(Part 21) How to be
A/N: Anyone ordered a Harry with a side of Louis? kidding..enjoy!
Louis felt a sudden ache on his head which made him groan, he slowly opened his eyes and the first thing that he saw were Harry's worried looking ones.
"Lou? Are you okay?"
Louis' head was blank, what the hell happened to him and why is his head throbbing so painfully.
Harry was quick to assist him when he slowly lifted himself up from where he was lying only to find out that he was on the ground. He also noticed that he and Harry where on their garden, their fairy tale like looking garden. Oh.
"Christ Lou, you scared the crap out of us." Niall's voice startled Louis and quickly looked behind where he saw his Irish friend, donning a perfectly white suit.
He also noticed Liam and Zayn who were kneeling at his other side and they both have equally worried look on their faces.
"Guys?" he asked questioningly when he realized all his friends were here.
And then his gaze wandered and that's when his eyes caught a banner sticking out of a wall and every memory from today came crashing to him like a train and he was gasping for air and staring at Harry wide eyed and gaping.
Harry's face was pale and he was sweating buckets, he almost endured a heart attack at seeing Louis fall in the ground. Niall, Liam and Zayn just arrived shortly after Louis collapsed and they had the surprised of their life at seeing Louis unconscious and Harry cradling his head carefully.
Louis wasn't out that long, probably just a few seconds but if it was longer Harry was about to dash to the hospital carrying Louis as fast as he can.
But he was okay, Louis was fine just staring at Harry like he'd just grown another pair of head which would be funny if the circumstances were different. The sweats have come back and Harry never felt more scared at staring at Louis. He didn't feel any type of nerves when he's about to climb a ring and see his opponent who was bigger than him but right now, it's Harry who's feeling faint.
"So are you guys just gonna stare at each other the whole night?" it was Zayn who cut the tension with his remark, looking at Harry and then back at Louis.
"B-but...uh, what, you?" Harry stuttered out, not really know what he was going to say.
Louis stopped gaping like a fish but his face was getting all red and flustered. He pulled his gaze away from Harry and started fiddling with his fingers.
This wasn't how Harry planned of asking Louis to be his boyfriend, this never even crossed his mind. How would he know Louis will suddenly faint because of his surprise?
"Harry." Liam nudged his back, nodding at him reassuringly.
This wasn't also part of it, their friends were supposed to arrive when Louis have already said yes and they caught them snogging each other like there's no tomorrow. They should not be ogling at them and waiting patiently for each one to utter a word. Harry rarely experience things like this, Harry never acts like this.
Louis was refusing to look at him and it makes everything the more worrisome. What if he says no, what if he realized that Harry wasn't the one for him because he's too dumb and no future. That was Harry's fear all this time, about Louis realizing that he deserved so much more than what Harry can give. Louis deserves the world if anyone asked Harry but he's not all that sure he'll be able to provide even a half of the things Louis needed. Harry was really on the verge of running away and locking himself in the basement in hopes of just dying and rotting in despair.
"This is pathetic even for you guys." Zayn suddenly spoke which took Harry out of his trance.
Oh right, his friends were here to see him mess everything up.
Niall suddenly kneeled next to Louis and spoke. His face was all serious and Harry didn't know what he was going to say.
"Harry was wondering Louis about what your answer is to his question about getting to finally bone you." He asked half heatedly which made Harry gasped in horror.
Harry didn't know Louis could get any redder.
"Niall!" Louis squeaked, looking scandalized but a smile was starting to appear from his lips and Harry can suddenly breathe a little better now.
"I'm kidding." Niall exploded in hysterics at the look on his friend's faces. Even Liam and Zayn let out a few chuckles. Trust Niall to ease the tense atmosphere and make it a joking matter.
Harry took a long deep breath and took Louis' face by the chin, he needed to see the blue in Louis' eyes to make sure that he was okay with all of this. That he wasn't getting pressured to answer Harry and this is what he wants. Even if Harry knew Louis didn't deserve him, he'll make sure Louis feels like he's the most precious thing to happen in Harry's life.
"So um, yeah, what do you say Lou? Will you give me a chance of having the pleasure of calling you mine?" Harry knew his voice was weaker, more unsure than he ever had in his life.
Louis' eyes started getting wet as he stared back at Harry and it feels like this was their moment, just the two of them. All the years of being with Harry, this moment was considered top in Louis' list.
"I never wanted anything more." Louis whispered, lips curling into a smile and Harry suddenly got the urge to kiss him.
"Yep, they've reach rock bottom everyone."
Harry felt elated but trust Niall to also ruin the moment.
"Shut up Niall!" Liam and Zayn laughed as they tackled Niall to the ground.
"Oi! I'm wearing white you tossers!" Niall cried as they fell to the ground with a thump.
Harry didn't' stop himself this time as he hugged Louis tightly to his chest. Louis hugged him just as tight as if he can't believe himself into what just happened. This was actually real, they were together now, officially.
The night didn't end just like that.
Of course, Harry danced with Louis under the twinkling fairy lights as they stared at each other, eyes sparkling with happiness and their friends watching on the side.
Louis also found out that Liam and Zayn were the one who orchestrated the whole thing as Harry begged them for an idea on how to ask Louis'. Being the hopeless romantic couple as they are, they tried setting Louis' backyard into a prom like get up. Niall was the distraction so that Louis wouldn't get home early and Harry was the one who cooked the food set on the table. To Louis surprise, his parents were the one who bought Louis' suit after Harry promised to pay them back. Harry had already asked for Louis' parents approval to Louis' surprise and didn't know how to react after learning that his parents had agreed after her mom threatened Harry. His dad trusted Harry but still warned him about not getting his boys heart broken, Harry had to listen to his mom about how she will ruin Harry's life if anything was to happen to Louis and of course his grades.
Louis felt like floating, he was so happy that his heart could burst with joy and love.
Because even if his life was a bit shitty, he still has all of this.
"Aw my head, Christ." Niall groaned as he slumped over the table.
They were all seated in the cafeteria eating lunch, Louis was really enjoying how Niall keeps complaining about his massive headache which in the first place was his fault because he couldn't stop himself from drinking. Also, the Algebra exam earlier did not help Niall's hangover.
"I told you to stop drinking but you wouldn't listen." Louis giggled and let out a low shriek when Niall trough a piece of lettuce on his face.
"Shut up, you would be doing the same thing when you realize all of your friends are happily in a relationship and you're the only single guy." Niall huffed as he downed the water he was holding on his hand.
Liam and Zayn snorted from where they were both busy reading their reviewers and feeding each other with fruits that Liam's mom made for the two of them. Louis kind of feel a bit jealous even if he and Harry are already official, he can't help but think that this could be them if Harry didn't get kicked out of school. They'd be disgustingly cute and no fucks given to anyone looking at them weirdly.
Louis doubted anyone could voice out their opinion with Liam and Zayn because most times most couples were just jealous because of the amazing connection they have, like they were soulmates.
Louis wonders if Harry was his soulmate.
"Hey Lou, do you mind letting me copy your answer on the exam later." Niall suddenly pleaded pulling Louis out of thoughts about Harry.
Louis rolled his eyes and stared at Niall in the eye who was equally staring at Louis and trying but obviously failing to look innocent and cute.
"You know I can't Niall, it's been a rule remember but I'll help you with key points so you know what'll be in the exam later." Louis encouraged him and tried not to get guilty at Niall's exasperated okay.
Louis had made it clear to his friends that he's not the cheating kind, it may seem unfair and selfish but Louis had experienced people using him and befriending him when in return Louis would make their homework, their projects and let them copy his exams.
It was during in middle school and Louis let those people do it because it made him less lonely, and they notice his existence. It continued until freshmen year but when Louis started refusing, they suddenly say hurtful things to him, push him around and helped Blake in torturing him, that's why Blake has so many minions under his control. They share the same hatred and jealousy that Blake has for Louis. Sometimes it made Louis think that his intelligence it's a curse but he can't do anything about it. They all stopped anyway when Harry came into his life and Louis was truly in awe of Harry because even if he has a shitty set of grades, he never once took advantage of Louis. Harry would just ask for Louis help about something which Louis will gladly explain with too much enthusiasm because Louis knows Harry really wanted to learn, maybe a bit too late because he's flunked a lot of subject but it's the thought that counts the most. Louis believed Harry was smart but grew up with people not helping him develop his abilities hence acted on violence which made him who he is now.
But everything is great, Harry had completely changed and for the better and Louis will make sure to be the best boyfriend he can be for Harry. Even if he doesn't have any fucking clue on how to be the best boyfriend ever.
"Oh my god.." Louis muttered when he realized he doesn't really know what a boyfriend actually do or what he's entitled to be.
Niall, Zayn and Liam all lifted their gaze from their notes and stared at Louis curiously.
"What's up Lou?" Zayn asked as he noticed Louis' panicked stricken face.
Louis was indeed panicking at the sudden realization, forgetting the formula that he was writing for Niall all together.
"I don't know how to be a boyfriend." Louis blurted embarrassingly as his face turned into a deep shade of red.
Niall's laughter suddenly burst which made other student look at them curiously at the sudden noise. Louis swatted Niall's arm when he grabbed the attention of the students inside the cafeteria. Liam and Zayn were also trying really hard to not burst into fits of laughter just like Niall did but they find it hilarious that their friend is having a sudden existential crisis in the middle of reviewing for their exam later.
"Hahaha god Louis, do you like need a book of how to be a boyfriend for dummies?" Niall continued laughing but suddenly stopped when a sudden pain on his head made him groan dramatically.
"That's what you get for being a bully." Louis smirked but still felt bad for Niall so he handed him his water.
Louis then turned to his other friends and stared at them expectantly. His eyes pleading for any answer to his sudden question.
Liam and Zayn stared at each other before staring back at Louis, they both didn't know what Louis expected from them.
"We really don't know Lou, I guess me and Liam just stayed true to ourselves and that made us feel happy about each other. We like to be comfortable with everything like treat each other as best friends." Zayn said with a small smile as he leaned his head on Liam's shoulder.
Louis' tooth was aching with their aggressive cuteness and display of affection.
Liam blushed red at Zayn's sudden action but leaned to it as well.
"We argue too, don't think that relationships are always butterflies and rainbows. It's normal to have misunderstandings but to us, we always make sure to respect each other's decision and try to make a suitable solution that will be benefit the both of us. Compromise is always the key, you can't both always win." Liam added.
Louis nodded at them as he tried to quickly write everything that they say down on his notes. His eagerness will equal a national competition wherein every single bit of detail is the answer to all life's question.
"And of course the sex." Niall added with a knowing grin that made everyone at the table red in the face. Their reaction made another bout of laughter out of Niall.
"You are so crude for someone who's a virgin." Liam chastised him like a dotting parent.
That made Niall instantly shut up and stared at Liam surprisingly, his mouth hanging open which was funny for Louis.
"You know nothing about my sex life Liam."
"Not after you told us last night Niall while you were drunk." Zayn snorted as he threw a piece of grape in Niall's horrified look. The grape landed straight to Niall's open mouth of course which made him splutter.
That was the breaking point for Louis as he burst into laughter, not even caring if anyone looked in their way because he was really really happy that he met all of them in some kind of twist of fate, like they were all meant to be friends.
Louis couldn't ask for a more perfect set of friends.
After the initial laughter, Zayn looked at Louis and gestured for his phone.
"You should text Harry Lou and ask how his day is going, usually relationships are like that. When you're not together, you'd still like to have a sort of communication with each other."
Louis nodded and quickly wrote everything that Liam and Zayn were saying.
He needed to be good at this if he wanted Harry to never leave him, he'll be the perfect boyfriend as he is the perfect student.
A/N: Hey guys, everyone alive and breathing? told you updates are hard, equally as hard as Harry is for Louis ;)
Anyway, updates usually come fast like I'll have a sudden idea and boom my fingers will start doing magic and then I'll post it without even editing so please bare with mistakes, I'm no perfect, not like Louis...
Love me some feedbacks!
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