(Part 11) Finally Louis
@crypticfangirl -- tumblr, twitter
Louis had no recollection of anything that happened before, he was too exhausted and his back was aching so badly. He was expecting to wake up at the school clinic with it's over sterilized equipment and uncomfortable bed but was surprised when he noticed the unfamiliar environment. His heart started beating rather erratically at the thought of being in a foreign bed. He had no clue where he was or what he was doing here and he was panicking at the thought of getting kidnapped or taken by some stranger.
He scrambled to get out of the covers, he let out a pained shriek when his back was moved in an uncomfortable but ignored it because he had to leave right now.
The door was suddenly forced open and Louis closed his eyes thinking it would be an old man with a weird beard who had kidnapped him. He struggled to leave the bed but a hand had stopped him.
"Get away from me!" he shouted as he tried kicking the persons face but was stopped when the person hugged him from behind.
"Louis, Lou, calm down please." The person whispered to his ear, all calm and collected unlike Louis.
Louis had stopped struggling for a bit because why did he know his name, was he a stalker.
"Lou, open your eyes, it's me Harry."
After he had mentioned the name, Louis was quick to open his eyes and he came face to face with Harry, his face etched with worry.
"Harry!?" he gasped in surprise before relaxing in his hold.
Louis had also found out the Harry was shirtless and only had a towel wrapped around his waist. It wasn't his fault if his eyes started roaming down and he blushes bright red when his eyes landed into Harry's perfectly sculpted stomach and god, he knew Harry was fit but not where Louis can almost imagine himself licking Harry's abs.
Louis eyes widened when the thought crosses his mind, what was happening to him? Why was he having these thoughts about Harry! His best friend Harry!
"Lou! Are you ok, why is your face all red!" Harry asked, he seems to be panicking as well.
Louis coughed in embarrassment and removed Harry arm that was still wrapped around him. Everything was fine, maybe he was just a bit off after being too exhausted or maybe the pain killers that the nurse had given him had some side effect that causes you to hallucinate and start lusting over your best friend. Surely that was the reason behind it.
"I'm ok Harry, where am I and why am I here?" he asked instead.
He could never admit to Harry his previous thoughts, Harry might think something was terribly wrong with Louis.
"Oh, um well you were sent to the clinic for major bruising on your back and the nurse said that it would be best if you could rest at home and your parents needed to pick you up but they were busy so I had to take you instead." Harry explained.
"Oh." Louis muttered as he stared at the covers sadly. Of course his parents were busy and didn't even mind leaving work to make sure Louis was alright. It doesn't matter right; he should already be used to it because that's how things worked.
But wait, he wasn't home because this wasn't his bed.
"I'm not at home though." He said, forgetting about his parents because that would just depress him more and probably worry Harry as well.
"No, your house was locked and your neighbour refuses to give the keys to your house so I brought you at my place." Harry answered.
So he was at Harry's house, how strange. Harry never really brought him here because Louis' parents still does not trust him enough to spend some time with Harry He and Harry would either hang out in school or at places outside their homes.
"I'm sorry I panicked, I didn't know where I was and thought I was kidnapped by a bearded old man." Louis shrugged, his eyes roaming around Harry's room because this was like a different new world for him.
They say a person's room can give you a vague description of who a person really was but Louis can't seem to do that with Harry's. Harry's room was bare, like completely bare, with a single small bed next to a barely opened window and a dresser on the side, an old door which he assumes is the bathroom and another more door that leads outside.
He was taken out from his nosy musing in Harry's room by Harry himself who Louis almost forgot is sitting a few feet away in only a towel. Damn it.
"Do I look like a bearded old man to you?" Harry grinned cheekily.
'More like a superhot runaway model' Louis thought to himself rather dreamily.
When the logical part of his brain had fully registered the thing that the hormonal part of his brain had created, he was again turning into different shades of red. Oh my god, where were all this thoughts about Harry coming from?
"Hey, are you sure you're ok? You're starting to look red again." Harry asked again in deep worry.
Harry's brow were scrunched up creating an amusing look and Louis should make fun of him but instead he was thinking how cute Harry looked like right now and how he suddenly want to take a picture of him that he could stare at every day.
"I'm ok, just a bit off." Louis muttered under his breath.
He quickly looked away and cursed himself mentally because this was getting out of hand. What the hell was wrong with him?
He felt the bed move and he glanced at Harry who has now stood up, giving Louis the perfect view of his body.
"Well ok, I was in the middle of the shower when I heard you scream. I thought something happened to you." Harry said, not noticing that Louis was staring at his collar bones intently. He was too busy worrying about Louis to notice Louis' odd actions.
'I wonder what it feels like to share a shower with Harry' Louis had asked himself.
He wanted to scream and pull his hair out of his head but decided that his back hurts to much to finish the task.
"Um, ok, I'll just lie down for a few minutes, I just feel weird." Louis had said as he pulled the covers over his face to hide his flaming red cheeks.
He didn't dare look at what Harry was doing but he knew he must be staring at him with a weird out look. Louis would do the same if he can because he was confused with everything and he can't control the fast beating of his heart.
Did he manage to hit his head earlier, surely he was experiencing a mild case of concussion or maybe he was in a coma and this was just a dream.
He was starting to zone out once again and vaguely heard Harry talking.
"Ok, just call me if you need something ok." He stated with a careful tone.
He must really think that Louis was losing his damn mind.
"Right, don't worry Harry." Louis had added, burrowing his face on Harry's pillow further.
He should be a bit grossed out because the pillow might have sweat or Harry's drool in it but as he inhaled the manly scent that fits Harry, he can't help but take an extra sniff.
He heard someone walking and Harry must be getting back to his shower and Louis remembered that he still hasn't thanked Harry for everything he did today. He quickly pulled the covers off his face to call out on Harry.
"Wait, Harry."
Harry stopped mid step and turn to look at Louis. "Yeah Lou?" He had asked him.
Louis suddenly felt shy and embarrassed because Harry was literally looking out for him and why does it feel like he's such a burden to him, like he was his responsibility.
"Thank you for you know... for taking care of me and I'm sorry for bothering you all of the sudden." He had sighed sadly.
He did not want things like this happening; it was obvious how Harry was worried about him. He shouldn't be though; Harry had already done too much for him. He shouldn't act like such a liability all the time; Harry might grow tired of him if this continues.
He was expecting Harry to laugh or maybe mock him but with confident strides, Harry had walked closer to the bed where Louis was all wrapped up in his covers and leaned down to look straight at Louis' eyes.
Louis had held his breath as he stared at Harry, his heart plummeting in his chest and his stomach exploding in butterflies. What was happening with him.
"You are never a bother to me Louis Tomlinson." Harry smiled at him and ruffled his hair.
He then stood up from his crouched position and walked away to the bathroom, the door closes with a click and Louis was left in Harry's room, alone and a million different emotions.
Louis was able to take a nap for a few hours after pondering for so long with how he was acting, he had come up to the conclusion that he was just deliriously exhausted to start thinking such things about Harry. Now that he had his much needed rest and his new dose of pain killers, he was up and feeling normal again.
He had woken up and was expecting to see Harry but he wasn't inside the room. He left Harry's bed and checked the bathroom but it was also just s empty.
He had heard some humming from outside and decided to follow it and it led him to the kitchen where Harry was standing by the stove wearing a white shirt and just boxers.
Louis had closed his eyes and averted them to look away from Harry's muscled back; he should not be staring at it in the first place. The humming stopped and Harry must have already noticed him standing by the door. He looks back to where Harry was standing and saw him looking at him with a warm smile.
"Hey, you're awake. Go sit down, I prepared some pasta for lunch." Harry had greeted him.
Louis' stomach then let out a growl informing him that he was in fact really hungry. Harry just chuckled and continued stirring the pot where the sauce was still cooking.
Louis had just obediently followed Harry's instruction and took a seat on one of the chairs near the small dining table.
While Harry was too busy preparing their lunch, Louis had let himself look around Harry's kitchen.
Harry's kitchen was much more different than Harry's bedroom, even if it was a little small it was still filled with various cooking items from frying pans, to mixing bowls and even a small little oven where Louis can see was on and a tray full of cookies are baking.
He was suddenly very excited on the prospect of eating newly baked cookies. He suddenly wondered who had made them, did Harry live with someone.
"Hey Harry, do you live with someone?" he asked out of curiosity.
"Nope." He answered shortly, too focused on pouring sauce on the plate where the pasta lay.
Louis was again curious to ask about Harry's family but a plate full of well cooked pasta was placed in front of him and one whip from the food had made him forget about his question.
He was quick to dive in his food, Harry chastising him about it still being hot but Louis didn't mind the burn especially when his taste buds got the taste of Harry's cooking.
"Oh my god, this is delicious Harry; I never thought you could cook." He moaned after taking forkful after forkful of pasta.
He probably looked quite messy right now but he was really hungry and the food was delicious, don't judge him.
"I live alone so I need to learn to take care of myself." Harry said to answer Louis' previous question.
"Oh, I can't imagine myself living alone." Louis added because he knew he really can't.
Although that was a bit ironic because he was always being left alone to himself at home but it, there's a difference to having a family that's always gone and a family that's literally gone.
"You get used to it." Harry shrugged.
Louis had stopped midway from taking another forkful as he stared at Harry who was staring intently at his plate, not quite eating but just pushing the food around. He frowned and placed his fork down.
He was going to ask Harry about his weird behaviour but Harry had beaten him up to it. He lifted his head to look at Louis and raised one questioning eyebrow. Louis has a hunch that he didn't like where this was going.
Had Harry noticed him being weird? Or did he magically possessed some mind reading powers and had figured out the thoughts coming out of Louis' mind about lusting over him. Louis shivered at the thought of Harry finding out about it.
"So do you mind explaining why you were sent to the clinic with a massive bruise in your back?" was Harry's question that had caught him more off guard.
He almost forgot about the bruise on his back and the reason behind it.
Surely Harry can't find out about what happened earlier in school. He will think Louis was pathetic to let some boys push him around, he wasn't even able to defend himself and if it wasn't for Liam, Zayn and Niall then he'd officially became a punching bag.
So no, Harry should not hear about it.
"Um, I tripped?" was all his mind was able to come up with.
'Great going Tomlinson' he thought to himself.
Harry seemed unfazed like he knew Louis was going to come up with some bullshit lies, Louis was literally doomed.
"Either you are definitely clumsy which I'm sure you're not, and you aren't quite confident with your answer Louis." Harry continued.
Harry was starting to have this dark look in his eyes and Louis has yet to see this expression, it was far darker and more intense than the look Harry gives to the people he would love to hurt.
"It's nothing really; you don't need to worry about me anymore." Louis replied quickly, scared because he thought Harry was mad at him.
But Harry didn't lash out on him, instead the look changed into something soft and mellow. Like Harry had realized something and was trying to stop himself from getting his bad temper.
He really does have the worse temper ever.
Harry just stared at Louis for a few moments; the looks making Louis shudder as he waits for Harry's reply.
When he slowly opened his eyes, he was expecting for a smart comeback but the words that left Harry's lips were something Louis will have a hard time forgetting.
"That's the problem though, I always worry about you." He muttered softly, like Louis was a caged animal that would run away at any chance he gets.
"I..I don't understand...I...what?" Louis asked, words getting jumbled in his mouth.
Harry groaned and picked the plates from the table, it seems he was already done with his food even if it's almost untouched.
Louis followed Harry and carried his own empty plate; he needed some answers from Harry because he was left with more questions that even if he tried studying it overnight will be left unanswered. He couldn't think of taking this type of quiz from people, he'd fail miserably.
Harry had just stood by the sink, hand grasping the counter tightly and head bowed in frustration.
"Harry, I literally don't get it." Louis added, equally frustrated because he didn't like being left in the dark.
Harry was keeping something from him it really annoys Louis.
Everything happened so fast after that because Louis' mind was too busy searching for possible answers to Harry's weird attitude and everything was a blur. First Harry was just ignoring him and Louis was trying to get his attention and then Harry was pulling him closer to him and Louis vaguely realized that Harry's face was inching closer to his and there were lips pressing against his.
Louis' mind grew blank after that but his senses had heightened, he felt Harry's warm hands rubbing against the bruise on his back in a soft yet caring way, it stings but Louis thought it was a good sting and how Harry's lips weren't soft but was a bit rough due to them being overly chewed by Harry.
Louis also didn't notice himself closing his eyes because he was too far gone with the kiss. His own arms going in its own accord as they wrapped themselves around Harry's neck, pulling at the ends of the hairs in Harry's back.
Louis can feel something exploding deep inside him but he didn't care, because he was kissing someone, he was kissing Harry.
It felt hours but it was probably just seconds, the kiss wasn't that steamy, there wasn't even tongue involved but Louis was literally left in a sort of daze. Like a drunken daze.
Harry had pulled away and stared at Louis' still clouded eyes; he smirked and placed his hand over Louis' cheek, caressing his wet lips.
"You're supposed to be smart Louis." Harry had murmured quietly before pulling Louis in another kiss.
A/N: Anyone liking the kissing part, because i did! hahahaha
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