十二 summer island (day)
It was the first day you had met Sora and now night was falling.
You sat outside watching the sea, the waves as the moon reflected off of them.
There was only one shower, and one main room on the small boat.
Sora had showered first.
Then you did after.
When you were done he was laying on top of your bed. He had already passed out. His breathing was even. You watched his chest rise and fall, his lips slightly parted.
He looked peaceful.
You quickly changed into pajamas and turned off the light. You hadn't realized how exhausted you really were from the encounter with the marines. You lay on the couch as you let out a heavy sigh, just staring at the ceiling.
You had just shut your eyes to relax when you heard Sora's voice speak into the darkness.
"Shiina?" his voice was raspy from having been asleep.
It was calm and despite having just met him, it gave you a strange sense of comfort. It somehow felt familiar.
"Hm?" you hummed in response.
There was a moment of silence before he finally said,
"Am I a pirate now?"
You almost laughed.
He asked it so seriously.
"If you want to be, sure." You knew he could hear the amusement in your voice.
"Can I be your first subordinate? Like... ah what is it... your first-mate."
This kid.
You felt a stupid grin form on your face as you stared at the ceiling in the dark.
"Are you saying I would be your captain?"
The thought made you feel strange.
You awaited his response for a moment.
You could hear the smile form on his face.
"Captain Shiina."
Those words earned a laugh from you.
"If you're my first-mate you better just be calling me Shiina. No formalities."
"Aye-aye Shiina."
You heard a chuckle escape him as he spoke.
Then there was silence in the dark cabin. It was a very comfortable silence. You had known you were called a 'pirate', since you already had a bounty.
But having a crewmate, even if one, was different. It felt like a bigger deal. Like you were suddenly a part of a much different world.
Sora's voice interrupted your thoughts,
"A two person crew."
"You and I are."
You finally processed his words.
That same stupid grin on my face returned as you spoke,
"Indeed we are. A two person crew."
You jolted up immediately when you heard a loud voice.
No surprise, Penguin and Shachi were prancing around the infirmary like a bunch of idiots.
You grumbled as you buried your face into the pillow from the obnoxious wake up call.
You didn't mind dreams like that. Recalling memories from before you had your full crew. It had been just you and Sora for quite a bit.
"C'mon get your ass up we're getting ready to leave!"
You grumbled more as you sat up rubbing your eyes,
"Okay, okay, yeah I got it."
Penguin tossed a large sweatshirt onto the bed beside you as he spoke,
"You have to wear it hood up at all times. Captain's orders."
You frowned when your eyes fell on the sweatshirt.
"Isn't this a summer island? Can't I just wear a hat to hide my face?"
Shachi spoke up a slight smirk appearing on his face,
"Shiina we get it, you want to walk around half naked-"
"I don't want to be sweating my ass off!" you immediately scolded.
Penguin smiled,
"We can always just buy you a hat when we get on the island so you can change."
Shachi chimed in,
"Just shut up and get dressed everyones already on deck!"
You nodded your head and jumped out of bed changed into the sweatshirt and a pair of shorts. Although the sweatshirt was so long on your body that you couldn't even tell you had shorts on.
As you stepped out of the infirmary Shachi and Penguin were waiting outside for you.
Shachi grabbed one of your arms, and you looked at him with an eyebrow raised at him because of his tight grip.
"You pulled quite the stunt last time, remember?"
Yes unfortunately I do remember.
You glanced down and sure enough the sea stone cuff was around your ankle.
Surprisingly, the thought of escaping hadn't even crossed your mind.
In fact, you were just looking forward to the sun and warmth and of course getting drinks like Shachi and Penguin had promised.
The three of you made your way to the door to the deck, and when you stepped outside you happily met with hot weather and a nice breeze.
Damn this feels good.
You felt the sun warming your skin, the gentle breeze blowing through your hair, and the smell of the sea.
You couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.
This feels amazing.
Your heart nearly stopped when you heard that familiar cold voice.
Your eyes fell on Law who was walking towards you, his sword in hand resting on his shoulder.
And oh my god.
He had on a black short sleeve button up shirt that was only partially buttoned so you could see the tattoo on his chest.
And you couldn't help but stare.
Your eyes quickly flickered up to meet his.
For some reason your heart was pounding stupidly hard and fast.
And then you thought of yesterday.
How you had been so close to-
"Pull up your hood."
You blinked.
You immediately pulled up your hood.
"Keep that up the whole time. And these."
He held out a pair of sunglasses to you.
Your eyes flickered from the sunglasses back to him,
"Are you kidding-"
Shachi elbowed your ribs earning a slight grunt from you as you took the sunglasses from Law without another word.
Law crossed his arms, eyeing you as you put them on.
There was no way anyone could recognize you. You had a few strands of blonde hair hanging out, but your red eyes were hidden by the glasses.
You let out a slight laugh as you turned to Penguin with the glasses on your face.
Penguin couldn't help but start to crack up at how silly you looked, but immediately stopped when Law scolded you in a cold tone,
"Shiina-ya, you better not try anything. I mean it."
You just stared at him and quickly nodded your head.
A heavy exhale escaped your lips as he turned to walk away.
After you had tuned out Laws commands to the crew about 'not letting your guard down' and 'we are here to get the sub fixed, not mess around' you headed off with a group of men to take care of some errands.
You pretty much recognized all the men in the group, just didn't know names. And of course, either Shachi and Penguin had a grip on your arm at all times.
The island had a small town in it with many shops, restaurants, and other things.
Of course, the first clothing shop you passed by you practically begged Shachi and Penguin to go in since you were sweating your ass off in the sweatshirt.
"Please, I'll be fast. I'm going to pass out and be more of a pain in your ass unless you let me change."
Eventually, with your persistent begging continued the pair finally gave in.
While the rest of the group went to get supplies, Shachi and Penguin walked into the shop with you.
You were happy to find the shop was full of clothing perfectly suitable for the hot weather.
You stared with wide eyes, a grin forming on your face as you saw the endless shelves and racks of tanks, bikinis, dresses, skirts, and more.
"Oh boy." Shachi muttered as he observed your expression.
"You look like a kid in a candy shop." Penguin laughed.
"Just make sure it's nothing too expensive... or captain won't be too happy with us." Shachi stated.
You were not listening to a word they said as you moved from display to display,
"Yeah, yeah... sure."
You ogled at all the clothes for a while, wanting literally everything you saw, but decided on a mint green tank top that wasn't too expensive as well as a bucket hat that was slightly too big for your head and hung over your eyes.
After they paid you rushed to a fitting room to change, too eager to get out of the stupid sweatshirt. You threw off the sweatshirt and pulled on the tank top. You glanced at yourself in the mirror and let out a content sighed.
Your long hair fell at your sides of your thin frame. Your cheeks were flushed from being overheated.
The tank top fit your body nicely, clinging to the curves of your body. It was cute, a light minty color that complimented your fair skin. You put the bucket hat on and let out a slight laugh, as it hung over your eyes so you could barely see.
You grabbed the sweatshirt and threw it into the bag, as well as the sunglasses you decided not to put back on.
You walked out of the fitting room ready to get back outside into the hot weather.
Both Shachi and Penguin stared, slight blushes on their cheeks when you first stepped out.
You glanced between the two,
"Ready to go?"
Shachi nodded his head and grabbed a hold of your arm while Penguin quickly said,
"Yes, we have some supplies we're supposed to pick up."
The three of you headed out of the shop to finish running errands.
Once you had picked up all the supplies and things you needed, you headed back to the sub to unload and put everything away.
It was tiring, hauling crates of supplies onto the sub, and it was hot. You tied your hair up, as you felt sweat beading on your body. You were relieved when you were instructed to bring some supplies into the sub and unload them, to be inside and cool off for a little.
You were walking side by side with Penguin as you walked toward the kitchen to drop off some food, and supplies.
You glanced up at Penguin as he had been quieter than usual,
"Something on your mind?"
You spoke as you set down the crate you held on one of the kitchen tables.
Penguin turned to look at you.
"You look..."
He paused and you could see his cheeks flush slightly.
"You look pretty is all."
You blinked a moment, surprised by his words.
But before you could respond a stern voice cut you off,
"Shiina-ya why do you never listen?"
You turned immediately to see Law with his arms crossed, eyes locked on you with that disapproving gaze.
"I gave you a sweatshirt and glasses for a reason."
You huffed in annoyance,
"A sweatshirt when it's this hot outside? You trying to kill me or something?"
You glanced over at Penguin but he had his head down.
"I was trying to conceal your identity, smartass." he growled.
He glanced at Penguin, his eyes narrowed,
"You buy her this outfit?"
Penguin just nodded his head, staying silent.
Law let out an exasperated sigh.
"Why is this crew so bad at following directions?"
You just stared at him a moment unsure of what to say, before turning back to Penguin.
You felt so bad. You wanted to apologize for getting him into trouble.
But then you heard Laws sharp tone again,
"Shiina-ya, you're coming with me to help outside."
You sighed, as you followed Law to the deck.
By the time you had finished helping load supplies onto the ship the sun was setting.
All the work that needed to be done was done and most of the crew was gathered on the deck.
The atmosphere was lively, and it was still warm outside.
Law stood in front of his crew arms crossed as he spoke,
"Since we got everything done that we needed to today... you bunch of fools can take tonight to enjoy yourselves."
He went on in his stern tone reminding the crew not to 'be stupid' and so on.
There was happy chatter among the crew when Law had gotten done speaking.
You hadn't even realized you had been left unattended. No one was holding your arm to make sure you didn't run away.
You glanced around the deck, your mind getting lost in thought.
Do I even want to run away?
I'm dead to the world anyways.
You glanced down at the sea stone ankle cuff.
Did Law have the key to this stupid thing?
What a pain in the ass.
But a voice pulled you from your thoughts,
"We never got to finish our little drinking competition, did we prisoner girl?"
You turned and nearly jumped when you stood face to face with a creepy looking black and white mask with a smile on it.
The man lifted his mask up, with a smirk on his face.
You recognized him from the night you were drunk, although you didn't remember much else from that night.
Hakugan was it?
You let out a slight laugh at his words, a grin forming on your face.
"I guess we didn't..."
He cocked his head as he looked at you.
"Well then we have some unfinished business to attend to."
Just then both Shachi and Penguin came through the crowd.
"There you are!"
"We were looking for you!"
You smiled at the pair.
"You two promised me drinks if I remember..."
Penguin let out a slight laugh as he said,
"And I am a man who stays true to my word..."
Hakugan chimed in with the same smirk,
"Well good thing 'cause prisoner girl thinks she's got me beat in a drinking competition."
"It's Shiina, and don't get too cocky." you replied with a smug look.
Hakugan glanced at Shachi and Penguin,
"She's got an attitude, I like her."
Shachi spoke up with a grin, "Alright alright, shut your mouths and let's find ourselves a bar!" as he turned to start walking towards town.
And all of you followed, heading into town.
You walked beside Hakugan who was blabbing on about his job as helmsman and all the things he has to do.
Although you tuned most of it out because your mind was elsewhere.
It irritated you. How you couldn't read him, or understand him at all for that matter.
He had moments where he was kind, soft, but those were far and few between.
He always seemed pissed at you before you even opened your mouth.
Why do I care anyways?
I don't.
I don't care.
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