Someone Like You
So I vaguely mapped out what I wanted to do, and now I think we have like a clear path for this book. XD
Also omg you readers are so nice! I read each and every comment, and your words of love for this book warm my heart and make me want to update, so thank you guys so much. ♥
Enjoy this chappy :3
Hunger Games spoilers ahead?
~Reader's P.O.V.~
A minute after your embarrassing conversation with Rogue, a sweaty and panting Sting finally burst into the room. "(y/n)! How could you!!" Sting whined, trudging into the classroom. Instead of saying something like an apology, you just sigh. How could he be in advanced math too? "You're late, Sting," Rogue, who was still right next to you, glanced at you and gave you a sly smirk.
"Well it's all meanie (y/n)'s fault," Sting puffed out his cheeks and plopped in the seat on your other side. Your eyebrow twitched with annoyance at the ravenhead's stare.
"It's your fault for teasing me," you grumble.
"Well you were teasing me too," Sting pouted.
"You dragged me to your house," you countered.
"You needed my help," Sting shot back.
"Wh-, who said I needed your help?!" you spat.
"Who said you didn't??" Sting replied, giving you an expression that was a combination of a frown and a glare. You didn't want to admit it, but the look he was giving you intimidated you. But, being the stubborn person you are, plus the fact that you were already in a mood today, you brush off his look and angrily ask, "Who said I couldn't just have walked it off??"
"W-walked it off?!" Sting gave you a inconceivable look. "You were lucky that your leg wasn't broken!"
"Says who?!"
"I say so!!" Sting abruptly stands up from his seat and shouts.
"Sting Eucliffe, what in Fiore is wrong with you?!" The math teacher snaps at the blond. "It's one thing to come into my class late, but it's another to interrupt my class with your yelling!" Sting flinched.
"S-sorry," Sting muttered, slowly sitting back down in his seat. From the corner of his eye, you could see Rogue frown, but you just shake your head and sigh.
"And you, Miss (y/n)." You jolt, however, when the teacher actually calls your name. "I understand that it must be difficult for you to adjust to school in the middle of the year, but please refrain but causing trouble." The teacher gave you a disapproving look, making you want to melt into your desk chair, but it what she added that did the deed. "I don't need to call your father now, do I?"
Almost immediately, fear pierces your chest, your stomach does somersaults, and your heart rate spikes. "No ma'am," you murmur quietly, your voice barely above a whisper.
"That's what I thought," the teacher nodded. "Now, back to this sine function, you can see that the maximum is.."
You let out a silent sigh of relief and let your head fall onto your arms. 'Too close,' you thought to yourself. 'God knows what would happen if the teacher called him...' Eventually, you lifted your head back up and continued listening to the lesson.
Unbeknownst to you, Sting was silently watching your actions with a concerned expression on his face.
~Timeskip to Lunch, brought to you by Korosensei and the Assassination Classroom!🔪🔪🔪~
As soon as you walked into the cafeteria, you already knew that you were not going to sit with your.."guild," and instead, walked towards an empty table. You tried your best to avoid eye contact with any of them, but as you pass by their table, you could see Rufus give you an amused look, Minerva raise one eyebrow, Yukino perk up at the sight of you, and Rogue frown. Orga was scarfing down his food, so he didn't notice you, and you didn't see Sting anywhere (thank MAVIS he wasn't in your third period class).
Trying your hardest not to flush into a tomato-red mess, you walk towards an empty table under the shadows of a window. You..didn't actually feel like eating; your stomach was still twisting in knots from your first class, so instead you took out your phone and looked at the text messages between yourself and your sorry excuse for a "father."
"Alright, but if you're not back tomorrow by 4:00 sharp, you'll face punishment."
His last words flash in your face from your dimly-lit phone screen, and you let out a small sigh. 'What, going to take my phone away from me again?' you sneered in your mind, the thought of him, a successful and rich businessman, having to take away a mere teen's phone as his punishment making you smirk. Though, it's not like you had anything more valuable that he could take away other than your phone, but still. The one punishment that you hated, however, was when he chewed your ear off with a lecture about etiquette or manners or shit like that. It drove you insane to hear words come from his disgusting mouth, especially for such a long time.
Without much else to do, you take out your (f/c) headphones and place both earbuds into your ears. You scroll through your playlist and select your favorite song, (insert favorite song). A small smile curls onto your lips as you let your worries and anxiety drown with the beat of your favorite song, letting its melody and rhythm envelop you and take you to a new world. You place your arms on the table and rest your head down onto it. You knew that you couldn't afford to sleep, but just resting in complete darkness was nice, felt like something was missing.
But what...?
"(Y/N)!" You jump out of your skin and your head jolts up when you hear your name screamed right in your eardrums, and it definitely wasn't from your music.
"Shi--WHAT?" You take out your earbuds and snap.
"I've been calling your name like 10 times now!" Sting huffs. One of his hands was poking you while the other was holding a tray of food. "Did 'ya fall asleep or something?" Giving him a scowl, you slap his hand away.
"It's none of your business," you glower at him, "so go away." The blond's eyebrows knit into a frown.
"Are you..still mad at me about this morning?" he asks you, a hesitant pause in between in his sentence, though, you didn't notice it. You give him a sour look as your response.
"Go away," you repeat yourself, already annoyed with his brightness.
"Look, (y/n), I'm sorry about getting you in trouble," he apologizes, sitting down next to you.
"Get up and go away," you immediately command, but he ignores you.
"Isn't it pretty dark here?" Sting takes a look around the table you two were sitting at, which again was under a window, so no sunlight could reach you here, and there were no lights above you either. "Kinda empty too."
"That's how I wanted it to be," you muttered, "and you're kinda ruining it."
"Aw c'mon, it's too lonely here," Sting pouts. "You should come sit with us, you're part of the guild now after all."
"Again, who said I wanted to be in a 'guild'?" You put air quotes over the word.
"Why wouldn't you want to?" Sting frowns.
"Like I've told you," you heave an annoyed sigh, "I like being alone."
"And like I've told you, no one likes being alone," Sting countered.
"Are we really going to have a repeat of this morning?" You cock your eyebrows at him.
"Hey, I'm just saying," Sting raises his hands in surrender. He then glances down at your phone, which was resting on the table. "..Did you eat already?" he asks out of nowhere. You raise your eyebrows in slight surprise.
"Um..." you say. Sting glares at you, and you could feel your anger melt into nervousness, like the kind you'd feel when you just got busted for something. "I-I'm just not hungry, really," you wave your hands, but Sting's stern look still holds.
"(y/n)," he says, his voice low, like how a lion would sound like when it's about to pounce on a poor fawn.
"(y/n)." Sweat rolls down your head as the blond starts to get closer to you, his dark blue eyes locking with your (e/c) pupils. Once again, you find yourself almost hypnotized by his oceanic eyes, finding yourself unable to look away. They weren't too bright like you thought they looked like from afar. Now that you were closer, you could see a mixture of different shades of blue just swirl in his eyes, and it was honestly captivating. Your heart was accelerating, and you swore it was going to burst if he got any closer.
Luckily for you, a certain girl with her hair in loops saved you by whacking Sting in the head. "What the hell do you think you're doing with (y/n)?" Minerva growled, a book in her hands.
"Owww," Sting whined, rubbing his head. "What kind of book is that??"
"It's called Hunger Games, genius," Minerva answers, your eyes perking up at the sound of your favorite series.
"You like Hunger Games?" you blurt out without thinking. Sting and Minerva give you a weird look, making heat start to creep onto your face in embarrassment.
"A-ah, I mean.." you stammer, immediately regretting ever opening your mouth. Minerva just grins at you.
"I like it so far, yeah," she says, making your eyes widen. She walks over to you and plops onto the seat beside you. "I'm only at the part where Cinna is like dressing Katniss up, though. He's pretty cool." You suck in a breath and nod, you yourself already knowing what's to come for her.
"Yeah, 'ya got a long way to go," you say, biting your tongue to stop yourself from spoiling stuff.
"You've read this before?" she asks, holding up the book, a golden bird right in the middle of the cover. You find yourself smiling at the sight of it, a nostalgic feeling enveloping your body as you remember who had introduced you to the series.
"What's this?" You had asked the person who had just handed you the book.
"It's this trending book called Hunger Games," your mother explained, smiling that warm smile she always seemed to have on your face.
"Hunger Games?"
"Yes, it's a trilogy about this girl who has to go through this kind of death tournament in place of her little sister."
"Uh," you sweatdrop. "That sounds kinda dark, yet not at the same time.."
"Why do you think I chose it for you dear?" Your mom gives you a cheeky grin, making you smile back.
"You know me too well."
"I've never read another book since then," you respond, a smile curling onto your lips at the memory.
"Really?" Minerva says. "Huh, I'll be sure to read the sequel then. I just stumbled upon this because of the movie." Your eyes grow wide and you immediately turn to her.
"OH MY GOD THE BOOK IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE MOVIE I SWEAR--" You immediately blurt out, but freeze when you realize that you were yelling at her. Heat creeps all the way up to your ears and you mumble, "S-sorry." You wait for Minerva to give you that disgusted look that people usually give you when you blurt out stuff like that.
To your surprise, Minerva just lets out a laugh instead.
"For someone like you, I really wasn't expecting that," Minerva chuckles. Your face what's up in embarrassment again, but before you can say anything, someone cuts you off.
"Yo!" The three of you stop your conversation to see Orga, Yukino, Rufus, and Rogue.
"Hello (y/n)," Yukino gives you a small smile and nod. You notice her cheeks turn a slight shade of pink as she looks over to Sting and say, "Hello Sting-sama."
"Yo, Yukino!" Sting gives a toothy grin and waves. You don't know why, but you could feel your blood boil.
"We were wondering where 'ya went," Orga explained, placing his tray down on the other side of the table. Rogue then proceeded to smack him in the head, making him add, "O-okay, okay, well, Rogue was the one who bothered us, but we were all thinking about it!"
"Actually, if memory serves me right, Rogue asked me where Minerva, Sting, and (y/n) went, I answered him by pointing to this table, Rogue then suggested we go sit over there, I agreed, and then we had to drag you because you were too busy eating," Rufus corrected, explaining what really had happened. He then proceeded to sit next to Orga, his tray of food parallel to Minerva's. "I do admit, this table is much better since there is no bothersome sunlight to shine on our eyes." He then proceeded to look at you and give you a flirtatious smile. "There are even some flowers here that bloom much prettier in the shadows." You blush, realizing that he was talking to you, but when you noticed Rogue's smirk, you then proceeded to give the two of them a scowl.
"Hey, since you're all here," Sting said rather quickly. "(y/n) here hasn't had lunch yet." Everyone's eyes widened, and their attention then turned to you.
"I-is that true?" Yukino asked worriedly.
"Eto..." you sweatdrop.
"Got no money on 'ya or something?" Orga asks.
"You feeling alright?" Rogue frowns.
"Well yeah..."
"Would you like me to buy something for you?" Rufus smiles.
"No," you reply immediately. "I--" You were about to explain that you just weren't hungry, but you were cut short when a certain someone suddenly placed a bowl of rice in front of you.
"There," Sting smiles at you. "Now you have something to eat." You look at him with a look of complete astonishment. You could feel your cheeks heat up as you once again stared at his oceanic blue eyes, but this felt different than when you're embarrassed. Your heartbeat started accelerating and you could feel something warm blossom throughout your chest. Sting wasn't helping either, as he too was staring right into your (e/c) orbs.
After a split second, you looked away while you still could. Sting did the same and coughed. "Um, what are you going to eat?" you frown, seeing as all Sting had left was a cookie.
"Huh? Oh, no worries," Sting rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to look away from you. "You, um, didn't have breakfast remember? we're even." Your blink, confused for a moment before you remembered that you had skipped breakfast since Sting had eaten the last apple. 'Is he feeling guilty?' you frown. You glance down at your rice...only to see a piece of stale noodles right next to it.
"...Uh." You glance at Rogue, who shrugs.
"Hey, if you haven't eaten breakfast, you should eat something," he says. It was then that Minerva places a carton of milk. Rufus then places his teriyaki chicken on top of your rice and Yukino gives you an onigiri from her bento. You felt your cheeks flush with embarrassment as your friends continue giving you food.
"I-I really don't need all this.." you stammer, watching the pile of food grow.
"Ha! Don't be silly," Minerva laughs at your statement. "I am more than happy to give someone else this shitty food." Everyone sweatdrops at the ravenhead's statement.
"Um, i-if you're hungry, I'd be more than happy to share," Yukino smiles shyly.
"Welp, if everyone's giving you food, I don't need to, right?" Orga says, prompting Rogue to slap him on the back and make him choke on his sandwich.
"I-it's fine," you tell Rogue, sweatdropping. He purses his lips, but lets out a sigh and lets the green-headed boy off the hook.
Now that people stopped giving you food, you looked at the rather large array of food gathered around you. Sweatdropping, you took the pair of chopsticks that Rogue had given you and ate a small bite of rice. As soon as your tongue made contact with it, you finally acknowledged how hungry you had been, and started eating more.
"Hehe, so you were hungry after all," Sting chuckles. You blush from both hearing his laugh and his comment, and you can just feel Rogue's smug smile without looking at him. "Just don't get too fat from all this food okay?" Sting adds with a smirk, prompting you to kick his feet from under the table. He winces and cursed under his breath, making everyone else laugh. You smiled a bit too and glanced at all of your friends' faces as you took a bite of your rice. You had to admit, you never thought that you could have these friends who actually didn't mind your dislike to light.
You refused to acknowledge it yourself, but you liked this feeling that was fluttering your chest. It had been a long time, but...this was what happiness felt like, right?
So I was looking through the comments, and there was some confusion as to what (y/n)'s father meant by "punishment."
It does not by all means mean abuse.
I don't want to make light of something like that, so don't think of it like that okay?
That's all I wanted to say.
Have a good night/day/evening/etc!
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