2 - Wine!~
~ Tie's pov ~
I woke up feeling stiff.
I saw that I was on Crown's couch with a bottle of wine in my hand.
I looked over to the other couch to see Crown fast asleep with his shirt off.
I wonder what happened last night..
I cleaned myself off, and left.
It was a work day.
When I got there, Fountain pen was in my chair.
"Hey man. Uh- What are you doing?" I asked.
"Oh hey, I'll fill in for you today, go have some rest! " FP said cheerfully.
"Really? Thanks! " Tie thanked FP enthusiastically, happy to finally get a break.
"No problem! "
I walked out the building, feeling genuinely happy for once.
This is the nicest thing Fountain pen has done for me!
I'll think of a way to repay him.
I was walking home, but I stopped when I felt a tug on my shoulder.
I wanted to smile but all I expressed was a frown.
"Hey! Why'd you leave?" Crown asked me.
"Because I had work, but a friend filled in for me so, I'm heading back home" I replied.
"Why don't we go somewhere together, then? I mean, we hardly do stuff together, friends are supposed to do all sorts of stuff together, right? " Crown asked.
Friends? Hm, I'm not sure. Maybe we're close acquaintances. We'd need for know each other for a longer period of time to become "friends". I thought.
"We're not friends. " I groaned.
Shit! That came out wrong! I thought.
"We're not? " Crown asked, looking visibly disappointed.
"No! I mean.. We're close acquaintances, Crown. " I answered
"Good enough for me, I guess. Anyway, I wanted to go to a café with you right now! " Crown informed me.
"Hold on. Do you go everywhere looking like that? Pajamas? " I asked with a slight smirk on my face.
"Awh cmon, it's fine! It's seven in the morning anyways. "
"Fucking loser~" I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Shut up! " Crown huffed, slightly blushing out of embarrassment.
Sitting down, drinking coffee at the café.
"So, how's life, being a bartender?" I asked, since it was too quiet.
"Oh, it's got it's ups and downs." Crown answered quietly.
"Hm? "
"I'm not a total expert over there. Sometimes I do get shouted at, but I'm able to keep my composure. That's why I can keep up with you! " Crown smiled a bit nervously.
I have him a concerned look. Was I a burden to him? I feel guilty now. I thought.
"Uhm." I coughed. "How about we both head home now? It's been about 30 minutes and I'm done with my drink. " I suggested.
"Wanna come over again? We had fun last night, remember?" Crown asked, the look in his eyes said "Please say yes, please say yes".
"No, actually, what happened last night? " I asked curiously, because I had no memory of it.
"I bought some wine and we drank a bunch of it. It was real fun. Heh.." Crown forced out a fake chuckle.
"Excuse me? " I asked again, getting frustrated.
"I'm telling you! We didn't do anything else!" Crown whined.
"You're lying! Tell me! "
"I'm not!"
"Tell. Me. "
"I am not lying! " Crown shot.
"Fine. " I kept quiet.
We sat drinking our coffee in awkward silence until Crown spoke up.
Crown sighed.
"Let's go home, Tie. "
"Alright." I replied.
On the couch, at Crown's house.
Crown and I were watching on the TV.
I was getting a bit sleepy but got woken up by something leaning on me, it was Crown.
I tried pushing him away but he was clinging onto me.
"Get off, get off, get off!!" I whispered-shouted.
"Hm? " Crown asked since he's woken up.
"Uhh.. " I didn't know what to say.
"What are you doing? " Crown asked.
"YOU LEANED ONTO ME, ASSHOLE! GET THE FUCK OUT" I yelled, trying to cover up my embarrassment.
"Uhm. This is my house." Crown squinted his eyes at me.
"Oh. Then just shut up! " I growled.
He leaned back onto me, now nuzzling more into my chest.
"This isn't manly! STOP BEING GAY!" I shouted.
"Ugh, keep quiet." Crown grumbled.
"Excuse me?! " I gasped a bit.
"Shhhh." Crown rubbed my chest softly as he purred from the warmth of it. This feeling felt nice.
I growled, and slowly sunk into the feeling, starting to purr.
I sat there, embracing his touch. My heart was pounding, my face felt hot, and I couldn't stop purring so loudly.
I hate this feeling!
(745 words)
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was just a little short one (if you consider this short).
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