Leftover Pizza
I'm really sorry for not updating, but I really have no other excuse other than I'm kinda stuck (A.K.A. Writer's Block)
Oh well, hope you enjoy!
~Reader's P.O.V.~
By the time you stopped crying, it was already the evening. "You hungry?" Sting asked, smiling warmly at you. You blush and look away. You wanted to decline, but your stomach growled before you could respond. Sting laughed, making more blood rush to your cheeks in embarrassment. "Well, is leftover pizza good enough for you?" he asked. You slightly nod. You would look spoiled if you refuse since you are in his house. "Don't run away okay?" Sting smirked as he got up from his bed, which you had realized you were on a couple minutes ago. You roll your eyes and shake your head. Right, you're in Sting's house. When he left, you decided to look around the room. The structure of the room looked like one for a college student. There were two doorways from the room you were in, which you inferred as the bedroom. The one that Sting went through was most likely the kitchen, and based on the layout, the other room probably was the living room. There were posters of Sabertooth Academy's symbol around you, but when you looked up, you saw posters of women all around the ceiling. Obviously you were a bit disgusted, but sighed.
"What's a high school boy without these kinds of posters?" you smiled to yourself.
"Did you say something?" Sting popped his head into the room. You jumped and quickly shake your head.
"I-I didn't say anything," you looked away. Sting chuckled.
"You sure you didn't say anything about me?" he wagged his eyebrows playfully. Your face heated up, but you then smirked.
"No, I was just thinking about how perverted you are to have all these posters." You pointed to the posters on the ceiling. Sting's eyes dilated in surprise.
"I-I, er, um, well..." Sting stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. You chuckled at his priceless reaction. Sting stopped blubbering nonsense and looked at you in amusement.
"What?" you muttered, uncomfortable with him staring at you.
"That was the first time I heard you laugh," Sting grinned and poked you in the arm. You reddened at his comment.
"S-shut up," you mutter, pushing his arm away. Sting laughed at your reaction.
"Well, you wanna eat or not?" Sting outstretched a hand for you to take it. You take it, feeling a slight spark as you feel the warmth of his hand. Sting pulls you off the bed, but your leg was still injured and as a result, your body touched his, your face hitting his chest. "A-ah, gomen," Sting apologized, helping you balance your weight. "I forgot about your leg." Your face was a pure shade of red as you noted that his chest was well-built. It didn't help that the loose white t-shirt he was wearing was transparent to show his toned skin.
Because you were embarrassed and trying to hide your red face, you didn't notice that there was a splash of pink on Sting's face as well.
"W-we should eat before it gets cold," Sting suggested. You didn't want to sound like a stuttering fool again, so you just stay silent and nod.
~Timeskip, brought to you by Antoinette the dog! (OHSHC)~
Sting was laughing his ass off, making you feel truly embarrassed as your face grew maybe even redder than a tomato. "I-I haven't heard anyone never having leftover p-pizza before!" Sting said in between his laughs.
"S-shut up! I'm not lying!" you huff.
"Have you even tried pizza before?" Sting snickered.
"That's a different thing! Of course I have!" you reply, leaving out the fact that you haven't eaten it since "the accident". You always eat these kinds of fancy-shmancy food, but you would much prefer pizza.
"You sure?" Sting mocked. You felt yourself get irritated at the tone of his voice.
"Whatever," you mutter, taking another bite of your (f/t) pizza. You had it found it surprising that he had your favorite kind of pizza, but you told yourself that it was just coincidence.
"Aw, are you mad (y/n)?" Sting smirks. You don't respond and continue savoring the taste of pizza. "(y/n)~?" Sting's smirk fell and he starts poking you. You try to ignore him and took yet another bite. "(y/nnnnnnnnnn)......" Sting grabs ahold of your arm and lightly shakes you. You continue your silent treatment. "(y/n) I'm sorrrryyyy..." Sting whines. "I don't want the siwent tweatment." He gives you big puppy eyes and speaks in a childish tone. You roll your eyes as to silently say "like that's going to work". He continues to shake you. "(Y/N)....!" he was really starting to not like the silent treatment, but you weren't fazed and nonchalantly munched your pizza. "I'MMMMMM SOOOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY!!" Sting practically shouts as he violently shakes you.
'Damn, he's strong!' you thought in your head. "Okay okay, stop!" you finally decide to speak before you or he got hurt. Sting lets out a big sigh of relief.
"...Sorry," Sting apologizes sheepishly. "I might have gone too far."
"You think?" you cock your eyebrows at him. In return he gives you a goofy smile that only he can pull off. You felt the heat returning to your cheeks. "I-I'll help you clean up," you say quickly, picking up your crumb-ridden plate.
"Hey, I can help too," Sting puffs out his cheeks and helps you.
"Oh really? I thought you didn't know how to do the dishes," you say jokingly.
~Another timeskip, brought to you by Tamaki's mushrooms! (Another OHSHC reference)~
Of course you didn't have any pajamas, but you said you wouldn't be back until tomorrow, so now you were in a kind of dilemma. "You can just use my clothes," Sting offered. "You're wearing them anyways." You wanted to refuse, but how could you? There was absolutely no way to decline because the only clothes you have that was here was your school uniform, and you needed that for tomorrow.
So, you sigh and mutter, "Fine." Sting smiles and pats your (h/c) hair.
"Good (y/n)." You glare at him and smack his hand away from you. "Itai!" he yelps, rubbing his hand.
"I'll sleep on the couch," you say before walking over to the living room. However, after one step Sting grabbed ahold of your arm.
"No, you sleep on my bed, I'll sleep on the couch," he says firmly.
"No," you say bluntly. "I'm fine with sleeping on the couch."
"This is my place, so I say you're sleeping on my bed," Sting says firmly. You knew that this could go on forever, and, let's face it, you were dead tired.
"Alright," you heaved a heavy sigh. Sting smiles in satisfaction and walks in the direction that you were suppose to. You sigh and shake your head. He was weird, but after all of this you realized he was not only weird, but strange as well. "Sting Eucliffe huh.." you muttered to yourself before shuffling towards the bed. You awkwardly got onto it. This was your first time sleeping on a bed that was, well, not yours. As you rested your head on his pillow, his scent of vanilla wafted to your nose. You smile weakly as you remember this scent from a few days ago. You slowly drifted to sleep, his scent helping you along the way.
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