Ch 26. Push
Have you ever been in a relationship that was so perfect… a relationship that always seemed to be on a positive note?
Have you ever just been waiting and waiting for something to go wrong, just because things can’t really be this good without a catch?
And just because…
you cause that something to happen...
just because…
It’s inevitable… mine as well get it over with.
Mitch liked, no LOVED, to push at Scott just to try and see what he would do.
He’d ask Scott to do something that made absolutely no sense like washing the dishes instead of using the dishwasher - like driving to the studio even though it was only about 10 minutes away on foot - like going to pick up the pizza instead of having it delivered...
He liked to borrow Scott’s things without asking just to see if he would get upset.
He borrowed his shoes, he borrowed his hats, his shirts.
He liked to invade Scott’s privacy, hopping into the shower with him, always being right in his personal space.
He’d been trying to figure out where Scott had hidden his journal. He’d seen him writing in it, but damned if he could find it.
He liked to move things around or leave things lying about just so Scott would go behind him and fix it or clean up after him.
His loft had never been so clean. It was spotless.
Now, Mitch didn’t even know why he was doing these things. It was possibly to get a reaction, but Scott, though sometimes he’d question him ... if Mitch put up a fight… Mitch always won.
Scott never confronted him about anything. Scott never complained. Scott never stood up for himself.
And even though it may sound crazy, Mitch sort of wished he would.
He loved being with Scott. He loved everything about Scott but, still….
He always let Mitch pick the movies, he always let Mitch pick where they ate, he always let Mitch choose where they went, what they did, who they spent time with.
He hated to admit it, but maybe asking Scott to move in was a mistake.
He missed the way Scott used to be. There was mystery and there was a dynamic that seemed to disappear in the 3 months they’d been living together.
Mitch still loved Scott more than anything and Scott obviously loved him, but ever since Zac had moved 45 minutes away, Scott had turned into a Stepford wife. It was weird.
Mitch didn’t always wanna be right. He didn’t want to always choose. He didn’t want to always win.
For some reason he didn't even think to just EXPLAIN that to Scott. Instead he tried to come up with a way to fix it on his own.
Maybe he would ask for something outrageous, something that Scott couldn't agree to... something he knew Scott WOULDN’T agree to…
But what?
Scott had just settled down on the couch after an extra hard day at the studio.
He was thankful for the shower he’d just taken and the clean pair of shorts and tank he was now wearing. He hated feeling sweaty and dirty.
He'd just started to doze off when Mitch appeared out of nowhere and laid out over top of him. He smiled a bit as Mitch laid his head on his chest.
“Hello to you too.” He ran his fingers through Mitch’s freshly washed hair.
“Hey, Boo. So, I want to run something by you.” He adjusted so his chin lay on Scott’s chest so he could look up at his face.
Scott looked back at at him. “What is it?”
“You’re gonna be mad…” He chewed on the inside of his lip, unsure whether to be nervous or excited that he was going to finally get a reaction out of Scott.
“I won’t be mad. I mean, as long as you’re not breaking up with me or kicking me out I won’t be mad.”
“I think you will.” Mitch inwardly smirked as he watched the worry line appear on Scott’s forehead.
“Tell me…”
He turned his eyes up to Scott, took a deep breath and spit it out.
“I wanna have a threesome…”
“Is this a joke?” Scott’s eyes narrowed a bit as he tried to gauge Mitch’s expression, but when he realized he was serious his eyes widened with surprise. He was stunned into momentary silence. He tried, but no sound came, his mouth moving like a fish out of water.
“No. I just really want us to have a threesome. Y’know just for fun. Not like one of those freaky three-way relationships, I am NOT into that. Just a one time use em’ and lose em’ type of deal. It’ll be fun.”
“Bu…. Wha… with who?”
“I dunno. Someone hot. Maybe we can go out to a club, find someone cute… ”
“Mitch, I don’t think picking up a random stranger sounds like fun.”
Mitch put on his best puppy dog pout, complete with sad eyes. He'd found it worked on Scott for nearly everything he ever wanted.
“It won’t mean anything and it will just be once, you know… it’ll just be for fun.”
Scott didn’t want to. Not even one tiny single bit. It would be weird and who the hell would they find to have a threesome with? There was no way he was trusting some strange man with Mitch. No way in hell.
“You’ll never find anyone who will want-”
“I think I know someone who would!”
Scott’s face showed even more surprise. Mitch had already been searching. He’d found someone. He’d apparently been thinking about this for awhile.
But worst of all, Mitch was dead serious.
“Oh, hell no! You can't be serious!” Scott’s mind flew into reverse and he firmly refused before he could even think it through.
THE Kyle? The one that Kirstie always brought up and compared him to. THE Kyle that Mitch HIMSELF would sometimes bring up and compare him to? The guy with the perfect tanned skin and perfect American Eagle model looks?
THAT Kyle?
“Fine. Then I know someone else.”
“Mitch I really don’t-”
“It’s someone you know and trust and someone you’ve already slept with so it won’t be a big deal.”
This was going to be amazing. He pushed further, fishing for the reaction. He’d nearly squealed with joy when Scott had refused Kyle with fervor.
A reaction… jealousy…and refusal…
It was a start.
“You want to bring Angel into this!???????” Scott was bewildered.
“Do I LIKE girls!? No, crazy town. Zac.”
Scott froze. Zac. He felt a tiny ache in his heart. He’d come clean to Mitch about his “secret” relationship with Zac years ago, but he’d conveniently left out any of the times that they’d continued their “stress relief” throughout he and Angel’s relationship.
He really missed Zac so much. He barely spoke to him anymore.
He was filming for a movie now, so he was on set most of the time. At least it was right there in LA so he wasn’t REALLY far away, but he was always busy.
He had only visited Scott once and Scott had only visited him once and that had been on set and Mitch had come along to see what it was like; he’d wanted the opportunity to meet the actors and actresses and just be star struck. He hadn't really had an opportunity to spend time alone with him.
Scott missed living with Zac. He missed the talks they’d have, he missed the advice Zac used to give. He would really like his advice on THIS. But Zac wasn’t here.
Without Zac, and without Angel, who things were still really off-kilter with, Mitch and Kirstie were really all he had.
He wouldn’t do anything to upset Mitch. He couldn’t lose him too. He’d be alone.
He didn’t want to be alone.
“Zac is really busy.”
“I’m sure he’d find time for us.” Mitch scooted up to kiss his chin and his neck trying to soften him up.
This is it! He’s gonna refuse. He’s gonna flip any second now and then everything will go back to normal!
Mitch waited for it. He already had his tantrum planned out.
“Alright. But only with him and only if he agrees.”
Mitch's mouth hung open.
Scott agreed.
It made no sense. The rationality was…
What was wrong with him?
He'd agreed... but he could tell he didn't like it. He wasn't happy about it all.
“I’m gonna go get dinner, i’ll be back in a few.” Scott slid out from under him and got up.
Mitch was too dumbfounded to really say anything. He had been so sure Scott would refuse.
Now what was he going to do now that he’d agreed. He pouted to no one but himself as Scott walked out the door without even a kiss goodbye.
Scott needed air. LOTS of air.
Zac was going to kill him! Maybe he’d refuse…
He would probably refuse.
Scott could practically hear him saying that he wouldn’t be used to fulfill Mitch's strange fantasies.
He could only hope.
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