Ch 3. Friends
A/N Thanks so much to everyone reading this story. I really appreciate it - I also appreciate feedback so please feel free to let me know what you like/don't like. I'm not at all easily offended. I can't fix it if i don't know it's broken ;)
"So how'd it go?"
Scott was all smiles as he entered his apartment and plopped down on the couch next to his roommate. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally, but it was the happiest state of exhaustion he'd ever experienced.
"It was AMAZING!! You'll NEVER believe who works there - who I got to meet and who came to my class AND who bought me lunch!"
Zac made a face, his nose wrinkling.
"I can't believe anyone bought you anything, buddy, you smell like a locker room."
Scott hit him with a toss pillow and Zac laughed as he tried to block it with his hands.
"So WHO are the mystery persons or person"
Scott's grin widened. "Mitch Grassi"
"Oh, wwoooow! Did you scream and try to hump his leg?"
"Zac..." he rolled his eyes.
Zac was grinning cutely at Scott. He was well aware of Scott's admiration for the man. Hell, they had three black and white stills of Mitch Grassi mid motion hanging in their hallway.
"So you met him and he came to your class?"
"Not only did he COME to my class, but he took the class. He learned the dance with everyone else!! Like a regular student! It was soo weird and so amazing and..."
"Oh Mitch, he's sooo wonderful, I absolutely love him! " Zac cooed out in his best female voice impression.
"Shut up, dude, he's amazing." Scott pouted a bit because his roomy didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm as he did regarding the situation.
Zac just chuckled a bit at him.
"Ok, so how did you end up having lunch with him."
"He asked me. It was so surreal he just came over like we were friends and asked me to lunch. He was soooo easy to talk to and he answered all of my stupid questions and he even asked me questions like I'm interesting or something... and get this... We're having lunch again tomorrow!"
Zac's expression slid into a smirk. Scott was talking at top speed, his hands flying about in the air as he told his story.
"What? What is that smirk for?"
"Scott, don't get tangled up in a crush."
"I do NOT have a crush on him."
Zac rolled his eyes.
"Oh, please. You didn't say one word about your classes except that Mitch was in one. All I've heard is Mitch Grassi this, Mitch Grassi that. Mitch and I had lunch and he's flawless. I love Mitch and we're gonna get married..."
"It's not like that."
A 'yeah right' look was directed his way. A blush began to crawl up his neck.
"Zac, I'm serious."
"I'm serious too. I know you. Remember when you met me? Oh Zac this, oh Zac that. I loved you in High School Musical...let me bat my pretty eyelashes at you." he grinned at Scott
Scott's blush spread and deepened. His voice dropped to a bit of a whisper and his eyes moved to his lap "You were different..."
Zac laughed. "Scott, you've got that star struck look again."
"Shut up! I do not." There was the pout again as he raised his eyes to look at Zac.
Zac leaned over. "Well then don't talk about him so much. You'll make me jealous."
He leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on Scott's protruding lips.
Now, don't misunderstand. Scott and Zac weren't like that. They used to be, but it wasn't like that anymore.
They knew each other's... secrets... but they were closer than most friends. They told each other everything. Sometimes when they were extra frustrated and that side of them, that side they both kept hidden from the world, needed a release they turned only to each other. Zac had been through a lot with Scott, and he'd been there when Scott's life was spinning out of control. So they trusted each other explicitly.
Kissing each other was just... a friend thing...that they did frequently. No harm done.
Their girlfriends had no idea.
Scott laughed and shook his head.
"Ok, maybe I have a little appreciation for the man."
"I knew it!" Zac laughed and punched his arm playfully.
"But it doesn't mean anything. He's just a really nice guy. A really beautiful, talented, nice guy."
Who is probably straight...
"Scott ...girlfriend. You have one." He tossed Scott a look.
"I didn't say I was going to try and jump on him. Lord, it's just admiration more than a crush."
"Whatever you say, princess. Now really...go shower."
Scott rolled his eyes and laughed. "Wanna join me?" He was only playfully joking as he stood up and let his eyebrows rise and fall suggestively.
Zac shook his head "Dream on, Sasquatch" he pointed towards the bathroom with a laugh and lightly kicked Scott on his behind.
The blonde stuck out his tongue at him and laughed as he headed for the bathroom.
"So that new guy Scott seems really nice..."
Kirstie lived in the same building, right below Mitch, so they usually walked home together. Besides she was his best friend, his partner in crime. They were practically attached at the hip.
"Yeah, he is."
"Can he dance?"
Mitch's face broke out into a grin. "Like nothing I've ever seen before, Kit"
Kirstie glanced at him sideways as they walked. "Really? He doesn't really look like a dancer." She paused as she rethought her previous words. "Wow, that was really stereotypical of me. Statement recanted."
Mitch laughed and shook his head. "Seriously, if you have a free hour stop by and take his class. He will definitely surprise you. It's HARD."
Kirstie blinked in surprise at him. "You took his class?"
"He had to correct me... a lot." He didn't sound too happy about that fact either.
Kirstie though seemed impressed. "Well, that's something new."
"You're telling me... and my wounded ego."
"I think maybe I'll pay our new friend Scott a visit tomorrow. Gotta discover the wonder that took Mitch Grassi down a peg." She joked and he gave a gasp and a playful glare.
"Well, good luck" Mitch laughed. "You are gonna need it."
She shoved him playfully before jumping onto his back. He took off running for their building.
Scott was extra determined to be early again the next day. He was hoping to catch Mitch alone again.
He felt himself smile when he heard music.
Sure enough, there was Mitch - eyes closed dancing all around the room, covering the entire floor with his movements. For a rather petite person, he could certainly fill a space.
Scott just leaned against the wall by the door enjoying the show. It was short lived, however, as it didn't take the other man too long to notice him this time.
"Scott, hey!"
"Good morning." He pushed his shoulders off of the wall he'd been resting again.
"And you. So, since you're here and all do I get a private lesson now?"
Mind out of the gutter, Scott! And stop staring at his damned dimples!
"How about I'll make a deal with you."
Mitch raised an eyebrow, his chin dropping slightly in mock suspicion. "Should I be afraid?"
Scott laughed. "No. Here's the deal. I'll give you a lesson if you give me a lesson."
The eyebrow raised further in surprise. "You want to learn contemporary?"
Scott nodded. "I know I'll be absolutely horrible at it, but I still wanna try. If the experiment fails miserably I won't make you keep doing it." He laughed at the sudden thought of himself dancing like one of the hippos from Fantasia.
Mitch nodded. "You're on."
"Alright! It's a deal."
"So c'mon Scott, teach me all you know." He began to bounce a bit on the balls of his feet. "I am ready."
"Patience, little one." Scott grinned at Mitch's excitement as he moved over to the stereo system to connect his own iPod. Once his back was to Mitch he was almost glad for the moment to breathe. The small bundle of energy had quite the effect on him without even trying.
"Little one? Pet names already?" Mitch said laughing at the way Scott began to rub at the back of his neck, tugging nervously on his red t-shirt. "I've never been very big on patience, Scotty."
Scott shook his head with a grin. He was glad Mitch couldn't see the blush that was making his cheeks burn. He wasted a bit of time until he was sure it had faded at least a bit and then put on some music and began to stretch.
Time passed quickly. Scott tried to teach Mitch the basics, the general idea of his movement. It required quite a bit of hands on demonstration. Of course, Scott didn't mind one tiny bit. Neither did his student.
Mitch was too deep in concentration, trying to get it right, to worry about anything else. Scott was extremely patient with him and was careful to say nothing that would make Mitch feel like an oaf.
"I feel like I'm back at the beginning again, just learning how to dance." He laughed at himself in the mirror.
Scott gave him a strange look. "Why?"
"Because I suck. Royally."
Scott shook his head with an amused smile. "You anything but suck, trust me."
Mitch gave him a sassy look. "Are you sucking up to me?"
"I thought you were the one that sucked..."
Mitch opened his mouth to make a snappy comment but stopped himself. Scott probably wasn't gay and too much of his forward tendencies would probably throw an entire wrench into their new friendship. He couldn't, however, stop the faint blush resulting from his almost words paired with the drop in Scotts voice.
Scott caught it but was polite enough not to mention it.
"You're doing fine" he reassured.
"Whatever you say, teach." Mitch shook his head knowing he was doing less than stellar.
"Now you wanna see someone who sucks..." Scott was aware of his word choice...and the deliberate pause afterward as he grabbed a bottle of water "...wait until tomorrow when you try to teach me contemporary."
Mitch was still watching him. "I'll try to go easy on ya" He grinned cutely.
"Yeah, I'll believe that when I see it. Now again..." He clapped twice.
Mitch dutifully went right back to practicing the last move Scott had taught him.
Scott's classes that day went smoothly again and Mitch made another appearance. He was improving by leaps and bounds in just a day's time.
He wasn't really surprised. He was starting to get comfortable in his presence and was able to focus more on his actual students, for the most part.
He did get a surprise after returning from his second amazing lunch with Mitch, when Kirstie showed up for a class. He had met her the first day and she'd been kind enough to show him around a bit when she'd caught him wandering around like a lost puppy.
Afterward, Kirstie made her way up to ask if she could keep coming. While chatting with her for a bit, Scott had a sudden idea.
"Hey, do you have plans for ...tonight?" He blushed when he realized it sounded like he was asking her out.
"Scott, are you asking me out on a date?" She gave a sideways grin, fully intending to accept his invitation.
"Oh! Um, no... I mean... I just... I was thinking of making dinner for you and maybe Mitch to thank you both for being so nice."
Smooth, very smooth. Now she's going to think you're a huge jerk and that will be that.
"Oh..." She tried not to let the disappointment show on her face and tried to laugh it off. "We're both free tonight."
Scott's face lit up, glad she hadn't been offended or anything. "Good. I don't know if Mitch is still here or not or..." He was rambling. Maybe he should wait until tomorrow so he could be sure to find the other boy.
"Don't worry, I'll invite him and make sure he's there!" Kirstie smiled cutely and they agreed on a time and exchanged numbers so he could text her the address. She was almost out the door when he had a sudden thought and called her name again.
"Kirstie... you don't happen to be a fan of High School Musical do you?"
She grinned. "Oh my gosh, I used to love those movies! Why? Do you have some weird obsession with it?! If you have posters on your wall..." She giggled.
Scott bit his lip. Zac would probably be none too happy with him.
"No, no posters... um you'll see..."
She only laughed and shook her head before leaving him to his thoughts.
He'd make it up to Zac later.
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