(Part 3) He glows like the fucking sun.
Story available on AO3
Chapter 3
Louis was glancing at his phone every minute that passed, his foot tapping anxiously at the pavement as he looked from left to right, waiting for a curly haired boy to arrive. He was waiting at a nearby park when he and Harry had an agreement to meet. He had asked Harry to accompany him at the bookstore to purchase some books that he would like to read and he would have letting Harry pick him up from his house if only his parents were at work, they both had the day off and he only sneaked out of his house because he knew they wouldn't let him out if they found out that he'll be spending his day with Harry.
But Harry was yet to arrive and he getting really worried and nervous. Nervous because Harry hasn't texted him at all, what if he forgot or decided to ignore Louis. Did he do something wrong? Is he annoying Harry or did Harry think that he was so pathetic that he can't even go to the store and buy his textbooks himself.
If that was the case, he would feel really bad for dragging Harry to his boring and introverted life. Louis was even surprised Harry had lasted that long trying to act as if Louis was his best friend, maybe he got tired of trying to scare all the bully that ruined he's life before and would just let him be.
He suddenly had this strong urge to cry and run home but his legs felt stuck as if it was nailed to the ground. He was always reminded not only by the whispers at school or the rumors around town that Harry wasn't the type to stick around with people especially nerdy boys who didn't have a life. Maybe they were true, maybe he was just nothing but a charity case to Harry. But three years of Harry trying to pretend as if he wants to be Louis' friend was kind of strange.
And now what was supposed to be a great day at the mall turned into some kind of depression for Louis because he thinks Harry didn't want to be friends with him anymore because he was such a loser. He can't even accompany Harry from one of his parties because he was so scared while Harry would agree to study with him all the time even if he didn't like it. Maybe that's why Harry didn't want to be friends with him, because Louis was being an unfair friend. Harry needed a friend who would support him, he deserves it more than anyone and surely he didn't deserve Louis.
He started sniffing; he lifted his feet off the ground and rested his head on his knees. He knew he looked horrible and childish but he believes that he had lost his best friend so he does have a reason to mourn.
Louis didn't know how long he was in that position but after a moment passed, there was footsteps and then he felt a nearby presence but thought it was just some old woman who was about to feed the birds but it suddenly spoke and it was familiar to him.
Eyes red and puffy, Louis raised his head to confirm his suspicion and let out a big sigh of relief at the sight of Harry. He was wearing a worn out beanie on his head and a pair of dark shades covering his eyes and his usual black tee and ripped jeans.
And he showed how relieved he was by standing from the bench he was sitting and quickly jumping on Harry. Harry didn't really know what was happening but he was quick to catch Louis with no trouble at all because of how small he was compared to Harry. Deep inside Harry was very much happy at the height difference, safe to say it has been a subject of Harry's not so clean thoughts when he was alone in bed.
Harry blushed at the R-rated things that he was starting to think, his also thought it was a good time to make an appearance when Louis was pressed tightly on his chest. He was young and hormones are a bitch, sue him.
But then he felt it, his neck was suddenly wet and he can hear Louis' little sniffles and he was quick to gently pry Louis arms away from his back and a thousand of questions running from his head about why Louis was crying.
"Why are you crying! Are you ok!?" he asked in alarm.
He looked around the park in search of a potential person that was the reason for his Louis' tears and he was ready to go to prison again if it means making that person pay. Harry was still a little worn out having experience the effect of his drinking, he still had a massive headache and woke up late, he haven't even took the time to take a shower because he was late and he didn't want to make Louis wait any longer. To add on Harry's misfortune, he left his phone at Zayn's room and still hasn't retrieved it so he didn't notify Louis' earlier about his tardiness.
"I'm fine Harry, 'm just being a baby."
"Did anyone do this to you? I will hurt them!" Harry said, not completely hearing Louis' earlier reply.
Harry was even more terrified when Louis suddenly burst into fits of giggles which would be so damn adorable if Harry didn't know he was crying just seconds ago.
"Did you hit your head? Have you got any brain damage? Is that the reason your mood is worse that a teenage girl on her period?" he asked, pulling Louis closer to check for an bruise or bump on his head which could be the only explanation to his bipolar mood change.
Louis just pushed him away and smiled at him.
"I'm really fine Harry, I was just being my weird self and .." Louis suddenly paused from his talking, looking down on his feet as he blushed 50 shades of red.
That didn't stop Harry from worrying more, thinking that Louis was going red because he suddenly caught a fever.
"Harry, am I just a charity case to you?" Louis quickly asked while his gaze was still focused on the ground, avoiding all sort of eye contact with Harry.
Harry just opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unable to form a decent enough reply for Louis.
Harry knew how wild Louis' imagination can be and he was really insecure and sometimes doubted everything as long as he gets the time to think about everything except his studies. Harry didn't really think that a few hours late from their meeting would get Louis to think that Harry was too good for him.
'Maybe Zayn was right.' Harry frowned when Louis started fiddling with his fingers, a habit he knew Louis did if he was really uncomfortable and would like to leave but is too nice and worries about being rude. 'Maybe Louis does think that he's my responsibility.'
Harry was just about to explain himself when Louis started stuttering which he knew he never did unless he's about to lose it and cry.
"Y-you don't have to answer, I understand that I'm a bad friend and a loser and you're too cool for me and –"
"Shut up Louis." Harry hissed.
Harry cursed himself when Louis did stayed quiet and was now staring at him wide eyed and scared. He didn't mean to snap or even frighten Louis like that, he was just too tired and sleep deprived from vomiting all night and not having enough sleep that he was getting reckless, Louis saying that he was a loser and a bad friend was also not helping Harry's temper. He never ever snaps at Louis so he understood the unbelievable look he was getting from him.
"Lou I'm sorry."
He didn't respond but Harry can see he was shaking.
"I didn't mean to snap, I just had a tough weekend and the reason why I was late is because I'm still hangover and I left my phone at Zayn's apartment so I couldn't call you and please." He lifted Louis face with his fingers so they were eye to eye. "You are not a charity case, why would you even think that. You're my best friend right?"
Harry internally winced at that word; he was also trying to ignore the voices in his head which were shouting at him to kiss Louis because this was the perfect opportunity.
He wouldn't do it to Louis; he wasn't going to force himself on him.
'I might scare him away.'
Harry saw Louis' face brighten, literally glowed like the fucking sun as if he was super happy and Harry's heart hurts a little at how badly he wants to make him smile like that every fucking day.
"You're my best friend too Harry!" Louis cheered, all recent mood swings gone, he was just so happy while Harry felt like being punched in the gut.
Harry and Louis were on their way to the bookstore, Louis chatting happily at Harry as if his recent breakdown didn't happen before.
Harry was also happy for him but he head was still being such a massive pain and he would sometimes make a few stops to try to lessen in at a little. Louis hasn't noticed it before but after the last stop he suddenly understood.
"Oh no, I totally forgot about your hangover. Maybe we should just go home so you can take a rest. We can but my books any other time when you're feeling fine." He said worriedly.
Harry cursed the damn party for making Harry go and giving him a hangover that worried Louis. He forced a smile despite his dizzying state.
"I'm fine, we're almost there anyway and you've been talking all week about getting that book."
"But your health is more important than that, those books were just addition to the research I'm working on and besides I can still buy them next week." He explained.
If Harry wasn't particularly pail, he would have blushed at Louis statement and his concern. He shook his head and forced himself to stand straight.
"That's not going to happen, so how about we just go so you can go back to your research. I wouldn't let myself live if I knew I'm stopping you from inventing a cure for cancer." He joked, trying to lighten up and not worry Louis more than he already is.
Louis was quiet for a moment; Harry thought it was because of his joke so he was quick to defend himself. "It can be any research, not just for cancer."
"Do you really think I'd be a good doctor?" Louis asked instead.
This was the first time Louis opened up a topic about his future career, usually he would steer the subject away or even ignore the question if it was asked because even if he had his future college all planned out, and he never did mention what he'll study. Harry always thought he was just undecided but Louis really seemed curious.
"I think you'll be the best at everything you do but a doctor seemed more logical because you're so fascinated with all those science stuff and you love helping people." He answered truthfully.
Louis blushed and smiled at him but it quickly faded once he spoke. "My dad thinks I should study law."
Harry knew he had disbelief written all over his face but he can't imagine Louis, standing in a courtroom making mean and vicious comments. No, Louis is far better off caring for children and making sure they're not sick.
"I hate to say this but your dad is stupid, you're not made to be evil and malicious or even mean and not to be rude, you hated the spotlight and lawyers tend to be in one a lot."
Louis' face was grim and Harry almost took everything back because it surely done it this time, upsetting Louis more. He was in a roll and he wanted to bang his head on the wall and before he can actually do it Louis continued speaking.
"I don't like law; I wanted to be a doctor." He stated firmly.
Harry smiled and was feeling so damn proud of his boy. "Yes you will, to hell with what your dad wants. Go for what your heart truly desires."
"You're becoming a sap, stop hanging out with Zayn." He giggled on his hand.
Harry grinned and felt 100x better at making Louis feel happy, hangover can go and suck itself because Louis is his very own cure.
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