(Part 4) You're lucky you're cute
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Chapter 4
Harry hated his class when Louis wasn't in them. It was just so boring and everyone annoys him so much especially Mathew.
Mathew didn't do anything wrong with him, he was actually very scared of Harry. He was the captain of the math team and was always paired with Louis during competitions and Louis looks up to him so much and Harry didn't like it. He also notices how Mathew would blush or stutter whenever Louis would talk to him, it's annoying more than it's endearing.
But like many other instances, Louis, being the adorable oblivious being that he is seems to not notice Mathew's little crush on him. Harry wasn't sure if he was happy or mad about it. Happy because then Harry would know that Mathew's advances are shut down and angry because it seems Louis really is so oblivious when it comes to people and their feelings, the only thing which explains how Harry's intention aren't clearly understood when anyone in a 5 mile radius can see how Harry looks at Louis like he hangs the fucking moon.
So Harry was feeling a little bit of both.
When school bell rang, Harry was already up on his seat and leaving the class before his teacher can actually dismiss everyone. He walked straight to the cafeteria since he and Louis had lunch next and he spotted him along with Zayn, Liam and Niall who Harry still doesn't know where he suddenly popped out of and started hanging with them but he didn't have a problem with it. Niall seems to know every party in town and Harry likes his accent which is Irish.
Louis was the first to spot him and he waved, shyly, always shyly and Harry is so fucking endeared.
But before he can walk straight to where the others were, someone magically appeared in front of him and he was surprised to see Mathew. The boy was red in the face and seems to be sweating so much his shirt was drenched.
"Uh what are you doing?" Harry asked when Mathew didn't step away.
He seems to be struggling to make a reply and Harry would have helped the poor bloke and left but decided to stay to find out what he suddenly wants. "U-uh hi Harry, um, I was just... uh, you know – can I talk to you for a moment?"
Harry raised an eyebrow that made Mathew shrink further and blush harder if it was possible. Like seriously, what is his problem?
Harry did feel a little bit of pity because no boy he knew could turn red like that and he looks like he's about to pass out any second. "Sure." He said gesturing for him to follow because no way would Harry let him lead him around to god knows where.
When they were at a relatively quiet place since everyone seems to be all occupied with their food, he turns to Mathews and waited for him to talk.
Harry wasn't sure if every smart person in their school has to be shy and scared like they may be physically weak but they're powerful, other people should learn a thing or two about taking school seriously and yet it all seems they're too afraid of everything...or is it just Harry they're afraid of? Did Louis see him like that? Is he scared of him? Surely he's not right?
'Stop thinking Harry.' He scolded himself and went back to Mathews.
But it's been minutes and he's feeling kind of hungry so he wants to hurry whatever this was so he can be with Louis and his food.
"Are you going to talk or what? I still need to eat." He grumbled which made Mathew step back a little but he nodded and spoke.
"Um, well you see I know you and Louis are close, actually everyone does-." He paused to breathe, Harry was staring intently, almost deadly because he knew where this turn of conversation is heading into and Mathew should choose his words wisely or things could get ugly.
"And you're his best friend so I was wondering if you could help me out with uh... asking him out?" he finished.
Harry wasn't one to keep his chill or control, he's actually very useless when it comes with it and he knew he would've punched Mathew straight on the face if it wasn't for the hand that appeared to tightly grasp his shirt and he turned around to see Louis staring at Mathew in shock.
Harry stared wide eyed at Louis and then back to Mathew who seems as surprised as I was.
"Y-you want to ask me out?" Louis whispered disbelievingly to Mathew.
Harry didn't understand why Louis would act so shock about anyone liking him or giving him any type of interest. Harry knew a lot of people who would date Louis but they all seem to avoid him because Harry would threatened them usually or glare at them until they pissed their pants.
But Mathew seemed harmless to Harry that's why he didn't do any of those, he seemed to shit his pant whenever Louis talks to him so Harry never worried of him actually growing some balls and asking Harry himself for Louis, the size of this man's balls are enormous.
And then Mathew seems to grow another pair because he was completely ignoring Harry and turning his attention to Louis.
"Yes, Um, I just thought I should ask Harry first. Not that I'm scared but I think I should get his blessing first because you two have been so close since freshmen year."
It seems smart people are in fact really stupid because Mathew just signed his own death and Harry never felt so angry about something that he was seeing red and feeling pure animalistic jealousy. But all anger and jealousy disappeared and was replaced was with deep pain and anguish when Louis agreed.
"I-I would love to."
Harry didn't know if he can take this all so he stepped away, leaving the two alone before he scares Louis by killing Mathew on that very same spot.
He didn't go to the cafeteria; he went to the back of the school which was prohibited and off limits to all students but to hell with it. Harry felt so hurt and he didn't know how to handle it.
Louis agreed to go on a date, yes, it's just a date but he didn't really know Louis would actually go. If Harry was the one who asked him out, would he say yes? Will he be that eager to come or will he deny Harry? Everything was confusing him and he accidentally punched a nearby tree.
Pain exploded on his hand but it wasn't as painful as what his heart was currently feeling.
"I knew you'd be here."
Harry didn't turn to face Zayn.
"Leave me alone Zayn, I'm not in the mood to deal with your cryptic nonsense." He grumbled as he tied his headband on his bleeding knuckles.
"Louis just came to the cafeteria after following both you and Mathew, he told us that Mathew asked him out and they'll be going on a date this Saturday and you didn't return. You got Louis all worried because you haven't eaten yet, the poor boys been looking at you."
Harry didn't know if what saddens him more, Louis and Mathew going on a date this Saturday or Louis being worried about him, he doesn't like worrying Louis. He wants him to smile and be happy and what if going out with Mathew would make him happy? What the fuck would Harry do then?
He felt Zayn's hand on his shoulder and he didn't shake it off. As much as he hated Zayn's awful yet smart words that manages to dig right through Harry's head, he was still always there for him and he wouldn't admit it, but he was glad he had someone who cared for him besides Louis.
"I don't want to be the one to say that I told you so, I think you already know what I'm on about but hurting yourself or hiding away from Louis wouldn't solve a thing. Let's just go back and clean your hands before it gets infected and not give Louis a heart attack." He explained slowly.
Harry really hated how right Zayn always was, one day he'll get wrong and Harry wouldn't let him forget it but he has a point, everything he's doing right now will never be the answer to his problems.
"Ok." He sighed and let Zayn guide him to where Louis was nervously pacing.
When Louis found them, he ran and hugged Harry, Harry didn't even had the chance to speak because Louis was hugging him tight. Harry let out a hiss when his hand was crushed between them which made Louis pull away.
"Oh my god Harry! What happened to your arm?" he panicked as he saw the state of his blood covered bandanna wrapped around his knuckles.
"It's nothing, just slipped." He explained.
He didn't want Louis finding out that he did it to himself, it would just worry him more and possibly blame himself for it and Harry didn't want that.
"We should go to the nurse and let her check on it, if you managed to break it or not!"
He dragged Harry to the nurse not even giving him a say to the matter. Zayn, Liam and Niall who seems to be there at first have disappeared and went back to the cafeteria. Harry knew Zayn was behind it, Zayn was a good friend but he's an asshole for leaving Louis and Harry alone.
Harry still doesn't know the emotional state he has in, he didn't want a repeat of last time where he accidentally snapped at Louis.
But surprisingly, Louis was quiet on the way to the nurse and when the nurse finished bandaging Harry's hand, she too left them alone in the school clinic.
Harry knew the silence around them wasn't awkward, he can actually feel the wave of worry coming out of Louis.
"It's not your fault you know, I can be clumsy too?" he said to make Louis stop thinking.
Louis just nodded and bit his lip.
"You know slipping doesn't usually result to a bleeding hand, maybe you'll break your wrist but that's a lot of blood and can only be required if the force done to it was intentional, like punching something out of anger." Louis added which made Harry curse to himself.
Why did he ever believe that he could lie to Louis when it comes to things like this, he's a future doctor for god sake of course he wouldn't be fooled.
He tore his gaze away from Louis to stare at the wall who seems very interesting all of the sudden. "I'm sorry, I just got carried away." He murmured instead.
There was again silence before Louis spoke again. "Is it because of Mathew asking me out?" he asked softly.
Harry's heart gave a sudden leap, what was he going to say? Is this really the right time to do all the lovey dovey shit, is this really the place Harry would finally grew a pair like what Mathew did and say everything that he feels for him? And Louis noticed, he noticed Harry's little outburst, maybe he finally had an idea of how Harry feels?
"Are you worried I would spend less time with you because of Mathew? Is that what you're worried about?" Louis added.
Harry is so done right now, Louis is lucky he's so damn cute.
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A/N: I didn't really knew people would read this but thank you :) Dedicating chapters to people who follow me as a form of thanks :) This chapter dedicated to @larrymajorfan, thanks love♥
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