iii. the oath
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"Did Alfred not believe I killed them?" Luna asked once the man exited the building and placed a hand on Uhtred's arm. He was angry and upset at the King.
"He did but he threatened to kill my brother and you for killing the priest. I did not have a choice." Uhtred uttered quietly, she frowned feeling regretful for his renewed vow to Alfred.
"I will do whatever it takes to help you, Uhtred. I swear it by my God and yours." Uhtred lightly stroked her hair and held a section between two fingers absentmindedly, he hummed in thought as he twisted get hair.
"I seem to have people swearing loyalty to me left and right but I cannot escape the thorns that chain me to Alfred."
Soon they took to riding to Eoferwic not long after, Uhtred and Ragnar leading in the front. Luna missed Gisela and wished for a brief moment she had stayed with her.
"When will we have sight of Eoferwic? I have never ridden for so long nor so far." The boy, Aethelwold, yelled up to Uhtred and Luna sighed in annoyance.
"Have you a sore arse, lord?" Steapa taunted making them crack some smiles. The Irishman took to riding by her side and she wondered if it was his or Uhtred's choice.
"I have a sore everything. I need a woman to rub and bathe me." Aethelwold said and turned to Luna who frowned.
"You are disgusting." Finan smirked at Aethelwold and moved closer to her to speak.
"Perhaps, you should start a harem, lady." He said playfully and she shook her head.
"Only if you join too, my dear." She smirked at his flustered face and rode up to Uhtred and his brother.
"We will be stopping soon enough." Uhtred told them, Ragnar looked at her in interest when she rolled her eyes.
"At Eoferwic?" Father Beocca asked.
"We ride first to Loidis."
"What awaits us at Loidis?" The pervert asked.
"We shall see." Ragnar said with a smile.
"Need I remind you, that first and foremost our purpose here is the king's business."
"Nothing has changed but our path, Beocca." Uhtred smiles at Luna when she swatted a bee.
"We shall see." Beocca echoes back. At the arrival of Loidis, they dismount from the horses and Uhtred nods in the direction over Ragnar's shoulder. A woman stands there looking at him with a disapproving look.
"Brida!" Ragnar yells with a smile gracing his lips, he goes to the Dane and places his hands on her waist.
"You brought friends? They serve Alfred." He sighed and turned to look at the group watching them.
"Brida," he warns. "Do we have men?"
"Some," She then smiles at him. "This way."
"Uhtred!" The Dane and princess ignore him. "Uhtred, you were sent north to aid Guthred, not to go chasing revenge." The priest says, following close behind them. She scoffs at the name. Guthred could go to hell for all she cared.
"Perhaps I plan to do both, father." Uhtred said and looked over at her in concern, she shook her head to leave it alone.
"I think I know what you plan Uhtred, revenge will not bring you to leave, only death." Uhtred stops and turns to the priest, he places his hand on her lower back.
"Father Beocca, you will have me kill for Alfred but not for myself, why is that?" He starts walking again and guides her in the direction of the tavern Brida and Ragnar are in.
"What business does Alfred have with Northumbria?" Uhtred calls over his shoulder, and the priest stops walking.
"God's business."
"He's a lively man, isn't he?" She questioned as he chuckled. As they enter they hear Dane's cheering and sit down beside Uhtred, who looks at the table lost in thought. One of his hands finds hers and she traces his fingers with her own unconsciously.
"Guthred is seen as weak and friendless, these men won't fight the brothers for a turd." Brida announced.
"We need the turd's army to take Dunholm."
"So why not kill the Northmen, then kill the turd, take Eoferwic and its army for yourself." Ragnar glanced at the table.
"If anyone gets to kill the turd king it's Uhtred or me." She stated gaining the attention of the Danes.
"And who is she, Uhtred?" Brida glared at the newcomer but Luna just looked at her in boredom.
"The heiress of Beamfleot." Luna said with a smug grin, Ragnar looked at Uhtred in surprise.
"The woman's got a point." Finan spoke pointing at Brida and leaned over into Luna's space to speak, she could feel his shoulder against hers, if she turned slightly she might even feel his breath against her cheek.
"No, she does not, have a point. Those are words of a traitor." Father Beocca says staring straight at Brida who laughs.
"I don't want Eoferwic, all I want is Kjartan's heart on the end of my sword and to see my sister." Ragnar looks at Uhtred.
"We will need Guthred's army." Finan looks at Uhtred, his head resting on his chin and his fingers absently playing with his beard. Luna wonders briefly what it would be like to run her fingers through it too.
"I promised these men silver and the glory of avenging your father, don't dishonor them by getting them killed for Guthred," Brida paused and looked over at Uhtred. "The turd." Ragnar laughed.
"Oh, Ragnar, your woman's got the balls of a bear. I like her," Finan says looking in the direction of Brida, and Ragnar smiled softly at the Irishman.
"She is right," Uhtred speaks, he brings the conversation back to the plan. "Beocca, she's right. These men are here for Ragnar, we can't ask them to die for the like of Guthred." Uhtred sighs in defeat and laces their fingers together to hold Luna's hand properly.
"Isn't it what Danes do? Fight? We cannot face the brothers alone."
"Why not?" Finan raises a question.
"Finan there is bravery and then there is stupidity." Aethelwold snapped.
"The Northmen have a camp do they not? Not a fortress, but an open camp. If it is Sigefrid and Erik we must kill, then let us just do that. We kill them while they're sleeping." The brothers glanced at one another with a smile.
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