(Part 10) Priorities
@crypticfangirl -- tumblr, twitter, ao3 :)
Harry knew something was terribly wrong with him because if you asked Harry before about being guilty over something as simple as not going to school in a day then you'd probably be laughed at and punched because you're implying that he actually cares which he made pretty clear that he does not.
But suddenly after waking up with another massive hangover and remembering he had class at eight, he felt utterly guilty. His body was aching in places he never thought would ache and it's not the same pleasurable ache he gets after a shag but an ache in his joints. He had a pretty intense fight yesterday which he had won and thought it was a good enough excuse to celebrate by partying and getting drunk which he now realize is not the best idea.
He was just not ready for school but a voice in his head that sounds suspiciously like Louis was constantly reminding him that he should get up and get ready. Harry really didn't care whether he'd get kicked out of school or if he's lucky he might graduate but then an image of Louis' disappointed face flashes through his eyes and he was already making a quick run to the bathroom.
God, he was so whipped and Louis wasn't even with him at the moment.
Harry also realized that he hasn't seen his phone since yesterday and he can't remember where he placed it. He was trying but failing to look for it in his bag where all his other junks are scattered around. He was already ten minutes late to school so he had to walk and he had already received odd looks because of the knuckle sized bruise on his left cheek that he got from his fight yesterday. He might have won but it doesn't mean he got out of it unscathed.
"Damn it, where the hell is that stupid phone." He angrily muttered as he tried one more time to find it but no such luck.
He forgot to tell Louis that he wouldn't be able to go to school yesterday because of that fight and he wasn't able to contact him on Sunday because he was too busy training. Paul had a strict rule of no phone during training sessions so he had left his phone somewhere that he can't remember.
Harry just wished Louis wouldn't get upset with him especially how he had just left him alone with Mathew on their date, he knew he shouldn't feel guilty about it because technically it wasn't their date but that doesn't stop him from being worried about Mathew trying to make a move at Louis.
Harry's eyes widened when he suddenly thought of Mathew taking advantage of Louis and he hadn't talked to him for two days so he didn't know if he was ok.
"Fuck." He muttered under his breath before fixing his bag and sprinting towards school.
If Mathew ever laid a finger without Louis' consent then Harry would happily rearrange his face for him.
Harry had arrived with an empty hallway because he was already late for first period, there was no point in going and he'll probably end up getting a detention so he'll just try to wait for Louis in second period. He had to take a shortcut to the gym because the principal might caught him skipping class.
He passed the school clinic and thought that he should fake an illness to take a nap on one of the beds; he shrugged and opened the door, ready to greet the nurse but stopped as soon as he saw a familiar body slumped on one of the beds.
"Louis?" Harry had whisper in utter disbelief.
He was frozen in his spot unable to fully accept that the person lying on one of the clinic beds where students who are sick or has been caught up in an accident is brought is Louis, his Louis.
When he was finally able to move his legs, he had slowly moved towards him and shakily sat next to him. It seems Louis has already fallen asleep because he didn't even react to Harry. Harry didn't know what Louis was doing in there; he wasn't the type like Harry to skip class and go to the clinic to sleep so he must have been sick.
And that's when he noticed a cool compress pressed to his back. He as a little confused as to why it was there so he removed the compress and saw Louis exposed back, Harry had gasped in horror when he saw a much bigger bruise than the one on his face in Louis back, it was swelling and already turning an ugly shade of black and blue.
Louis had whimpered in his sleep when Harry tried to touch it, Harry knew and very well understood how a bruise felt on a person's body because he had one at least every week because besides being really agile in boxing, he still hasn't had full control of his freakishly long limbs so he had a few clumsy accidents here and there. He knew how uncomfortable it is and how every wrong move will bring a motherfucking ache and with the size on Louis' back, Harry could just imagine the pain Louis was in.
When Louis was starting to get agitated in his sleep, Harry had placed the compress back to his back and brushed his hair that was already starting to grow out of his hair. Louis had sighed in relief before snuggling further on the bed but there was still a knot on his forehead which means he was still in pain but more bearable because of the compress.
Harry sighed and rubbed his face with his hands feeling exasperated because he couldn't think of what could have happened for Louis to receive such massive bruise. Unlike Harry, Louis wasn't that clumsy and he's not into boxing like him which brings a lot more questions on to what have caused it.
Harry sat there for the whole first period overanalysing things because Louis' welfare is not something to handle lightly, he had already promise that no such thing would happen to Louis but turns out he couldn't be with him 24/7 to prevent it from happening.
The door opening had pulled Harry away from his thoughts and he was greeted by the nurse's surprised face.
"Oh Harry, what are you doing here?" she asked in confusion after getting over her surprise.
She shouldn't be surprise with the numerous times Harry had to visit but it had already been three months since he's last visit so maybe that is a bit surprising.
He gave her a tight smile and fiddled with his fingers before glancing at Louis.
"I just visited Louis, is he ok?" he asked, hoping there wasn't anything majorly wrong with Louis.
He was a bit overreacting because he knew if Louis' life was in some sort of danger then he won't be staying at the school clinic, rather he'd be sent to the hospital. Harry was grateful for it but that doesn't mean he still likes the thought of him in here, Louis didn't deserve to be here, he's the least likely who deserves to be in here.
"Oh, Louis is fine at the moment, just a major bruising but I already gave him a few pain killers but he refused to say the reason why he got such bruise, I just came from the principal's office to give his excuse letter. I called her parents so that they can pick him up so he could rest at home but they're both out for work so he has to stay here until they come and get him." She explains.
Harry clenched his fist on the bed sheet that Louis was lying on; he really hated how Louis refused to let anyone know whenever there's a problem. Usually, Harry would have to force it out of him by engaging into a tickling battle and Louis would give up and spill everything up. Louis hated making everyone around him worry which hence why the bullying has started and it's frustrating for Harry because he's always worried in even the littlest things like Louis accidentally hitting his toe on the foot of a table or getting a paper cut. He was constantly mothering him, which is embarrassing if it weren't for Louis and he had taken up that role because Louis' parents were the worse. Harry despises Louis' parents because everything important to them seems to revolve around money and work. Harry knew money has become a vital part in a human's life because surviving isn't that easy but like what he's mother used to tell him before everything went to complete shit, people work to live and not live to work.
They forgot that they had a son and although Louis never complains about them not giving him much attention, he knew Louis sometimes feel neglected and he only got it if Louis kept his high marks and when Louis was hanging around Harry because they are arse deep angry at their son hanging out with a 'trouble maker that has no future'. Harry had snorted when they told Louis about it; he was standing behind him at that moment.
He stared at Louis who was again trying to make himself comfortable in that old dingy low budget bed, he would feel more relaxed if he was in his own bed.
"Can I take him home instead?" he asked suddenly looking directly at the nurse who was once again had a shocked looked on her face.
"Oh, but don't you have any classes?"
Harry wanted to roll his eyes but he's playing the good responsible kid card and showing disrespect would make the nurse doubt him, like she doesn't already with his reputation but there's no harm in trying.
"I do, but I think Louis' welfare is more important and I don't have any major exams coming and I could always try and catch up with school work." He used his most innocent voice and he would've thrown up if it were any other day and because it looks like it's working, he could at least stomach this one more time.
"Well, since you put it that way, I guess I can work something out and you seem really concern about your friend Louis" She smiles and took a few paper out of her table and started signing what Harry suspects is his form to excuse himself on all his classes.
Harry had felt a bit off when the nurse mentioned the word friend because he certainly did not reciprocate the platonic feeling but he guessed he had to suck it up for now.
"I just have to drop this to the principal's office really quick ok." The nurse excused herself and left Harry and Louis to themselves.
Well, she left Harry because Louis was still too asleep to acknowledge him and that worried Harry more because now he can clearly see the dark bags under his eyes. Harry knew he wouldn't go to bed unless finishing all unnecessary home works but he never sleeps that late up to the point where he'll be exhausted the next day.
Why would Louis stay up late on a school day, did he have something important to do to break old habits?
Suddenly the door was being forced opened and he expects the nurse to come in but it was Niall, Liam and Zayn who wore identical worried expressions on their faces, more to Liam than the others though.
"Oh, Harry!" they chorused before rushing inside and pulling him in a hug.
Harry had smiled and let them hug him, it wasn't his style but this people had warmed up on him and they seem really happy to see him which is odd because it's only been a few days since they last seen each other, not years.
After they pulled away, Harry sat back down next to Louis and stared expectantly on his friends.
"Ok, so I think it's about time I hear an explanation as to why Louis is lying on this bed and not in class slaving himself on Mr Callaghan's lecture?" he asked with so much calmness that he patted himself on the back. He should be demanding it but decided not to do it because he might startle Louis awake.
They were all quiet and avoiding Harry's gaze, they were either staring at the floor, the wall or at the ceiling and Harry was getting a bit suspicious. It seems there was a bigger picture in here and they were reluctant to tell him.
But before he could react, he was already being interrupted by the door opening and the nurse returning from her trip to the principal's office.
"It seems to be getting more crowded in here as I return." She laughs as she handed Louis' things and a small plastic where Louis' medicine are to Harry.
"You can take him home now, I advise for you to make him drink more painkillers at home before he sleeps so he wouldn't feel too sore and he'll be fine to return to school tomorrow." She added.
I nodded and placed Louis' medicine inside his bag.
"You can wake Louis now and –"the nurse wasn't able to finish his sentence because as she turns around to look at her patient, Harry was already carrying him bridal style.
"No need Ms, I can carry him." Harry answered.
"I'll call a cab." Zany quickly added before running outside quickly.
The nurse was still left staring at Harry's retreating figure with Louis in his hold, Liam and Niall following them behind. She just thought it was the weirdest thing ever especially with Harry's reputation but she just shrugged it off and went back to sorting out her files. Teenagers just get weirder and weirder each generation.
When the cab that Zayn called finally arrived, Harry had looked at them first before putting Louis inside.
"I don't know what's going on but I don't like it, I want you to tell me every bit of detail tomorrow because it feels like Louis wouldn't do it by himself so I'll see you all tomorrow so be ready." He warns, not quite threateningly but still with a bit of edge to make them spill.
He went inside the cab with Louis still in his arms, he made him snuggle up to his chest so he's comfortable on his lap. He gave Louis' address to the driver and ignored the odd looks he got in return. Maybe he finds it weird that there's two boys cuddling in his cab and one of them seems unconscious. Harry just ignored it.
He stared at Louis sleeping form before letting out a sigh and kissing Louis' already sweaty forehead and ignoring the tingle that he felt from the contact. There are far more pressing matters here than his feelings so he had to get his priorities straight and that is to find out what have caused this or better yet, who?
A/N: liking this story so far?
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