Ch 43. What Might Have Been
~*Four Months Later *~
Mitch was happy. He finally felt complete again. Scott was back to normal and had moved back in to his loft. Kriscomiche was back in action, and thank Gaga his hair was back to normal.
Normal was good. He was actually happy to have spent four completely uneventful months just picking up all the pieces and starting to put the puzzle back together. Slowly the pieces were fitting back where they belonged.
Things were even better than they had been before the break up. Scott didn’t give into everything, but sometimes he’d give in just because he knew Mitch really wanted something.
Scott stood up for himself a lot more, but he never degraded Mitch in the process. They began to meet in the middle, for once.
It was refreshing.
There were some other differences, of course. Scott had learned a few things from Zac. He’d learned how to handle their taxes, he learned how to manage their bills, he managed their schedules and Mitch’s appearances, interviews and shows. It was a lot, especially since Mitch had his muse back and was accepting appearance requests again, but Scott was determined to get it all down. He wanted to be able to take care of Mitch and Mitch was not complaining. Scott took the reigns and he let him have them. He trusted him. Besides, every time Scott sat down at the table with papers spread everywhere, and those damn glasses on his face, Mitch always ended up staring at the beautiful man that was HIS. Scott was always too engrossed in what he was doing to notice that he was Mitch's eye candy.
Things were going so well. Neither had a single complaint.
“What.is.that!?” Mitch said staring wide eyed at the creature in Scott’s arms.
“This is a baby” Scott looked up. He grinned at Mitch from his spot on the couch.
“I know THAT! WHY is it HERE?!” Mitch threw the bags he’d accumulated on his shopping trip with Jenaya and Koyoa on the chair before hurrying over next to Scott and the… baby.
“She is Angel’s niece. Angel will be back soon, she just wanted to do some last minute birthday shopping for her mom. Isn’t she perfect?” He turned his eyes back to the pretty little girl, cooing at her softly.
Mitch sat down warily next to him and looked at the wide eyed infant in his boyfriends arms. “She’s cute.”
“Super cute” Scott looked over at his boyfriend who was examining the little baby with narrowed eyes. “Babe, you look freaked out.”
“I’m just … not big on babies.”
Scott gave him a look. “Not big on babies? Who isn’t big on babies? You love when we do little kid classes.”
“Yeah, they can walk and talk and function on their own. Little kids are fun, babies are like fragile little gross aliens. But they’re cute from afar.”
“You don’t want to have kids one day?” He raised an eyebrow…baiting Mitch.
Mitch paled, the blood completely draining from his face. “Um, Scott… I...it. I’m just… it’s…”
Scott laughed as the baby girl in his arms wrapped her tiny fingers around his large one. “I was just kidding. You can remember to breathe now. We can barely take care of ourselves as it is.”
Mitch slowly took a deep breath.
“Can you hold her for a bit?”
“Do I have to?”
Scott simply gave him a look and then passed over the tiny girl.
"She's been getting fussy on and off, so she's probably hungry."
Mitch looked at her and couldn’t help but smile. Those blue eyes looked straight up into his brown ones and the biggest grin covered her face as she looked up at him. She laughed.
“See, she thinks you’re funny looking too…” Scott smirked and walked into the kitchen to make her a bottle.
Mitch found himself staring at the little girl. She looked like she could belong to Scott, with her fair hair and bright blue eyes. He began to sing to her quietly. Tiny fingers rested on his hand and he actually smiled.
He heard the door click open, followed by Kirstie’s voice.
“Oh my gosh. Where did you steal a baby from? She's soooo cuttteee. Can I hold her?”
“Please do!”
Scott peeked his head around the corner to see Mitch handing over the baby.
“What’s her name?”
"Not a clue."
“Kylie. Her name is Kylie.” Scott came back into the room with her bottle and handed it to Kirstie who sat down to feed the eager child.
“Um, can I go with Kirstie to see Maleficent??” Mitch looked up at Scott like a 7 year old asking his mother if he could go out and play.
Scott couldn’t help but laugh. “I don’t see why not.”
“But I wanna play with the baby!” Kirstie whined.
“You promised!”
She pouted. “Fine.” She passed Kylie back to Scott and got up again.
“Kloveyoubye!” Mitch quickly made his exit, dragging Kirstie along and leaving Scott to the deal with the kid.
The day went smoothly. Kylie was a good, surprisingly quiet, baby. Angel hadn’t been gone long and Scott asked if she wanted to just hang out for a bit. It was fun playing with Kylie and it was nice catching up with Angel. He didn’t see her as much as he’d like to, but thankfully the weird awkward stage was gone and their friendship was still in tact. It helped that her and Mitch got along really well.
He couldn’t help but smile at how great Angel was with the little one. She knew exactly how to make her smile, laugh... knew exactly what she wanted when she got fussy…
“Ang, you know what, you’re gonna be an amazing mother one day.” Scott was always humbled at the bond between most mother's and their children (his own excluded), but even Angel seemed to already have that instinct. It was really something.
Angel couldn’t help the blush that crept up her cheeks. “Thanks, and you’re gonna be the perfect father someday.”
Scott’s face fell a bit but not dramatically. “I have a feeling Mitch won’t ever want kids.”
“Maybe he’s just gotta be ready. One day, Scottie… one day.” She gave him a reassuring smile and somehow, he felt better.
Maybe Mitch would be ready one day in their future.
At least, he hoped so.
“Scott?” Mitch called out quietly as he entered the apartment. No answer.
He looked around and finally walked in the bedroom, thinking maybe he’d gone somewhere, but what he found made his heart both warm and freeze.
Scott and Angel had fallen asleep, each on their sides facing each other and between them, also sound asleep, was baby Kylie.
It was too perfect.
He quietly walked around the bed surveying the scene.
They looked like the perfect family. The gorgeous husband, the beautiful wife and the perfect baby girl. It made his stomach turn over. It didn’t help that Kylie looked like she was the perfect blend of the two.
He didn’t know why it bothered him so much, but it did.
He just stood there staring at the three of them, a mixture of emotions soaring through him. He didn’t know whether to say “aww” or vomit.
He took a picture on his phone. That must have been the “aww” side.
He would never be able to give Scott that picture. He couldn’t have kids, he wouldn’t be a perfect house wife. He’d never be able to give Scott a child that they could both say she has your eyes…and my nose… and your hair…
He wished more than ever, in that moment, that he was Angel. He’d give up everything to be able to give that to Scott, because he deserved it and he knew he wanted it. Scott was so incredible and loving with that baby. He'd be an amazing father, so much better than his father had been to him.
Mitch knew he was thinking way too much, and kids weren’t even a concern yet, but it still bothered him. Guilt pressed in on him, knowing he’d taken that away from Scott when he’d stolen him from that very woman.
Why did loving another man have to always be so hard? They had so many things they had to overcome. It just didn’t seem fair. Loving each other was the easy part, living was the hard part.
He needed some air, so he decided to go for a walk.
When he came back, Angel and the baby were gone. Scott didn’t even spot that anything was wrong with him and so Mitch just put it on the backburner.
It wasn’t important anyway.
Besides, he wasn’t ready for serious talks like that. That could wait until at least after the one year anniversary.
But he did have an idea. It would take a bit of time and planning, but it would be perfect.
“Where the hell are we going?!”
“You’ll see. We’re almost there.”
“Yeah, I’ll see if you don’t kill us before we make it!” Scott gave him a look.
“Shut up, I’m a great driver!”
“Keep telling yourself that.” Scott inhaled sharply as they zoomed through a yellow light that turned to red before they'd even gotten to it.
"It's fine."
Finally they were parked and Scott got out, grateful to still be alive.
“C’mon.” Mitch didn’t even wait for him as he zoomed up to the door of a house, his excitement was too much. He knocked. Scott was just joining him on the step when the front door opened.
The lady smiled brightly when she saw Mitch. “Welcome back. He’s all ready for you.” She turned and headed inside motioning for the boys to follow her.
“Um, Mitch what are we doing here?”
“We’re picking up our new kitten, silly! Why else would we be here?”
Scott couldn’t stop the grin, or the kiss he planted right on Mitch's lips right in the middle of the entryway.
“I love you too…” Mitch beamed.
A/N Sorry it's short again. I'm guessing 2 or 3 chapters left. Probably another chapter will follow later today. Just tying up some loose ends and such :) <3 <3
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