(Part 5) I don't need your pity
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Chapter 5
Harry found out that Mathew and Louis' date was set on Saturday, Niall told him when he was sulking in yet another class without Louis. Niall should have chosen a better time to share that information because Harry didn't have it in him to stop himself from flipping out.
"Hey harry, did Louis tell you about his date?" Niall asked.
Harry just gave him a nod and tightened his hold on his pen.
"Is he already broadcasting it to the whole damn school?" Harry had a reason to be sarcastic alright.
"Nah, he just told me earlier, Mathew seems a pretty good guy but I don't think he and Louis would work." Niall continued to babble ignoring the glare that their teacher sent him in front.
Harry knew Niall didn't know his feelings for Louis and he was relieve because Niall really didn't know how to keep anything to himself, he might accidentally tell Louis if he knew and that's probably not the best way for Louis to know about how Harry thinks of him.
As Niall kept talking, Harry tried to block him out but then he spoke something that kept ringing on his ears
"Did you know that it's set on Saturday?"
And then he stood up and slammed his hand on his table.
The good news was, he wasn't expelled...yet but he did receive a few hours in detention for breaking school property, it was his poor chair, it wasn't Harry's fault that it was an old chair and can't handle a few teenage tantrums.
He was sent straight to the principal office by an angry and frightened teacher, poor Mrs. Samuels because her heart can't seriously handle a bitter brokenhearted boy breaking chairs in her class. Harry didn't even stay and argue because he was so pissed he could have punched Niall which would be a bad thing because Niall was really nice to Louis and he was his friend. He didn't want Louis questioning Niall on how he got punched in the face, Harry didn't want to come out as bitter and jealous which he actually is.
On his way to the principal's office, all he can think about was the hundreds of ways to break Mathew's bone 'accidentally' because he was still on probation and one more assault then he'll go back to community service.
Louis once told him that bottling all his anger and hatred isn't healthy, that's why Louis enrolled him into some boxing classes because he believes that letting all of his aggression towards someone who gave him permission to punch is better than beating someone who didn't even have the strength to make Harry flinch. Harry also knew that Louis only did that because he didn't want him to end up in jail; Harry never knew how much he'd fall for Louis but acts like that make him want to kidnap Louis for himself.
Harry was frustrated though, Louis didn't really know the kind of power he had on him but maybe this wasn't just his fault, Harry can't blame the blue eyed boy for everything because he's to blame too. If he can only outright tell him that he is better on a date with him rather than Mathew then Harry wouldn't be in this mess.
When he arrived at the principal's office, Lydia was already giving Harry a disapproving look that a mother would give to her 5 year old toddler.
"Really Harry?" she asked.
"At least I didn't manage to break someone's nose this time." Harry beams at her and shrugs.
She rolls her eyes and offers him some biscuits which he politely denied and then she was ushering him inside Mr. Cowell's office.
Like Lydia, Mr. Cowell's reaction to Harry being there was an exasperated sigh and asked Harry the details of what made him get kicked out of class. Harry lied of course; he can't just say that he flipped out when he found out about Louis' date on his principal so he just made a lame excuse about seeing a spider under his desk. Mr. Cowell knew Harry was lying though but he just sent him to detention after class since nobody actually got hurt with his little outburst.
Harry hated detention because it means staying out in school for another hour and he wouldn't be able to walk Louis home because even if Louis is old enough to do whatever the hell he wants, his parents still gave him a curfew. Harry didn't know how Louis' parents were able to create such perfect human being seeing as they're horrible people who doesn't treat Louis to what he deserves to be treated which Harry thinks is royalty.
Harry is terribly whipped and they weren't even together.
Harry didn't realize that this week was really not on his favor. He should have expected it because it started with Louis having a date with someone that wasn't him and now he finds out that said date will be happen in three days and he had a whole period where Mathew was sitting right in front of him and Liam is right beside him, stopping him whenever he would try and throw crumpled paper on Mathew's annoying head or when he tried tripping him when class was over. Liam is a good person but a very shit friend.
Harry was in a really bad mood and he kept ignoring Liam when they were on their way to meet up with Zayn, Louis and Niall.
He was surprised though when Liam pulled him inside an empty room.
He raised an eyebrow at his friend, confused on why he suddenly wanted some privacy when they were about to meet up their friends. Harry knew Liam wouldn't miss a second to be with Zayn and this was kind of making them late.
"This is not the right time to be making an affair Liam, your husband is waiting. Unless this is a kink of yours then I'm not one to judge." He teased and let out a laugh when Liam blushed and splutters.
Liam took some time composing himself before facing Harry seriously.
"I'm not here to have sex with you, you're not my type."
"Ouch." Harry said halfheartedly.
"Anyway, I want to talk to you about Louis." Liam added.
Harry rolled his eyes and leaned his back on the empty teacher's table.
"Your boyfriend nagging me nonstop is torture enough; please don't add more to it."
Liam and Zayn truly are made for each other, Harry can't find a more perfect couple that these two. They are both worse than his parents because of their nonstop scolding and lecture.
"I'm being serious Harry, I know this isn't really very helpful and I don't want to add more in your overflowing plate but you really have to do something mate. I can't stand seeing all this heart eyes on your face whenever you see Louis and this sad kicked puppy look when you don't."
Harry just stared at Liam as if he'd grown a two heads and a new pair of eyes.
"Hey Liam, are you sure you're talking about the same guy?" he questioned.
"I know what it feels to be in love and I'm lucky to have it with Zayn. And yes, that's how you look because even if you have this bad boy image going around, you're still the same Harry that Louis likes to describe as a fierce little kitten."
"Louis describes me as what?!" Harry asked incredulously.
That explains why Zayn and Liam weren't really that scared of him even if he threatens them sometimes. He should probably try to hide more of his feelings and learn to control it.
"That's not the point; all I want is for you two to be happy so just ask him out Harry."
Harry rolls his eyes at that. "I would have done it already if it was easy you know."
"Harry you-" He quickly cuts him off because he's really sick of being treated like a child.
"No, stop Liam. I consider you a friend and I really don't fancy punching you right now because Zayn would be upset and then Louis would too and I don't want that. I would really appreciate if you and Zayn would back off and let me do what I want. I want to protect Louis and I want him happy and if that Mathew guy makes him happy then so be it. You can leave me all alone and stop pitying me; I've had enough people pitying me already."
Harry then left, leaving Liam alone in the room. He suddenly didn't want to be with anyone at the moment so he went straight to the gym to hide behind the bleachers. It wasn't his intention to make Liam feel bad and it really hurt to admit even to himself that Louis will be happier with anyone beside Harry. Harry is a person brought out of anger and misfortune and he didn't even know if he'll pass this year and be able to graduate. People are already starting to look so lowly of Louis because he keeps hanging out with Harry and he didn't want to drag Louis to the dirt with him. Harry should try and distance himself away from Louis.
Maybe Louis' date with Mathew isn't a bad thing, maybe it's a start.
Harry didn't know how long he stayed at the gym but he knew that his two other classes are already over and some student's might already left school to go home but he didn't feel like moving from his spot. It wasn't like this was the first time he skipped classes, there were loads of times and sometimes weekly but it all toned down when Louis asked him to not skip anymore.
Seriously, why is he just realizing this just now? Louis has always been in control of his life, it's not like he's mad about it and he knew Louis was only doing this for the better and straightening his life out but surely he shouldn't have gave him all that much power to do it.
Ever since they became friends, Louis already has a say in all his decisions, heck even his life and he haven't complain even a bit.
Is this really what Harry has become?
Harry doesn't normally do the friends thing let alone be included in a group consisted of two power couple, an overly excited and childish Irish and a perfect blue eyed angel. Some people would describe him as heartless or an explosion waiting to happen but never a fierce kitten.
This was all so strange and Harry was too busy following Louis around to think much of it. Louis has completely changed him and he wasn't sure if he liked it.
What a cliché way to suddenly have a teenage midlife crisis in a school gym behind a dirty bleacher.
Harry was fucked and not in a good way he would prefer.
A/N: Hiiii :) Thanks for the vote and feedbacks are much appreciated :D Chapter dedicated to @larryhifford ♥
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