Chapter Six
•••Cameron's POV•••
I feel like such an asshole for what I did to Jessica. That kiss really meant nothing. I'm so glad to have Jes in my life. She's so forgiving and just perfect.
•••Jessica's POV•••
After we kissed, we both walked home. I grabbed his hand. Our hands fit perfectly together. We walked in silence.
"Babe, I'm extremely sorry. That kiss meant nothing to me. I promise" Cam said pleading for forgiveness once again.
"Cam, it's okay. But please promise me Ariana is going to be out of your life for good." I asked me.
"I promise." He smiled at me and right when he said that we arrived home. Cam pulled out a key from his pocket. He opened the door and I saw something I absolutely did NOT want to see. Ariana.
"What are you still doing here?!" I growled.
"I came to get Cam back." She smiled like nothing even happened.
"Well that's just too bad honey, he's dating me" I said to her showing that Cam and I were still holding hands. She walked over to Cam and put her hands around his neck and whispered something in his ear. I glared at them. Cam instantly pushed her away when he saw me. I have him a dirty look and stormed off into the bedroom.
"Jessica!" I heard Cam call my name. I locked the bedroom door behind me and slid down the door. I put my face in my knees and cried a little. I was seriously drowning in my thoughts.
Cameron began knocking on the door, "Jes, Jes please open the door." I stayed quiet. "Jes please"
I only unlocked the door and then walked to the bed and just sat there. Cameron eventually walked in, "Hey". I didn't answer.
"I honestly did not know Ariana was still here." He said to me quietly.
"I know you didn't. It's just that, I hated seeing her hold you like that. That really hurt", a tear rolled down my face. He wiped it away.
"I'm sorry babe. I did not expect that." I could tell he was feeling really bad.
We sat in silence until I spoke up, "What did she say to you?"
He sighed and then finally said, "She told me she still has feelings for me and that she loves me." I cried a little more.
"Do you feel the same way?" It really hurt asking that.
"Of course I don't. You're the one I love."
"Cameron, I really want to believe you. I just don't know if I can yet. I mean, we did get into a relationship pretty fast. It was all so sudden. Maybe we should stay friends for a bit, then try again later." Saying that hurt even more. I really loved Cameron but I don't know if he still has feelings for Ariana or not.
I can see Cam's eyes were full of hurt. He then asked, "Will you still stay here in the room downstairs?"
"I think I should stay at Liz's or Emma's for now." I told him, "but don't worry, I'll still be around." I smiled and kissed his cheek. I stood up and walked out of the bedroom door and headed towards the front door.
I walked all the way to Liz and Carter's. It was 12:30 in the morning.. I called Liz to open the door. She opened the front door and saw my teary eyes.
"What happened Jes?" She pulled me in and gave me a big, tight hug.
"It's a long story." I sniffled.
"Come in. Staying here tonight?" She asked pretty much offering to let me spend the night.
"I mean, I guess...what choice do I have?" I laughed under my breath.
"So can you tell me what happened now?" She asked handing me a glass of water.
"Thanks. Um, so. When I walked home, I opened the door and saw Cam and his ex, Ariana-"
"Ugh her? I never liked her. She was such a bitch to me."
"Yeah. I saw them making out on the couch. I ran out the door and was gonna come here, but Cam caught up to me and we had this long talk and I forgave him...he told me he loves me. Then we walked home and found Ariana still at the house. I had a little fight with her and then she went to Cameron, she hugged him and whispered something in his ear and then I stormed off to the bedroom."
"Yeah that's not all... Cam and I talked a bit and I told him that we should just be friends for now."
"I'm so sorry Hun". Liz hugged me again. I cried into her shoulder.
•••Carter's POV•••
Liz got out of bed and let someone in the house so I decided to go check out who it was.
I walked out to the living room to find Jessica crying and Liz was comforting her.
"Hey what's wrong Jes?" I asked her. Liz explained to me the whole story. I felt really bad for her. She really loved Cameron.
•••Jessica's POV•••
Carter walked into the room Liz and I were in and asked if I was okay. Liz told him the story and then he came and gave me a hug.
Liz then spoke up again, "I'm sorry Jes, I know you really like him."
It was true. I am in love with Cam. He has been there ever since the day I ran away. I just didn't know what to do.
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