Ch 36. Ruined
The next day was a rough one. He didn't want Zac to leave him, but it was only for 3 days. He could survive on his own for that long.
Still, he felt an extra weight on his heart as he insisted on driving him to the airport, just to spend a little more time with him. Zac assured him it was only for a few days and that things were going to be just fine. He'd be back to annoy the hell out of him before he could even miss him.
Scott knew that was a lie. He was going to miss the hell out of him and he told him so as he went inside with Zac as far as he could go.
Zac had been such a huge source of strength for him since he and Mitch had split. He'd been there every second that Scott had needed him, just like he had always been, but things were different this time. Zac was something entirely different to him now. He was so much more.
And things were confusing at the moment and he hated that Zac was leaving him now of all times.
He wasn't even sure how to sort through his own brain to figure out what he wanted to do or how he felt. His visit with Mitch had caused a hurricane in his head and he was still sifting through the debris.
Thankfully no one recognized Zac in his hat and sunglasses because after Scott hugged him again, making him promise to call as soon as he landed, Zac couldn’t help himself and he tilted his chin upwards and kissed him sweetly.
Scott blushed at the public display, but he didn’t freak out like he would have before. He was becoming more and more comfortable with himself every day.
He was more surprised by the fact that Zac had risked it, but he was about to get even more of a shock.
When Zac reached the escalator and stepped on he turned back to Scott.
“What!?” Scott couldn’t help but laugh at the stupid grin on Zac’s face as he yelled through the noise.
“I love you! I’m in love with you!”
“What!?” Scott couldn’t believe it…
"I love you. I’ll see you when I get back” and just like that he was out of sight.
Scott couldn’t move.
LAX was too busy for anyone to notice him or even care that he was there.
Zac was in love with him and he’d kissed him right in the middle of a crowded airport.
He should have been excited. He should have been jumping for joy. He should have been happy, anyone in their right mind would have been.
But all he could think about…
was Mitch.
Mitch had ruined what should have been that perfect moment, his perfect moment.
The perfect moment that he'd always dreamed of where the person he loved declared that they loved him too.
The problem wasn't that he didn't love Zac.
The problem was that the perfect moment didn't include Mitch...
and that just ruined it.
Mitch woke up to an aching stomach.
He realized he hadn’t eaten in awhile, courtesy of heartache, so he made himself a bowl of cereal and decided to re-read Scott’s journal from the beginning again.
He read through the entries that made him cry, he read through the ones that made him smile. He just wanted to get closer to Scott, and this was all Scott; every word, every scribble, every doodle, every silly picture or song lyric, every tear stain…
Every single page contained a piece of him and having it, reading it, felt like he still had a part of Scott with him.
He had to stop again after reading one entry in particular. Just a few sentences reduced him to nothing.
He’s made for me, I know it. Its like everything just fits so perfectly (yep that too!) He fits in my arms perfectly. His hand slides into mine so easily. I just know that he’s different.
I know it. He’s my it.
He's my other half. I don't know how I got lucky enough to find him, but I did. Now all I have to worry about is not screwing it up, because he never will. He's wonderful.
He's Mitch. MY Mitch. My everything.
I just can't screw it up like i do everything else. I love him too much to lose him.
If there were a way for him to feel even more guilty, those words would have done it. He had to take a quick break, but eventually he came back to the book one more time.
When he reached the last page, the entry from the night before Scott left, Mitch couldn’t stop the tears again.
The ink on the page began to fuzz and run from the assault of his tears.
He quickly closed it, feeling guilty for messing it up. He felt bad for putting a bit of himself into Scott's journal. His tears continued to fall onto the back cover and he realized that he was already all over this journal, and those tears were just another memory, another piece of him
He had to do something.
There was no way he could ever be with anyone else. The man who wrote these words was everything he wanted, all he’d EVER want. There was no way he was ever going to be satisfied with anyone but him.
He stood from his seat and holding the journal tight against his chest he walked out his front door.
Scott turned on his cellphone and looked at it as he walked back out to Zac’s SUV.
3 messages.
He listened to the first, a cute message from Zac from the night before. He’d already listened to that one but saved it again so he could listen to it later.
The second was the most heartwrenching message he’d ever heard. It was Mitch.
The third was from Avi, but he couldn’t hear a word he said. Mitch's voice was still echoing in his ears…
I’m sorry. I’m so , so sorry Scott. I’m sorry.
Kirstie nearly jumped out of her skin as her door simply opened and in walked a desperate looking Mitch, tears sliding down his now shiny cheeks, wearing a pair of sweat pants and a tank and holding onto some book for dear life.
“I have to get him back. I have to. I need him and I know he can’t be without me. It says so!!!!”
“Woah, woah honey calm down. What says so?” She got to her feet and walked over to him… gently sliding her hand behind his shoulders and leading him to the couch.
“His journal. He wrote that he could never imagine living without me, that he needs me. Well I need him too and I need him back.”
Kirstie didn’t know what to say. “Hon, its not that easy.”
“I know that! But I have to…” He looked down at the journal and held it tighter, his voice lowering to choked whisper “I have to try. I have to do something.”
She wrapped her arms around him and held him. It was such a huge thing for Mitch to be there, to be there talking to her.
It was a step forward…
But wait…
“How did you get Scott’s journal?”
“He gave it to me.”
Her eyes widened. “He just gave it to you?”
Mitch nodded. “He was here last night and he yelled at me. So I yelled at him and told him he never cared about me, which I knew wasn’t true even before I read this. He told me to read it and he left”
“I know he hates me, but... will you help me?” Mitch looked up at her…
She looked at him for a moment. While she wanted to immediately say yes and make it all better, she had to make sure before she plotted with Mitch to take Scott away from a guy who also loved him.
“Are you sure this is what you want?”
“More than anything…”
“Are you sure you won’t hurt him again?”
Mitch nodded vigorously. “I swear! I won’t ever even think about another man.”
“Are you sure he’s the right one for you?”
Mitch actually cracked a smile and in that moment she knew the answer.
“He’s my everything.”
She grinned.
“Alright then. Let’s figure out how to get you back your man.”
She smiled and suddenly her arms were full of Mitch and he was hugging her tightly against him.
"I love you, Kit." He started a string of apologies for all of the times he'd pushed her away, but she pushed him back and gave him a look. “I forgive you already, now focus!”
He smiled again and they set their minds to work.
Mission: Scomiche
A/N - That wasn't that bad right? :P
Seriously though, I just want to thank everyone so much for the wonderful comments and sharing how each chapter made you feel. You don't understand the inspiration your words have and also the more comments I get the more I feel motivated to update faster. Just a big hug to you all and a huge amount of thank yous to you all!
Also if you're feeling bored - just started a lil mini story again called Full of Grace that I just posted the first chapter of. Sorry for the long note just feeling mushy I guess lol.
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