Chapter Fifteen
•••Jessica's POV•••
You have got to be kidding me. I saw Cam kissing his ex, Ariana AGAIN.
He didn't see me walk in so I walked out of the restaurant with Liz and Emma.
"I'm done. I can't anymore! He promised me that Ariana is out of his life." I couldn't help but cry.
"I'm so sorry baby girl." Liz said comforting me.
"Liz can I please have your car key. I'm gonna go and get my stuff from his apartment. Please don't tell him." I did not want Cameron to know that I saw him and that I was moving out.
"Here." Liz said handing me the key.
"We won't tell him okay? I promise." I heard Emma say as I ran out of the restaurant.
•••Emma's POV•••
Jessica ran out of the restaurant and drove back home.
"Look Liz, I don't wanna talk to Cam, so do you wanna go somewhere and then drive back with the guys?" I asked Liz.
"Yeah let's go. Cam is such a jerk. I can't believe he would do that to Jes." Liz said.
"Yeah, again." We did a little bit more shopping until it was time to meet up with the guys.
•••Cameron's POV•••
I know it was a really bad idea to kiss Ariana, but she was just there and I was waiting for Jes. She kissed me and I kissed her back. Ariana left and then I ate with the guys, then met up with the girls. Jessica wasn't with them.
"Where's Jes?" I asked Emma.
"She went home because she wasn't feeling so good. She had a stomach ache." she replied.
"Oh okay then I guess we better get going home." I said. No one knows that me and Ariana kissed. I didn't want them to know anyways.
•••Jessica's POV•••
I'm done. I cannot believe Cameron did that to me again. This time when I saw them kiss, it looked like he really meant to kiss her.
I finally got back to the apartment and started to pack up all my stuff. I was going to move with Dylan back to New York. I didn't want to move because I wanted to stay with Cam, but not anymore. Apparently Cameron doesn't care about our relationship.
I got all my stuff and called Dylan. Hopefully they weren't driving back yet. I decided to write a note and leave it in Cam's bedroom.
The note said:
I'm leaving to New York. Don't try to stop me. I wanted to stay in LA with you Cam but it seems like you don't care. Goodbye..
A tear rolled down my cheek, but I couldn't stay. Cam would keep on hurting me. I couldn't risk getting hurt a third time.
There was a knock on the door. I opened it to see Dylan. I gave him a hug and then he helped me grab my bags and we were off to New York.
"So what changed your mind?" Dylan asked.
"Cameron cheated on me again... I saw him kissing his ex at this restaurant in Santa Monica." I was still crying.
"I'm sorry."
"It's fine..."
The rest of the ride to the airport was silent.
•••Cameron's POV•••
We walked into the house and Jes wasn't there. I went to our room and she wasn't there either. Where would she be? I then saw a note on the bed.
I walked downstairs and showed the guys the letter. Liz and Emma started crying.
"Do you guys know anything about this?" I asked them.
"She's leaving because she saw you kiss Ariana AGAIN!" Liz shouted.
"Now she's gone, and probably never coming back to LA." Emma added.
"I was drunk! Ariana gave me some shots and I didn't know what happened! I'm gonna go get her." I said grabbing the car key and heading to LAX.
What have I done. I just lost the love of my life. She's never gonna take me back now. I still had to try. I drove all the way to LAX and when I finally got there I couldn't see anything. The whole airport was packed. It would be impossible to find her.
I tried calling answer. She probably is ignoring me. I wouldn't blame her. I shouted out her name then realizing that she will never be able to hear me.
•••Jessica's POV•••
I had all my stuff ready to get onto the plane. Dylan paid for my ticket and we were off to New York. We waited in line to board the plane. This was it. I don't think I am ever going to come back to LA. It would just remind me of Cam.
I was getting on the plane when I heard a familiar voice call my name. I ignored it and sat in my seat. Some tears fell down my face. i should of known Cameron would cheat on me again. How could I be so stupid and give him a second chance?
•••Cameron's POV•••
i called Jessica's name one more time until I saw her getting on the plane. I ran to get her but it was too late. The door closed. I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I can't believe she's gone...
After a few minutes, I saw the plane take off. My heart felt like it was shattered and it's all my fault.
I drove back home to see Nash, Emma, Liz, and Carter sitting on the couch watching TV.
"Well? Did you find her?" Carter asked as I walked over to them.
"Yeah I found her." I said putting my head down, "but it's too late. Her plane took off already."
I could see Emma starting to cry. She tried calling Jes but there was no answer. She's gone and she'll probably never come back.
"If she's not gonna come back here I'm gonna go get her." Liz said getting up grabbing her keys.
"What do you mean you're gonna get her?" Nash asked.
"I'm gonna get a plane ticket to New York and get her!"
"Okay I'm coming with you then." I jumped up from my seat and walked over to Liz.
"Then I guess we gotta go too..." Emma said.
We all got in Liz's car and drove to LAX and bought ourselves a ticket to New York. I actually haven't been there in a while so it'll be nice to see it again. Ugh. What am I saying? I'm going to get Jes!
She was probably in New York by now. I was sitting on the plane next to Carter and Nash with Liz and emma in the back. The only thing I had on my mind was Jes and I just couldn't believe what an idiot I was to ruin my relationship with Jes again...
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