Virgil was biting his nails as Logan paced back and forth. Neither of them knew where Roman was or what might have happened to him.
"We need to tell Remus. He's the only one who would be able to find him there.." Logan murmured, Frowning a bit. He knew Remus was asleep right now. Janus had told him that he finally got Remus to lay down after a restless night.
"Do you think that's a good idea? Poor guy barely sleeps as it is due to his thoughts. If we told him Romans been missing for the past seven hours, he'd be in a far worse state than I'm in and only Janus is able to calm him down from that.." Virgil murmured in response, biting his nail.
"I'll take the consequences. Roman might be needing help and I can't just stand around while he's out there somewhere.." Logan stated with a sigh. "Roman's my best friend. I'm supposed to have his back.."
"And you do, Lo. You're worried about him and you're willing to take the risk of waking up the only person that can find him. Not only that but you were the first one he told that he was going out. He trusts you, Lo.." Virgil murmured, sighing softly as he made grabby hands for Logan. "Come, we can go to Remus together.."
"You're.. surprisingly calm about it.." Logan observed as he let Virgil take his hands.
"Thomas didn't learn acting just because of Princey, ya know," Virgil smirked as he teleported the two to the dark sides. Logan took a moment to recollect himself, not used to just appearing like the Dark Ones were.
They inevitably began their way to the hallway where Remus' room currently resided in. When they got there, however, Remus and Janus were arguing about something. Neither of the two had the courage to knock on the door right away so instead they just listened to the two argue.
"Remus, I'm sure Roman is fine. He's gone to the Imagination on his own plenty of times before."
"You don't get it Janus! Something's wrong and I'm not just being paranoid! Roman might be hurt and I need to check on him!"
"Remus, darling, I know you care about your brother but you need to calm down. Getting yourself worked up isn't going to help either of you."
"Don't tell me to fucking calm down, Deceit!"
Logan and Virgil shared a look as silence fell upon the two in the room. Logan took this opportunity to knock on the door, biting his lip as he looked at Virgil for reassurance.
The door opened after a moment, revealing a stressed looking Janus and a tried looking Remus sitting on the bed behind him.
"Logan, Virgil, how may I help you?" Janus asked softly. He looked between the two, seeing their worried faces.
"We um..- I know Remus needs rest but Romans missing a-and Remus is the only person who knows how to find him.." Logan stuttered out,fiddling with his glasses in the way he usually did when nervous about something.
In this case, he was nervous about upsetting Remus and Janus about Roman.
"Told you something was wrong, Deceit," Remus said from behind the snake. Janus winced at the name and moved aside so Remus can talk to them. "How long has he been gone?"
"Seven hours and counting," Virgil answered, sparing them all the headache of Logan being specific.
"He's never gone this long. Especially in the Imagination! Virgil, boots on. You're coming with me because you'll be able to sense danger faster than I."
Virgil nodded and walked into Remus' room to retrieve his hiking boots. Logan stood there unknowing of what to do, Janus doing the same.
"Logan, you and the snake need to keep Patton from finding out I took Virgil with me. Do whatever it takes to distract him." Remus barked out the order as he created a door to his side of the Imagination. His eyes glazed over with unshed tears at the intensity of overwhelming intrusive thoughts. "Holy fucking shit- Virgil come. Now."
And the two were off.
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