Ch 29. Catalyst
A/N: Sorry its short and blah :)
Shout out to one of my fav authors on wattpad. See if you can spot it ;)
Scott was the first to wake the next morning.
He felt like his head was under a huge boulder and it was being slowly squished into bits.
He rubbed his eyes and made a face at the horrible taste in his mouth. He lay there for a moment, hoping the intense pounding in his head would cease, but it never did.
He finally sat up and made another face as he got up and threw on some boxers before heading to the bathroom to brush his teeth to rid himself of that 'something just died in my mouth' taste. He popped a couple of headache pills on the way out.
He was shuffling back to the bedroom when he spotted the man on his couch.
Zac was still there.
He walked over to him slowly, wrapping his arms around himself to shield from the chilly air, and looked at the sleeping man, squinting a bit.
Zac looked a mess while still managing to somehow look angelic.
Scott laughed a bit to himself as he picked up the empty vodka bottle from the floor near him and disposed of it. He also picked up random clothing articles that happened to be randomly strewn about, including a bear onesie.
I don’t think I wanna know...
He couldn’t remember much about last night. He remembered dancing with Kirstie and one of the girls, Deanne, from the studio and that was about it. He could VAGUELY remember annoying Mitch in the backseat of Kirstie’s car on the way back but that was the stopping point.
He made a face as he spotted the blood caked on Zac’s neck and down around his collarbone, a large bruise surrounded what looked like a bite mark.
He sat on the edge of the couch next to him so that he could examine it closer.
What the hell?!
He got up and made a face as his vision swirled a bit as he stood too quickly, but the vertigo passed and he went to find something to clean Zac up with.
He got what he needed and sat on the edge of the sofa next to Zac again.
He used a wet cloth to clean the blood off of his neck and the places it had dripped to and then around the wound.
Who would have BITTEN him? Like really bit him…?
He was nearly startled when he heard a hiss as he cleaned at the sensitive area.
He looked to see Zac’s eyes fluttering open then pressing closed again to shut out the light with a groan.
“Morning sunshine…”
He received a grunt in return…
“Zac, I know you’re kinky and shit but who the hell did you let bite you.” Scott laughed a bit as he put some antiseptic on it.
Zac opened one eye and looked at him.
“You’re the one that did it, asshole” he was mumbling and then closed his eye trying to get back to sleep.
Scott stared at him.
“I BIT you?” Scott shook his head. “No I didn’t… I wouldn’t bite you.”
“ya did.” Zac had tried to think of a witty comeback, but his brain was still swimming.
Scott couldn’t remember and he was trying for the life of him to. Why would he have bitten Zac?!
“Why the hell would I bite you… and not in a happy fun way?”
“How am I supposed to know, now go back to sleep...” Zac was not a very good morning person, but Scott wanted answers and he knew how to get em.
He pushed Zac a bit into the back of the couch and slid out over it next to him.
“Tell me.” he slid his fingers over Zac's arm gently .
Scott’s face was close. He could smell the toothpaste.
“You don’t remember?”
“If I remembered why would I be asking?”
Zac finally opened his eyes and looked at him. He thought about lying to him, but he already knew he'd bitten him. Besides, Mitch would probably tell him anyways.
“You were drunk and sucking on my neck....and pulling my hair actually…” He reached behind his head and ran his fingers through his own hair and made a face, his head felt sensitive from Scott’s tugging at his hair so much and holding it in a death grip. “Ow, by the way.”
“I was pulling your hair?” Scott really wished he could remember. He bet it was really hot. He bet it had been something he’d want to remember for a looooonggg time. Sucking and biting Zac while pulling his hair… really? That happened?
He tried to imagine it, but no he wanted to remember.
“I don’t know why you bit me. Probably because you were wasted.”
Scott struggled to remember. He poked at the mark on the other side of Zac’s neck. “Is that mine too?”
“Nope, that one belongs to Mitch.”
Scott’s eyes widened. “Seriously?!”
Zac winced as his voice raised just the slightest in volume. “Yes. If you wanna know more ask him.”
Scott watched him, racking his brain, trying to remember what the F went on, but it was like a giant black hole.
"Wait... did we..."
"No. Just a game of truth or dare gone awry."
“Was it hot?”
Zac raised an eyebrow, but laughed a little. “You enjoyed yourself. You told me it was the best birthday ever.”
Scott smiled back at him, but it was short lived. Zac was looking at him with one of the saddest looks he’d ever seen. It wasn’t obvious, and anyone who didn't know Zac would miss it, but Scott spotted it immediately.
“What’s wrong?”
Zac paused, looking over Scott's face.
“Nothing. I just… I have to go.” He went to sit up but Scott grabbed him and pulled him back down, cuddling up against him. Zac's warm body was keeping him shielded from the chilly air.
“Why? Can’t you stay and spend the day? You don’t exactly look like you’re ready for sunshine and traffic. I'll buy food? Please?”
Zac wanted to.
But it wouldn’t just be with Scott…
“I can’t, I have stuff to do.”
Scott looked disappointed. “I’m sorry I bit you…”
Zac smiled a bit amused, even through his melancholy and the massive pounding in his skull. “It’s ok, I forgive you just this once.”
Scott smiled a little, but he could spot something in his friend’s eyes, something he’d never seen there before. Something was wrong with Zac.
“Zac, please tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing, besides the heavy metal concert going on in my brain.”
“You know for an actor you're the worst damned liar.”
“Don’t you worry about me Scottie boy.“ Zac kissed him on the forehead and got up. He had to get out of there and away from Scott.
Scott wasn’t convinced one tiny bit. “Why won’t you tell me?” he sat up, a worry line gracing his forehead. “Is it because of last night? Did I do something? Did Mitch do something?
“No, no Scott last night was… a drunken mess, but no you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Then tell me!”
There’s nothing to tell” Zac put on his actor face..that face he put on when he was uncomfortable, and shutting everything real out and putting on a fake front.
Scott recognized it immediately, and felt incredibly hurt. It had been a long, long time since Zac had pulled that up on him, not since they'd first met.
Zac was always honest and upfront with him. Zac trusted him.
But not with this…whatever it was.
Zac was busying himself with finding his shirt and then getting his shoes on when a sound turned their head towards the bedroom just in time to catch a naked Mitch running to the bathroom.
Zac made a face as the sound of Mitch's retching filled the room.
Scott shook his head. What had they been thinking drinking so much.
He was into his thoughts but was pulled out of them when he felt lips on his forehead again, lingering as if they wouldn’t see each other for awhile.
He looked up at Zac.
Something was in his eyes and it was dark...and hurt…and so incredibly sad that it tugged Scott’s own mood down with it.
“Happy Birthday Scott” and then he was gone.
Scott’s mind was still trying to function properly and it was protesting the large amount of thinking he was requiring of it.
He had no idea what was in Zac’s head, or what had made him so upset. He tried again for a bit to remember the previous nights activities, but the sound of Mitch's stomach turning over again brought him out of his analysis of the situation. He got up and went into the bathroom to take care of the other man in his life.
Seven hours and a shower later and they both finally felt like people again.
Scott was too deep in his thoughts of Zac to ask Mitch if he remembered, well that and he wasn’t sure if he’d done something he wasn’t supposed to. Well obviously he’d done something because he’d been sucking on Zac’s neck, but Mitch had apparently done it too. He was more worried about why his best friend wasn’t talking to him, and if it wasn’t last night then what the hell could it have been.
Mitch remembered.
He remembered every damn detail. He was replaying it all in his head. Over and Over and OVER.
He remembered how it had felt to kiss Zac, to have him in his mouth... heavy on his tongue. He remembered how exciting it felt.
He wished Zac had joined them in the bedroom, but maybe it was better this way. But he would have the memories.
The excitement... the heat... the FEELINGS…
Both men were quiet. And somehow, even though both were thinking about it, neither spoke aloud of it.
After a couple of days… the night, for Scott, was left alone. For Mitch it was confined to his memories, fantasies and his dreams.
And that was the end of it.
Sort of...
For Zac, it was all he could think about. For days he wondered where he had lost Scott. He would lock himself in his house when he wasn’t working and just read a book to forget about it, to escape and think of something other than Scott.
Scott called, he called a lot. For once instead of Scott ignoring him, being too busy for him.
Zac ignored him.
For everyone it triggered something.
A change…
A shift in everything.
None of them would ever realize it, but that night was the cause of the entire series of events that followed.
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