Ch 28. Fun Time is Over
Naughty bits - lots of them. Also some language and allusions. I'll make a watered down version as well for those who aren't comfortable w/ it. :)
(Sorry for the length guys - it was insanely long and this is about as cut down as I can get it at this point lol)
Also - apologies for spelling and grammatical errors as i haven't had time to edit properly yet. Will do after a bit of food :) Good luck making it through this LOL
Weeks passed; a month, then two.
Neither boy brought up the ‘subject’ again. Both were too afraid of the consequences, but they both constantly thought about it.
Even Zac kept quiet about it figuring it had all been resolved and was honestly not that disappointed.. The aftermath of something like that would have been catastrophic.
Scott found himself spending much more time with his friend and on a couple of occasions all three of them had hung out together and things had gone really well.
Zac had even shown up for Mitch's birthday bash, the same birthday bash that Mitch had barely made it through before he was piss ass drunk and Kirstie & Scott had to drag him home early from.
Now it was Scott’s birthday, but he didn’t want anything large like Mitch's insane over the top party. So the trio & Zac and a couple of others from the studio went out to a club.
Scott was getting pretty toasty…more like trashed. So was Mitch, and even more so than he had been at his own party. And, although she was supposed to be the designated driver, Kirstie had left tipsy behind about 2 long island’s ago.
So Zac had to play responsible and gather them all up and drive Kirstie’s car back to their place. He didn’t really mind. He had left his car at Scott’s and he had to drive home from there anyway, so he hadn’t been able to really drink in the first place.
Scott kept giggling. Mitch kept protesting. Apparently Scott was randomly poking Mitch all over his chest. "Stop it. Stop it! I hate it! Stop. Sttoooppp."
Kirstie kept telling Zac that he was so sexy and she'd just reach over and start twirling her fingers through his hair as he drove, staring at him dreamily.
It was an interesting ride home.
He managed to get Kirstie to her room with minimal effort, but Mitch and Scott were proving to be much more of a problem. Mitch kept randomly pinning Scott against things and trying to kiss him, but Scott would giggle and try to push him away. The short elevator ride almost turned into a fiasco and Zac finally had to toss Mitch over his shoulder and made his way to their door, Scott trailing behind with a few protests and a large pout.
Mitch couldn’t stop giggling. “You have the best ass I think I’ve ever seen!” Mitch laughed from over his shoulder and he reached down to grab it.
“Scott, you had better really appreciate the things I do for you.” Zac grumbled a bit as he waited for his friend to fish around in his pockets trying to find the keys.
Mitch slid his hand into Zac’s back pocket. Zac shifted his eyes to the ceiling.
Please grant me patience. I’m going to really, really need some.
Zac eventually gave up on Scott ever finding his keys as he watched him discover an old movie ticket that had obviously been left in his jeans when they'd been washed and he was trying to make out the movie that had been mostly removed and crinkled over. He sighed before reaching right down into Scott’s back pocket and then his front and pulled out the key.
Scott didn’t even seem to notice.
He got them both inside and sat Mitch down on the couch. Scott moved to sit next to him.
“It’s mah BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!” Scott grinned at him, slurring his words just a bit.
“YAYYY!!!” Mitch grinned and climbed into his lap, but was almost immediately dumped into a heap on the floor as Scott stood.
“THERE’s A bottle of KITCHEN in the CAPTAIN….!!”
Zac looked at him funny. He'd never really seen Scott THIS drunk before. He wondered if he even knew what he was even talking about, but then he realized he’d transposed his words.
“I think you’ve had enough.”
“Nuh uh! its mah birttthdayyy and I can have as MUCH as I want! And I want rrrrrrrum” He rolled the R and Zac couldn’t help but laugh and shake his head watching his friend.
Mitch was laying on the floor laughing and couldn’t seem to catch his breath. “You…. Yoouuuuuu…..”
Scott looked at him and just burst into giggles again.
“You sound like… you look like Cap’nnnjacksparrow…” Mitch managed to slur out between his bouts of laughter, his face getting red.
Zac was highly amused. Scott DID kind of remind him of the infamous on screen pirate as he flung his arms about excitedly and teetered a little off center.
“RUM!” Scott squealed and disappeared into the kitchen.
Zac was busy helping Mitch off of the floor and into the recliner.
“You’re realllyyyy nice… and muscly.” He stroked Zac's chest as if he was petting a dog. Zac snorted. He wished he’d thought to bring a video camera because this would have been a blackmailer’s dream. “Sooo pretty. Like reallllyyy pretty. I’m renaming you Pretty.”
Mitch gave him a dimpled grin and Zac shook his head. “I’ve been called worse.”
Scott returned with the alcohol then, a bottle in each hand, the mouth of one firmly attached to his own and he was downing a bit.
“Heyyyy share!” Mitch reached and grabbed one, but Zac quickly took it from him.
“Both of you have had quite enough.” He put the vodka bottle on the kitchen counter and went to retrieve the rum bottle that Scott was so attached to. Scott just stared, almost in disbelief as Zac took it from his hand.
Mitch tilted his head, prepped and jumped at him and had Zac not been laughing so hard he would have been able to avoid him easily, but just the sight of Mitch lunging for him had set off his own laughter. He ended up on his back on the floor with Mitch on top of him trying to grab for the rum bottle.
Scott quickly joined the fray and the bottle changed to his hand. “Drink with us!”
“I have to drive home.”
“No you don’t, idiot!” Scott poked at him.
Mitch was holding him down, or at least he thought he was holding him down. Zac just happened to not be fighting back.
“Scott…” Zac warned, knowing things were about to take a turn he wasn’t ready for.
Scott kneeled next to his face. “We have a bed. Now open your mouth.”
Zac opened his mouth to protest, but said open mouth was quickly filled with rum. He nearly choked but managed to swallow the large amount of alcohol. He coughed a bit and made a face.
“See its good!”
“Yeah, wonderful” Zac coughed out. This was not going as planned.
Mitch grabbed the bottle from Scott’s hands and took his own giant sip.
Zac was the only one aware of the situation. He had Scott next to him, Mitch straddling his hips…
It was too close for comfort, or actually too comfortable for comfort.
Staying would be a really, really bad idea and he had absolutely no intention of risking further temptation.
Mitch leaned down over him and stared at his lips. “Open up, Pretty.” He was grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Zac didn’t open his mouth at first, just letting his eyes bore into Mitch's stubbornly. They couldn't seriously think that they were going to get him to cave....
“C’mooooonnnn” Mitch poked at his bottom lip… once... twice... rubbed his finger over it before slipping it past his lips to rest on his tongue. "so pretty..."
Zac was rendered immobile for a second, but he managed to get his wits about him and moved Mitch easily off of him before getting up.
This was getting out of hand. Deep breaths.
“You two need to go to bed.” He grabbed the bottle again.
He had to make sure they got in bed. If he didn’t he was afraid they’d leave the loft again and Lord only KNOWS what would happen to them.
Mitch didn’t seem to notice that Zac was trying to put an end to their little party.
“ooooHHHH I know what we need!!!! We need some MUSIC!” He hurried over to his IPod stereo system and after a bit of fumbling with the thing he pushed play.
Zac made a face as some EDM song came pouring through the speakers. Thankfully Kirstie, Scott & Mitch were the only ones who lived in this building or there would have probably been issues.
Mitch started singing and dancing along, eyes closed, spinning in circles for a second before just randomly moving.
Zac looked at Scott for help, but he was just watching with a raised eyebrow.
Mitch stopped dancing as he forgot the words to the song playing but he hopped up onto the coffee table and joined back in on the chorus as he danced around.
Zac eventually ended up cracking up on the couch as Mitch swung his head around in circles and waved his arms, completely into the song full on.
Scott dimmed the lights just for effect, giggles still pouring from his lips every now and then and Mitch seemed to only get more and more into it.
“Wait!” He stopped abruptly and stared at Scott. “We have Absinthe!”
“No!” Zac tried to think fast. There was NO way he was going to even entertain that idea. "Nope! Not gonna happen!"
Mitch pouted. “But it’s green.” He looked so sad.
“Don’t be sad! Be happy! Its my birthday. You know… HAPPY birthday. Because I’m Happppyyyyyy” Scott said walking over to him.
Mitch grinned and hopped down off of the coffee table and grabbed the blonde and pulled him against him. They hadn’t danced at the club together, Scott was still weird about public displays and even though the entire studio and all of their friends KNEW, he still hadn’t really announced it. But that didn’t matter here. Here he could dance with his boyfriend and everything would be good.
Scott grinned and Mitch sang to him while they moved against each other, hips moving perfectly in time. The song changed and eventually their dance turned into more of a messy make-out and grind session.
Zac shifted a bit in his seat.
The constant displays of affection were driving him crazy and slowly pulling him into a state of despondency. It was one thing to know Scott and Mitch were crazy in love, but watching them was a whole different monster.
He had to get out of there. He got up and searched for both of their car keys. If he could find those then he could hide them somewhere so they at least couldn’t drive anywhere tonight. Then he could leave them to do whatever the hell they wanted and he could make it home and safely drown his sorrows there. Alone.
He managed to locate Mitch's but not Scott's. He decided maybe he’d just ask.
“Skeeter, where are your car keys.”
“Hmmm???” The blonde turned his face towards Zac and he looked completely blown...lips red, eyes half open. “Why?”
“I haveta pee….” Mitch randomly announced and he pranced over the coffee table, jumped onto the couch and then over the back of it as he raced to the bathroom.
Scott laughed at Mitch, still feeling like he was on top of the world. He headed for Zac who still had the bottle of rum in his hand.
“You can’t steal my car. You’re not allowed to leave.” He wound his arms around Zac and pulled the short man against him.
Zac sighed. How is it that Scott could be so drunk and had spent hours in a smoky club but he still smelled amazing. This was not helping.
“Look, I need you guys to just go to the bedroom. You can rip each other’s clothes off or do whatever you want in there, but you have to stay in there.” He tried to get out of Scott’s arms and maneuver him towards the bedroom door, but Scott had other ideas.
“Ummmm, I’m not tired… and you need to drink more!” Zac certainly wasn’t expecting the agility or strength of the inebriated man and suddenly found himself on his back on the couch, a Scott shaped weight holding him down.
“Now, mouth open or I will make you open it.” Scott smirked at him, eyes sparkling.
How had Zac not noticed that Scott had obtained the glass bottle? Sneaky little shit. He perched up on his elbows, trying to assess the situation, but realized this wasn’t going to be as easy to get out of as it had been with Mitch. He watched Scott take another drink before he held the bottle up to his mouth. He didn’t have a choice and swallowed way more of the alcohol than he wanted.
Scott grinned, pleased with himself and took another sip.
This game continued for a few rounds until Zac was sure he wasn’t going to be safe to drive anymore. At that point he just decided to take the bottle again. Scott got off of him and started dancing by himself to the music still playing, his eyes closed, body moving like liquid.
Zac’s chest felt like it was being pressed by a massive weight. If this was a test of some sort he wasn’t sure he was going to pass. He looked at the bottle in his hand and then again at the man who was in his own little world. He hated rum, but there was a different bottle he’d just put in the kitchen. The rum was nearing its end anyway. He retrieved the vodka he’d previously put away and returned to his position on the couch.
Let them have their fun. He could drown his sorrows right here.
They could scrape up his remains in the morning.
After one long burning shot, he reached out and hooked a finger into Scott’s back belt loop and pulled him down on the couch, his back against him.
He wrapped his arms around the tall man, the alcohol now swimming in his bloodstream.
Scott giggled and shifted to get comfy.
“Did you have a good birthday?” he whispered into his ear.
Scott grinned. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
Scott relaxed and they just lay like that for awhile.
Scott finally realized that Zac had a new bottle in his hand. “Zebra! You gotta share!!!” He took it and made a face as the vodka hit his tongue. “Tastes like acid!”
Zac laughed a bit. He didn’t drink very often and he was already way past his threshold. He could feel the sluggishness spreading through him.
At this point he didn’t care what the hell happened, he just wanted Scott to stay right there.
“Scott… I—"
“I’m BACK!” Mitch leapt straight onto the couch and on top of Scott sandwiching him between them. Zac just barely managed to get the bottle out of harm's way.
“Hi!” Mitch beamed cutely, now wearing a bear onesie. “Are my cheeks red? Cuz they feel hot.” He put his hands on his cheeks feeling them. “I changed from an otter to a bear! Get it!?! I’m a bear now!”
Scott laughed. “Your bear cheeks are pretty” He put his hands over Mitch’s hands and grinned.
Mitch went for Scott’s mouth again. They both seemed to forget that Zac was trapped beneath them.
But he, of course, couldn't forget it. He could only watch them and wallow in his own misery.
He needed another drink.
He took another swig, wincing at the kick. Mitch spotted the bottle and pulled away from Scott’s mouth enough to grab it.
“You guys should really go to bed. I’m sure you want to continue this in the bedroom.” He had to try again.
Mitch just looked at him with a suggestive smirk.
Scott tried to angle his head to see him over his shoulder. “Not yet! Fun time is now, sexy time is later! I say so!”
“Yeah! Fun time is now! Oooo let’s play a game! I love playing games!” Mitch suggested, taking a drink.
“Me too!” Scott smiled.
Zac's heartbeat quickened. Whatever game Mitch had in mind he was sure it wasn't Monopoly.
And he was sure it would only lead to trouble.
“What kind of game?” Scott felt hazy, horny… and hot…
Also so incredibly happy.
Mitch crawled to the opposite end of the couch allowing Scott to sit up properly in the middle, moving off of Zac who sat up as well.
“Truth or dare!!! It’s fun! I’ll start!” Mitch responded without taking a breath, let alone waiting for a response. “Scott… truth or dare.”
Scott grinned. “Dare! Its my birthday!!! I feel dangerous!”
“I dare you to kiss me” Mitch grinned as if he was proud of himself…
Scott shook his head and pulled him in for a kiss that seemed never-ending.
Zac watched quietly. He was willing to bet that they would forget he was even there if he didn’t move. Mitch eventually pulled back with drunken grin and Scott smiled cutely.
“Bellina, truth or dare…”
“Dare! Only wussies pick truth!” Mitch said with extra sass.
“Fine, I dare you to kiss Zac!”
So much for being forgotten.
“Scott, I don’t think-” Zac didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence because Mitch had pushed the bottle into Scott’s hands and crawled over his lap quickly and was pushing Zac back against the arm of the couch again, the hood of his bear onesie falling back off of his head.
Zac blinked at him, not able to think quickly enough to decide what he should do. He hadn’t thought Mitch would actually do it, but here he was climbing on top of him, grinning down at him, hair still perfectly placed despite everything that had already happened.
He leaned his face close to Zac’s, rolling his bottom lip beneath his teeth.
Then a mouth was on his, a tongue forcing its way into his mouth. He couldn’t help himself when he kissed back, hands moving to sit on Mitch’s hips.
The last guy he'd kissed had been Scott. Scott was who he was used to...
Kissing Mitch was very different, but good. Mitch was much more persistent than Scott had ever been, and his small hand moved to Zac’s chin to simultaneously hold him in place and also tilt him the way he wanted him.
He was obviously not shy about anything happening at the moment.
It was good...and Zac was drunk… and horny.. and melancholy.
And this was just fun, who cared if it was probably really wrong.
He heard movement and wanted to pull away to see, but Mitch's hand and mouth kept him in place firmly.
When they finally parted, Mitch’s eyes burned into his, glazed with a new emotion. Scott had moved to the floor to sit on his knees next to the couch so he could get closer and watch the two. His eyes were locked on Zac’s face, staring.
Zac wasn’t sure what to do. He felt a bit like a piece of meat between two ravenous dogs. His brain was still sounding off warning bells, despite his alcohol consumption. He tried to think of what to do or say, but he couldn’t seem to get his thoughts to come together.
"Guys, this has been fun, but I don't think-"
Mitch silenced him with two fingers against his lips, eyes sparkling. “Scotty” he whispered out, voice husky, his face still close to Zac’s, eyes never leaving him. His eyes narrowed, his lips sliding up into mischievous grin. “Don’t you want to kiss the Pretty.” He ran his thumb over Zac’s bottom lip before he sat up, still straddling Zac’s hips.
Scott didn’t even hesitate and he slid his fingers through Zac’s hair and hovered over him, crashing his lips to his desperately.
They hadn’t done it in so long and it just felt magnetic. The energy that was dancing between them... it was electric.
Scott missed contact with Zac and right then he just wanted more...to get closer, to touch him, to taste him.
Zac just missed everything about Scott, but especially this. He felt the connection immediately, just like he always did when he and Scott came together.
Their tongues knew this dance by heart.
Scott didn’t want to pull away. Everything felt so fuzzy, hazy… like a dream…
He felt like his entire body was buzzing… humming…
They both lost track of Mitch, drowning in only each other, until Scott felt him wrapping his arms around him… kissing the back of his neck, sliding his hand up under his shirt.
Scott could feel Zac pulling back, but no he wasn’t done with him or that mouth yet.
He held on to his neck and didn't let him get more than an inch away before he pressed them together again and held fast. Zac could only grin against his lips as they met again.
Zac shifted onto his side on the edge of the couch so he could have better access more comfortably.
Mitch watched them as his hands explored Scott. It was literally like one of his dreams had come to life right there in his living room. It was no secret that Mitch LOVED boys, and damn if he didn’t have two of the absolute hottest making out like their lives depended on it right in front of him.
He moved his lips to that spot on Scott’s neck, that spot that always got a reaction... the spot that he'd first marked him. As soon as he let his tongue flick over it, Scott groaned into Zac’s mouth.
The sound caused him to twitch in excitement.
Finally, Scott was out of breath and he released Zac and sat back on his heels. Mitch used the opportunity to pull Scott's shirt up and off.
Scott still hadn’t diverted his attention from Zac. “Down.” He pulled at Zac, his voice gravelly, low and demanding.
Zac hesitated. His brain was still putting up one hell of a fight despite the fact that it was slowly becoming nebulous like a lava lamp.
Guess “fun time” is over…
He started to sit up on the couch, ready to distance himself, but Scott had grabbed a hold of his arm and pulled. He slid off of the couch ungracefully, and once on the floor he leaned back against it. Scott began immediately pulling at his clothing, tugging at his shirt and with a bit of help managed to get it off.
“Scott, this isn’t a good idea…”
“Don’t care. It’s my birthday. Want you. You're my present.” Scott attacked his mouth again.
Mitch was just watching, content, but suddenly very, very hot. The onesie was lost after just a couple of minutes, and he moved over to the others, now completely nude and unashamed.
He began to fumble with getting Zac’s shoes off then moved on to his belt, finally able to get it open and then won the war against the button that wanted to stay buttoned. He had one thing on his mind and he was going to get it.
No one seemed to be thinking about the consequences, except maybe Zac, but that was only until Mitch’s mouth was hot and wet around him and then even he surrendered to the two men who were using him as they pleased.
Zac was new territory for Mitch, new and gorgeous and exciting. He was messy, but thorough.
Scott was totally aroused by this point. He turned his eyes to see what Mitch was up to and smiled as he watched his boyfriend at work. Mitch really was beautiful like that, as vulgar as it was, with his pink stretched lips and his upturned eyes, looking from Zac to Scott, unsure of what he wanted to rest his gaze on.
Scott crawled over next to Mitch, whispering dirty words of encouragement in his ear, kissing his neck… down his back. Something about this scene made something come over him and he moved close to watch Mitch’s mouth again as it slowly drove Zac insane. He slid his hand up the back of Mitch’s neck and to the back of his head, pushing him down further. Mitch didn’t complain, but was happy that Scott didn’t hold him there for too long. Zac, to his credit, managed to stay mostly composed, save the obscenities and deep noises coming from his throat.
When Scott pulled Mitch away from his current activities and melded their mouths again, Zac took the pause to try and get himself together again. He tried to locate the bottle, and found it safely next to the couch, discarded by Scott at some point. He grabbed it and drank, hoping to shut off the voices in his head telling him this was a mistake, that this was wrong.
But he couldn’t shake it. The feeling sat heavy and he tried not to watch the two in front of him. He got to his knees, eyes searching for his lost boxerbriefs and jeans, but a lot had happened when he had turned his focus away, and suddenly he felt fingers thread through his hair, getting a grip onto it. His head was yanked back a bit forcefully...
He looked up to the now nude man standing in front of him. His mouth was open slightly, breath coming out heavily, his lips still red and puffy.
He stared up at Scott expectantly.
Scott felt powerful. He didn’t know why, but it felt amazing.
Zac Efron here at his feet, here at his mercy to do with as he pleased.
“Open.” He demanded.
Zac knew what Scott wanted, it was staring him in the face. He kept his eyes on him as he opened his mouth and Scott pushed himself into the vacant space with groan of satisfaction.
He knew what Scott liked. He’d taken care of Scott on many occasions, but never like this… never on his knees.. never with Scott holding him by the hair, controlling every motion, forcing him to do as he wanted.
It was sexy as fu¢k.
He didn’t hold back, pulling out all the tricks he knew Scott liked, knowing full well what would send him over the edge.
Scott was mesmerized, his eyes never leaving the incredible sight in front of him. Zac had never let him do this before, never let him dominate him. It was a rush.
Mitch, meanwhile, had moved over on his knees to Zac again and pressed up behind him, his hands sliding anywhere on the other’s body that he could get his hands on, finally wrapping his fingers around his target and grinding himself against his backside. He ran his teeth along the side of Zac's neck, picking a spot and working the skin there. He tugged at Zac's ear w/ his teeth. "God, I wanna ride you until I turn inside out," he growled out.
Zac's response was a low, throaty groan in his chest and he reached a free hand behind him, just resting it on Mitch's side... needing to feel skin.
Mitch kept up what he was doing, watching Zac’s mouth moving over Scott.
He looked up at his boyfriend's face.
He is so beautiful.
He moved away from Zac and stood, moving behind Scott and kissing his back.
Scott knew he was closing in on his end and he pulled Zac’s head back and off of him, tilting it slightly so he looked up at him again. He licked his own lips and pulled upwards, causing Zac to get to his feet to stand in front of him. They locked eyes and Scott felt his heart flutter, the want swimming in blue eyes that matched his own. He wasn’t ready to give up the power yet and he kept his iron grip on the other man’s hair.
Zac stared up into eyes that, in this light, looked like liquid mercury. He felt weak beneath that stare. He didn’t even care what the hell was happening or what Scott did to him. He'd gladly give him whatever he wanted.
Scott wrapped his free arm around Zac's waist, pulling him flush against him and then pulled Zac’s hair back again so his neck was exposed fully, back arched slightly.
"Mine". It was more growl than speech, but Zac heard it loud and clear. Scott's mouth attacked the expanse of sensitive skin on the opposite side of where Mitch had left his own mark.
Zac’s eyes rolled back in his head. He could feel another set of hands intermittently touching wherever they could but Scott’s hand had slid to his bottom, and he was driving him slowly insane.
Scott was intent on marking Zac and he earned a small gasp from him when he bit down, a bit overzealous, and accidentally broke the skin.
Zac just gasped out his name.
Mitch needed attention, he needed it horribly.
He pressed tiny kisses to Scott's back. He was done. He needed more than this playing around and he needed it now. It didn't matter if it was forwards, backwards, upside down... he just wanted it. Now.
“Baby... want you... now!”
Scott immediately released his hold on Zac who nearly fell without the support.
“Bedroom….” Mitch grunted out and grabbed Scott’s hand and pulled him hurriedly towards their room.
Scott went to turn his head back to look to see if Zac was following, but Mitch didn’t let him get his head fully turned before he’d grabbed his face in his hands and pressed his mouth against the other’s... pulling at him, walking backwards and leading Scott towards the bedroom.
Zac didn’t follow.
He just stood there watching them. He was only vaguely aware of the blood running down his neck.
He watched them trip a bit over themselves, but they eventually disappeared into the bedroom leaving the door open.
He wanted desperately to follow, but somehow the depression was pulling at him again.
He could hear them.
He located his underwear and pulled them back on. He winced and covered his injured neck with his hand as it started to tingle with pain now that his distraction was gone.
Every moan from Mitch, every demand that he could hear from Scott…killed him just a bit more.
He could see them in his mind.
Scott yelled for him to come in multiple times, he heard Mitch asking for “the Pretty” as well, but he didn’t dare move, and neither of them reappeared to retrieve him.
He felt ridiculous sitting there listening to Scott and Mitch. He didn’t feel the tears that slid down his cheeks as he located and pulled his jeans back on.
He spotted the bottle of vodka and collapsed onto the couch keeping it close.
He heard Mitch yell out...
He hated being there.
He hated Mitch for having what should have been his.
He hated himself for not finding a way out earlier, and also for letting things get this far.
He hated himself for wanting to join them, and he also hated himself for not having the courage to follow them into the bedroom.
He laid down and tried to tune them out, however the last sound he heard before sleep claimed him…was the sound of Scott… calling Mitch's name.
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