Chapter Ten
•••Jessica's POV•••
Who the hell could of sent these flowers? There isn't a note or anything on the bouquet. All it said was: TO JESSICA CURTIS. Yes Curtis was my last name. It was really strange but we didn't really care. Hey free flowers right?
Anyways, everyone was ready to head off to the beach. I was really excited because we always have the best time.
•••Cameron's POV•••
I'm a little suspicious about those flowers Jessica received earlier today. Could she have been cheating on me and some guy sent them to her? I don't know. Questions ran threw my mind. I really wanted to figure out who it is.
Right now we are at Venice skating around and just having a lot of fun. Everyone always has a blast when we go out all together.
We were walking down the street and saw a freak show happening. Jessica always liked this kind of stuff, I don't know why. She insisted that we all watch the show. I'll admit it was pretty cool. Girls swallowed swords, people broke Guinness book records, torches were juggled. I could see Nash looking sick when the girl swallowed a sword. He looked like he was gonna gag.
After the freak show, we went somewhere to eat. I forgot the name of the restaurant, but the food was pretty good. After dinner we all went home. Liz, Jes, and Emma we're going to sleep at Carter's and the guys and I are staying at my place. Liz insisted that they have a girls night.
When we got home, there was something unusual on the door step. It was a little box where you put rings. There was a tag that said: JESSICA CURTIS and a phone number on the back. Inside was a ring that had a tiny diamond.
"I'll call Jessica." Nash said getting his phone out.
"No stop. I'm gonna call this number and find out who she's been cheating on me with." I told them.
"Cam, you don't know if she's heard her today. She doesn't know who they're from" Carter tried to calm me down.
"I'm still calling the number." I took out my phone and dialed the number on the tag. I put my phone on speaker so Carter and Nash could hear too. The phone rang twice then a voice said, "I've been waiting for your call Jessica." They thought I was Jessica..I pretended to be her.
"Hello?" I said in the most feminine voice I could do.
"Wanna know who the gifts were from? Meet me at the following address tonight at 11. Come alone." Carter copied down the address.
"I'll be there." I said again in a feminine voice. They hung up.
"You're not actually going to this place are you?" Nash asked sounding a little worried.
"Of course I am. And don't tell Jessica." I didn't want them to tell her because then she would come. I don't want her getting hurt in any way.
"Then we're coming with you." Carter spoke up.
"Wait what? No we're not!" Nash was scared.
"Cmon Nash. What if Cam needs a little help?"
"Oh okay."
" Let's go" I said heading towards the door. We drove to this address and it led to an abandoned wear house on Sunset Blvd.
•••Liz's POV•••
The girls and I were having a girls night. The guys were staying at Jessica's house.
We were having a lot of fun. We painted each others nails, did facials, watched TFIOS, and had chocolate fondue. It was really fun and we haven't had a girls night in a while.
"Hey what do you think the guys are doing?" Jessica asked.
"Who cares!? We are not thinking about them tonight. Tonight is all about us!" I said with enthusiasm.
"Okay, but let me give Cam a call really quick." Jes worries about him too much.
•••Jessica's POV•••
I walked into another room and tried to call Cam. No answer. I called again. No answer. Let me try one more time. No answer. I got really worried at this point. I decided to call Carter, maybe he would pick up. I called him and thank god he answered.
•••Carter's POV•••
Cam got a few calls from Jes but he didn't want to answer.
When we walked into the wear house I got a call from Jes.
"Carter? It's Jes."
"Oh hey." I whispered.
"Why are you whispering?" I looked at Cam and he was telling me not to tell her.
"Um no reason."
"Can I talk to Cam? I called him but he didn't answer."
"Yeah here." I handed the phone to Cam.
•••Jessica's POV•••
"Hello?" He said.
"Cameron Alexander Dallas! I called you but you didn't answer."
"Sorry babe."
"What are you guys doing?"
Cam stayed silent.
"Babe I got to go."
I started getting really worried and scared.
"Cam you better tell me what's going on."
"Okay...I came home with the guys and there was a little box with a ring inside...addressed to you. On the tag there was a phone number and I called it and they thought I was you. So I pretended to be you and ten they said to meet them in this abandoned wear house on Sunset. Me and the guys are about to go in now. They said to come alone".
"Oh my god! Why would you actually go!?"
"I don't know!"
"I'm coming there right now! What's the address?"
"No Jes! You might get hurt!"
"It's okay babe...I'm coming with Liz and Emma. Wait for us outside."
"Okay..." I hung up and went to get Liz and Emma.
I told them the story and then we drove to Sunset Blvd. Emma said there was one abandoned building on Sunset so we went there.
We drove up into the drive way and I saw Cam's BMW. I went over to him and gave him a hug.
"Why'd you come?" He asked sounding really protective.
"I didn't want you getting hurt." I smiled and gave him a kiss. I told Liz, Emma, Nash, and Carter to stay behind and wait for us in the car.
Cam and I then walked inside the old building and it smelled horrible and it looked awful. There were torn down curtains and broken tables and parts of the ceiling we're on the floor. Wow.
"Hello?" I called out a little nervous, "It's Jessica! I'm here." I told everyone to be quiet so it would seem like I came alone.
Minutes later we heard footsteps.
"Well, well, well look who it is. Little Jessica. And you brought friends. Great."
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