Chapter Nine
A/N: Sorry I haven't updated for a few days. This chapter is kind of short but I already have Chapter Ten written so I promise that one is longer. Enjoy Chapter Nine! <3
•••Jessica's POV•••
"What the hell are you doing here?" I yelled at the man standing on the front porch. That man was my crazy ex-boyrfriend.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he yelled back at me.
"Jessica, who's at the door?" Cameron asked walking over here. "Who's this?"
"My ex, Josh" I gave him a death stare.
"I heard you've been seeing another guy?" Josh asked me furiously.
"Why do you care?! We broke up months ago! You're crazy! You tried to get me killed! How'd you even find me!?"
"I think you need to leave" Cam gave him a push.
"Don't touch me! You're coming with me Jessica ." Josh grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door. Cameron punched Josh and pulled me back inside the house.
"You better get away from me before i call the cops. I am never going back with you!
He slapped me across the face. I realized he had a couple rings on and I felt a little bit of blood on my face. I was so pissed off at this point, I slapped him back and pushed him off the front porch and slammed the door.
I heard him say, "I will be back"
Cameron pulled me into a big hug. I did not want to pull away but another knock broke up the hug.
"If it's that asshole again, I'm gonna scream." I looked through the peep hole and saw Emma and Liz there. I opened the door and they both gave me a hug.
"Cameron texted and told us what was going on." Liz tried to comfort me.
"Don't worry Hun." Emma said.
"He said he would be back..." I sniffled.
"I wont let him touch you" Cam sounded a little worried.
Emma and Liz went home about an hour later and Cam and I went to bed. We cuddled together and I drifted away to sleep thinking about what had just happened to me.
-Two Days Later-
•••Josh's POV•••
I wanted to teach Jessica a "lesson". She was a bitch and everything. I walked to the usual bar I go to every night. It was packed. I walked up to the bar tender.
"6 shots of vodka" I requested. "Let's see how can I get revenge on that little brat." I said under my breath. Apparently somebody heard me.
"You need to get revenge on someone?" A girl asked me. She looked about 18.
"Yeah, my ex Jessica. She's hanging out with this Cameron guy and I just want her gone."
"I know her. She stole my boyfriend. I'll help you. I'm Abigail."
"Josh." We shook hands, "So what's the plan?"
"Don't worry about it. Once we have Jessica out of the picture I can get Cameron back. And you will have your revenge on Jessica."
"Okay, whatever. Give me a call if you need anything." I wrote my number on a napkin and give it to Abigail, then drank all 6 shots of vodka and left the bar.
•••Jessica's POV•••
I woke up at 10 in the morning and saw that Cam wasn't in bed. Where could he be? He never wakes up before 10. Oh well. Maybe he's downstairs or something. I took a quick shower and changed into some black joggers and one of Cam's oversized shirts. I put on a little bit of make up and walked down stairs. I called Cam's answer. I called Nash's name too and he didn't answer either. Hm, they probably went somewhere together. I shrugged and then went to make myself some food. I made myelf a bowl of fruity pebbles. While I was pouring the milk into the bowl, Cam and Nash popped out of no where and scared the shit out of me. Milk got everywhere.
"Oh my God! You guys made me spill!" I made a pouty face. Nash was cracking up. His laugh was funny. Cameron put his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. I played with his hair and then Nash said, "What do you guys wanna do today?"
"How about we get our nails done," I was joking.
"Hell no" Nash said in a really annoying way.
"Wanna get Emma, Liz and Carter and go to Venice?" Cam had the best ideas.
"Yes! Great idea babe. I'll call the girls." I walked to get my phone and give Liz and Emma a call, "okay, all set. They said they'd be over in an hour. I'm gonna go get ready."
"Why are you getting ready so early?" Nash asked.
"Nash, you try being a girl for a day...then you will understand." I walked to my dresser and picked out blue and white high rise shorts, a maroon t shirt and my black converse. I curled my hair and then got my penny board from under the bed. My penny board was purple and black and I ride it all the time. I thought that Cam would want his board too so I brought it down with me. I walked downstairs and handed Cam his.
"Aw sweet, you brought my board." He gave me a kiss on the nose.
"I knew you would want it." I kissed him.
I heard a knock at the door and I was too lazy to get up and open it so I yelled "its open". I turned to the door and saw Emma and Liz walk in. They had super cute outfits on. Liz was wearing a black skater skirt and white tank top. Emma was wearing dark wash high rise skinny jeans a white crop top.
"Hey, there's a dozen roses out on the doorstep. I think it's one if Cam's romantic gestures." Emma whispered to me. I walked out to the front of the apartment and saw a dozen red roses. I walked inside with the roses in my hands and went over to Cama and kissed him.
"Haha, what was that for?" He looked really confused.
"The beautiful roses." I smiled at him.
"Those aren't from me..."
"If they're not from you, then who are they from?"
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