💜The Love Game💜
💜: Damn it's been a while since 1) you've updated and 2) since I've gotten a chapter
🖤: Yeah I'm sorry I haven't been motivated lately to update this book. I've been updating My new Danganronpa Book to give it a head start
💜: It's fine Motivation is an endangered species. Besides Danganronpa is a good game.
🖤: Yeah it is *Sweats in new Kins and Simps*
💜: Anyway what's The Love Game?
🖤: You'll see ¬‿¬
💜:....Oh no
"Aw Come on Player"
"Virgil I am Not a Player"
"Sure you're not Lust"
I glared at Virgil as he grinned. Virgil and I have what Roman and Remus have dubbed a Hate Love relationship. I, on the other hand, have coined it Frenemies. I mean we had our moments of friendliness but around the same amount, we are at each other's throats. "You really are a player I mean have you seen yourself?" I looked him up and down before smirking. "Yeah, I have. Seen yourself ya sleep-deprived anxious racoon?"
He gasped being offended at my comment as I smirked. A very loud annoying groan was heard gaining both of our attention. There stood Roman and he looked really annoyed and we already knew why. We looked at each other and sighed and on time Roman started ranting.
"You two are so annoying! Just kiss already! You two have such a straining relationship since both of you refuse to accept that you like each other! (Y/N) you should be able to sense it since it's what you do! You're desire! You can tell when someone desires anything or Anyone! You're meaning you can't tell that his desire is you?" I rolled my eyes but was happy that Roman had dropped the old name of mine which was 'Lust'. Lust and Desire are the same things but I like Desire better since I do more than sexual...well desire but damn is Roman annoying at hell when it comes to rants like this.
"You two are always by each other and talking or fighting. If you both really hate each other wouldn't you want to be as far away from them as possible??" I grinned glancing at Virgil and he shook his head. He knew exactly what I was about to say. I ignored him and looked back at Roman. "I can say the same about you and Janus~!" I jumped up and walked over to the frozen prince. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders with a playful grin. "You claim up and down you hate him and don't think Thomas needs him even after he's been accepted for a while but you are just trying to distract yourself from your feelings for him." My hand went to his face and slowly went down his cheek with a mischievous gleam in my eyes. "You desire to hold him and have him kiss you and tell you that he loves you. You want him to be your but you can't accept your feelings for him so you act aggressive towards him~ Am I right Princey~?"
I could hear Virgil trying to stifle his laughs but he failed, letting out his roar of laughter as Roman's face went red from both embarrassment and anger. "I-YOU! HOW DARE-I WOULD-NEVER- HE-I-" He cut himself off with every sentence he tried to string together and stormed away with angry screams. I smirked watching him storm off however I couldn't stop his rant from staying in my head. 'Hmm...I mean he isn't wrong but he's not right. We have a frenemy relationship and I'm more than okay with that. It's fun to fuck with him....wait how else can i-' I gasped as an idea sprang in my head.
I swayed over to Virgil and sat down on his lap facing him. This wasn't the first time I've done this but it got him annoyed and I adored it. "Hey, Sunshine~ I got a game that we can play~" He raised an eyebrow at the nickname and my tone. "One, Don't call me that. Two, What it is?" I grinned noticing his eyeshadow brightening in colour slightly showing his curiosity. "Let's a play a game~ Let's sweet talk, Let's play fight." I got closer to his face and he leaned back very slightly. "Let's talk 24/7! Let's tell each other good morning and good night every day. Let's take walks together!" I jumped off his lap and pulled him up.
I always wear platformers so I was slightly taller than Virgil making my ego grow a little. "Let's give each other cute nicknames, and go on dates!" Virgil seemed confused but also intrigued. "What else?" "We'll talk on the phone or in-person all night long until the sun surprises us in the morning. Let's hold each other in our arms and let's kiss each other for long moments." I smirked and put my hand under his chin making him look me in the eyes. A gleam went in my eyes as I felt his desire and curiosity growing. "Whoever falls in love first. Loses."
He grinned and put his hands on the sides of my face. "Bet" My lips matched his grin and got closer to him. "Bet My Spider King" Our lips pressed together, however, our eyes never closed as we stared each other in the eyes. This wasn't our first time making a bet but this was our biggest one. Let the games begin.
~Time Skip & Virgil's POV~
(Y/N) and my Challenge has been going on for about a month and it's gained some questions from everyone else. Patton has asked if we've finally stopped fighting. Logan and Janus have figured out the deal already and have placed bets to see whos gonna lose. Logan thinks it's (Y/N) while Janus thinks it'll be me. Remus keeps asking (Y/N) if we've....done the deed and we just ignore him. Thomas is confused as hell and keeps asking questions and Roman oh gods Roman. Where do I begin with him?
Currently, the entire group is playing a game of Monopoly. (Y/N) is sitting in my lap as we're playing. In between turns, I would play with their hair. They stole my jacket before the game. They're only wearing my jacket with leggings and no show black socks. I didn't make a big deal out of it since I didn't care. "Your turn (Y/N)" "Hell yeah" They moved their piece after rolling and had to give up 108 dollars to Remus. They were the Battleship while I was the Thimble. Janus was the top hat, Remus was the Racecar, Patton was the Cat, Roman was the Dog while Logan was the wheelbarrow. Roman during the whole game was staring at us and when I kissed (Y/N)'s neck leaving them to giggle and pushing my head away Roman shot up.
"Is no one going to address this???" "Oh, thank goodness someone else is thinking about it." Patton sighed pushing up his glasses. "What?" "What? WHAT?!? One month ago you two were shooting each other with insults and now you're acting all lovey-dovey?? What the hell? Did you two finally address your feelings and didn't tell me when I was RIGHT!??" "We're not together" I shot resting my chin on her shoulder and she rested her head on my own. "Sure your not" Roman shot back with obvious sarcasm. "Should we tell him?" I asked (Y/N) and she shook her head. "This is amusing to me." "Tell me what?!?" Logan and Janus both were hiding smirks as (Y/N) and I laughed. "You're right My heartbeat" "Of course I am My handsome Emo" "My Emo lover~" (Y/N) Giggled at my comment and looked at Roman.
Roman growled in annoyance and flipped the game board sending the pieces and Items everywhere. "OI! I WAS WINNING!!" Remus yelled at his brother as (Y/N) got up from my lap and lifted me up as well holding my hand in theirs. "Well since it looks like Game Night is over we're going to be in his room if you need us" "Have fun" Janus called out looking at Logan in annoyance who had a proud smirk. I picked up (Y/N) bridal style and started heading up the stairs to my room.
"Uh...I have no idea what just happened. I thought Roman was talking about how (Y/N) looked adorable in Virgil's Jacket"
"Really Patton?"
"What? That's what I was thinking."
I walked into my room and put (Y/N) down onto my bed. (Y/N) seemed more than pleased with what had happened. They laughed and crossed their legs to look at me. "That was hilarious! He was so close to actually fighting us!" I rolled my eyes as I looked at them. I hated to admit it but I was starting to feel...weird around them. "Yeah, it was" They cocked their head and crawled closer to me cocking their head. "Are you okay darling?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." They gave me a smirk with their eyes closed. "You're not falling for me are you?" I clicked my tongue and shook my head looking away from them. "Hell no"
I heard their chuckle getting me to look at them. Their smirk fell into a genuine smile. "Guess the game is still on huh?" My could feel my face slightly heat up and I rolled my eyes once again. I looked away from them and could feel my lips raise up to a smile. "Yeah, it is." "Hell yeah! Good since I really like this game! I'm learning a hell of a lot from and about you in this past month than in the past 31 years!" I rubbed the back of my neck and nodded. "Yeah same here (Y/N)" Unbeknownst to me (Y/N) was caught off guard by me using their actual name. I never said their name when we were alone. It was almost always a nickname even before this challenge.
"Anyway, we should head to bed. It's kinda late" "I'm not even tired!" (Y/N) shot at me as they jumped from my bed and took off my jacket. I saw their bareback and chest and looked away with a very vibrant red colour for my face. "I could take on the world" I cleared my throat and stood up grabbing my jacket and throwing it back at them. "Okay great but put that jacket back on!" I hid my face in my hand as I turned my back to them. "Aw, why? I got hot" Their tone seemed playful which only made my face grow hotter.
"Just put it on!" "Fine~" I could hear shuffling and the zipper zipping up. "Done!" I sighed softly in relive before turning back around. "Thank you-" When I saw them they still hadn't put on the hoodie and actually had stole one of my sweatpants. The pants were big on them so it barely held onto their hips showing their V line and lower stomach. You thought my face was a bright red before? Well, times that by around 100 and that was my face. "I TOLD YOU TO PUT IT ON!" They laughed genuinely and turned around to fall on the bed.
"I didn't want to! Now come lay down! I want cuddles" I stared at them and groaned trying to stop my face from burning. "Ugh fine" I crawled into my bed and looked at them. They had a bright smile before they wrapped their arms around me and one leg rasing up to wrap around my waist. My body relaxed as I wrapped my arms around them as well. "Thank you~" They sang out before yawning and snuggling their head into my chest. I rolled my eye but a smile graced my lips. I kissed the top of their head before resting my head on my pillow
A soft giggle was heard with a sleepy response "Admit you love me, Virge..." "Heh maybe" My eyes snapped open as I stared at the ceiling. 'Wait.....no...god...please WHY!'
~Time Skip Your POV~
It's been A whole 5 months since we started our challenge and honestly, I adored it! It was so much fun to mess with Virgil but at the same time, I hated it. I could feel myself get closer romantically and emotionally to Virgil. I can tell he is too. He's starting to desire similar things to Roman with Janus. I was sitting upside down on the couch alone since Virgil was with Thomas working on a video. I sighed softly closing my eyes. I heard footsteps and immediately knew who it was.
"Heya Janus" "Well Hello Desire I'm suprised that you knew that it was me." "I know everyone footsteps. You learn them overtime." "Impressed" I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Hey what's the video that Thomas, Virgil, Logan and Patton are making?" "You don't know?" I flipped over so I was sitting criss cross on the couch. "Nope what is it?" He hit down next to me and smiled. "The video they're making is about confessing. They plan for me to pop up near the end of it so I'm waiting for my cue."
"Confession? Why?" "Remember the animactic?" "Yeah?" "Remember Nico?" I nodded once again. Althought I wasn't present in the animactic I was helping him in his head. "Well he is confessing to himself that he may like Nico and he's planning on confessing to him at the end of the episode." "Why aren't I involved then?" "Cause /I'm not sure/ Why aren't they Ace?" [🖤 Oi no fourth wall breaks!] "It's okay. Not that big of a deal." "If you say so." 'I wonder what examples the other sides are going to use as confessions.'
"My Cue is close I must go. Good bye (Y/N)" I waved goodbye as he faded out of the mind palace. I laid down on the couch one of my legs ontop of the couch while the other is dangling off the side. "Why aren't I ever in the videos discussing love or desire? Isn't that a weird oversight?" I shrugged my shoulders and closed my eyes once more...before rudly being summond outside th mind palace and falling onto the ground. "AH-"
I jumped up and looked around waving. "uh...Hey!" "What is Desire doing here?" Patton asked cocking his head. "Well Patton if you must know anything having to do with Desire is controled through them and not through Roman or even you. They can tell us if Thomas is truely in love with Nico and not just desperate for attention." "That's...actually really smart Janus" Logan commented crossing his arms.
"Oh so you were lying when you said you didn't know!" "Yep apologizes but it was a suprise." Thomas turned to me and rubbed his arm. "Alright...so Desire. Do I really love Nico? Or am I just...desperate for love?" I looked at him before laughing causing him to flinch a little. "I'm sorry but your the furthest thing from desperate Thomas for one. For two, just call me (Y/N)! I'm not scared to tell you my name." "Your telling me your name just like that?" I nodded and leaned against Janus.
"Yep! Anyway to actually answer your question. Yes you actually love Nico. Have you wondered why you never stop thinking about him? Why your up for hours? Its because you love him." Thomas' face heated up into a blush. "So if you can I suggest that you tell him and let it ou-" I was RUDLY cut off by Virgil. "Well what if they don't like him back?" He panicked. I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder. "That's a risk he has to take! It can be scary to confess to people that you like but it's worse to keep it bottled up and waste your shot." "Exactly!" Roman called out.
Thomas smiled with a nod. "Thank you (Y/N)" "Of course Thomas. Now I was in the middle of something. I hope I was help but I gotta go." I waved and faded out of sight and back to my couch. I closed my eyes and I kid you not, not even 5 minutes after I crashed onto the couch I felt something on my lips. I opened my eyes and saw Virgil above me kissing me. I smiled and kissed back putting my hand on his cheek. When He pulled away I chuckled. "That suprised me. I'm always the one enionating the kisses" "W-Well I wanted to ch-change that" "Aw what's got you all stuttering?" "Nothing" I rolled my eyes not beliving him but smiled anyway. "I-I uh...Got something to tell you? about the game" "Oh so you want to call it off? I get it"
"No that's not it! (Y/N) I lost I fell in love with you. You win" I looked at him with a shocked look in my eyes. "You fell in love with me?" "Yes I did and what you said to Thomas got me to finally admit it to myself and now to you...So...I'm confessing to you" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed his lips against mine once again.
He pulled away with a blush and purple sparkling eyeshadow replacing his normal black eyeshadow. "So...do you accept it?" "Of course I do"
💜: Look at that! Of course you do somethin like that...Wait where is she? Did...Ace dipped?? Where the hell are they?!?
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