*^*Chapter #3|We Meet Again*^*
Izuku's P.O.V
I skip down the street smiling to everybody. Wearing a t-shirt and some shorts with my iconic red shoes. My supplies in my backpack jumping around until I come to a stop, I bump right into someone and fall down onto my butt, 'great! Great job at embarrassing myself!' I groan and close my eyes groaning as I rub my head, "Hey I'm sorry, are you alright? I'm sorry again." I look up at the man and my eyes widen.
'It's that guy I saw last night!' The half-red half-white hair and piercing eyes staring into mine. I shake my head and take his hand, pulling myself up "I should be sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I giggle, red covering my cheeks from embarrassment, "No really, here I'll treat you to lunch as an apology," I freeze up, "What?" I ask utterly confused, no one ever actually done something for me as an apology unless there some workers. Sadly I have no friends.
"Yeah, I'll treat you, here follow me." He grabs my hand and takes me into a restaurant and we take our seats, "sorry if this is sudden, I just wanted to apologize... and maybe some other things..." He mutters the last part and i start to relax, "Huh?" I ask and he sighs, "nothing." He groans and I flinch, looking away, 'He's already annoyed with me, good job Izuku again, annoying everyone around you and making them hate you, why can't you just be normal and talk to people correctly instead of being stupid. Why can't you make friends?!' My fists clench and tears swell up in my eyes.
"Hey, are you okay?" I jump at the sudden voice and look up at the man, "huh?" I ask, "You're crying." He points out and I jump, quickly wiping the tears away, "Um yeah I'm fine, sorry if I annoyed you." I apologize and the man chuckles, "Not at all, it's actually kinda cute." he casually responds and my cheeks flare-up, "HUH!?" He smiles at me, "Actually I never got your name." He says and I shake my head, "Umm I-Izuku Midoriya, y-you?" I ask him back and he chuckles before tensing up and in thought.
"Shoto." He says and I awkwardly laugh, "Nice name." I awkwardly say to him and he nods as I look away.
A tense and awkward silence came upon us and I gulped nervously, 'Could this get any more awkward.'
"Hey, are you dating anyone?" The sudden voice from Shoto scared me and I look up at him, 'Well I figured out how!?' "W-well actually-" "Hello! What do you two want today!" I look up to see a girl holding a notebook and I sigh of relief, 'Glad that's over.'
"Soba and tea" I clear my throat, "K-Katsudon." 'Goddammit, I stuttered... Wait, how did I end up here again? Oh yeah, I knocked into him then he was persistent on getting me lunch, he could I even trust this guy he was out walking around at almost the end of the sunset but then again I was too but-' "he didn't look like he was in a rush to go anywhere, oh my gosh what if he's stalking me and I'm being set up, I'm so dumb I can't bel-"
I jump and close my jaw shut, looking up at Shoto, "I tried calling your name a couple of times," I giggled and scratched the back of my neck, "Sorry it's a habit." I say and sweat a bit. He nods and leans on his hand, "And don't worry I'm not gonna kill you, last night I was just on a date with my boyfriend, I mean no harm to you." He smiled softly and I sigh of relief before my eyes widen, "Y... You recognize m-me!" I exclaim and he nods, "How could I not recognize your beautiful doe eyes and amazing green hair with freckles dancing on your face like stars."
Blush runs up my cheeks and I cover it, "D-don't you h... have a b-boyfriend..." I mutter out and he chuckles, "Yeah but we're poly and we're actually looking for a third." He smirks and puts his finger on my chin, lifting my face up, "And we both liked you." if possible my face just turned redder then half of his hair, I pull away quickly as he was moving in closer and look away.
"W-well you got the wrong guy! I-I... There's n-no way!" Shoto chuckles and I pout, "it's not like you have a choice." he mutters and I look at him confused, "What?" I ask and he shakes his head, "Nothing, oh look foods here!" He starts to eat and I suddenly feel a cold chill run down my spine, 'This guy definitely wants something from me, or whatever it is, I don't like it.' I glance at him before eating my food.
~Time Skip~
Shoto's P.O.V
"Shoot! It's almost sundown." Midoriya suddenly exclaims and starts to gather his things, he opens his backpack and stuffs his things inside of it as I watch a paper fly out and he stands up, I grab the paper, "Midoriya you-" I stop and stare at the picture before stuffing it in my pocket, "Yes?" He asks and I shake my head, "Nothing, here I'll take you home. If you show me the way."
Of course, Shoto already knew everything about the boy, where he lived, what he was named, his family's names and where he goes on a daily basis, he even knows about his medical problems and a bit of his past but he strayed away from that, he didn't want to know that unless Izuku himself told him.
"O-Oh you sure!? You've already done so much for me today!" The adorable boy smiles and my heart squeezes, this boy is going to the death of me. I get up and dust myself off, noticing all the dirt on me from rolling on the hill with Izuku and hanging out with him, of course, he enjoyed it and it was totally worth it but he got distracted and Katsuki's gonna wonder what took him so long, since I was only supposed to take him to lunch.
"Yes, I insist." I say and he giggles, "Okay, follow me or something!" He holds my hand and we walk together as a small tint of pink rises up my cheeks, we make it to the bottom of the hill and I feel Izuku's hand tremble a bit, "Hey you okay?" I ask and he jumps and looks back at me while still walking before looking away, "Yeah just... at night here well after sunset bad things happen here and I've almost had it happen to me so I usually leave early to go home. When I was fifteen, someone was following me at night because I went through the alleyway and sometimes I think to this day if I didn't run what would've h-happened. I was fifteen I know stupid it was almost ten years ago but still..." I reassuringly squeeze his hand and his eyes widen before he looks away as I walk next to him, "I understand, don't worry."
We soon made it to his house, "Well this is it... actually do you want to stay it's dark out and I don't want you to get hurt." I smile at him, "I'm fine, plus I'm busy tonight anyway." he nods and I turn around and walk away, "Wait!" I turn to see him, "will we ever get to meet again?" I smile softly at him, "yes... we will."
Izuku's P.O.V
I watch him until he disappears and I walk inside my house, I apologize to my mother for being late before going up into my room. I plop onto my bed and sigh heavily, he was my first friend after almost 20 years.
Tears prick in my eyes and I cry int my pillow of happy tears, "I really hope to see him again." I mutter to myself before dozing off and going into a peaceful slumber.
But little did he know he might just seem him again every day of his new life...
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