*^*Chapter #13|Endeavor*^*
Izuku's P.O.V
I slightly opened my eyes and looked at the face above me and smile. I yawn and wiggle out of his grip. I sit on the edge of the bed and notice my crutches all the way on the other side of the room, near the door. I look back at Kacchan and frown, 'I don't want to bother him.' I grip the pole of the bed and slowly lower myself to the ground.
I sit backward and use my arms to prop myself up. I use my good leg and push myself backward, dragging my bum across the ground. I soon make it and grab them. I grab the door handle to pick myself up and prop myself up and put my weight onto the crutches. I look at Kacchan and sigh of relief, knowing I didn't wake him up.
I hear my stomach growl but I ignore it and walk over to my closet, "I need a bath." I mutter to myself. I put my weight onto one of the crutches and grab some boxers and pajamas. I then grab the other crutch and walk over to the bathroom. I go in and close the door with my foot. I sit down on the bathtub and lean my crutches against the wall.
I turn on the bathtub and let it warm up. I slip my shirt off my shirt then add bubbles to the water, I slip the rest of my clothes off and pick myself up, getting inside the tub, sinking into the warmness.
~Time Skip~
I let the bathtub drain before grabbing my towel and drying myself off. I slip on my green pajamas with small white bunny heads on it. I slip on white bunny slippers and grab my crutches and stand up. I open the door and immediately get hit with the smell of eggs and pancakes. I smile and slowly go over to the kitchen, "Hey Kacchan." I say quietly and he turns his head towards me and smiled softly, "hey. How was the bath?" He asks and I shrug, "A little harder to get it started." I say and he chuckles.
"You could've just woken me up." He says, flipping the pancake with some great skill. "I guess, you just looked so peaceful in your sleep," I say and sit at the island table, putting my crutches on the side. He nods and places pancakes and eggs on a plate, he spreads peanut butter on it and sprinkles it with sugar, placing some strawberries on the top and topping it with syrup on the top. My mouth watered as he brought it over to me.
"How-!" I exclaim, baffled. "I remembered how you liked your pancakes is all." He says and hands me a fork. I feel my stomach growl, I take a small bite and swallow it whole, forgetting to chew. "Ahhh, your cooking is so good Kacchan!" I smile and I see his face turn pink before turning away. "S... SHUTUP! I HAVE TO FOCUS!!" He yells and his mixing in the batter bowl suddenly getting violent. I look away and continue eating my pancakes.
I soon take 2 bites of my eggs and 3 BIG bites from my pancakes away from me, Kacchan still eating his next to me. He looks at me, waiting for an answer to my sudden change in attitude. "I'm not hungry." I pout and he pushes his food away too, "then neither am I." He says and I look at his plate and see only one and a half of eggs done and I gasp, "N-no! You must still be hungry!" I exclaim and push his plate towards him before he pushes it away, "no. I won't eat unless you do." he grumbles and I quickly shove some of my eggs in my mouth, "Fee I'm eafin!" (See I'm eating!) I exclaim and he chuckles continuing to eat his food.
I take crumb size bites as my stomach starts to turn and look at Kacchan's plate seeing he just started his pancakes, he has three and I only have one, I ate the eggs already. I tear up before blinking them away, 'I'm going to throw up if I eat the pancake, but if I stop Kacchans going to as well and he has a lot to eat, he must be really hungry...' I make my decision and put a piece of pancake in my mouth, ignoring my stomach churning and swallow it whole, ignoring the burn in my throat.
I soon finish it and sit up quickly, "d-done!" I exclaim, putting on a smile, Kacchan nods and takes our empty plates and puts them in the sink. My throat burns and my stomach twists and turns as vomit builds up in my throat but I try to swallow it down. "I'm proud of you Deku, you ate the whole plate." He smiles at me and guilt washes over me, 'I'm just gonna throw it up later.'
I feel myself shaking and I lean over the counter, "Hey you okay?" He asks and I slightly shake my head, "What's wrong?" He asks, rushing over to me. "I-I... I'm..."
So useless
"I'm stuck" I let out a shaky breath, a warm pair of arms wrap around me and my breath hitches. "Hey Deku, it's okay. You're okay." I sigh, "I'm okay." "You're getting better." "I'm getting better," I repeat.
"Deku listen, I'm sorry for making you eat but you're improving okay?" I nod and he lets go of me, "If you have to go throw it up, go ahead." I nod quickly and grab my crutches and walk over to the bathroom, Kacchan behind me. When I make it to the toilet I fall to the floor and lean over the toilet. I finally let it out and vomit comes barging from my throat and into the toilet.
Tears fall down my face and Kacchan rubs my back, my throat burns and I suck in a quick breath before throwing it all up again. Soon it stops and I'm just trembling over the toilet. "Hey it's okay, I'm here. Let it out." I let out a loud scream and my whole body trembles harshly and mountains of tears fall to the floor. I turn around and pull Kacchan to the ground with me and cry into his chest.
He runs his fingers through my hair and I grip his shirt. "Hey Deku I'm here it's okay."
~Time Skip~
"I-I'm sorry about earlier," I mumble out and Kacchan chuckles. "No it's okay, I should be sorry for forcing you to eat." He says and I just shrug, not knowing how to answer.
(I just want to mention, it's 2:30 am so if I make mistakes bare with me. I'm dying.)
"You wanna go outside or something instead of being locked up in here?" Kacchan asks and I sigh and get up from the couch, standing with my crutches, "Kacchan, I really can't do anything right now. Since you know..." I trail off and he stares at my blankly for a minute before his eyes widen, "S-sorry! I-I forgot." He stutters out and I giggle, getting back down.
"It's fine"
Kacchan pulls out his phone and stares at it for a few seconds before growling, "I have to go Deku, I'll be back tho, I promise." I nod slightly and watch as he leaves and closes the door behind him, 'I wonder what they do in meetings and stuff.'
Katsuki's P.O.V
"Shoto." I say and he looks at me, "Yeah what?" He asks as he sets up the papers on the desk. I walk over and lean on the table, "What do you need so badly?" I ask and he frowns, "Just we have a meeting later and they want you there, alone. So I can't go. Also, could you help me with paperwork today, there's a lot." I sigh and groan, "I told Deku I would be back." I say and he rolls his eyes, "please, just a little bit." I pause for a moment, "Fine."
"yay. Now that you're calm, I also wanted you to know that there will be another meeting in a couple of minutes that I won't be able to attend, it's my father and he wants to meet Midoriya so please bring him. Since I can't make it you have to go." He calmly says and I feel my blood boil, "Why the fuck does he want to meet Deku?" I ask harshly and Shoto shrugs, "I don't know, probably to see his quirk or something." I tense up.
'Fuck. He doesn't know Deku doesn't have a quirk.' "oh, well. I'll go get Deku ready then." Shoto nods his head in agreement and I leave the room, fixing up my hair and tie.
I take the stairs up and to Deku's room.
Izuku's P.O.V
I hear the door open and look behind to see Kacchan, I smile and wave him over. "Deku we need to be in meeting so get over here," Kacchan says and rummages through my closet.
"What? Why me?" I ask and Kacchan groans, "Fucking Shoto's dad wants to meet you." He says and pulls out a suit. I don't question it and walk over to Kacchan, he pulls up a chair and I sit in it. I unbutton my shirt and Kacchan slips off my pants, being careful of course. We soon get myself dressed in a red suit with black stripes and a black tie. I try to fix my tie but ignore it soon and Kacchan helps me get up.
"Okay, let's go, it's in a few minutes and we have to get there early. Luckily they're coming here so it won't take us long." I nod and we get out the door, me following slowly behind. We make it to the elevator and go down two floors. We walk down a couple of, confusing, hallways and make it to two huge double doors.
I swallow the lump in my throat as Kacchan opens the door and goes in, I let out a shuddering sigh before hearing, "Where's the other one?" "Right here." Kacchan helps me in and I sit next to him on the far side of the table as, what I assume is Todoroki's dad, sits on the other end.
"Ahh, nice to meet you, I'm Enji Todoroki but you can only call me Endeavor." I nod, "U-Umm. I-I'm I-" "No need to introduce yourself, I already know who you are." I nod quickly, fidgeting with my fingers under the table, I feel a hand holding mine and I jump up, looking at Kacchan, "calm down." He whispers and I take a deep breath.
"Sorry, I didn't k-know." Endeavor just grunts, "Well, how'd you come into my son's mafia?" he asks. "Umm, well..." I trail off, not knowing if it's okay to tell him if I got kidnapped. "Oh, I could just guess. He probably stole you away from your family right. Ripped you away from everything you had?" I tense up as I stare into his fury filled eyes. "I-I..."
"Shut the fuck up old man, that's none of your business." I look at Kacchan and stare in shock, 'How could he be so confident?!' I smile softly before hearing Endeavor's voice again, "I wasn't asking you Katsuki, now Izuku," He pauses and I bring my attention back to him.
"How has my son been treating you? Where'd you get that injury from?" I feel Kacchan's hand grip mine tighter from under the table as he rubs his thumb over my knuckles. "H-He's been f-fine and the injury... j-just an accident-" "Shoto has been fine and doing perfectly now would you leave Deku alone, can't you tell he's panicking." Katsuki harshly says and his face scrunches up, eyebrows furrowing as he harshly grips my hand but that's the least of my concerns right now.
"Katsuki shut the fuck up. Why are you here anyway? My son should have never chosen someone like you, now let me talk with Izuku. Alone." Kacchan growls, "Like hell, I'd leave him here alone with you." Kacchan slams his hands on the table, letting go of mine.
"Don't make me get rid of you forcefully." Endeavors glare harshens and I tremble, "WHAT-" I gently pull on Kacchans sleeve, "just go..." I mutter out and Kacchan examines me for a second. "Whatever, I'll just be outside." He leaves the room and slams the door behind him leaving a tense silence in the room before Endeavor sighs, "Now that he's out. What's your quirk Izuku?"
"umm, I-I actually don't.... have one." I get quieter at the end and silence falls between us.
"HAHAHA!" Endeavor chuckles, making me jump. "You're joking right my son would never choose someone who's so weak to be his assistant. You can't do anything." Every word stung harshly into me as I heard Endeavor get up, I heard a chair get pulled next to me and I look to see Endeavor staring at me.
"What can you do?" He asks and I shrug, not actually knowing what I'm useful for.
"AH!" I feel my head get collided with the table as Endeavor pushes my head down with his hand, "Answer me when I fucking talk to you." Tears prick in my eyes as I nod my head quickly, "Y-Yes! OKAY!" I yell and he lets go, I sit up and wipe my tears, well trying.
"Wow, so fucking weak. I didn't use any of my strength and you're already crying like a baby. Fuck worthless, I don't know what my son ever saw in you." I shake and look down at the table.
"We're done here, I don't know why I ever wanted to even see you in the first place. Bye." He leaves and slams the door behind. Kacchan then comes running in and hugs me from behind.
"Hey what happened, why are you crying and shaking?" He asks me frantically and I turn to look him in his red ruby eyes. "H-He's right..."
"I don't know what you guys ever saw in me..."
(A\N- WHOOHOO! I'm proud of this chapter and I don't know why. My school has been canceled for 6 weeks so I might post Wednesdays and Saturdays but chapters will definitely be out every Saturday even if I don't post Wednesdays. I love you all, no homo, no hetero. It's now the next day at 1:23 am, SEE YOU SOON!!)(ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR 3k+ READS I LOVE YOU ALL SO SOSOSOOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSOOSOSOSOSO MUCH, AGHHHH-)
Word Count: 2369
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