Chapter One
Fifty years later...
Choromatsu sat down on top of a stack of books, inhaling the sweet scents coming from his cauldron.
His skin had begun to age, so he decided to attempt to create a rejuvenating potion. He had attempted to do such in the past, but the potion wore off after a week.
"I could always sprinkle some parsley in to make it taste better..." Choromatsu thought, leaning closer to the cauldron, sniffing it more.
As he leaned forward, several of the books shifted beneath him, falling backwards. Choromatsu crashed onto the floor, landing on a stiff, thick book.
Cursing, Choromatsu pushed himself back up, bringing the book he landed on with him.
Carefully, Choromatsu opened the book up, not recognizing it at first. But the moment he saw the signature at the front of it, he knew exactly who it belonged to.
"Osomatsu..." Choromatsu muttered, remembering the day he lost his only friend. "you died, didn't you...?"
With the journal under his arm, Choromatsu stacked the books up again and sat right back down.
Crossing one leg over the other, Choromatsu flipped through the old pages, smiling as he remembered Osomatsu explaining all these dragons to him.
"Those were the good times," Choromatsu sighed.
On the very final page in the back of the book, Osomatsu had sketched a cute cartoon of him, his large, red dragon, and his friend Choromatsu. They all seemed so happy, close to one another.
"Goodness!" Choromatsu exclaimed, beginning to miss his friend again. Even though he had survived alone for years in his little cottage, he never truly got over the disappearance of his friend.
Holding the book above his head, Choromatsu gazed up at it, tears welling up in his eyes.
"I'm too old for this," he sighed, closing the book. As he did such, his stack of books toppled over again, only this time, towards the cauldron.
Fearful of burning himself, Choromatsu flew backwards, but accidentally threw Osomatsu's old journal at the same time.
The ancient book landed inside the thick, milky colored substance within the pot, sinking to the bottom.
"NO!" Choromatsu screamed out in anger. Soon, his anger turned to surprise as clouds of smoke began to pour over the edges of the cauldron.
Then, thick, red curled horns emerged from the surface, as did an entire body, which also seemed to have red, dragon-like wings attached to the back.
Flopping down onto the floor at Choromatsu's feet, the dragon person breathed heavily, gasping for air every few seconds. Their eyes were squeezed shut and their wings were trembling in fear.
"W-W-W-W-Wh-Wh-Wha-What...." the dragon-person choked, some of the thick, milky colored substance Choromatsu had concocted, dripping out of his mouth. "J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-Jus-Jus-Jus-Jus-Jus-t....Just...? Ha-p-pen-ed...? To me?"
"His words are all broken up...let alone, what the heck is this thing?! A dragon-human?! I'm already in danger- I've stayed hidden for years, but this dragon...thing...Is gonna get me into huge trouble if someone finds it!!" Choromatsu began to panic, staring down at the wet creature on his floor.
The dragon-person pushed himself up with his arms, using his wings to balance a little. Though, his eyes remained shut.
"I-I-I-I!" the dragon-person choked out more of Choromatsu's concoction. "I'm O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O...."
"That's a nice name," Choromatsu commented dryly, still watching the creature in absolute amazement. "Now, would you mind leaving before I g-"
"Osomatsu," the dragon-person spoke clearly, then returned to his broken up language. "M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Y-My n-na-na-na-nam-e i-s Oso-ma-tsu!"
"Osomatsu..." Choromatsu muttered. "That journal...brought you back to life?"
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