六 confusion
Sora's voice rang out through the noise of clattering weapons, shouts, thunder, and pouring rain.
Your eyes darted to where you heard his voice.
There he was clutching the railing of the ship to stay upright, while holding his side, blood running down his body.
And there was the culprit.
A large brute with strange tentacle-like devil fruit powers. Who looked battered as well, but was walking towards Sora with a sadistic grin.
That familiar feeling kicked in.
Rage at seeing what that beast had done and was going to do to Sora.
With no hesitation you charged at him pushing off the deck as your wings extended from your back.
When the man noticed you his eyes widened.
You and all your glory.
Fully transformed.
Your wingspan extending, stretched out, red eyes glowing with fury, katana gripped tightly, that aura of power and energy radiating from you.
You swiped your katana leaving a blinding gleam flash of gold lighting up the stormy night for an instant.
That was the brute's life flashing before his eyes.
Because suddenly he was sent flying backwards, as his body was severed clean into two.
He didn't even get a chance to scream, his severed body limp on the deck.
The enemy pirates yelled out for their captain.
Some screaming, crying, falling to their knees, as they saw him split into two.
Most started retreating back to the ship.
You didn't feel guilty, no, the rage was taking over.
You needed to kill all of them.
You flew up, soaring into the air towards the violent stormy sky. Rain was beating down on you but you couldn't feel anything.
They were trying to retreat, their ship starting to move away from yours.
No, no they couldn't just do that.
Get away with harming your precious crew.
You weren't in control anymore.
A loud shriek left your lungs echoing into the roaring storm around you, energy burning through your veins as you swiped your katana leaving that same gold gleam.
And suddenly, there was a horrible creaking noise.
Ear splitting, even through the storm.
As the enemy ship split into two.
The dark raging waves engulfing it into the depths of the sea.
You awoke to the noise of shuffling and voices in the infirmary.
Your eyes flickered open, and you rolled on your side to see Clione, Shachi, and Penguin, standing on the other side of the room.
You heard Clione's voice first as he spoke in a whisper yell to the two,
"Shhh you're going to wake her you idiots! You're not even supposed to be in here!"
Penguin spoke next,
"Yes we are! Captain told us we can share the news!"
Shachi just nodded his head and added,
"I mean since we submerged she can't escape, so there's no harm. And no offense, I'd be bored if I were her sitting all day with you Clione."
By that point you had sat up and were curious,
"News? What news?"
All three heads turned to you.
"You're awake!" Penguin said as he approached your bed Shachi beside him.
Clione just rolled his eyes.
"We have good news for ya!"
You felt a slight smile of excitement form on your lips as you looked at the two of them.
"Captain says you have permission to walk around the sub if you'd like!"
Shachi quickly added with a slight grin,
"As long as you stay out of the crew's way and don't cause any trouble. Words directly from him."
All you heard was: FREEDOM FROM THIS ROOM!!
You slid to the edge of the bed and hopped down, grin on your face.
This was going to be a good day.
Once the two had left to go about their work for the day, it was just you and Clione.
You found it kind of sweet they were so excited to share the news with you.
You looked at one of the bags of clothes that was sitting beside your bed and pulled out the first things your hands touched.
A long sleeve top, and a pair of sleep shorts.
Good enough.
Anything was better than that baggy men's t-shirt you'd been wearing.
Clione turned around quickly when he realized you were changing.
You took off the white t-shirt. You still had bandages wrapped around your waist, although the wound on your left side was definitely better, as you didn't feel in pain at the moment.
You happily put on a new pair of underwear, a bra, the long sleeve top, and the shorts.
You felt like a new woman.
Crazy what just a simple change of clothes could do.
"You can turn around now."
You stated with a slight laugh. It was precious how they were all so polite.
When his eyes fell on you, his face turned red.
"D-don't you think those shorts are a little-"
But before he could finish, you had walked out the infirmary door and into the hallway.
You walked down the hallway trying to remember which door was which from when Clione had told you.
There were two big doors at the end of the hallway. One had a glass window to the deck. That's when your eyes widened.
The ship was submerged under water.
Well there goes any chance of escaping.
You knew the Polar-tang was a submarine, but the view still shocked you.
You turned to the other door and pushed it open, and you found yourself in a large room that looked to be a kitchen.
There was a cooking area, with a long high top table, lined with high top chairs. And then in the main area there were a few large tables with chairs surrounding each one.
It was empty, you assumed because the rest of the crew was working.
You still didn't really feel hungry but tea sounded good, plus there was already a kettle sitting out.
You walked around the other side of the counter and filled the kettle with water and set it on the stove.
Now to find tea bags so I can actually make tea.
You had failed to realize, Law had come into the kitchen. He sat at a table with a mug of coffee in hand, his eyes following you as you looked around the kitchen.
You reached up to open a cabinet, going on your tiptoes to look, as your shorts rode up revealing the curve of the bottom of your ass.
He felt his body tense slightly as he watched you.
"Shiina-ya, what the hell are you doing?"
You flinched, completely startled by the voice.
You turned over your shoulder to see Law staring at you with a very unamused expression.
You hadn't even heard him come in. Or had he been there the whole time?
Who knows.
"What's it look like? Making tea. Thought that was obvious."
He leaned back in the chair and let out a sigh.
"Don't speak to me like that, and go change your clothes."
You blinked.
Change my clothes?
You leaned against the counter as you awaited the tea to brew as you spoke,
"But they're Penguin and Shachi approved."
He sighed heavily,
"I think somehow that makes it worse."
You let out a slight laugh as you checked the tea kettle.
"So what made you decide to let me be free to walk around the ship?"
He scoffed,
"You have no escape. And you know better than to try anything."
He paused before adding,
"But I won't hesitate to carry you right back to the infirmary and lock you in there if you walk around dressed like that."
You turned to look at him.
He was still sitting, arms crossed now as he looked at you.
"So... where do you keep the tea bags?"
He grumbled something under his breath as he stood up from his chair and walked over to where you stood. He stood beside you as he reached up to the cabinet and pulled out a box of tea bags.
He turned to look at you, a slight smirk forming on his face as he kept the box held up in the air.
"Say please."
This. bitch.
"Give me my tea. I'm a poor sick girl."
"You're also a prisoner, with a horrible attitude and smart ass mouth."
"I am not going to stand here and beg. So just hand it over."
He shrugged, and set the tea back on the shelf and started to walk back to his seat.
"Hm. Your choice."
You grumbled. And then made the decision to start climbing onto the counter.
He glanced at you again.
"Shiina-ya, seriously?"
You were now standing on the counter. You turned and stuck your tongue out at him as you grabbed the box of tea bags from the top cabinet.
"Ha. Kiss my ass."
"Well you should know, I can see your whole ass."
Your face turned red as you snapped back,
"Well then don't look!"
"I wasn't lo- well then don't put it on display for the whole world to see!"
He walked back over to you,
"And get off the damn counter! You act like such a child!"
You grumbled and hopped down from the counter, now standing next to him.
"Go. change. Now."
He sounded very angry now as he glared at you.
"But my tea-"
"I will finish making your damn tea. Just go. Now."
The look on his face and tone of voice told you, you'd better listen.
You hesitated, wanting to make another smart ass comment.
But you turned around and left, to go change.
When you came back to the kitchen, now wearing a pair of pants, he was gone.
The kitchen was empty again.
But there was a cup of freshly brewed tea sitting at the high top counter.
As well as a plate of food.
Probably left overs from their breakfast.
That was probably his way of telling you to eat.
You couldn't help the slight smile that formed on your lips, as you sat down to enjoy your food.
And the tea. Jasmine tea was your favorite.
When you finished eating, you cleared your plate, happily. The first time in days you had actually eaten a meal, and enjoyed it. Whoever the cook was on the Heart Pirates ship, deserved your thanks.
On top of that, your body actually felt quite good. The wound on your left side was definitely still there underneath the bandages, but wasn't giving you any pain as you walked around. You were really starting to feel better physically. And even mentally when you weren't thinking about things.
You spent the next couple of hours wandering around the Polar Tang. You passed a couple crew members. Some gave you funny looks, or looks of fear as they refused to make eye contact with you. Occasionally, some would smile at you.
When you passed windows it still caught you off guard. Being underwater. Which also reminded you there was no way of escaping. It was check-mate because you were a damn devil fruit user.
I mean, really.
What were you supposed to do, attack the crew?
The thought crossed your mind.
When you were at your full strength your devil fruit powers were deadly. With one swipe of your katana you had split ships in half. Wiped out giant mobs of pirates at once. Of course, it had its drawbacks. You weren't the most physically strong, so using your powers put a lot of stress on your body. You lacked stamina, and after you fought your body was always in rough shape.
But now, when you weren't in your best shape, and didn't have your katana, you wondered if you could take on a whole crew. And even if you managed to, there was Law.
And there was no way in hell that would ever end in your favor. You were strong, but also realistic.
He could just take your heart if he wanted, and kill you in an instant if he wanted.
Come to think of it...
You immediately put your hand to your heart, and let out a heavy sigh of relief when you could feel it beating in your chest.
Oh, thank God.
But why hadn't he taken it? Just for insurance?
Maybe it was like he said, he knew you weren't stupid. He knew you wouldn't try anything.
After all, how could you?
The idea of fighting Bepo made your heart sink.
Even Penguin and Shachi.
God when did I become such a fucking softy?
You were lucky in a way. You could've ended up on a more brutal crew, like the Kid pirates, or Blackbeard pirates. The idea of that made you shudder. You would probably have been beaten and raped, or just dead.
Of course, you were a useful prisoner so that came in handy. You were a devil fruit user and fighting and killing was a strength of yours. You knew the ins and out of your devil fruit abilities thanks to Shouga. You knew how to use it to your advantage, and minimize the fallout.
Sometimes you worried that made you more of a target to kill, but you also had information. Lots of information.
And people wanted it.
On top of that, whoever killed you, would have the cruel fate of having the World Government come after them. Being Shouga's daughter was a blessing and curse.
So what the hell am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to feel?
Thinking about all of it made your head hurt.
You just kept coming to the conclusion that there was no way of escaping for the time being, and you'd just have to wait.
You shook your head from your thoughts, and continued exploring the Polar Tang.
You were walking down the hallway, when the brown curly haired girl walked out of one of the doors.
Her eyes stopped on you as she spoke up,
"Hey, you!"
You stopped dead in your tracks. You almost felt afraid. The girl was beautiful and spoke in a commanding tone.
"Hm?" hummed as you turned to look at her.
"I owe you a thank you."
A thank you?
She continued,
"I know you didn't have to help me, but you did."
Oh right.
The three nasty beasts I killed on the deck.
You felt a smile creep up on your lips,
"Hey, girls stick together right?"
She let out a slight laugh.
"Sure, whatever."
She paused, her face becoming serious for a moment,
"Hey, I know you're a prisoner or whatever. And I don't necessarily like you, or really know anything about you. But I hope you ignored every word those men said. They were pigs. Despicable human beings. Just-"
She paused,
"If you ever need to talk to anyone about that kind of stuff, I get it. And, I owe you."
You just looked at her for a moment.
Those words actually meant a lot to you.
More than she probably realized.
"Thank you,"
She nodded her head, and walked down the hallway, soon disappearing from your sight.
It almost frustrated you, that you genuinely got along with the crew members you met.
The more Heart Pirates you met the more you liked them.
Like, really genuinely liked them.
But, dammit you weren't supposed to be making friends with them.
But you couldn't help it, right?
So far, the ones you met had been good to you.
You were just making the best of the situation...
That night, you found yourself wandering back in the kitchen when your stomach growled.
When you pushed open the kitchen door you were surprised to find the kitchen packed with the crew. Talking, laughing, and eating dinner.
You got a few looks from crew members and you made your way to the spot at the high top you had sat at in the morning.
You were stopped when you heard a familiar cheerful voice,
"Hey! Shiina!"
You turned to see Penguin who was sitting at a table with Shachi and a few others you didn't recognize.
He shifted over a seat so there was an empty one between him and Shachi.
I mean, how can I refuse?
You felt a grin creep up on your face as you walked over and sat between the two.
Penguin turned to you,
"You hungry?"
"I mean a little-"
"I'll go grab ya a plate!"
You couldn't even finish your words, and he had already gotten up to get you a plate.
Shachi turned to you,
"So, how was your first day of freedom? Ya like the good old Polar Tang?"
You let out a slight laugh.
"Yeah it was good, although its strange to look out the window and be... underwater."
"You get used to it."
Penguin said as he sat down and set a plate of food in front of you.
You shot him a slight grin.
"Thank you."
Another voice caught you by surprise,
"No way, prisoner girl eating dinner with us!"
You looked to the other end of the table as a face you recognized from the first day you were there sat down. Riku was it?
You let out another slight laugh as you spoke,
"Prisoner girl is in fact joining you for dinner."
Riku spoke as you dug into your food,
"I saw you wandering around the ship, what's that about?"
As you chewed your mouthful of food Shachi answered for you,
"She's free to walk around the ship, didn't ya hear?"
Penguin started laughing and added,
"Must mean captain deems her to be a harmless little thing..."
"Alright, I am not a harmless thing, I'm just not stupid. I know better than to try something," you stated confidently.
You glared as the table of men burst into laughter.
"Just admit we're growing on you."
"Yeah c'mon!"
You couldn't help the stupid grin that formed on your face.
The undeniable truth was the Heart Pirates were growing on you.
And the truth was written all over your face as you looked at them.
You had finished your plate, and were chatting with your table happily, when a cold stern voice startled you.
"Shiina-ya what in the hell are you doing?"
Well shit.
You turned to see Law standing with his arms crossed with that unamused look.
All the other men fell silent.
But you, of course, had no problem speaking up.
"Uh... eating dinner? Don't tell me youre still mad about earlier, I changed my clo-"
You were cut off as he yanked you by the arm nearly causing you to stumble over as you stood on your feet.
"What the hell?!"
"Watch your tone." he growled as his eyes narrowed, his grip still tight on your arm.
You didn't watch your tone.
You never did.
"What is your problem?!"
He scoffed his grip tightening,
"You are my problem! You! You're supposed to be a goddamn prisoner!"
Now, all eyes in the room were all on you two.
What is this about?
He was grumpy earlier, but now he seemed to be fuming.
You snapped right back at him,
"You're the one who told me I could walk around the ship!"
"Yeah, walk around the ship, not waltz around and act like you're a part of this crew!"
He continued, now yelling,
"You're not a part of this crew, you're a prisoner! I will throw you overboard if you can't understand that!"
You went silent just looking at him for a moment.
I know that.
I'm a prisoner.
But, still.
"I know that-"
"Just shut up, and go to the goddamn infirmary! Now!"
You blinked.
You felt a lump start forming in the back of your throat.
That was all it took.
Why am I so weak?
So sensitive?
Why did those words actually hurt my feelings?
Maybe he was right. You were supposed to be trying to escape right?
Not getting all attached to the crew.
You were a goddamn prisoner.
Before you could let him and the whole room that was now staring at you see the tears well up in your eyes you hurried out of the room.
Nearly, running down the hallway to the infirmary.
You burst through the door and jumped straight into the bed, pulling the sheets over your whole body.
You laid on your side and curled up, bringing your knees to your chest, as muffled sobs left you.
You didn't care if you were acting like a child throwing a tantrum.
You were allowed to.
You had been through something awful.
You had lost your goddamn crew.
And you were on a fucking pirate ship, going god knows where.
You just lost the people closest to you. The people that had gotten through your hardest times.
Sora who knew everything about you, and accepted you for everything you were.
You had them all taken from you.
You were just trying to get through.
You were a prisoner, yet also felt like you weren't?
It was so confusing.
And as much as you hated to admit it, the Heart Pirates crew did bring you comfort.
But, fuck.
Fuck this situation.
Fuck him.
Fuck their stupid captain.
I shouldn't feel bad for trying to make the best of this all.
For making the best of an awful situation.
You continued to lay there sobbing, racing mind, aching chest.
Until eventually you had no more energy left to cry, and were pulled into the grasp of sleep.
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