Dodgeball Duo
~Reader's P.O.V.~
As soon as Coach Jiemma said go, everyone bolted for the red balls lined up in the middle. You, being the smart one, decided not to go after them, knowing that it would be useless and that you'd be murdered if you went in there. You look around to see Minerva thinking the same thing.
Sting, however..
You shake your head as you catch his blonde spiky hair in the crowd of people fighting for a ball. Eventually, the crowd broke off and a few people had balls in their hands. Some threw towards you, but one step to the right and you dodge them. You even managed to catch a couple of them in your hands. You started throwing them back. Each one you threw was a perfect hit right to the chest.
"Heh, you're pretty good." You turn to see Sting smirking at you, a couple of dodgeballs in his arm. You growl, thinking that he was trying to flirt with you again. He didn't seem to notice though because he was looking at something behind you. "Hey, watch o--" He didn't finish because you had caught the incoming ball with your hands without looking. You instinctively threw it back from where it came from and heard a groan of pain in response.
"I don't need you help," you reply emotionlessly and walked away to the corner. Minerva had joined the battle and was now throwing dodgeballs at a couple of whimpering boys.
"Dance I say dance!" Minerva laughs as they scramble to dodge her lightning fast balls. You admit that it was a bit dark, but you used to do the same too.
Used to.
Eventually, the numbers continue to dwindle on each side.
"THAT DOESN'T COUNT!" you hear Sting's green haired friend, Orga, yell to the other side.
"Hey, it brushed your hair, it counts," the boy who had seemingly hit him shrugged. Before Orga could object you threw a ball at him, hard.
"Now you're both out," you said nonchalantly. You see the boy scowl but get off the court. Orga gets off too, scared of your wrath.
"Nice (y/n)!" Sting said, his hand waiting for a high five. You shake your head at how childish he was.
"Yeah no," you say and dodge a ball.
"Aw come on! Why do you not like me?" he pouted.
"Because I don't like players," you spat back, grabbing another ball that was heading towards you. You stopped facing him and looked to see only five people left. You threw the ball you were holding, but unfortunately the guy dodged out of the way. He threw one your way, but you jumped to the left, crashing into Sting.
"Ow!" Sting yelped, rubbing the arm you banged into. You ignore him and look around you.
"Only the three of us?" you questioned out loud when you saw it was only you, Sting, and Minerva.
"Oi Minerva! I think your phone's vibrating!" Well, actually..
"It is?" Minerva took out her phone from her pocket, only to be hit with a dodgeball. The team on the other side laughed their heads off as Minerva cursed and went out of the court. That left just you and Sting.
"Nice one babe!" a girl said to a boy. He smirked. You recognize her as the girl who saw you bump into the door.
"I know right?" the boy smirked, turning around to face her. "I do it all for you babe." You clench your fists. The way they talk to each other so cockily and arrogantly just made your blood boil. You take the nearest ball that was on the floor from you, but someone took it before you could. You turn angrily to see Sting, but you could see a hint of anger in his eyes too.
"Allow me," he said with a smirk. Knowing what he was going to do, you nod. He took the ball and squinted his eyes. Taking a step forward, he threw the ball with all his might. Your jaw slightly dropped in amazement as you saw the ball spin faster than Minerva's or your's.
"Kya!" the girl yelped as the ball hit her right in the chest. She was thrown to the floor a couple feet back.
"How about you guys get a room instead of doing it here?" Sting sneered. Despite trying to stop yourself, you couldn't help but let out a small giggle. The girl scowled at him and left the court. The boy did the same thing, but the scowl was even angrier.
"How dare you hurt my girl?" he growled at Sting.
"Cause the scene you were making was kinda blegh," he said, putting a finger into his mouth to help make his case. This seemed to have made the boy angrier. He called for his team to regroup. They all had balls in their hands. They tossed them towards Sting, but you tackled him out of the way before he was hit.
"Phew, thanks!" Sting smiled at you. You wanted to smile back, but you forced yourself to not and instead nod.
"Let's take them out," you smirk, feeling your competitive side rise up from the depths. Sting smirks and nods with you. You both grab the closest ball near you and use it to deflect the incoming balls. When the barrage is over, Sting aims for one of the boys to the right. Direct hit.
Three more to go.
While they were shocked, you hit one of them that was to the right.
Sting grabs one of the balls the girl's boyfriend had thrown and throws it back to the girl on his right.
You can hear him growl with anger. He picks up one of the balls near his feet and chucked it with as much strength he had, which was not a lot. The ball was however going towards the both of you. Luckily, you both got out of the way in time. You reach for the ball, only for your fingertips to touch Sting's. You feel this kind of tingle grow up your arm and down your spine.
"S-sorry," you stutter, immediately pulling your hand away. You look up to see him flinch too, but his face immediately softened into a smile.
"Nah, it's okay," he said with a warm smile. "You go ahead." You smiled back and took ahold of the ball. The boyfriend frantically looked around for any balls, but they were all too far. You smirked and threw the ball with all your might, hitting square in the jaw. He stumbled a couple feet back before falling face first onto the ground. At that moment, Coach Jiemma blows the whistle.
"Looks like this team's the winner!" he announced, one of his buff arms pointed in you and Sting's direction. People from your team cheered. Sting smiled a goofy smile at you.
"We make a great team huh?" he asked. You nod.
"Yeah. I guess we do."
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