ii. uhtred & company
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"When Uhtred returns we can-" Luna quickly covered Gisela's mouth with her hand, and the girl held a finger to her lips. Gisela nodded and looked at her in worry as the men started to speak.
"Who are they?" With a whisper, Gisela leaned forward to ask, Luna knew that this would not end well for them.
"My father's guards and the Abbot from your brother," Luna informed, she chewed on her lip for a second and turned to the other girl. "No matter what happens, swear to me you will stay here?" Gisela shook her head and grabbed her arm.
"No, they get us both. I will not have you give up your life for me." Luna sighed but understood. Just as she was going to speak a hand grabbed her, she turned her head and dread filled her stomach. It was Otis, the leading guard for her parents.
"You are a hard one to find, princess." He claimed with a grin and motioned for two men to grab Gisela.
"Let me go, you imbecile!" The two women tried to fight them off but it was no use, two strong men started dragging them both would not be a winning battle. The Abbot turned to them with a scowl and motioned for Gisela to be brought forward.
"You will be both married to your respective husbands by proxy, of course. Women like you make my job harder." He snapped and forcefully grabbed Gisela and the unknown man's hand and married her to Uhtred's uncle. Just as they were about to do the same with her and that cunt Aethelred the church doors busted open.
Gisela screamed for her man when he entered and she gave Luna a relieved look. Luna noticed that Uhtred is a dane and seemingly two Christians. Uhtred was a handsome man, Gisela didn't lie about that.
"You will let them go." Uhtred ordered the Abbot as he looked at his lover and the woman she smiled at.
"You're too late, " The man taunted Uhtred. "She is married now. She belongs to Aelfric. And that one will be married off soon." Gisela immediately denied it. Luna noticed the blonde Dane and the other male move closer to them when a soldier made to draw his weapon.
"Where is Aelfric? If he is not here, then he cannot be married."
"By proxy, you fool! This man stood beside her in place of Aelfric. Uhtred, in the eyes of God, she is married." The Abbot said. Gisela looked at Luna who had glanced at Otis' dagger, she looked at the woman and smirked when she gave a subtle nod.
"Did you hump her for Aelfric?" Uhtred asked the younger man, she slowly reached for the weapon as Otis was locked onto Uhtred.
"He did not." Gisela answered.
"Then there is no marriage, it is a lie."
"She is married and it cannot be undone!" The man of God screamed.
"Make her a widow." The blonde dane said as he moved closer to Uhtred, at that moment Luna grabbed the dagger and slashed one of the men's throats, and plunged the dagger into Otis' heart, he choked on his blood as she kicked him to the ground.
"I will not be Beamfleot's whore!" She said with unbridled rage as she turned to the Abbot. Gisela was watching her with lust and from the way Uhtred was still looking at her she knew he felt the same as his woman.
"Gisela is married to Aelfric, not to Aidan." Another priest spoke, and the blonde dane laughed at him.
"I have a wife already. A different wife!" Aidan shouted in fright when Luna pointed her bloody dagger at his throat.
"Uhtred, I'm bored with this. Kill them all." The dane said and moved from his place in the back and toward Uhtred. The men let Gisela go and she ran to Uhtred, as he walked up to the Abbot, she tried to stop him and pull him to her.
"Do as you wish. In the sight of God, she is married." Uhtred pulled away from Gisela and marched up to the man of God. Luna clicked her tongue in disapproval at the Abbot.
"Say she is married again!"
"She is married." Uhtred headbutts the Abbot and they hear the man grunt in pain, Gisela holds her hand out to Luna and she grasps it while watching the argument, it, unfortunately, continues for a while longer until the female Christian yells, and the blonde stops her.
"Say it one more time, priest, and I swear the devil will take you." Uhtred threatened.
"You are nothing but a heathen and the bitch is married." A second later Uhtred stabs him, and the priests gasp in shock.
"You!" He points to Aidan. "You will go to my uncle and Aethelred and when they ask of their wives, you will tell them they are in the bed of Uhtred of Bebbanburg." Luna raises an eyebrow at Uhtred's speech and looks to Gisela who smiles and grabs Uhtred as he goes to her.
"If Alfred asks who killed the Abbot, tell him I did," Uhtred goes to argue but she cuts him off. "We agree that I killed him and my father's soldiers, yes?" Uhtred and his company reluctantly agree and she can see the question in his eyes.
Luna makes a point to walk past Alfred's man, Steapa, with the bloody dagger to seal the act and tosses it to him with a smirk. She whistles loudly and a second later a brown horse trots up to her, with a smile she unclasps the bag and puts on her custom armor. She grabs her bow and quiver and places them over her shoulder, just as she finishes Gisela pulls her into a deep kiss.
"I have ascended to Heaven." An accented male says breathlessly, she glances over with a grin and notices it is the other Christian, based on the accent he must be Irish or Scottish she decides. He's extremely attractive, she notes. It would seem that Uhtred only hangs around attractive people.
"I am to assume she is now your woman?" Uhtred asks Gisela with a teasing smile and pulls her into his chest.
"Our woman, if you both agree." Gisela corrects and looks between them waiting. Luna shrugs and mounts the saddle, she looks down at the couple who watches her closely.
"I'm always down to try new things. Uhtred?" He nods so fast she is afraid he might break his neck.
"I would never deny you. Or Gisela. Especially, not both of you together." He commented quickly making Gisela giggle.
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