A Hint Of Vanilla
Note: Hunger Games spoilers throughout this entire book
~Reader's P.O.V.~
You mindlessly walk on the sidewalks of the town you lived in. It was a very urban and busy town, but you didn't mind. You've learned to just tune out all the noise of the cars and people walking pass you. You looked down as you walked, not hearing anything but the music pumping from the earbuds in your ears. You were so deep in thought that you didn't notice that you were crossing the road and that the traffic light was flashing a red 'X'.
You look up from the road to see a car coming straight towards you. You stopped in fear, but not because you were scared of the car itself. No, the reason why you couldn't move is because the lights from the car's headlights were shining right at you. The light was faint because it was still morning, but you could still see it. A memory flashed in your mind. The memory of that singly day. Pop music was playing in the background. You were just talking and laughing when the next thing you know you saw a blinding yellow light.
"LOOK OUT!!" a voice yelled, pulling you out of your thoughts and tackling you out of the way of the car.
You blink a couple times and see the car drive past you, the driver screaming at you, "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXT TIME B*****!" You didn't care though. You were used to be called that and other names. What you were focused on right now was forgetting the memories of that day. You quickly got up.
"Jeez, you were like a deer looking at headlights," a voice said, probably coming from the person who saved you.
"Thanks," you mutter and grab your schoolbag.
"Hey wait!" the voice cried when you started to run, but you didn't listen and kept on going. Before you got too far though, you could smell a hint of vanilla. You shrugg it off and look at your (f/c) watch. 7:20 it read.
'Crap I'm going to be late!' you panic in your mind. 'So much for making a good first impression on the first day..' You sprint as fast as you can towards the new school. Fortunately for you, the school was just a block away, and you made it into the building with just five minutes to spare. To most people, that's a lot of time, but for you and your father's standard, that's late. You shakily sigh and thanked the lord that atleast the bell that signalled school started didn't ring yet. You take your bag to your locker and sort everything out. Even though it was the first day of the new school year, you didn't need your schedule because you already memorized it and your locker number and combo. You punch in the code with ease and your locker opened with a gently 'click'. You opened your locker to see it empty and clean. Wasting no time, you stuff your bag into your locker and take a minute or two to organize it. When you were sastified with your work, you take the things you need for your first class: English. After taking all the supplies, you gently close your locker and head to class. You noticed people stare and whisper with their friends as you walked past them. You were used to it so you just ignored them and reached your classroom. You weren't surprised to see that you were the first person there. You sit down at the farthest desk and opened up the book you had been reading: Mockingjay. It was by far your favorite book of both the whole series and generally. You had already read it about 15 times, but you didn't care. It just got better and better everytime you read it. Just when you were about to get to the part where Katniss sees Peeta again, the bell rings. You look up from your book to see that the entire classroom had been filled while you were reading.
"Good morning class," the teacher gruffly said when he arrived. "My name is Mr. Jiemma. I will be your engish teacher for the year and yadda yadda yadda quiet reading time for the rest of class." And with that inspiring greeting, he left the classroom he just entered a couple minutes ago. People cheered and started chatting with their friends from last year. Since you had no friends and were a new student, you just decided to obey the teacher and went back to reading your book. In the middle of your reading, you swore you smell vanilla. Your head shot up from your book and looked around the class, but then your realized that you never actually saw the person who saved your life.
"Hey," a familiar voice tapped your shoulder. You turned around to see a boy with spiky blond hair and dark blue eyes. He had a loose white dress shirt that looked kinda sloppy and black baggy jeans. His dark blue tie was also a bit messy and you noticed that he had a crystal earring on one of his ears. Your eyes widened when you realize that the vanilla scent was emitting from him. "Remember me? The one who saved your life a couple minutes ago?" You slowly nod, not sure of what to say. He looks at you confusingly before gasping and slapping his head. "That's right! I didn't introduce myself! The name's Sting Eucliffe!" He held out his hand for you to shake, but you just look at it like it was foreign.
"(y)-(y/n) (l/n)," you stutter, hesitantly accepting the shake. You weren't used to people being so open to you, so this surprised you.
'I wonder what other surprises are waiting for me..' you think curiously.
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