💜 Why am I first?
🖤 Cause I love you and I'm a badass
💜 ....Okay?
🖤 you might hate me for this one though
💜 Wait what?!?
🖤 Yep! Let's GO
~Your POV~
I was talking with Deceit in my room. We got along since...I was Manipulation also cause I was his 'sibling.' I was not a dark side, but I wasn't a good side either...it really all depended on how Thomas manipulated a person either for a bad reason or for a good reason. I never pushed him into Manipulation, hell he doesn't want to know I exist so...I stay in my room. The only person who ever really seemed to knowledge me was Decit...and...Anxiety but he was gone. I never see him anymore since he went to the good sides. "Mani are you okay?" Mani was the nickname he gave me. "Yeah... I guess" "There is something bugging you. You can't lie to the lier of the group." He joked trying to lift my spirits. I laughed softly and smiled. "Yeah for real I'm fine!"
"Good!" Lies...He tells lies and I lied to him. Manipulation my specialty... He got up to leave claiming Thomas was gonna make a video and wanted to crash the place. "You wanna come? It would be fuuuuun~!" "No...for one the audience doesn't know me, remember? It would be weird for me to come out of nowhere." "Right as usual dear sibling~! Bye!" And like that he was gone. I put my knees to my chest and my head in my legs. I sighed and memories of Creativity, Morality, and Logic dismissing me telling me I was gonna make Thomas bad. Anxiety used to be by my side knowing the feeling of being pushed away, ignored or dismissed. He, along with Deceit, was the only people I could trust. I actually liked him. Now...he was with them. The ones that pushed me away and hurt me emotionally.
~Deceit's POV~
I propped up next to Logan and smiled. "Oh wasn't that an extraordinary video~?" "Leave Deceit!" Virgil growled out. "Like you did Virgil?" The purple mess tensed up and looked at me trying to keep his scowl on his face. "You left Mani by themself and joined the ones that hurt them emotionally and mentally. And left them to rot!" The other side looked confused hell so did Thomas. Me showing care for someone that wasn't myself wasn't something I usually do. "I...I" "Everyone says I'm the lier but you are. Did you even tell them the truth about who you are?"
"Deceit! Leave him alone!" I looked at Patton and chuckled. "You're supposed to be Morality but you've pushed both Virgil and Mani away. You accepted one cause he kept popping up, but what about the one that stayed away to leave you alone and not bug you?" Logan seemed to catch what I meant and looked at me "You mean... Manipulation?" "Brava Logan!" I said slowly and with sarcasm leaking from my words. "You connected the dots."
Roman looked at me slightly scared. "They're still around?" Thomas looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh dear me did you all forget my loveable handsome gorgeous sibling? Oh, Mani~!" "Manipulation? Why would I have that?" I growled and snapped my fingers Mani coming out of her room. They were next to Anxiety and looked around seeming to not want to be there. "Deceit what did I say?"
"I know but-" "Manipulation...." Roman seemed to snarl out. "I should just leave" They was about to leave but I stopped them. They sighed and looked down waving. "Hi, Thomas...Anxiety, Logic, Morality, Creativity... Remember me?" The three out of five they just named seemed to be uncomfortable or annoyed by their presence. The other two looked at her. "Manipulation...why haven't you come out?" Thomas asked seemingly confused. "You never wanted to acknowledge my existence. You hated Manipulating people even if it was for a good cause. So you pushed me to the back of your mind...where Anxiety used to be as well."
"Before Virgil abandoned them that is" "Virgil...?" "Um...Y-Yeah...its Virgil...Roman, Patton and Logan..." They stepped away from Virgil who seemed to want to hug her. "Go away okay? I'm over it." Everyone but Virgil and I believed them. "No, your not...I'm...I'm sorry I left you alone. I should have brought you with me! Introduce you and-" He stopped when they had tears in their eyes. "I just wanted to be accepted and acknowledged and not left behind!" I went to them but they pushed me away and went away. "Dang it!" I went back into the mind to go after her
~Virgil's POV~
I gripped onto my purple hair and looked at the others. "I screwed up big time...I-I-I" "Virgil... it's okay-" "No it isn't! I was the only one they could talk to cause you guys dismissed them...now I did the same!" I went back into the mind to go to them. I rushed to their room and knocked on the door. "D-Deceit?" "It's...It's Anx..." The old nickname they had for me. I remembered it. The door opened and there stood a cold stare but I could see right through it. "Go away" before they could close the door I hugged them tightly.
"I'm so so so sorry Mani...I-I promise I'll make things right! I'll prove to the others you aren't like Remus and Deceit! I'll-I'll be with you forever I-"
My rant was cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. "Your ranting again," Mani said through a smile. "I trust you...Virgil...I know you'll try your best to keep your promise." I smiled and felt a sudden...weight off my shoulders. "Manipulation-" "(Y/N)" "(Y/N)...I love you"
Sorry it's rushed at the end it's 3:00 am while I'm writing this and I'm tired. Hope you like it though!
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