💖Self care💖
Okays so Uraraka_Ochako23 don't yell at me but I'm writing this at 1:33 am......if I don't update I'm dead okay! Let's get on with this!
~Your POV~
I was working on final Exams and was stressing out. I was three seconds away from having a mental break down and pulling my hair out. As much as I wanted to I didn't because I didn't want to wake up my friend Thomas. He was sound asleep in his room which is next to mine. I looked at the time and it was 3:17 am. "Okay...school starts at 7:50...All-nighter it is!...for the third night in a row" I muttered to myself. I knew pulling all-nighters wasn't good for me but what could I do? I needed to pass! My stomach growled and I did the same. I slapped myself for not eating today. 'Guess I forgot to fucking eat' I got up from my room and quietly went downstairs to the kitchen.
I opened the fridge but there wasn't anything. "Cereal it is" I muttered grabbing the milk and going to the pantry grabbing (F/C) which was my favorite. I poured me a bowl and grabbed a spoon. I sat down and ate my breakfast. Tiredness was taking over my body but I had to keep my head up. "Have to...study...." Before I could collect myself it went black and a cold flat surface was pressed against my cheek with a crash on the ground.
~Thomas' POV~
I woke up when something crashed onto the ground and flung out of bed. I grabbed the closet thing to me which was my guitar and quietly rushed downstairs. Anxiety filled my lungs as I heard the bottom and was about to attack when I just saw a bowl shattered on the ground milk and cereal with it. I looked up from the ground and saw (Y/N) asleep on the counter. Their eyes had deep almost black bags under them. It reminded me of Virgil's eyeshadow.
I heard a growl and it came from (Y/N)'s stomach and I raised an eyebrow. 'Did they fall asleep? Why are they up at 3:30 n the morning?' I walked over and cleaned up the mess that was on the ground. Waltzing over I picked them up and their eyes shot open. "Thomas!" Being one that hates being scared I dropped them but they caught themselves. "How long was I out?" "I don't know I'd say like 20 minutes" They tensed and quietly cursed under their breath. "I...I gotta go I-" I gripped onto their wrist and looked at their tired (E/C) eyes that we're once bright but we're now dull and barely alive.
"When was the last time you slept?"
They seem to hesitate before saying "20 minutes ago" I huffed out and looked at them "Before that?" They looked down before muttering something I couldn't hear. "What?"
"Three days ago"
My eyes widened and I looked at them, worry in my eyes. "Why? It's your finals, isn't it? Your stressing!" They sighed and nodded. "I'm incredibly stressed" "Have you eaten?" They shook their head. "I was in the middle of eating cereal before blacking out" "Cause your body needs sleep!" "I'll sleep tomorrow alright?" "It already is tomorrow!" "It's not tomorrow until I sleep, Thomas!" I groaned in annoyance and picked them up bridal style. Despite their protests, I carried them to their bed seeing Paper, books, coffee, and tea in cups, pens and sticky notes littering her room.
"You need to learn only one thing (Y/N)" They groaned and looked at me "and what's that Mr. Sanders?" "Self-care (L/N)! Cause clearly you don't know anything about that! Now I'm going to get you some food. You get in pajamas and lay down on your bed." "But-" "no buts unless it's you on that bed" They sighed but did as I said. I went downstairs and made them a small bowl of Ramen.
I went back upstairs to find them laying down on their bed. The floor was also cleaned. "Clear room clear head" They mumbled to me in defeat. I laughed and handed them their food. Grabbing their phone which I knew the password to I put on rain forest sounds on their speaker. "Now you relax and sleep for a full 8 hours. I'll tell the school your skipping tomorrow for a sick day." "Thomas!" "You need sleep and relaxation. Finals isn't until next week."
They huffed out in annoyance and defeat. I made them lay down and stayed by their side until I knew they were fast asleep. "I swear your gonna work yourself to the ground." Softly I pecked their head and left the room letting them sleep for the night.
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