(Part 13) Defending Harry
@crypticfangirl -- tumblr, twitter, ao3
Louis was getting kind of worried and ridiculously troubled at the thought of going back to school.
He had a few days off after his parents found out about his bruises and demanded that he stay at home until it heals. The school didn't mind that much mainly because Louis was on top of his class and missing a few days won't really affect his grades that much.
Of course he was a bit glad of having to prolong the inevitable confrontation with Blake in school but he was also a bit sad about not being able to see Harry.
Just the mention of his name in his thoughts brings a sort of giddiness in Louis that makes him forget about Blake. It's safe to say that this was a whole new thing for him, or maybe not. Maybe all this time he was just too blind to see and too stupid to realize his feelings that was there all along. Louis had once believed that so called feelings that people refer to as love is just a figment of a person's wild imagination caused by feeling lonely. He thought it was just a mock emotion that people created to experience joy and happiness for a limited period of time.
He always thought whenever he would read romantic novels that the thing most fictional characters mention as this so called love was a bit overrated. He even thought that the story portrayed in movies were equally unbelievable and were just made to make money, lots and lots of money out of people who lived their lives dreaming of the perfect love story. The hopeless romantic as they say.
How ironic because now he was one of them and this was all Harry Edward Styles' fault.
Louis was pulled away from his 'Harry Trance' by a sudden knock on his door.
He turns his gaze towards his bedroom door just in time to see his mom peaking inside. When she saw Louis, she stepped inside his room and placed his folded clothes at the end of his bed.
"You had a visitor dear." She said after Louis thanked her for bringing his clothes.
"Really? Who?" He asked, sitting upright on his bed.
Her mom started moving around his room, picking up all the discarded clothing lying around on his bedroom floor.
"It's Harry." She said, her lips pressed in a thin line.
"Harry! Where is he?" Louis was suddenly bolting out of his bed, he ran to the window to try and see if the curly haired boy was really here but to his disappointment, there was no one out front.
He turned towards his mom who was frowning at a pair of mismatched socks and was not paying attention completely on Louis.
"I sent him home, told him you weren't allowed to have visitors because you have school tomorrow." She answered with a nonchalant shrug that made Louis frustrated.
Seriously, his mom can be the worse sometimes.
"Mom! Why would you do that!" Louis whined at his mom.
"I'm sorry dear but how many times do I have to tell you to not hang around the likes of him." She explained as if Louis would just understand it that simply, that a worth of someone can be based solely from their outside appearance alone.
Louis' mother can sometimes be the most typical judgmental parent, who cringes at the sight of piercings and tattoos, although Harry didn't have any piercing, the tattoo on his arm is glaringly obvious.
"There is nothing wrong with Harry." He insisted.
His mother didn't know how Harry had been protecting him from years of torment throughout his life, Harry who has been his support system during his competitions when his parents rarely make an appearance and Harry who just admitted to having feelings for Louis and wanted to take him on a date.
He was again interrupted with his inner 'Harry worship' by his mom.
"Everything is wrong with that boy." She said disapprovingly.
Louis was all about ignoring things that made him annoyingly angry, he prefers taking the calmer route but the way his mom is dismissing everything just because of her first impression with Harry is making him unexplainably mad.
"You can't just judge a person just by his looks mom." He insisted. He wanted to make his mom understand. He actually really wanted his mom to like Harry and Harry had defended him many times from lots of people, maybe it's about time he does the same for him.
"I know enough about him." Was his mom's vague reply.
Louis groaned and went back to his bed, groaning at his pillow because his mom was starting to get on his nerves.
"Why can't you just give him a chance?" He mumbled sadly after taking a few calming breaths. This was his mother, the person who had carried him for nine months and had given birth to him so he deserves all the respect from Louis. He shouldn't snap or talk back to her even though he really really wanted to.
There was a pregnant pause, with Louis just staring straight on his green painted walls and his mom somewhere around his room. Louis doesn't bother on looking at her because it would just make him feel bad about acting out like such a child.
"You really care for this boy then?" Her mom asked suddenly which made Louis to sit up straight on his bed.
"I do mom." He answered seriously.
Louis wanted her to understand how much Harry means to him.
His mom just stared at him before letting out a sigh and taking a seat on his bed.
"Hmm, well that's odd. You never cared enough about something since your last pet gerbil." She added.
Louis groaned and face palmed himself, why would his mom say that? Leonardo was pretty special but he died because his dad forgot to feed him when he and his mom went to visit his Nan. That was a pretty emotional time for ten year old Louis but something's not right when his pet gerbil is compared to Harry. Louis wouldn't know what he'd do if Harry just disappeared and left.
"Harry is not just something or a pet mom, he's a person." He reasoned out, slightly getting really defensive.
His mother must have noticed the slight rise on Louis' tone because she was furrowing her brows and rubbing Louis' shoulder.
"Alright, alright, calm down Louis, I didn't mean it that way." Her mom reassured her.
"I'm sorry for raising my voice on you." He apologized quickly; he didn't want to upset his mom just because he was getting frustrated.
It's just so difficult to express what you feel on a particular subject without offending someone.
"It's ok, I'm sorry too."
He lifted his head to stare wide eyed at his mom; she was apologizing, which in his book is a good thing.
She let out a sigh but it wasn't condescending, she was trying to fight off a smile.
"Fine, if it'll make you feel better. I'll let you hang out with that boy but I need you to promise me that this wouldn't affect your performance in school. One grade slip and I'll make sure you'll never see him again." She was trying to sound stern and intimidating but the look of pure fondness on her face was too obvious.
Louis didn't know what to do but jump to hug her afterwards.
Louis didn't know what was so different today but he rarely sees this side of his mom, too much work and less time with him but today's seems special.
"For real!" Louis would never admit how he squealed rather unmanly on his mom.
"Yes, but promise me."
Louis was nodding so quickly he was getting a bit dizzy.
"Yes, oh my god, mom ok, I promise! I doubt Harry would make me fail my subjects. He's actually the one who encourages me to join more extracurricular activities that would look great on my college application." He said with a proud smile, Harry did help him greatly in a lot of stuff which he might have said to gain his mother's approval.
This was successful with the way her mom's eyes light up. She always seems to do that when the topic is about Louis' future.
"Oh, I wasn't aware of that."
Louis thinks that would have done the trick to get Harry on his mom's good side.
"He's really not that bad mom." He continues.
"Fine, you should invite him to dinner sometimes." She says after a moment.
Louis never felt more proud of himself, he finally did it. He had successfully made his mom to remotely like Harry and she even invited him for dinner, yep, Louis deserves a pat on the back.
"Sure, He'd love that and maybe he can bring some of his dish too because he's such a good cook."
Louis eyes widen when the words left his mouth, Harry only let him taste his food once and never really asked if he can cook anything fancy, his mom and dad were very picky with their meals.
"Oh, I didn't know he could cook." The surprise was evident on her face but she looks delighted upon hearing yet another good characteristic from Harry.
Louis just continued though.
"He's good at a lot of things mom."
"Well that's good to hear then." She seems very pleased indeed.
She stood up and kissed Louis' cheek.
"OK, I'll leave you now and make sure you have an early rest, you have school tomorrow."
Louis was literally feeling rather elated at having accomplished a lot of things today.
"Ok mom." He beams.
He couldn't wait to tell Harry.
Louis was disappointed.
It turns out he couldn't tell Harry all about it because he didn't go to school. Like before, there wasn't a single text about his whereabouts and he was close to skipping class and getting Harry but he had a Biology quiz that he couldn't miss.
Louis would just have to suffer without Harry today. Zayn, Liam and Niall were with him the whole day and he knew why they refused to leave him alone. Blake was still around, like a hungry predator waiting to attack Louis when he gets the chance.
It was a bit dramatic and Louis knew the guy probably has other stuffs to do besides torments Louis' life and he doesn't feel a bit threatened which is rather surprising.
He didn't know what was wrong with him but seeing Blake glaring at him across the hall did nothing to falter his steps. Or maybe he was acting all tough because he had his friends back but who knows right.
He just wanted to talk to Harry and tell him about his rather big accomplishment at home but he was getting a bit annoyed because he still hadn't heard anything from him. Was Harry mad because Louis' mom kicked him out again yesterday? Louis hoped he wasn't that pissed.
It was through lunch when Louis was too busy playing with his food that Niall spoke about something.
"Damn, I knew it!" he exclaims.
Everyone stopped what they were doing to stare at the blonde haired lad, even Louis who was too preoccupied with his thoughts turn to look at Niall questioningly.
"What's wrong Niall?" Liam asked.
Niall's wide eyes focused on Louis.
"I forgot to tell you but I saw Harry yesterday on my way home, he's a bit grumpy but he said he wouldn't be able to go to school today because he had a match with some George guy on Paul's gym and he couldn't text you because his phone was missing."
Louis dropped his spoon and lightly punched Niall's arm with a small laugh.
"Why didn't you tell it earlier Niall, I got worried that Harry hated me because my mom kicked him out."
"So Harry came by your house to say it directly then?" Liam
"Probably." Zayn said with a grin.
Louis didn't understand why Zayn was grinning at him like that. But then it seems Zayn was up to something because something seems to cross his mind and then he was smirking.
"Hey, why don't we go by the gym to see him?"
"I think that's a great idea!" Niall cheers with a mouthful of chips, making it more difficult to understand what he was saying. His eyes widen again when he started coughing terribly. Liam was quick to push his water bottle on Niall with a chastising look on his face.
Louis laughed at Liam's disappointed face but then he realized what Zayn was implying and he was quick to voice out his sudden worry.
"We're not skipping class are we?"
Zayn merely rolled his eyes at Louis but you can clearly see the fond look directed to the overly achieving boy.
"Of course not Lou, we'll go after school."
Louis felt immensely better after knowing that he wouldn't have to do something terrible such as skipping class in order to see and finally talk to Harry.
Louis didn't know if there was something going on with him and Harry but they did kiss a few times and both liked it and Harry said that they'll take things slow so he wouldn't get overwhelmed.
Louis might or might not be slowly falling for him.
A/N: Thank you so much for those who still reads and supports this story Xx.
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