History Repeats Itself
I'm on locking up tonight, it's a rather boring task, only usually reserved to the senior members, but Kayla likes me and that's why she entrusts me to this job. I put on my brave face as I check out back, Darryn should've finished ages ago, yet he's still to return. I sigh, as a quick assessment of the dark room reveals nothin'.
"C'mon Darryn." I groan. "I wanna go home."
Darryn is the residential electrician. A bit of a mess if you ask me, all over the place, all the time. I attribute it to his choppy and changed childhood when he was younger. His dad left before he properly knew him and his mother just dumped him when he was young. It left him in a sort of frazzled state, we never talk about it though. Never.
"Darryn." I call walking inside. The back of the shop's the creepiest when everything's dark, but that's always a given. I sigh. Something's wrong, I can feel it, which usually means I'm the one who has to figure out what is wrong.
"I'll save everyone the trouble." I speak aloud, it's easier to sometimes, sometimes there's so many thoughts inside, sometimes you feel like your skull's gonna split and your brains fall out. Disgusting image but it's true. "Just figure it out now why don't I?"
"Ello?" I speak into the darkness. "Darryn, you betta not be playing a trick or I swear-"
The lights flick on and I'm in the spare mannequins section. I frown, I could've sworn that they were all packed up this afternoon.
Then the weirdest thing begins to happen, they begin to move, to shift upon one another, forming what appear to be demanded bodies. I stand there in shock, it seems like a dream. "Alright," I say aloud. "The mannequins are alive, perhaps I should report that to security or..." I trail off as I shuffle forwards, reaching out towards them. There's about ten of them that have been formed and they're all staring at me.
One abruptly lifts their hands up as if to stab me with its blunt fingers. I jump back by its sudden movement but still peer curiously at it. It's fingers literally unhinge and flip upwards, revealing what appears to be the barrel of a gun.
"I should probably move," I whisper to myself, the mannequin straightens up like its getting ready to shoot.
"MOVE YOU CRAZY HUMAN." I hear a shout before being tossed to the side by another creature. It, whatever it is, gets off of me before I can register what's happening. He holds out a hand and I get a quick glimpse of the man, he has ginger-coloured hair, kind of like one of the outrageous dresses in the store, a strong nose and a soft jawbone edging on angular. The weirdest thing about him, are his eyes.
They're bright, kinda of like a supernova exploded in them and is frozen in time forever. When I blink, spots dance behind my eyelids, his eyes are so bright.
He, whoever he is, is done waiting impatiently for me to get up, he grabs my hand pulling me along. "C'mon, we've gotta go before they catch us."
"What are they?" I cry, trying to get a look at the mannequins who are promptly chasing after us, now, all of their fingers are unhinged and they're shooting plastic pellets at us. We run through a couple of isles and hide behind delving of boxes. "What are you?"
"Not a what, but a who, I'm the Doctor, nice to meet you." He grinned, turning back to me, unlocking the garage door with a metal stick that made a high-pitched noise.
"Next question, what are they?" I ask, edging on a cry. They were still shooting, randomly in our direction.
"Doesn't matter, they're after me, ah, there we are." The garage door opened with a squeal. "Now, I suggest you run."
I frowned, wanting to ask more questions but decided to follow his order. I saw a glint in his eye, the same kind that Darryn got when he would try and tell a really bad joke. It was the glint of something mischievous about to happen.
I backed away from the scene, barely making it to two blocks over before the entire place exploded. The windows blew out, shattered glass flying across the street, followed by a large fireball. People flooded into the street, gaping and crying out. Those things in there couldn't have survived. Neither could've the Doctor. Logic tried to assure me.
But I wasn't so sure.
My mother is a bit, off of it, most of the time. She doesn't have any reason to be, she was born into a normal childhood, with a surprisingly persistent mother, her father died when she was young in a car accident. But that's it. She grew up in normal London, married a normal man; her childhood friend and became a journalist, investigating freak accidents and alien contacts. She's one of the frontliners in otherworldly reporting.
Perhaps that's why she's always so stricken, so inverted, whenever she's alone she thinks about other times, sadly but also angrily.
"Nona-Asa where were you!" My mother cried, using my whole first name. Ouch, I was in trouble. "I heard and I was worried sick! I didn't hear a single call from you!" She lectures and rants about my safety and wellbeing. Then she sighs. "I know you don't care, but please at least pretend to."
"Sure Mum." I roll my eyes. "I'll try next time."
"And then he just came out of nowhere and we ran out of there. He told me to get out and when I turned around, he was gone." I spoke animatedly over the phone to Charlie, my boyfriend.
"I don't have to worry about this guy do I?" He asked worriedly on the other side. I laughed.
"No, nah, he's gone anyway. But I would love to ask him so many more questions."
"Oh, okay." Charlie sounded unsure, so I laid on a whole bunch of reasons why mystery guy and I, Asa, couldn't be with him. I rolled over to the computer, giving Charlie our signature goodbye; a kiss, a I love you and see you tomorrow.
I paused before opening an Internet taskbar, typing in the Doctor.
It seemed pretty rough lore, but there was a link to one of our old Prime Ministers, talking to the camera, addressing not the audience, but the Doctor.
Seems important if even the Prime Minister knows about him. I wondered. I decided, against logic, to contact one of the chat site managers concerning the Doctor.
Subject: The Doctor
My name's Nona-Asa and I was wondering if you had any more information about the Doctor?
Thank you,
I hit send, dawdling around my room. Mum was talking animatedly into her phone about some couple that weren't going to get together, like ever. Mum made a bet of a hundred quid and I winced at her attitude. Sometimes she was just, so confident in those kind of things.
When she saw me, she put down the phone. "Something I can help you with?" She asked.
I sniffed, crossing my arms over my chest, I was a sixteen year old girl who can handle her own assignments thankyouverymuch. "I'm looking into reoccurring events throughout time for a History project, do you have any ideas?" It could've been my imagination but I almost sore that I saw the blood drain out of her face.
"Um, well, uh." She managed, scratching the back of her head.
"Uh huh." I frowned. "Well thanks for your help."
I left to my Mum's frowning mouth. The Doctor.
Where could I've heard that name before?
Some of you might've noticed the parallels between this chapter and the first episode of 2005 season one. That's how I'm going to stick with it until I find my own storyline and know the universe a bit better. I'm currently watching Season Two, so this is a SPOILER FREE ZONE.
Any theories about who any of the characters could be or related to? ;) have fun figuring it out.
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