Chapter Four
"Stop right there!" a man in a full suit of armor ordered Osomatsu. He pulled out his sword and pointed it at the young dragon boy's throat. "Why are you hiding your face?"
"I have to think up something...and fast, too!" Osomatsu thought, beginning to panic a little. He hadn't expected to be caught so quickly. Only a few hours had passed, and he had made no progress on tracking down the one he wished to kill. That was slightly ironic, considering they were right in front of him. A little bit of age can majorly change the appearance of one.
"Speak up!" the knight ordered, pushing the tip of his sword closer to the boy's throat. "Or I'll report you to the king and have you thrown into the dungeons!"
"I-I-I...I'm s-sorry..." Osomatsu reached out his hand, forcing his hand to tremble more than the ordinary person would shake. "I-I've b-been s-so ill l-lately...but my grandson just w-w-w-w-wanted me to g-g-g-g-go visit him."
The knight sheathed his sword and removed his silver helmet. Pity filled the knight's eyes as he stared down at Osomatsu.
"I'm sorry to have threatened you, sir. My name is Karamatsu, the 'main knight' in these parts," the knight bowed politely. He then reached out his hand, offering to shake Osomatsu's.
The dragon boy declined this friendly gesture, backing away a little.
"H-H-He'll b-he wondering w-where I've gone..." Osomatsu croaked, trying his best to sound like an old man.
"What town does he live in?" Karamatsu inquired. "I could take you to him on my horse. It'd be much faster, sir."
"I-I-It's n-not far!" Osomatsu rasped, realizing he had absolutely no idea what the names of the surrounding towns were, let alone- the name of the city he was in.
"I see..." Karamatsu muttered. "Good day, sir!"
Osomatsu let out a sigh of relief once he heard the knight's armor clanking as he strode away.
"That was close..." Osomatsu breathed, feeling refreshed as a gust of wind hit him in the face.
Coughing a little, Osomatsu bent over, hands on his knees. He didn't understand why he was suddenly hearing shrill, terrified screams.
"DRAGON!" a little girl shrieked, running into the arms of her mother, beginning to sob out of fear.
"THERE'S A DRAGON!" a man yelled out. Karamatsu jerked his head around, speeding towards Osomatsu head-on.
Osomatsu came to the realization that his hood had come off, meaning his identity had been revealed. There was no point in wearing the heavy cloak anymore.
Ripping off the heavy fabric, Osomatsu stretched his wings before he pushed himself off the ground, flying away as fast as he could.
"GET BACK HERE!" Karamatsu yelled, his voice ten times deeper than it had been a moment ago. He pulled a spear out from his armor, aiming it at the dragon. But by the time he was ready to throw it, Osomatsu had disappeared into the trees.
Panting, Osomatsu rested on a sturdy, low branch of an old oak tree in the middle of one of the forests surrounding the city.
Holding his hand over his heart, Osomatsu inhaled and exhaled slowly, attempting to catch his breath.
"That was too close!" Osomatsu thought. "I could have been wonder Choromatsu warned me about this place. Everyone wants me dead here..."
Within moments after Osomatsu had flown away, Choromatsu stumbled weakly into the town, keeping his eyes focused on the ground. He didn't wish to stir up any sort of trouble. In fact, he just wanted to get Osomatsu then go back home.
"You!" Karamatsu hissed, racing towards the old mage. He picked Choromatsu up by his shoulders, shaking him violently. "Have you seen a red dragon-human in there parts?"
Choromatsu's heart began to pound in his chest. If people were looking for Osomatsu, that definitely meant he was recently in the area.
Being the honest man he was, Choromatsu shook his head and replied, "No, I'm sorry. I was just looking for him m-myself...Would you help me find him?"
Karamatsu threw Choromatsu to the ground and spat on him.
"You want me to help you?" Karamatsu laughed. "That-That's just insane!"
"PLEASE!" Choromatsu choked loudly. "He means no harm!"
"All dragons and creatures related to such were banned from this town years ago! And mind you," Karamatsu bent down to the ground, glaring directly into Choromatsu's eyes, whispering the last bit of his sentence, "all mages were put to death, too."
Choromatsu stiffened, unease growing in his stomach. He looked away from Karamatsu's glare, fearful that he had been found out, as well.
"I must say," Karamatsu continued, his voice as cold as ice as he stood back up. "I've always been a good, noble man! I will help you find your little...friend, Choromatsu."
"H-How..." Choromatsu wheezed.
"The book of magicians had a page of each and every magician in this land. But you were never removed from that book," Karamatsu snapped. "In honor of your slyness over the years...I'll accompany you on your journey to find this beast."
Choromatsu lifted himself back up, using his large staff. He didn't want Karamatsu to help him, fearing there would be major consequences if he did such. But, on the other hand, having two pairs of eyes was better than one.
"F-Fine..." Choromatsu muttered. He knew it would be best to just go along with everything Karamatsu had to say. If he didn't, his life could easily be ended. Choromatsu didn't want that at all. With Osomatsu back in his life now, he wanted to be with him until the end of time.
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