly to appeal your demand so excuse my mistakes and kindly point it out please xd.
OH YEAH, thank you to the people who tried to help me win. I didn't, but it was still awesome I had some people support me! :D This chapter is dedicated to you guys.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything or else I would've made this into a comic instead of a fanfic :P.
"When did you find out about Damian?" Batman demanded, his voice more voided of emotions than usual, making Robin wince slightly.
"A few months back," He answered. "During that covert mission to Ra's al Ghul where I got held up a bit. I accidentally came across Dami while he was training and well, I ended up making a deal with Talia."
"A deal?" Kid Flash repeated. "You made a deal with a villain? Dude, that is cool and not cool at the same time."
"Hey KF," Artemis called. "Not helping right now."
"Heh, sorry," He lazily grinned.
"Anyway, I was just supposed to hang out with Little D until Talia tells Batman, and she was just supposed to tell Batman about Little D after a certain time. This just kinda sped the process," Robin sat back, slightly smirking at Damian's scowl at the nickname.
"How were you able to hide him for so long?" Miss Martian implored. "I mean, Batman didn't know about him for long, and that mission was many months ago."
"I don't know," Robin shrugged. "I'm free spirited, so I can go wherever I want. Batman usually stalks me though, so I have no idea why he didn't realize the beginning months. Frankly, I'm kinda underwhelmed, not whelmed about it. I thought he would've figured it out quickly."
"Tch, stop with those wretched words, Grayson." "Robin, this isn't the time to slip you word creations in." Damian and Batman told Robin at the same time. This caused a series of awe from many people.
"They even have the same thoughts!" Jaybird remarked.
"They're not twins, idiot," Red Robin retorted, smacking the older kid on the back of his head. The older glared at the younger before deciding to ignore the younger's existence. This wouldn't be a good time to get the Bats angry anyway.
"You know what? Talia was right," Spoiler commented. "They look super alike too!"
"Really?" Kid Flash took a closer look. "She's right!"
"How would you know what Batman looks like?" Artemis questioned. "Don't tell me- you've seen him face to face before?!"
"What did you think?" Kid Flash placed his thumb and index fingers on his thumb. "Robin is my best friend. Of course I know these things." He didn't realize what his words were causing the other people of the group. They were beginning to feel hurt. After all, aren't they Robin's close friends too? After all they have been through...
"This was when we were kids," Robin elaborated, making sure to smack Kid Flash. "I told him before Batman made the rule of not revealing my identity."
"Anyway," Jaybird interrupted, changing the subject, "what do you guys think of Damian's eye color? Is it more like Batman's or Talia's? It looks like Talia's green right?"
"What are you talking about?" Red Robin asked. "His eyes are like Bruce's. It's blue."
"I have to agree with Red," Spoiler crossed her arms. "His eyes are blue."
"No, it's green," Artemis chimed in. "It's so obvious."
Soon, it was an all out yelling war about Damian's eye color. Batman sighed and just monitored their position. Damian stood there, annoyed at how everyone was arguing about himself. Robin laughed at his predicament.
"Guys, guys!" Robin called, stopping all voices. "His eyes are blue. Ask the kid himself. Dami, what color are your eyes?"
"Grayson," Damian clicked his tongue. "I trust you to give the correct answer of my eye color. Nonetheless, you are correct. My eyes are blue."
"You guys, don't you realize?" Jaybird protested. "It's the color that the writer want." At this, everyone began to stare at him like he was an insane person.
"Writer? Not this again," Robin shook his head, smiling. "We talked about this. We aren't created by a writer, nor are we part of a comic or movie."
"How would you know, huh?!" Jaybird argued, pouted and looking away. "I know you exist, so please, don't kill me off for revealing about you..." He looks up to the ceiling, gaining even more incredulous looks from people. What's even more creepy is that they could swear that they heard a female voice replying somewhere around the lines of 'Don't worry, I won't. I'm not like those people.' A shiver rippled through most of their body before they decided to ignore all of this and forget about it.
"Enough," Batman called. "As soon as we land, return home. You've done a good job today team. Robin, Damian, we will continue this when we get home."
"Very well father," Damian complied. "It's better than dealing it while we are here with the incompetents here." He made sure to eye a certain few while making it obvious who he was talking about.
"Excuse me?" Superboy yelled, getting irate pretty quickly. Miss Martian placed her hand on his shoulder, calming him down. He was still angry though, especially when Damian gave him a smug look. Robin rolled his eyes. Kid Flash stepped up next to him.
"Dude, no offense but your kid brothers are right," he frowned. "Damian's a demon brat."
"Well, I am the grandson of the Demon," Damian nonchalantly butted in, overhearing them.
"Well, he's also the son of the Bats," Robin shrugged like it was very obvious, answering Kid Flash's unspoken question. "They have excellent hearing."
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Hey, Batman," Robin called. A big flash filled a phone booth before it died down. They were in one of the alleys in Gotham.
"I know we're supposed to have a talk and all, but I'm injured, so I think we should have it tomorrow," Robin yawned. "That, and I'm pretty sure you have it all figured out right? You are the Batman after all."
"Golden boy's right," Jaybird let out a yawn too. "All this has got me beat." He had Red Robin on his back, who was already fast asleep. Robin looked over to Damian, who was also trying hard to keep his eyes open.
"Here, get on my back," Robin told him, ignoring the refusing look Damian sent him. "Don't argue. You're still a growing kid who needs his sleep." Giving in, Damian got on his back and wrapped his arms and legs around Robin. In just a few seconds, he was out.
"He's not so bad when he's asleep like that," Spoiler commented, giggling a bit.
"He's still a demon brat," Jaybird glared.
"Hey now, play nice," Robin chided playfully.
"Welcome home," Alfred greeted as they walked through the door. "May I ask why the Batmobile was not taken?"
"There was no need to," Batman replied curtly. "Alfred, prepare a room for our newest resident."
"Of course," Alfred nodded, glancing at Robin. "I see this is the newest addition to the family. I shall go prepare his room immediately. Do clean up and prepare for bed." With that, he turned around and left.
"Go," Batman ordered. "I think about what to do and tell you all in the morning."
"Night guys," Robin called, carrying Damian upstairs. Red Robin had woken up a bit earlier and was walking with the others.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"You ready for bed?" Dick asked Damian. "Brushed your teeth and all of that?" Damian nodded. They stood in the hallway.
"Here's your room, and I'll be in the one across from it," Dick pointed. "If you need me, feel free to come visit, especially since it's your first night here."
"Like I'll need your comfort," Damian scoffed. "But I will keep it in mind, Grayson."
Dick smiled, and went to his room. It was a Saturday, so he didn't have to worry about homework. He jumped into his bed, thinking about the events that happened . All of it happened so fast.
Before realizing he was deep in thoughts, he heard a knock on his door. It opened up to reveal Damian with a slight troubled look.
"My bed feels too hard," Damian explained. "That bed is not fit for my growing body. Plus, it is cold in there. I feel like this room is more well-suited for my needs."
"Well, come on then," Dick grinned, pulling his blanket up. "My bed's big enough for the both of us."
"Well, since you have taken care of me," Damian started, "I will oblige and accept your invitation." With that said, he walked over and settled under the blanket. Dick decided to pull him into a hug and slept.
"Unhand me, Grayson," Damian called. "*Sigh* Very well then. I'll give you permission to hold me like that, but we will talk about this in the morning."
Closing his eyes, Damian let sleep overtake him. Dick opened his eyes once more and grinned. Pulling Damian a bit closer, he too, fell asleep.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Master Dick, wake up," Alfred called. "It is time for your breakfast. Do wake up Master Damian too."
"Five more minutes, Alfie," Dick waved off. After a bit more of Alfred pressing on, Dick finally woke up. It didn't help that Damian also kicked him off of his bed too.
"Did you have to do that?" Dick rubbed his neck, trying to ease the pain. "I was going to get up eventually." He walked downstairs with Damian next to him.
"Eventually," Damain repeated. "My ears could not take another one of Pennyworth's calls to you. It interrupted my sleep."
"I thought you were supposed to be an early bird," Dick retorted. "Don't you guys wake up early and train?"
"Your ignorance and narrow minded view astounds me," Damian sighed exasperatedly. "We do not wake up early merely to train. We have other obligations to fulfill. Besides, Mother lets me sleep in late."
"Morning!" Steph greeted the two. "How was your sleep here Damian?"
"It was adequate," Damian said curtly.
"You weren't in your room," Tim pointed out. "I checked."
"That's cause he stayed in mine," Dick absentmindedly said, grabbing a stack of pancakes from Alfred.
"First night and he already has to sleep with you?" Jason smirked. Damian glared back, refusing to say anything. His own stack of pancakes laid in front of him.
"I seem to recall you sleeping with me for a month or two when you first got here," Dick informed. This cause Jason to groan as it was Damian's turn to smirk.
"Not aster, Dick," Jason grumbled, stuffing his face with the rest of his pancakes. Damian began eating too. As soon as the first bite was swallowed, he immediately went for the rest. It was really good.
"I have decided that Damian will start school tomorrow," Bruce suddenly announced.
"What?!" Jason exclaimed. "The brat has to come with us?"
"Father," Damian placed his utensils on the table. "As much as I disapprove of Todd, I agree with him. I have sufficient intelligence given to me by mother and grandfather. Must I take school?"
"Damian," Bruce began, "you are now in my care, and what I say goes. You are young and should go to school. Your brothers will take care of you there."
"They aren't my brothers," Damian denied. "The only on that comes close is Grayson." Dick didn't admit it, but he did a small happy dance at this.
"You are still going to school and that's final," Bruce said, ignoring what Damian was saying.
"Very well," Damian gave in. " I will do as you say."
"Isn't it your time to go, Master Bruce?" Alfred popped in, jacket in hand. "Your workplace needs you after all." Bruce nodded, getting up.
"Goodbye father," Damian said his farewell, but it was all for naught. Bruce brushed him off and ignored him. Instead, he gave his goodbyes to his other sons.
"Don't worry," Dick assured Damian, patting his head. "He'll turn around."
"Maybe," Damian mumbled.
Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulders. Damian turned around to see Cass. She held up a sword.
"What do you want?" Damian challenged. "...Do you want to spar?" Under Dick's scolding look, Damian decided to befriend this girl. She seems to be the one he could befriend with without getting annoyed. She has the aura of a fellow assassin. Cass nodded and made a hand motion that said, 'follow me', and so, he did.
She took him to the Batcave and showed him where the training area was. The others also went along and watched the two get ready.
"Cass will totally wipe the floor with you," Jason sneered.
"Yup, she has more experience," Tim added.
"May the best wielder win," Steph smiled.
It went on for 10 minutes at least. Each backed up and lunged. Swiping and slashing, none of the attacks met their mark. Damian and Cass were beginning to wear themselves down. Then, all of a sudden, Damian dropped to the ground and spun. He managed to kick Cass's legs and made her fall down. He then proceeded to pin her down with his leg and point his sword at her.
"Hey, you cheated!" Jason accused, rushing to his nonbiological sister. Tim was a few steps after, glaring at Damian.
"I did not!" Damian argued.
"It did seem a little unfair," Steph said nervously.
Damian fumed. This is Gotham, not any other place like Star City or Central City. There, it's more fair. But here, it's more about the result. No one really cares about the method. As long as you win. Besides, this was a fair method in any fight. They should've paid more attention.
His angry thoughts were interrupted by Cass's touch. She stuck her hand out. Damian went in and shook it.
"She accepting the defeat as fair and square," Dick translated for her. "Well done Dami!"
Holding up a tablet that suddenly appeared, she played this scene with ninjas in it. Interested, Damian edged closer to watch. Dick smiled at the two's growing relationship. Looking away from them, he gave the rest frowns.
"What?" Jason gave Dick a look. "Not my fault the brat did a dirty move."
"It was fair Jason," Dick stated. "In a fight, you have to be aware of your surroundings. Cass should've seen his legs coming, but was off guard. It was his fair win. You of all people should know." He made the implication to Jason's street life, before becoming part of the family.
"I'm disappointed," Dick told them. "You guys need to accept who Damian is and who he's from. It's not like he asked to be born into this. Think about how he was raised. You guys are future Robins. Don't forget how welcoming we are since the Bats can't be. We're supposed to be the innocent, childish, trusting, and accepting side of the Dynamic Duo and don't forget that."
"Damian, Cass," Dick turned around and called. "Let's go watch that upstairs. I'm sure Alfred has some cookies for us!" With that, the three left, leaving the others to think back to what Dick was saying.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Have a good day of school, Master Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Cassandra, and Damian," Alfred drove his car off, leaving the six alone.
"Well, Dami, are you ready?" Dick inquired. Seeing his subtle nervous look, he added, "Be traught!"
"Tch, your butchered English dictionary will get me no where," Damian rolled his eyes.
"Hey Brat," Jason called. "I'll take you to get your room number and stuff so let's go!"
"You're going to take me?" Damian was incredulous. "No thanks Todd. I do not believe your sincerity."
"You're right," Jason crossed his arms. "I'm not doing this cause I'm nice. I'm doing this to skip out of class." Damian clicked his mouth. Of course Jason had another motive to this.
"But," He continued, interrupting Damian's thoughts. "You are my little brother now. And as much as I hate you, I'm gonna look out for you. You'll see. I'll be even better than Golden Boy here."
"Tch," Damian scoffed. "I'd like to see the day you'll be better than Grayson. But very well, I'll come with you."
The two headed off to the office, leaving the rest behind.
"Watch out for him too, okay?" Dick told them, gaining some reluctant nods from some. "Good. Now, have fun today. I'll see you guys later." Waving bye, the kids left to their respective classes.
"Hey squirt," Artemis called. "How was Calculus homework?" Dick grinned, sitting next to her.
"It went alright," Dick shrugged. "Wasn't the easiest, but I finished it."
"Good," Artemis laughed, "cause I might need help on mine later." Dick gave a thumbs up. Looks like they'll hang out together during lunch for this. Man, he hopes Babs doesn't get too upset.
"Richard," the teacher called, walking into the classroom. "I have to say, I met your newest member of the family and he seems like a delight." Her voice was dripping of sarcasm. Artemis glanced curiously at Dick.
"Dick, you have a new brother?" she inquired. "What's his name? Why haven't you texted me about it?"
"I'll tell you about him later," Dick brushed off. "Class is about to start." Artemis frowned, disappointed, but nodded. Soon the news about Damian was forgotten...for now.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Dick!" Tim called. He, along with his siblings ran to Dick. The only person not there was Damian. Dick waved as he walked towards them too.
"How was school?" Dick asked. "Nothing happened right?" He was kinda in a good moon. Artemis forgot about asking him about Damian and instead, focused on her homework. Crisis averted for a while longer.
"There was a little bit of teasing from these jerks, but I dealt with it," Jason shrugged. Dick nodded, messing with Jason's hair. It probably wasn't just teasing, and he had a guess how Jason "dealt" with it. However, if Jason evaded trouble, Dick was fine with it. He won't admit that out loud though. He did have an image to hold up, the school's perfect genius.
"Where's Damian?" Dick asked, looking ahead. "He hasn't come out."
"I don't know," Jason looked a bit guilty. "I haven't seen him." Tim and the others nodded. Dick sighed.
"You guys should watch out for him more," Dick scolded. "He hasn't made any friends and only have us right now, and I can't watch him since I'm so far away. Stay here. Jason, watch over them. I'm going to find Damian." Guess he should've expected it. They were still kids on the inside.
"No need to, Grayson," Damian said, popping up. "While I appreciate your concern, it is not needed."
"Little D!" Dick chuckled. "There you are. How was school?"
"Enlightening," Damian said sarcastically. Then, he went silent. Something seems up, but Dick didn't mention anything about it. Seeing Alfred's car, he pushed them all towards the car and rode home, talking animatedly with Alfred.
"Bruce," Dick called, skipping out of the car and his seat. "Can I go to the cave today?"
"...Fine," Bruce gave in, "but if there's a mission, you can't go. You're grounded for keeping all that from me. That's your punishment." Pouting slightly, he gave a salute.
"Father, may I accompany Grayson?" Damian slightly bit his lips.
"No," Bruce shook his head. Before anyone could say anything else, he turned around and left. Dick knelt down next to Damian.
"Dami," he started and reached out. "I-"
"Forget it," Damian slapped his hands away. "I will be in my room. I hope your visit goes well." Dick winced, watching Damian as he stormed into his room.
"Don't worry Dick," Steph smiled. "We'll hang out with him. No fights or negative stuff, promise." She along with Cass and Jason followed after Damian. Only Tim was left.
"Sorry, Dick," Tim apologized. "I still don't feel comfortable with him. Every time I'm close to him, I want to yell or leave." Dick smiled sympathetically as he placed a hand to comfort him.
"Hey, it's fine," Dick smiled. "It'll get better, I promise. I'll let you in a secret. When Jason first came, we did not get along at all."
"Really?" Tim's eyes became wide. "What happened?"
"We argued a lot," Dick chuckled. "Just like you and Damian now. But the thing is, we were still brothers. We still stood by each other. One time, he got into this huge fight and was outnumbered. So, I jumped in and helped out. After that, our relationship got better."
"So, I need something big to happen so we could have a better relationship?" Tim wondered, confused.
"No," Dick laughed. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you guys may hate each other, but in the end, you guys love each other and would die for the other. Don't let a little sibling hate get in the way of that. Plus, if he wouldn't kill you, I would." Dick added the playful, bluff threat for fun, making Tim laugh. His fake threats seems to always have this effect on people. No matter how many times he proved people wrong, they seem to think he wasn't able to do anything super bad.
"Okay, Dick," Tim nodded. "I'll try to get along with him." With that, he left in the direction of Damian's room. Dick smiled and left.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Grayson, I am in need of your bed again," Damian sauntered into the room.
"I thought Alfred changed your sheets and stuff," Dick recalled, sleepily getting up.
"Pennyworth's new sheets are unsatisfactory," Damian puffed. "Your sheets are still better."
"Then do you want my sheets and switch?" Dick mused. Damian shook his head, looking off. Dick poked Damian on his side.
"Dami, you okay?" Dick interrogated. "What really happened at school?"
"Nothing," Damian mumbled.
"Damian..." Dick sternly said, giving Damian a tickle for a warning.
"Okay, okay," Damian gave in. "So it wasn't perfect. My classmates thought I was "weird" and a monster. The devil or demon... I shouldn't be insulted after all, since grandfather is the Demon."
"But the way they said it..." Damian continued. "It hurts. However, I could manage."
"But that's not what's bothering you a lot is it," Dick pointed out. Damian nodded. Dick had that all knowing brotherly sixth sense, one that Damian knew he couldn't hide things from.
"Father doesn't like me," Damian admitted. "He does not allow me to do things. He doesn't trust me, I see it. Will this work at all? What if he doesn't accept me?"
"He will," Dick argued. "Look, he accepted all of us. Me, a gypsy charity case, Jason, a kid living in the streets, Tim-"
"I get what you mean," Damian interrupted. "he also accepted an assassin already blah blah blah. He has too much people already in his life." Damian grimaced. He let out a bit of informal speech.
"That's not what I meant," Dick denoted. "I mean, that he accepted all of us, who are all different. What difference would another assassin, his son no less, would make? He'll grow to accept you. Give him time. I'm sure he'll open up soon."
"Very well," Damian closed his eyes. "...thanks Big D." On the bed, he gave Dick a big hug, which Dick happily returned.
"You should call me that more often!" Dick cheered.
"Not a chance, Grayson," Damian scoffed, falling back to old patterns. "It's late. We should rest now."
"Okay, okay," Dick complied. "Night Dami!"
"Good night Dick."
What do you guys think? I decided to make the whole break the fourth wall thing a running gag (hopefully it will be).
Thanks for all the views and votes! I love you guys!! <3 <3 <3
I kinda wanted to focus on Damian's first integration into the Bat family, work on their initial relationships, and the first step towards a better one. (Kinda forgot what I was gonna say, so I'll rant to you guys what I remember.)
So, as an explanation for the way I wrote the characters' behavior. Man, this is going to be long, so you guys don't have to read. I just kinda want to explain why I wrote things the way I did to answer future questions and maybe give small spoiler stuff. Sorry if I repeat my thoughts over and over. I'm just writing the thoughts in my head as they come.
----So beginning of explanation here ----
Main thing, I see the kids as they should be, kids. Though they live with the emotionless Bat and seen a lot of bad things of Gotham and the world, I think they would still have the innocence kids have. I mean, that's kinda how I see Robin in this story too. Robin is like a key person that gives Batman his humanity. Robin's like the anchor that keeps Batman from going overboard and helps him know what's right and wrong. Plus, since Batman is the dark one, Robin is the one that brings light to Gotham. he makes jokes and brings a lighter mood and I guess lenient effect to the duo. So, since the kids (Jay, Tim, Steph, and Cass) really haven't fought outside and became superheros yet, I want them to be more open-minded and accepting than their older self.
So, they're going to begin to have a good relationship with Damian soon. That doesn't mean, I'll make it easy though. I kinda want to create the sibling hate that you can see in the comics (and other fanfics), so I'm making them have an initial dislike to Damian. Maybe it's cause of a new change, fear of being replaced for the real deal, etc. Take a guess. Steph, I honestly don't know her character that well, but I want her to be a more neutral position, neither accepting nor disliking Damian. It's a bit of both. She's a bit confuse, but will be more accepting than Tim and Jason. Jason, well, he's the second oldest, so I kinda want him to take the initial step to getting over his negative feelings. Plus, he faced this with Dick before, so he knows how it feels like. As for Cass, I imagine her as a really accepting person. Bruce took her in, even though she was raised as an assassin. Seeing a fellow raised assassin, I think she feels a sort of deja vu and wants to make him feel welcomed and to prevent him from taking the wrong path.
Okay, let's start with Batman and Alfred here since the last paragraph is long enough already. Alfred is, well, Alfred. He isn't really fazed about these things and goes along with it to be honest. He may get agitated (like in the movie, the scene with Damian and Alfred when they first met), but he does show that he cares for each one of them, and Damian is no different. Bruce hasn't really dealt with this before, so he has no idea how to act. That's why I think he would close himself up and push Damian away. He needs a bit to adjust to this sudden addition to the family. Plus, Damian's heritage as the heir to the al Ghul right now and his assassin teachings doesn't really help.
Ending the explanation for the batfamily, I want to move on to the team. Honestly, I should bring them more into the story than just the thing needed to further the story, so that's why I tried to create a small conflict that will grow bigger later. It was when the team was hurt 'cause of Dick's secret only being known to Wally. I plan to make it a key character development for them and to Dick later in the story. I don't know how long, though, so bear with me on that. I want it to make the team into a closer bunch though :D.
----End of Explanations----
So that's that. Sorry that was so long. You should've seen my youtube comment to this person. I was ranting about some people's bad behavior to BTS during American Hustle Life.
BTS is so good, and they're so cute/hot. They also won the BBMAs. I'm so happy for them! <3 Honestly guys, if you haven't heard of them before that, give them a chance. Don't bad mouth them and be like 'who are these fakes' or 'they should stay in their country' or things like that. There was this person who said they were the 'Asian 1D' which seems to be an insult, but I just laughed xd. They worked really hard for this and went through a lot of hard work. Not saying others didn't, but they deserved it as much as any other celebrities. To be honest, other artists have taken notice of them, like Charlie Puth (or Charlie Puss -- It's an inside joke since Charlie Puth messed up Jungkook's name and tweeted Jungcook hahaha >.<). What I'm trying to say though is, please guys, don't hate them just cause other nominees didn't win. D: Listen to their music. Watch their dances! It may be weird at first, but their song actually has meaning, tell a story, and have sharp, pretty complex dances. They also post videos for fans to watch them goof around or see themselves when they aren't performing. It's funny. They do so much for their fans. I could rant more, but I shouldn't make this that much longer.... If you guys want my song recommendations of them, I'll be happy to share.
OKAY GUYS, LAST THING I WANT TO ADD BEFORE I END THINGS. To be honest, you guys can skip this. I just want to do a kinda self promotion thing... (I'm sorry for people who don't like that, but I just want to let you guys know my other accounts. Plus, I'm more active in some of them.) I'll make it into a list to make it easier.
My Instagram: Sparkle9510 This is my drawing account. Please take a look and follow! I'm also more active there.
Wordpress: Faninfandom.wordpress.com This is my blog I just started! Come drop a follow as you read my reviews and stuff. I'm gonna expand what I write about soon!
Fanfiction: Sparkle9510 I'm thinking about posting this story there too, so drop by in a few days and it should be up.
.... Actually, that's all I can think of right now. I want to make Youtube accounts , but I'm not sure what about yet. I want to make one about my speedpaints, maybe DIYS that I could think of, covers of songs of all sorts, and maybe one about my anime feels (reactions idk). I think I'm too ambitious. What do you guys think? Would you guys watch me? Should I do multiple accounts or just have it as one whole thing?
I'll try to do better and reply to you guys. I want to be that type of writer that can talk to readers and stuff, so leave a comment and let's talk! Anything is fine (I think).
Ending this here. Bye guys! Thanks for reading all my note if you made it this far without skipping!
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