perfect years
Authors note: I know I have not been writing about them in school that was supposed to be what the story was about but I guess things change. BTW mikasa is now 21 and Eren is now 22. After this chapter 2 more left.
~Eren POV
It has been 2 years since that whole incident with Jean ugh well it's mikasa's birthday and I want to surpise her with something but first I need to ask Levi. "Hey Levi" what is it" umm I ummm" spill it jaeger" ok". Here goes nothing" Levi I want to ask for your blessing" sure" wait what?" I said sure brat" but I thought you were goin" You better stop before I change my mind". With that I just walked towards mikasa's room. " Happy Birthday my sexy princess" oh Eren" we kissed and hugged once we parted mikasa asked "so Eren what do you have planned for me" It's a surprise you'll just have to wait and see" hmph :(" what's wrong" it's just that our kiss.... didn't last longer" ok then come here" with that we started kissing again but this time longer until *creak* "Jaeger come here" I part from Mikasa leaving a trail of saliva" sorry baby see you later" I walk towards levi "what is it" we have all the supplies ready hurry up we need to set up" ok ...wait.. what about mikasa she needs to go somewhere so she won't see" Petra is going to take her shopping" alright". Just then levi yells "HEY MIKASA PETRA IS HERE SO HURRY UP" Alright" and with that she gave me a kiss and left out the door with Petra. Let's get started. As we were setting everything up and someone comes running out of a room" OMG OMG CHIBI VERSIONS OF MIKASA THIS WILL LOOK GREAT!" "What the."
~Hanji POV
I walked into a room where all the birthday supplies are I looked inside one and.... and... "OMG OMG CHIBI VERSIONS OF MIKASA THIS WILL LOOK GREAT" I yell while running everywhere in the house.
~Mikasa POV
I felt it kinda strange that Petra came over to take me shopping and not Hanji or anyone else as well but I just went along with it. One hour of shopping later I here Petra talking on the phone I get closer to her but not too close all I heard was "Are you guys done setting up?"ok then bye".
Now I knew something was up and not just the sky but something else.
~Eren POV
Everything was set up and Petra was bringing mikasa back we were all so excited then we heard the door knob jiggle we all hid BTW it's armin,Christa, levi, Hanji, Annie, Berthold, and Reiner we all hid and when they came in we surprised mikasa and she had a huge smile on her face. The party went on and I stopped it for a moment "attention everyone it is time for me to ask the birthday girl something" :everyone"ohhhh" I went towards mikasa knelt on one knee and said " mikasa Ackerman will you marry me" YES EREN YES" we kissed and everyone cheered that party was the best of her life.
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