A Family Feud
And after what I believe is two months, I have finally made an update! It took a while and a day over the day I preferred to update it, but I did it! Honestly, while going back up here and typing this, I have not reviewed it, so if you find something wrong, I'll fix it. Actually, after publishing this, I'm gonna tweak my other chapters so it's more accurate.
But I think I'm gonna keep his eyes the same. There's so much debate about it. I know that there were a few who says his eyes are like Talia and are green, but @I_Live_4_Books informed that his eyes are blue in the comics and green in the movies. Since I like blue, I'm just gonna stick with blue.
Hope this chapter meets your expectations! Tell me what parts was the best and what was the worst. Honestly? I felt that I didn't write the beginning well. It was supposed to be shorter and a filler to escalate into something exciting, but after looking back at the comments and how I was writing it, I thought, might as well add more. Plus, I somewhat changed my plans on how I wanted it. Besides, I won't be updating any time soon too. (More info after this chapter).
Without further ado, enjoy! <3
"Hey Damian," Dick grinned sheepishly. "Nice running into you here!"
"Dick, you know this guy?" Tim asked curiously, "Who is he?" Jason, Cassandra, and Stephanie were also curious. They look from Dick to Damian and back again. Something about the boy seemed familiar, but it just wasn't clicking inside their head.
"Ah, guys, this is Da-" Dick's hand, which was raised in a way to introduce Damian, was quickly pushed away. They turned and saw the boy cross his arm and give a small glare.
"I can introduce myself Grayson," Damian tutted. "My name is Damian."
"Damian?" Jason asked. "Damian what?" Damian scowled. That look didn't help with making first impressions. Jason returned it with a scowl of his own. Cass stayed quiet, but observed in wonder. Steph frowned while Tim had a calculating look.
"I told you my name," Damian said in disdain. "You have no need to know the rest of my name until you tell me yours." Dick sighed, placing a hand on Jason's shoulders. Jason calmed down because of that, but was still irked at Damian's behavior.
"Jason Todd." He announced with a smirk.
"My name's Timothy Drake, but I go by Tim." Tim nodded slightly.
"My name's Stephanie Brown, but call me Steph. This here's Cass. Short for Cassandra." Steph grinned while Cass gave a small smile.
"Well, it seems as if you do know your manners...somewhat," Damian sneered. "But guess it's better than Grayson here." Jason and Tim glared at Damian.
"Excuse me?" Jason demanded. "Don't talk to Dick like that. He's the best and way better than you!" Tim nodded, standing straight and tried to look intimidating.
"I'll speak to him however I wish," Damian curtly replied. "You will not tell me what to do."
"I'm older than you so you need to listen and respect me!" Jason puffed his chest out.
"I don't need to listen to someone so inferior," Damian scoffed. "Age does not matter. Skills are what's important. Skills, that you lack."
"What did you say brat?" Jason growled, grabbing Damian's shirt and pulling the tiny boy to him. Damian and him started having a glare match, neither would look away from each other. Tim and Steph frowned at Damian while Cass just curiously wondered why Damian looked so familiar. Dick sighed, walking to the two bickering kids.
"Enough's enough," Dick announced, grabbing the two and pulling them apart. "You guys need to behave or I'm not treating you guys to ice cream today, or ever again. That goes for you guys too." He looked up to the other three kids who nodded obediently. Jason and Damian relaxed in Dicks grip, but said nothing more.
"Good," Dick grinned, "now let's go and find something fun to do together!"
And the rest of the day went by somewhat peacefully. Nothing particularly bad happened, but nothing that good happened. Dick tried getting some conversation going that they could all talk about. As you can guess, that wasn't much. At least they were civilized and didn't cause anymore trouble. Before long, it was starting to be curfew when they all had to go home.
"Here, are your ice creams," Dick handed an ice cream cone with each one's preferred flavored ice cream to the kids. "Wanna bite Dami?" He held out his ice cream, which was white, light brown, and had chocolate sauce drizzled in it along with graham crackers smashed on top of it. Damian took a tiny bite at first, testing out if it was to his taste. Nodding approvingly, he took a huge bite. He raised his own ice cream, cookie dough, to Dick, who took an equally same bite.
"Grayson, how dare you," Damian frowned. "You took a bite bigger than mine." Dick looked at the two ice cream. They looked the same. When he told Damian that, Dami snapped.
"You're blind Grayson," Damian snapped. "No matter, it's fine. However, next time, you must get me ice cream again. Much bigger than this one." Dick sighed with a smile on his face. It's not like he can say no. Honestly, the kid's gonna rob him of his allowance. Maybe Talia will be nice and help him with this problem. Either give some money for Dick to spend on Dami or start giving Dami some allowance.
Young Justice: A New Bat
"See ya Dami!" Dick said. "You're gonna get home alright?" He and Damian were a few meters away from the other kids. Damian raised his eyebrow.
"Where have you been Grayson?" Damian rolled his eyes. "A boy trained by Ra's al Ghul, Talia al Ghul, and Robin will survive getting home safely. If anything, I have my sword with me, hidden, but ready to use. You did teach me not to go anywhere without my weapons." Dick grinned. Albeit worried Dami'll attack and seriously injure someone who does try to mug him, he was optimistic that Dami won't.
"See you soon Dick?" Dami asked quietly that Dick almost couldn't hear him. Dick wrapped his arm around Dami.
"Of course!" Dick assured him. "I wouldn't miss it for the world." Damian wrapped his arm around Dick for a brief second before running off. Dick turned and ran to the kids, ready to take them home.
"What did you guys think of Damian?" Dick asked.
"He was okay," Steph shrugged. Cass shrugged too, agreeing with her.
"I don't like him," Tim mumbled.
"He's a demon brat," Jason grumbled. "I don't see how you know and like him."
"Come on, Jay, Tim," Dick chuckled nervously. "Give him time. He has a hard time opening up to people."
"His personality doesn't help either," Jason huffed. "Let's hurry Dick. I don't want to miss Alfie's awesome food."
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Did you have an exciting day?" Bruce asked, sticking his fork into his steak. The kids at the dinner table nod their heads.
"It was fun," Jason answered, "until that Demon Brat showed up." Bruce raised his brow. Demon Brat?
"Yeah, there was this kid Dick knew," Tim continued. "Damian. He's a snotty brat, and I don't like him."
"Come on guys," Dick frowned. "He's a good kid. He's just hard to understand." This peaked Bruce's interest. Was this what Dick was trying to get to this morning? Probably. But why would he try doing it secretly? Looks like he's be using the Batcomputer tonight.
"How is that?" Bruce asked Dick. Since they were talking about him, might as well get some info here and now. Dick glanced at Bruce and shrugged.
"He has a tough exterior, but inside, he's like all other kids," Dick replied.
"I see," Bruce nodded. He studied Dick's movements and emotions. But before he could ask any more, Alfred came in.
"Might I add that food should be finished before it get cold?" Alfred suggested. "And if Master Dick didn't treat you four with a lot of sweets, we may add some desserts to it." Dick sighed a breath a relief and began stuffing his face.
Young Justice: A New Bat
Damian Gotham'
Bruce typed into the Batcomputer. Multiple searches came up, but none were even close to what he heard. None of those people were kids, so where did this Damian kid come from? How did Dick know him?
"How is your research going, sir?" Alfred asked, walking in.
"Hey Alfred," Bruce greeted. "All the research here shows that the Damian that they met doesn't live here in Gotham. So, where did he come from?" Bruce began typing on the computer once again.
"What are you gonna do now?" Alfred inquired curiously observing the computer.
"I'm pulling up the cameras at the park," Bruce replied. Typing the last few things in, he finally acquired the video and pulled it up. Pressing the 'Enter' key, he began the video in time-lapse.
Alfred's eyes widened as Bruce's narrowed into his bat glare without the mask.
"What is this?"
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Hey guys!" Robin smirked. M'gann waved him over, offering him a burnt cookie. Robin shrugged, grabbing one and taking a bite. It was less burnt that last time, and this was pretty decent tasting.
"Don't forget to save some for me, babe," Wally sped to the cookies, grabbing a few. "These are incredible." Conner wasn't far behind, eating the rest.
"Thanks Wally," M'gann said, putting the empty tray away. Looking around, he noticed one person missing.
"Where's Kaldur?" Robin asked. Wally shrugged with his mouth full. M'gann replied that he had something to do at Atlantis.
"Hey, Robin!" Artemis called from the couch. "Wanna rematch?" She held up a controller. Jumping over to the couch, he grabbed it and they started a round of Smash, one on one.
They were on their last stock of lives, and both had more than 100% of damage. Depending on the attack, it could go either way. Artemis sent her character to Robin's, and he prepared and was holding the A button for his special attack, but before while he was holding it, he was surprised.
"Attack!" Suddenly, Robin felt some heavy weight on his back, causing him to release the A button too soon. Thus, Artemis once again, wins.
"Yes!" Artemis cheered. Robin sighed. He looked back to see who ruined his chances of winning, but to his surprise, he saw Jason, Tim, Steph, and Cass in casual clothes and sunglasses.
"Guys, what are you doing here?" Robin asked, shoving them into the seat next to him. The rest of the team came closer, curious about the newcomers. Were they friends or relatives of Robin?"
"The Bats told us to come here," Jason shrugged. "Turns out Agent A's heading out to do something for a while, so you're gonna have to baby sit us." Steph then jumped on Robin again.
"Introduce us, Rob!" She demanded. "It's rude not to!" Robin nodded, turning to his silent friends.
"Guys, I want you to meet Jaybird, Red Robin, Spoiler, and Black Bat," Robin introduced, pointing to Jason, Tim, Steph, and Cass respectively. "They're part of the Bat family."
"Hey squirts!" Wally waved to the kids. "Long time no see!" The kids turned and launched themselves at him.
"Uncle Wally!" They piled on top of him. With an omph, Wally fell to the ground. Luckily, he didn't have a concussion or anything too bad though.
"U-u-uncle Wally?" He grunted out. "Robin, what have you been teaching these brats?" Robin cackled, disappearing from his seat. Suddenly, he was on the top of the pile. Wally groaned as the rest of the people in the room laughed at his expense.
"Anyway, I'm Artemis," she calmed down. "The guy over there who looks like Superman is-"
"Conner and that's M'gann," Red Robin interrupted. "We already know. We did some research about you guys when we got bored."
"We know tons of things about each and every one of you." Jaybird smirked, eyeing Artemis in particular. Artemis, guessing what it could be, nodded. She didn't want the chance of it coming out in the open.
"You people are the death of me," Wally spat, managing to get up from the ground and escaping the hill of bat kids. Suddenly, Jaybird was on his back.
"Hey, take me for a spin, would ya?" he encouraged by lightly kicking Wally's sides. Quicker than a flash, they were gone, and all you could see was a blur. The kids pouted, wanting a ride too. Soon, Red Robin was sitting on Conner's shoulders, Spoiler was flying in the air, and Black Bat was on Artemis' back.
"Let's show them how fast we can go," Artemis grinned softly to Black Bat. Black Bat gave a nod and a smile in response, and off they went. Conner and Red Robin followed right after, and then M'gann and Spoiler. Robin just sat back in the couch and played with his controller. Maybe he could hack the game, so he could always win.
"Robin, you troll," Artemis growled, not far away. "Don't you dare rig the game! Cass! Let's get him!" With that, they ran to the caped boy. With one feet left, she took a leap towards him with an evil grin on her face.
"Team," Batman's voice rang around the room. Artemis pouted, landing right next to the cackling raven boy.
"We're not done here, Robin," Artemis promised. Everyone along with the kids gathered around at the front of the zeta beam. There, stood Batman along with a few members of the Justice League.
"Team, you are to stay in the cave," Batman ordered. "Watch over Jaybird, Red Robin, Spoiler, and Black Bat." Some members of the team sighed disappointingly. They really wanted to get their hands on a mission.
"What are we, babysitters?" Conner yelled. "We are your partners! We should be there too, or at least doing some other mission." Batman's frown intensified.
"This mission is for league members," Batman emphasized.
"Though, the Bats was gonna do it by himself," Flash included. "Couldn't let him have all the fun right?"
"Where's this mission gonna be?" Wally asked.
"Ra's al Ghul," he replied. "Bats said he found something interesting there." Upon hearing this, Robin's warning sensors started flashing. Eyeing his mentor suspiciously, the Batman gave no actions to give away what he was thinking.
"Does this have to do with that covert mission we did a few months ago?" M'gann wondered out loud.
"...Yes," Batman confirmed, "and we need to start if we're to get anything done." With that said, the League members said their goodbyes, leaving the cave alone with teenagers and kids. Minutes of silent passed and they all just stood there, wondering what should they do? The kids stared curiously at what they were gonna do.
"Well," Artemis sighed, "what now?" Conner shrugged. Jaybird sighed, crossing his arm and giving the heroes an incredulous look.
"What?" he sighed. "Are you guys idiots? Why don't you follow them?" Seeing some confused looks, besides Robin, he smacked his face.
"Idiots," He mumbled. "Let's go get a ship and follow them!"
"But we can get in trouble," M'gann worried. "What if we get suspended for a while?" Jaybird rolled his eyes, giving Robin a look. Easily, Robin could decipher it as, how do you put up with these guys? Giving a shrug, he walked over to where the bioship was kept.
"Jay's right," he agreed. "Let's put the ship on stealth mode and follow!" And with that, they went to the ship. Everyone was in uniform. Even the kids.
"Where did you get the uniform?" Miss Martian questioned.
"We brought it along, just in case," Red Robin replied. People outside the bat family had weird looks on their faces. What do these kids do that doesn't require a uniform or related to the superhero business?
Young Justice: A New Bat
"Hey Bats," Flash called. "Looks like the kids are following us." Batman grunted, annoyed at that fact. The team knew better than to follow them. It's probably one of the his kids that convinced them all to come along. Probably? No, definitely. Most likely Jason. He's always the one to do this sort of thing.
"Send them a message to head back," Batman ordered. "Tell them that there will be consequences when we get back." Green Arrow gave a small shrug.
"Why no have them tag along?" He suggested. "Might do us some good....never mind then." Green Arrow looked away from the infamous bat glare being sent his way. Pulling up communications, Batman ordered the team to head back to the cave.
"No way,"Jaybird protested. "We're already this far. Let us come along. Please?" Jaybird pouted, trying to give him the beaten up puppy dog face. Batman remained as stoic as he was before. He had faced this many times. It doesn't affect him. But suddenly other faces popped up on the screen, each having a sad expression of their own.
"Please?" Childish voices asked. Sighing, Batman closed the communications. Green Arrow and Flash stifled their laughs, but it was still heard anyway. Batman stared right ahead, muttering to himself in annoyance.
"And that is how it's done," Jaybird bowed dramatically. The team besides Robin were amazed. The emotionless, dark, and broody Batman had just let little kids get their way. Their entire view of Batman had changed in one conversation.
"I taught them all that they know," Robin announced proudly. "Aren't I a good teacher?"
Young Justice: A New Bat
"You all are grounded when we get back," Batman said, once they all landed and got out of the aircrafts. Getting a chorus of groans, Kid Flash laughed at their expense.
"So much for the Robin charm and skills," he teased, earning a punch to the arm by said person.
Soon, they were all walking carefully, following the adults' footsteps. Silence and good coordination was the key to not getting caught. One false move, and the enemies will be all over them. They knew that. Especially Robin.
From place to place, Robin maneuvered himself easily. His flexibility and agility helped with not triggering anything. He gave a sly wink to his siblings, encouraging them into a challenge.
"I can do that too!" Jaybird whispered. He jumped along, trying to silently be just as spectacular. Red Robin followed suit, wanting to prove himself too. Spoiler lightly, but dramatically slapped her forehead.
"They're being idiots who'll get caught," she mumbled to Black Bat, who nodded in agreement. Not to long after, a tragedy did strike.
"Woah!" Jaybird stumbled, but stayed upright. He managed to catch his balance, but Red Robin didn't see it in time. He jumped right into Jaybird, and they tumbled onto the floor, making a loud thump sound.
"Like I said," Spoiler sighed, deadpanned.
"The Justice League,"Ra's al Ghul exclaimed calmly, "and the sidekicks and kids. What a pleasure of having you here uninvited. What, may I ask, is your business here?"
"Like we'll ever tell you," Kid Flash scoffed. "Though I'm not exactly sure..." He mumbled the last part, scratching his head absentmindedly.
Closing his eyes, Ra's al Ghul snapped his fingers and soon, many of his members of the League of Shadows appeared around them, weapons readied.
"Nice going Jay," Robin snickered. Jaybird glared daggers at him. And who's fault was it that I did it in the first place? He thought angrily. With another snap, the fight begun. Some worked together to beat up a bunch of assassins, but others like Batman, fought by themselves. Robin was a bit far away from the others, fighting with a short masked person.
"Sorry to drop by suddenly," Robin chuckled. "How'd you manage to get this outfit and sneak into the fight?" Damian slashed upwards with his sword, causing Robin to flip backwards to avoid it. Robin pulled out a few birdarangs and threw it at Damian, who blocked it with his sword.
"I was given it," Damian scowled. "Mother and grandfather trusts in my abilities to fight. Besides, they don't kill, correct? Should be easy to take care of them. Though, my thoughts of meeting father wasn't like this." Sheathing his sword, Damian then executed hand to hand combat with Robin.
"Sorry, probably my fault," Robin apologized. "After the park thing, he probably got curious and tried researching you. My guess? He found a footage of you and is using this as an excuse to find out more about it. Whatever though. This'll help speed up the process."
"You think?" Damian tutted. "How do you think father will react once mother tells him?" Robin was still able to block hits from Damian, but it was starting to get weaker and and sloppy.
"What about you?" Robin replied. "The question is, how do you feel about this?" Damian froze mid-block for a millisecond, but that was all that was needed for Robin to land a soft punch to the head.
"It'll be fine," he continued, not letting Damian recover and thrusting his fist out. "I'll help deal with him too." Damian smiled, backing and avoiding the punch. Then again, they resumed their fight. A few criticisms from both ends, they helped each other improve.
Away from the duo, it was going pretty well for the group of heroes. They easily defeated their opponents. Jaybird, Red Robin, Spoiler, and Black Bat finished their latest opponent. Looking over at their eldest sibling, they saw Robin just casually fighting with a midget.
"Wasn't that the one he first fought?" Red Robin observed, getting nods of answers. "Think we should help out?" Shrugging, they all rushed over.
"Robin, heads up!" Spoiler yelled, as they all leaped over. Robin saw this and gave a quick warning to Damian before jumping back. Damian unsheathed his sword and blocked the bo staff sent his way. Jaybird then came sending in a kick to which Damian managed to dodge by pushing away from Red Robin.
"Go down already," Spoiler groaned, going for a leg trip. Damian easily dodged that by jumping, but he didn't expect for Black Bat to knock him away midair. Landing in a crouched position, Damian glared at the four. He got up and ran with his sword trailing behead a spark. Giving a feral yell, he leaped and swung.
"You're not getting us that easily," Jaybird smirked. Black Bat began kicking and punching. Damian's eyes widened, recognizing the familiarity of the moves. Getting a bit angry, he started attacking with more ferocity. The bat kids were able to fend off pretty easily, before Damian managed a good slash to Black Bat's leg.
"You'll pay for that!" Jaybird screamed. Red Robin slammed down his staff above Damian's head, and he blocked it, but failed to dodge in time when Jason jumped and kicked Damian out into the center of the fight. Robin didn't do anything to help in this fight. He saw this as an opportunity for Damian to fight with a new surrounding and people. His watchful eye also saw the surroundings and something made him panic. Before he knew it, he was in a run.
"Robin!" the kids yelled, gaining the attention of everyone there. Everyone stopped and realized the situation. Damian stared in shock. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. A dagger was thrown Damian's way.
"Dami!" Robin cried out. "Move already!" Damian couldn't comprehend it though. Just barely, Robin was able to push Damian out of the way.
Robin didn't move in time. The dagger, dug itself into his abdomen. Giving a cry of pain, he slightly curled up, grimacing in pain. Damian grabbed Robin hesitantly.
"You idiot," Damian mumbled. "Why must you recklessly act without thinking?" Robin looked up and grinned big.
"Hey, I'm a big brother," Robin whispered weakly that only Damian could hear. "I gotta look out for you." With that said, he closed his eyes and fell unconscious.
"Robin!" People started rushing to their fallen hero and friend. Suddenly, a ball was thrown and smoke formed around Damian and Robin. Their shadows were soon joined with a feminine figure. When the smoke died down, the female standing had brown eyes and long brown hair. She stood dominantly over the two boys next to her.
"Not one more step beloved," Talia ordered. "Not you, your kids, nor your hero colleagues."
So, what did you think? Hoped people were mostly in character. Though I do need some kind of cluelessness for some of the characters for this to work. To kinda lay off the boring filler, I tried adding in somewhat funny things? (I can't do funny most of the times).
So anyway, summer's over for me. I have to start focusing on studying, studying, and more studying I need to find some motivations (if you guys know how to get people motivated haha). So, you guys prob won't see me for a while. I'm actually of thinking about posting a Batfamily fluff short story/drabble once in a while though. Tell me your thoughts about that idea.
So, besides all that, we reached 6.7 K views and 315 votes! Thanks guys! This actually means a whole lot for me! Love you all! Thanks for the views, votes, comments, follows, and everything!
Wishing you guys the best till next chapter <3~
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