(Part 19) Feisty little Brunette
Harry has a habit of doing things without even giving it a second thought. But what was to think about anyway? Louis was in trouble where in the first place he shouldn't be. He can't let those assholes sleep comfortably at night while the guilt in Louis' conscience is eating him up whole. So the only solution he came up with was that, beat them all until they confess what they did, probably not the smartest thing to do but it was a plan that Harry stuck with. He got expelled, so what? That's not something that will blow a big hole in Harry's barely visible future.
That's not the case for Louis though.
"I can't believe you right now." Louis grumbled, annoyed as he dabbed antiseptic at Harry's wound, he had a middle finger size cut on his back which isn't that deep but would leave a mark. It's just one of the wounds and bruises that Louis found on his body.
They decided to go to Harry's apartment, the other boys decided to head back to school but promised to return once it's over. They decided to make up an excuse for Louis about catching diarhea or something so that he wouldn't have to go back. Louis was the one who refused to the astonishment of the others. He just couldn't leave Harry on his own to tend to his wounds.
"Ouch, easy Lou!" Harry whined when Louis purposely pressed the cotton swab on Harry. He was just really upset with Harry.
"How can you still punch things when your body is black and blue, you look terrible!" He snapped.
Harry was really amaze at how different this Louis was, it was kinda turning him on. Louis all feisty and mad, he didn't get that usually.
"I still look handsome though right?" He joked but was answered by a glare.
'Fuck.' Harry inwardly moaned. He wanted to just grab Louis and throw him to his bed.
"Shut up!" Louis snapped again which got Harry out of his rather or probably very dirty thought.
"Aw Lou, you're being incredibly mean today." He tried to make Louis more mad, more feisty and sassy, which is probably not a good idea but he was really really getting turned on by it.
"Seriously Harry, shut up or I'll dose you with rubbing alcohol."
Harry snapped his mouth shut, he didn't want to anger Louis much further than he already is. Louis just continued cleaning Harry's wounds and muttering lowly that Harry couldn't understand.
"What do you think should I have done Lou?" Harry asked slowly as to understand why Louis is this angry, shouldn't he be happy that Harry saved him from possibly ruining his grades that he worked so hard to achieve?
Louis stared at him in the eye, the glare was replaced by a small frown.
"If your excuse is that you did it for my grades I will literally ask Paul to teach me how to fight so that I can kick your ass." He said softly, with no real hint of anger despite the threat.
Harry was sprechless for a minute but when he was capable of speaking again, all he was able to mutter was a pathetic...
Louis took a deep breath and placed the first aid kit on the side, he then stood up and planted himself at Harry's lap. Harry was surprise at the gesture but immediately made sure he was comfortable.
Louis traced a bruise in Harry's shoulder and kept quiet for a bit. Harry lets him have his time and he was enjoying Louis touching his body anyway so no rush really.
After a few more minutes of just being quiet, Louis looks up at Harry and sighed.
"You're more important than my grades Harry, grades and awards don't define a person. I would accept the suspension if it means that you can graduate and have a better future." He mumbled but Harry was just inches away from him so he heard it all too clearly.
His heart suddenly began pounding like crazy and he knew he must be smiling so wide because his face hurts, it has a certain ache in it but he loves it. He can't believe that was his Louis who said that, when just a few months before he thought he was some kind of modified android who is not capable of feelings.
"Lou..." He breathed out, maybe a bit breathless but who cares. He was just in awe of this guy.
Louis continued speaking and his face was all red from blushing and Harry was stopping himself from cooing at him.
"I want us to graduate together, go to uni and start reaching our dreams. You and me, just the two of us." He finishes as he stared at Harry all wide eyes and all sorts of adorable.
But that was the thing, Harry knew Louis could be anything, there is no stopping him but Harry...well.
"You know no university would accept me, and if they did how do you think will I be able to afford it?" Harry sighed as hugged Louis close to him.
Harry has thought about it too, maybe dreamed it a little bit but it was just so impossible to be at the level of Louis especially now that he lost all hope of graduating. He's already two years ahead of everyone and no school would accept him anymore given it was almost the end of the semester.
"You know anything could be possible Harry." Louis said sadly over where he was nuzzled on his neck.
Harry closed his eyes and left a kiss on Louis forehead. No matter how angry Louis would be, he would never regret what he did. It was for him anyway.
Harry pulled away from their hug and smiled at Louis.
"You have a bright future Louis, I don't. I want you to soar high and be anything you wanted to be." He grinned.
"But what about you?" Louis asked while pouting sadly.
Harry did what his mind told him, he literally cooed at Louis but he just glared at him which made him chuckle.
"What about me? I'm already a lost cost, when you found me on that library, something changed and I'm glad I became a better person, well slightly better and I get to know you and the others. That's the fucking greatest thing in my shit cake of a life and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world." He said with a proud smile directed at Louis.
Harry's not even saying that for Louis to feel good, it was just the honest truth. His life is kind of shitty.
Louis immediately hugged him tight, burrowing his face at Harry's chest.
"Meeting you was the greatest thing that happened to me too." Louis' confession was a bit jumbled because he was talking against Harry's skin but repeated himself after.
"You know that I Love You Louis right?" Harry knew that saying that was a bit too early on, not really the most romantic time to declare his love but he just felt like it was the best time.
Ofcourse Louis seemed shock, Harry could understand. He's not even hurt, love isn't something you throw away that easily without being 100% sure it's real. Harry's been pinning way to long, he's very sure that it's legit.
"Harry.." Louis slowly says but Harry cut him off before he blabbers any excuse.
"You don't have to say it back, it's fine." Harry assures him with a peck on the chick.
Look at what he's become, scary Harry Styles who the world things is a big bad meenie giving away pecks on on the cheek.
But it's Louis, it's all for Louis.
"Shut up. I'm getting the feeling that loving you isn't going to be that easy." Louis said, playfully punching Harry chest.
Louis then thought tugging at Harry's nipple was the brightest thing to do but boy was he wrong.
He was oblivious on the effect he has on Harry at how Harry closed his eyes for a moment and breathed hard as the sensation of Louis' fingers brought a certain kind of electricity on his body.
Harry was urging his erection away so he reajusted Louis position on his lap and tried not to let him sit on his dick which he might feel is semi hard.
"Ouch, you think loving an oblivious idiot is easy? I've been sending you signals since junior year and you still don't have any clue." He joked, voice deep so he faked a cough to make it unnoticeable to Louis.
"Heey it wasn't my fault that I thought you just hanged out with me for pity." Louis answered like it was a fact that the whole world knows.
If only Louis knows what half the school thinks, he probably wouldn't be saying that. He's just really oblivious and is Harry supposed to be blame for that?
Harry is also not to be blamed if Louis suddenly felt a hard on poking on his ass because he just continued playing with Harry's nipples like it's the next big interesting thing to play with. He was already getting horny from his close proximity, he doesn't need this torture.
To get his focus away from his dick and back to his already clouded mind, he vaguely remembers Louis mentioning about pity.
That made Harry frown at him.
"Pity? I fucking want to grab you and slam you at every corner and snog the intelligence out of you until you're a blubbering mess." He said and realized the words that came from his mouth. Oh.
Probably not the smartest. Sue him, his mind doesn't have any control or filter, to busy calming his dick down.
"Harry!" Louis literally squeaked, like a girlish scream and his expression looking all scandalized.
Harry didn't understand why Louis was surprise.
"What? I'm at my young stages of life, I'd like to make you mine as much as possible but no, I had to be with the company of my hand all night."
Okay, that part was a lie. Not completely but also not completely the truth. When Harry was all lonely and broken and a whole lot of pinning, he tried to fuck anyone who closely resembles Louis. But that was long time ago, he stopped because he knew he couldn't find anyone close enough to Louis. He was just unique and so perfect, Harry would have literally created a fanbase dedicated to Louis.
Harry was too busy daydreaming that he didn't notice Louis being quiet. He suddenly grew worried at having offended him in his confessions.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked lowly, sounding every bit of apologetic.
Louis was all red in the face and avoided Harry's eyes at all cost.
"I don't know how to." Was his only reply that made Harry more confuse than ever.
What was Louis talking about? What does he not know? Is there anything that Louis doesn't know? Those were the questions running on Harry's mind.
He wasn't the smartest kid on the block, sue him.
"What?" Harry decided to voice out all the what is on his mind.
"I don't know how to... you know." Louis mumbled, shrugging like it was no big deal. Like Harry would just magically undestand what he was talking about.
Which again, he doesn't.
Harry sighed and gave up. He'll have a headache if Louis didn't stop from letting Harry burn all his braincells from working overdrive.
"Louis, what do you not know?" Harry muttered, a bit exasperated and confuse.
Louis scoffed and just snapped. His confession making Harry dizzy and it was indeed something Harry wasn't prepared to hear at all.
"I haven't touched myself before okay!"
There was a bit of silence after and then Harry threw all sense on the window and pulled Louis close as he kissed him deeply.
He pulled back a second to stare at him, his eyes almost black from lust.
"Jesus Christ Louis, that's really fucking hot, hell." He muttered before pulling him again.
Louis was surprised but didn't protest.
He didn't know why his inexperience threw Harry off and made him react that way. Harry's kisses were punishing but delicious and Louis felt like floating.
They've kissed numerous time actually and Louis always felt light headed but this one, this will probably top his non existing list.
Harry was bitting his lips, sucking it and gnawing and his tongue was exploring every bit of Louis' mouth and Louis knew his lips will be bruised after.
Things were getting heated between both of them and Harry's exposed chest isn't helping. Louis has been wandering his hands all over and Harry was feeling every touch, every caress of those delicate hands of him.
His own hands had made their own journey and travelled below until it reached its goal. Louis round ass.
Harry's hands were big, abnormally even but it still wasn't big enough to grasp and hold Louis big plump ass. Harry revelled on it, massaging and pulling and just having the pleasure of feeling it on his hands.
Louis probably felt the same because he pulled away from their kiss to moan, loving the feeling of Harry's hand and his playful ministrations.
Louis was feeling really overwhelmed, his body was buzzing and he never felt like this before. The sensation was something he never once thought he'd feel and he knew it has something to do with Harry. His pants were begining to get uncomfortable and his dick was painfully hard, his body was chasing something and rubbing off on Harry's stomach seems to be helping, increasing the feeling of pleasure.
Harry watched in awe as Louis grinds and bucks on his stomach, first ever so slowly then quickening it's pace and trying to chase off his orgasm. He smirked and continued massaging Louis ass, he placed his lips over his neck to kiss and nip at it and that made Louis moan harder, almost crying and tightening his hold on Harry's bicep.
When Harry licked and sucked below Louis' ear, Louis shouted and stopped his motions. His moans echoing in Harry's apartment and Harry knew his neighbours probably heard but who cares.
All he cared about was the bliss out look on Louis face as he came, his face covered in sweat and a bit of spit and Harry never felt more aroused in his life.
He was still rock hard but he didn't care, if he dies right here right now, he'd die a happy man.
"H-Harry." Louis moaned lowly, shaking a bit.
His eyes were also getting droopy so Harry stood up and carried Louis on his bed. He was already half asleep and even if Harry wasn't able to release, he made sure to change and clean Louis up because he knew it was uncomfortable to sleep with cum covered underwear.
After making sure Louis was asleep and okay, Harry made a run on the bathroom and quickly jack himself off. His mind full of Louis' grinding and cumming and that was the quickest release he ever had in his life.
A/N: So what do you all think? Comment down below!
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