二十六 celebration
*warning - alcohol, etc. mature content*
It was strange.
You spent the next couple of days doing chores, work, and cleaning around the Polar Tang. Your shoulder wound barely hurt anymore.
You would do your daily stop in to see Riku who was still injured but seemed to be doing much better. You found it to be humorous how much he loved when you visited. He even was able to stand up and walk normally now, with little pain.
The only thing that was absent in all this was Law.
You hadn't seen him once since you had ran out of his quarters.
And everytime you thought about it made your stomach twist with embarrassment and guilt.
Why do I feel guilty?
You didn't know why, because you knew you shouldn't feel that way.
Perhaps your reaction was a bit much, but the man was being pushy, right?
Was it embarrassing to admit that you didn't know how to react because you were scared?
A familiar voice pulled you from your thoughts.
You blinked, as you turned to Shachi who was sitting up on the counter you were leaning against,
"You keep zoning out."
"Right, sorry."
Penguin placed a hand on your shoulder,
"You okay?"
Ever since your one conversation with him, he had acted totally normal. Almost as if it had never happened.
You nodded,
"Yeah, just tired. I haven't been able to sleep these last couple days."
Riku chimed in,
"You're always welcome to come sleep in here."
"Perv," Shachi muttered under his breath.
"Hey! I am not a pervert!"
Riku continued to ramble as Penguin lightly squeezed your shoulder,
"If you can't sleep, come and wake me. I'd be happy to walk around the ship with you util you get tired."
You looked at him and gave a faint smile,
"Hey are you two even listening?!"
The two of you turned your attention back to Riku.
"I said, I think we ought to celebrate, hm?"
"Drinks and a night off- I'm in."
Shachi replied happily, as he clasped his hands behind his head.
"Don't get ahead of yourselves- one of you has to ask the captain first," Penguin replied as he crossed his arms.
And then, all three heads slowly turned to you.
You blinked, realizing what was going on,
"Oh hell no! He's your captain you dweebs! I'm not asking!"
Shachi groaned,
"Oh come on! If you ask, he'll say yes!"
"Bullshit, that man hates me!"
"Bullshit your bullshit, he so obviously does not hate you!"
You rolled your eyes,
"I am not asking. End of story. And, what even are we celebrating?"
Shachi quickly replied,
"What is there not to celebrate? You, first off, for saving this mans life, and his recovery! Rikus all well now! There's plenty to celebrate!"
Penguin chuckled and smiled,
"He's not wrong. You owe yourself a night to drink and relax. You didn't take a bullet through the shoulder for nothing."
You scoffed,
"You all are just looking for a reason to be drunk."
Shachi brought a hand to your head and lightly patted it,
"Ah, so smart!"
You crossed your arms,
"I'll participate, but I will not be the one to ask."
Shachis arm fell to his side,
"Oh fine, fine. Penguin and I will."
He then grabbed Penguins arm and headed toward the door as Penguin began to grumble,
"I did not agree to this..." before the pair disappeared beyond the door.
You let out a chuckle and then turned back to Riku,
"You need anything else?"
He smiled,
"No, I'm alright."
You started toward the door before his voice stopped you.
You turned back to him.
"I mean... I've known captain for quite a while now, and..."
He exhaled softly,
"I can tell you he definitely doesn't hate you."
You let out a dry laugh,
"Funny how I hear that from everyone but the man himself."
You paused letting out a sigh.
"I'll come check on you again later, I'm going to finish cleaning up."
You turned and walked out of the infirmary, to finish up some work.
You stood in the kitchen, cleaning up the last of the dishes and putting them away before you heard the door come flying open.
"There she iiisssss!"
You shut the cabinet and turned to the pair as they happily frolicked into the kitchen.
"Those stupid grins- what are you about to tell me?" you said as you couldn't help the slight smile that formed on your lips.
Shachi leaned against the counter grinning,
"Permission granted."
As Penguin cheered and clapped his hands like an idiot.
You rolled your eyes and let out a laugh,
"Thank goodness, I get to drown my sorrows in liquor."
Despite the sarcasm, you really weren't joking.
Drowning your sorrows in liquor sounded wonderful.
Shachi wrapped an arm around you and grinned,
"Get yourself together, pretty girl, we are going to have ourselves a celebration."
You quite literally didn't have a single thing to wear that was celebration-esk.
You distinctly remembered the day you went shopping with Shachi and Penguin. You just grabbed basics- long sleeve shirts, t-shirts, pants, and shorts. It seemed like so long ago despite it only being about a month ago.
Sitting on the infirmary floor, digging through your clothes, it seemed to hit you.
You had been on this ship for a little over a month now.
Which didn't seem entirely real.
You were snapped from your thoughts when you finally came across a skirt.
What the hell- did I buy this and don't remember?
But that didn't matter as you held the low-waisted skirt up and grinned.
You were never one for dressing up- but, somehow, a change seemed nice.
You slipped out of your usual baggy shirt and shorts and slipped on the skirt, and pulled on a tank top, and smiled to yourself.
It really wasn't anything impressive, but you certainly felt pretty.
Your hair was almost dry after the shower you took.
Despite feeling down and strange about the situation with Law, you found yourself feeling excited for this.
You had earned a night to drink and relax.
You smiled to yourself as you headed out of the infirmary, and down the hallway.
You walked into the infirmary to find Riku, who was getting out of bed.
He froze when his eyes fell on you.
"Damn," he muttered under his breath.
You rolled your eyes.
"Shut up. It's just a skirt."
He put his hands up as if to feign innocence as he followed behind you, staring.
You walked down the hallway happily, already hearing the chatter and noise coming from the kitchen.
You pushed open the door and were happily met with men scattered all around the kitchen drinking, laughing, some shouting, all with booze in hands. Groups of them talking, some arguing, playing games, and... music?
Oh, how wonderful.
You grasped Riku's wrist and started walking toward the long kitchen counter that now seemed to have turned into a bar, bottles of sake and cups scattered across it.
"Slow down- I'm still injured you know," he chuckled as he watched you eyeing the booze.
And then an arm was thrown around you, startling you slightly.
None other than Shachi, who already seemed to be under the influence.
"Let me make you a drink ma'am. We are celebrating you after all."
You chuckled as you watched the man combine a bunch of random liquids into a cup before handing it to you proudly.
You eyed the cup and then him who was still beaming proudly, before bringing the cup to your lips.
And man was it foul.
But you kept gulping the burning liquid until the cup was empty, letting out a satisfied exhale as Shachi started clapping.
"Shachi! Are you trying to kill her! What the hell did you just make her drink!"
You turned to see Ikkaku scolding Shachi.
She was such a beautiful girl.
Wearing her usual hat, brown curly hair at her sides. She wore a white tank top and jean shorts that fit her quite nicely.
You blinked, not realizing you had been staring at her, as she was holding a cup out in front of you.
You smiled as you took it and took a sip.
It still burned, and was indeed strong, but definitely tasted better then whatever the hell Shachi had given you.
When you started chugging that cup too, she quickly stopped you,
"Woah! Slow down... there's a lot in that. And don't take offense but you don't look like a girl who can handle her alcohol."
"Probably because she can't." Riku replied with a laugh, sipping a drink of his own.
You heard Shachi bursting into laughter, before suddenly stopping.
"Damn, are you wearing a skirt?"
You rolled your eyes as you turned to look at him.
"That's what I said!" Riku chimed in.
"Don't be weird." Ikkaku immediately scolded the pair, before she gave you a slight smile,
"You look good."
Why do compliments from girls mean so much?
Especially coming from Ikkaku.
You couldn't help but fangirl over her a little.
Earning a compliment from her almost made you giddy.
"Now if you need me to come rescue you from these fools, I'll be over there," she motioned with her head to a group with a few familiar faces and you gave her a nod.
You blinked, as you felt a sudden wave of warmth spread through you, as you almost felt light headed.
"Shachi what the hell was in the drink you gave me?"
You asked, turning to him, who was now dancing ridiculously to the song that was playing.
You had to hold back a burst of laughter, as he grabbed one of your hands and spun you around as he spoke,
"A lot of straight liquor. Probably a few shots."
"Oh jesus," you replied as he released his grip on your hand and you leaned back against the counter, coming to terms with the fact you were already feeling drunk.
You turned to look at Riku who rose his eyebrows as he looked at you,
"You're looking at me like you're drunk."
"I think I am."
He chuckled as he turned back to Shachi,
"C'mere dumbass we're taking a celebratory shot."
You winced when you heard Shachis loud drunk voice holler for Penguin.
And then came Penguin, drunk grin on his face.
You couldn't help but think how adorable he was, grinning stupidly ear to ear.
Riku turned to hand each of you smaller glasses, that held what was definitely way over a shot of alcohol, as he held his up to cheers and shouted,
"To our beloved prisoner girl!"
You couldn't help but burst into laughter as the Shachi and Penguin enthusiastically repeated,
"To our beloved prisoner girl!"
There was the sound of a clink, and then you all downed your shots.
You gagged slightly, how much it was and how much it burned, but couldn't help but grin.
You could feel the effects already.
The way everything around you seemed to slow. Your body felt warm, and every worry that every clouded your mind seemed to suddenly be so distant.
And soon,
You were so many drinks in, you had lost count.
The world was hazing around you, yet it was so wonderful. A feeling of euphoria. Nothing mattered, but the people you were there with.
Those dweebs stupid, drunk, smiling faces.
You heard Shachi suddenly holler out,
"I love this song!"
And the next thing you knew you saw him climbing onto the kitchen counter.
You were laughing your ass off at the sight of the man dancing and hollering the lyrics at the top of his lungs.
The crew around him started cheering and clapping for him.
The man was suddenly extending you a hand,
"Get up here right now!"
And in that moment nothing seemed like a better idea.
Because you in fact, also loved this song.
The worlds left your lips completely off key as Shachi spun you around, probably knocking over a few cups as you spun around on the counter top.
There were hollers, cheers, people raising their cups, all of you too drunk to realize how stupid you probably looked.
But in that moment, it didn't matter.
You were having too much fun.
The words to the song left you mouth, yet you could hardly hear yourself.
You felt weightless. Dizzy, yet your head was in a cloud of euphoria. You felt an energy surging through your veins. A loss of inhibition but, oh how wonderful it was to let go.
Let go of all the terrible things in life.
And cling to the moment for a little.
Cling to where and who you were now.
You burst into a fit of giggles as you felt someone grab you by the hips and lift you up off the counter, slinging you over their shoulder.
Oh. Fuck.
Your eyes widened when you realized you were ass up, slung over Law's shoulder.
You hadn't seen the man in days and yet here he was.
You squirmed in his arms earning a grunt from him, as he reluctantly set you down to your feet,
"You look like an idiot."
Instead of replying, you sung the lyrics of the song that was playing, and suddenly you felt an arm sling around your shoulder as you laughed.
It was Penguin, who ruffled your hair and spoke in a slightly slurred tone,
"Cheers to the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and met in my life."
He looked at Law with a drunk grin,
"Am I right?"
Laws eyes narrowed,
You blinked, taken aback to say the least by his response,
"What the hell is 'tch'?"
Penguin blinked and awkwardly stepped away, not wanting to get in the middle, as you continued,
You let out something between a scoff and a laugh.
"That's not what you said when we were in your be-"
He put a hand over your mouth as he snapped,
"Jesus, Shiina-ya!"
You couldn't help but just burst into a fit of laughter as he held his hand over your mouth.
"You're drunk."
He stated in a low tone, lowering his hand from your mouth.
He scoffed at you.
"So what if I'm drunk?"
He shook his head at you. The flush on your cheeks. The slight smile on your lips as you looked at him. He found himself fighting the grin that threatened to form on his lips.
"And you're irritating."
"Really?" you replied with a grin, "What else am I?"
"A pain in my ass."
You shook your head grinning ear to ear,
"And yet still."
His eyebrows furrowed, his tone laced with annoyance.
"Still what?"
"You still want me."
He just stared at you.
His look a mix of annoyance, and slight shock at your words.
"In fact,"
"You told me you wanted to f-"
He put his hand over your mouth again, this time the look on his face a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment.
And then in the blink of an eye you were slung over the mans shoulders once again, ass up in the air.
Being carried out of the kitchen.
And down the hallway.
To god only knows where.
Hi readers!
I put 3 lines from a song in this chapter.
Bonus points to whoever gets the song/ knew it when they read it.
**update - took the song lyrics out I'm scared of copyright lol**
Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter.
You already know what's coming next. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- B
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