Ch 40. Isolation Island
Scott was a wreck.
Kirstie was having a tough time keeping him together.
She asked him if she could call Mitch, but he just wanted time alone. He didn’t think he could mourn the loss of Zac with Mitch there. It wouldn't feel right.
“I deserve to feel it. I made him feel this way, now it’s my turn to hurt.”
She cried with him, feeling the guilt at being an accomplice in trying to tear them apart. Scott tried to tell her that she should never be upset for helping her best friend, but that hadn’t helped. She had still known what was going to happen, but she hadn’t thought ahead enough to realize Scott would not only be losing someone that was in love with him, he would also be losing HIS best friend as well.
She hadn’t thought that far, and now she felt horrible.
Poor Scott just couldn’t catch a break. He didn’t know what he was going to do without Zac. He had always been there, a constant source of love and safety, but that was gone.
Kirstie hated hearing the words that Scott whimpered out, suddenly glad that she hadn’t asked Mitch to help comfort him. The blonde was obviously not thinking straight. He said that he regretted his decision. He said that he thought he’d chosen wrong. He wanted to change his mind. Kirstie wanted to slap him just for saying it, but she knew he was just so upset and torn. That still didn’t mean she had to like it.
Then the kicker.
“I should’ve just stayed with Angel.”
She pulled back and made Scott look at her. “Please tell me you didn’t just say what I think you just said.”
“She was perfect for me, but I chose him instead. How do I always choose him? Why?"
“Because you love him, dumbass.”
“What if it isn’t enough.”
“Scott, you have to give him a chance.”
“I’ve given him plenty of chances, Kit! How many times have I had to run crying to Zac? How many times have I had to come to you because I couldn’t take it anymore? How many times does it take for me to get that he’s wrong for me?”
“He’s not!
“What if he is? Or, maybe I’m looking at this the wrong way. What if I’m just wrong for him? What if we love each other so much we can’t see that we’re bad for each other? What if he’s supposed to be with someone else and I’m keeping him from that? Do you know how many times in all of the years I’ve known him that Zac has made me cry?”
Kirstie chewed on her lip.
“One. Today and it’s not his fault. It’s mine. I’m such an idiot.”
He buried his face in Kirstie again and she tightened her arms around him.
“Please don’t push Mitch away again. He loves you so much. It would ruin him if you change your mind now.”
Scott didn’t answer just curled into her. He cried off and on for the next hour, finally crying himself to sleep against her. She didn’t know what was going to happen, but this wasn’t looking so good for any of them. She just hoped Scott calmed down and pulled himself together.
She sent a text to Mitch, just so he knew what was going on.
Kirstie: just wanted to let u know Scott is here he told zac went not so good But he needs a bit of space right now. hes kinda sorta super messed up
Mittens: should i be worried
Kirstie looked at her phone, weighing her options and picking her words carefully. She hesitated and it gave Mitch the chance to doubt everything.
Mittens: im not getting him back am i
Fu¢k, why did I message him? I can’t tell him what I don’t know, but I don’t want him to worry.
She started typing and deleted… started and deleted… again… and again
This is so screwed up. Just type something!
Mittens: its ok ill stay away until i get the ok
Kirstie: hes just really messed up right now
Mittens: i know - thx for letting me know
Kirstie: i luv u
Mittens: luv you 2
That was over a week ago. Scott had been distant the entire time. Kirstie tried to pull him out of his shell, but Scott was NOT having it. Poor Mitch was a wreck as well, but he tried to hide it. Kirstie hated being pulled between them, but she spent most of her time with Mitch. He was her #1 priority and Scott was just not getting any better.
Finally she’d had enough. It was time to fix those two once and for all.
Scott was currently curled up in her bed watching Orange is the New Black for the umpteenth time and moping just like he always was. He had been trying to text Zac, but had gotten a world of nowhere.
Kirstie didn’t see any other choice and she took matters into her own hands. She headed upstairs and walked right into Mitch’s place to see him standing in the kitchen trying to figure out what the hell to make for dinner. He was startled as she grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the door.
“You, you’re coming with me.”
He had no clue what was happening and just let himself be pulled along/dragged behind the petite woman.
She pulled him right inside of her apartment and stood him right next to the bed Scott was currently occupying.
“I think you’ve had quite enough space, Scooter.” She turned to Mitch. “Now you, you fix him.” She poked Mitch’s chest with the tip of her finger.
“I will be at Jeremy’s. No leaving until this is fixed. Got it!? Ok.” She turned and walked right out.
The two stunned boys just looked after her for a minute then at each other.
Scott was the first to speak. “She’s kinda scary.”
Mitch burst out laughing.
Scott smiled at the sight of Mitch laughing. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as his brain began a tailspin again.
Mitch looked at him, the gravity of the situation and what would be said leaving him for the moment. He wanted to just take that crazy energy Kirstie had left him with and use it. So he just spoke without thinking.
“Scootch over.” He waited but Scott didn’t move, just kind of stared at him.
He gave him a look, chin dropping, eyebrows raising… “I’m waiting.”
Scott tried to hide the small smile, but Mitch caught it, and it gave him the courage to climb up next to Scott once he had moved over.
“So, how’re you feeling?”
Scott shrugged a bit. “Crappy, I guess.”
“Missing Zac?”
Scott’s face fell a bit more. “Yeah. A lot.”
“I’m sure he misses you too. Did you try calling him?”
Scott nodded. “He won’t take my calls, or answer my texts.”
Mitch nodded. “It’s all that stupid Mitch guy’s fault. That guy is a real tool. Not sure what you ever saw in him.”
Scott looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “That Mitch guy is amazing. None of this is his fault. It’s all mine. I’m the fu¢king mess.”
Mitch shook his head. “Now see, that’s where you’re wrong. That Mitch guy is the root of all of your problems. Take him out of the equation and what do you have? The perfect life.”
Scott sent him a sharp look, eyes narrowing as if it was really a stranger talking horribly about Mitch. “No. That Mitch guy helped me finally be myself. He taught me how to really love and how to start loving myself. Without that Mitch guy I’d be the same repressed sad man I was before I met him. He helped me get better.”
Mitch felt the warmth of the words fill his chest. “Well, that may be true, but he’s still a douchebag.”
Scott’s expression remained hard. “That douchebag is the love of my life, so you’d do well not to talk about him like that… ever again.”
Mitch stared up at him. Brown on Blue. “He is?”
Scott’s face softened as he gazed back at Mitch. “He is.” He let his finger run down the side of his face. “I miss him.”
Mitch angled his face into the touch. “He misses you so much.”
“I’m sorry I’ve been such a mess.”
“It’s understandable.”
“Still, it’s no excuse to completely shut you out.”
“Are you done with that? Or am I still on an island of isolation.”
Scott looked at him for a bit, without answer.
Mitch shifted, squirming under his impatience.
Scott finally gave him a smile. “Wanna go to your place and order pizza? I think Kirstie would murder me if I got crumbs in her bed.”
Mitch gave an impish grin and nodded. “C’mon on over, hot stuff.”
Scott laughed. “Go ahead, I’ll be up in a couple of minutes ok?”
Mitch climbed out of the bed and gave him one last smile over his shoulder. “I’ll be waiting.” Then he was gone.
He got out of bed and pulled on a shirt. He located his phone and sent off a text to Kirstie.
Scott: Way to know what I need more than I do
Kirstin: It’s a gift
Kirstin: Everything all good now Spongebob?
Scott: will be. going to order pizza w/ Mitch @ his
Kirstin: Good - would have murdered u 4 crumbs in my bed
He laughed and grabbed his keys so he could get back into Kirstie’s apartment and headed up stairs.
Scott: Thx for everything KT
Kirstin: U got it dipdot
He took a deep breath as he put his phone away and stared at that door again. He knocked once and then peeked his head in. Mitch gave him a look from the couch. “You seriously knocked?”
He walked in with a nervous laugh. “Wasn’t sure if I should or not.”
“Mmkay, oddball.”
“So did you order yet!?” he sat down next to the smaller man.
“Nope, you change your order like every two weeks so Lord only knows what your preferences are by now.”
“Final answer?!”
Scott grinned. “Final answer.”
The time passed easily and quickly and before they knew it the pizza was nearly gone and the movie they were watching was nearly over.
Scott kept looking over at Mitch and would just stare.
Mitch finally caught him. “What?”
“See something you like?” he said it playfully, but he felt his heart begin to pound in his chest as he saw Scott’s eyes darken and narrow, zeroing in on him like a predator.
“Come here.”
“Uh uh. You come here, I’m comfy.” He curled into the blanket on his side of the couch, obstinately refusing to move as he wrapped himself tightly in the warm fabric.
Scott made a noise deep in his throat as he crawled over Mitch, sliding his hands over the blanket, positioning them so that Mitch couldn’t get his arms out of the blanket once he leaned forward on his palms. Mitch just looked up at him, with an innocent smile.
Scott stared at him again.
“Have I ever told you, you have the prettiest eyelashes I’ve ever seen.”
Mitch blushed. “I’m sure if your eyelashes weren’t so pale that they’re translucent, I’d think they were pretty too.”
Scott laughed a bit, but then went back to his quiet staring. “Can I kiss you?”
Mitch burst out laughing. “You really have to ask? Like I would ever deny you, ever.
Scott closed the distance and proceeded to give him that kiss, albeit a slow and barely there version of what the fiery brunette had hoped for. Mitch squirmed beneath him, wanting to free his hands. He wanted to pull Scott closer, wanted more pressure, just … more.
Scott smiled against his lips as Mitch whined out a long “Scootttttt.”
Scott just grinned tugging at his bottom lip gently.
“You’re being mean. I need my hands…”
“What for?” Scott continued his sweet, light kisses.
He stopped and looked down at his prize. “I kind of like you all burritoed up, just mine to do with as I please."
Those long, dark eyelashes fluttered. “So do it, whatever you want to do. Do it. You know I’m yours. I belong to you, only you. Always. Take it.”
Scott grinned,unmoved, letting him squirm a bit more.
Mitch worried he’d said the wrong thing when Scott eventually climbed off of him, but before he knew what was happening he was thrown over Scott’s shoulder, blanket and all.
“You’re such a caveman!”
Scott responded with a smack to his bottom. He carried the laughing boy into the bedroom and took exactly what was his.
He took his time, marking him, making sure he remembered exactly who he belonged to.
Every time the possessive man let out a growled “Mine,” Mitch felt the blood surge within him and was 100% sure he'd never been more turned on in his life. He was also pretty sure everyone on their block knew who he belonged to as he yelled out his name over and over and over again.
Scott needed this, and he gave it to him willingly, GLADLY, enjoying every.single.second.
Finally he was complete again.
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