A hard days night
(Playing music) with people outside
Ocellus: hold it hold it Yona your to beats of
Yona: well Can yona play with cute kids in my lap
Smolder: it's no use Ocellus we can't rearuils
With these pony's hangin about
Sliver stream: get out of their you little rascal
Ocellus: hay you give that back right now before I I e ie I THAT sedils it he have to find somewhere else to rehearse
Sliver stream: hay lads I know a place it's big And it's empty
Smolder: that's sounds fine but how do we all fit inside your head
( Yona and Ocellus laught with smolder)
Sliver stream: here it is girls it's pretty right
Yona: yeah pretty creepy
Smolder: it looks haunted to me
Ocellus: then no one will come to bother us we will have some peace and quiet
Yona: yes what about rocks with our insusters in their
Ocellus: don't tell me you guys are afraid to some silly old thing like a graveyard (gasp)
Just then some one op out of a grave
Ocellus: are you seeing what I am seeing
Smolder: hope not HA!!
Zombie: do you fallus want something
Ocellus: We um we were just leaving
Others are friking out and shaking behind Ocellus
Zombie: don't go I love visitors
Smolder: oh well I don't you say so
Zombie: it's is fake I do my work here
Sliver stream: well that's nice I guess
Ocellus: do you mind if we use the castle for a bit of rehearsal
Zombie: ofc course you can I just be here
Yona: thanks zombie
Zombie: anytime
Ocellus: okay lads ready
Sliver stream: and a one and a two
Smolder and Ocellus: it's been a hard day at night oh yeah I work all day
Just then they Hurd a noise
Smolder: what was that
Yona: could be a ghost A GHOST yah let's get out of here lads
All screaming: HA Ha
Ocellus: it been shut
Yona: we are locked in
Smolder: l look guys
Smolder: h h oh I think we are safe
Ocellus: you should lie down sliver your whiter than a sheet
ghost: did some one call me
Smolder: oh no back the other way
Yona: we are surrounded
Frankly Sine: you were the ones singing
Ocellus: Yes but we didn't mean to disturb you
Mummy: disturb us we loved it
Vampire: play more I hant hard sounds in years
Ocellus: in that case very well ready lads one two three
Smolder and Ocellus: it's been a hard day at night I should be sleeping at night you know I work all day so when I am home everything seems to be right yeah it's been a hard day at night I been working I a dove I been working all night i when I get home I be there by you when I am home every thing is right
It's been a hard at night it's been all right
Music stoped
But The Beatles their face are green and the girls pas out
Smolder: if you thought that song was hunted wait until see next adventure
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