🖤This takes place after Redux. Don't worry it's not angst
❤Of course, it's after Redux! And not the Aside episode
🖤That'll happen sooner or later princey calm down
❤Oh yeah, tell ME to calm down Ace...It's the lack of understanding of emotions for me.
🖤It's the obvious insecurities that you hide with pride and narcissism so no one worries. It's the constantly seeking validation and not knowing how to handle rejection and abandoning your bother and never wanting to acknowledge his existence and actively hating him for no fault of his own. It's the making fun of Janus' name cause you refuse to accept the fact that he can be good and your no longer Thomas' hero....for me
💙...My God
🖤ANYWAY Let's go!
~Roman's POV~
I faded into my room and collapsed onto the floor. I gripped onto my hair and hugged my legs close to my chest with my other arm. I cried into my knees and tried to hug myself tighter than I already was. "How...What else...I'm not...His Hero...He's bad....I-I'm supposed.....He's supposed!.." I couldn't get my thoughts out correctly and nothing was helping any. I couldn't breathe correctly on my own, my head was racing and my heart felt like it was shattered and I couldn't find any of the pieces.
"Hey...Roman?" I bit my lip when I heard the knock on the door and the voice. It was (Y/N) Thomas' emotions all bottled into one person. They were always able to tell when someone wasn't okay even if they weren't even there or can't even see them. The bad thing is they can feel whatever any of the sides feel. Anger, Frustration, Sadness, curiosity...grief. So they switch emotions quickly quicker than channels on TV
"Roman...I want to help. May I come in?" I sighed and moved away from the door quickly wiping my eyes. "Y-Yeah come...Come in." The door slowly opened and they were there. They closed the door quietly and sat down in front of me. "I know your upset...heavily so I'm not going to ask why...Okay? It's none of my business. I just want to comfort you okay?" I nodded and they smiled slightly. "Do you wish to be touched at all? Or talk or sit in silence?" "...Touch...and...talk" I chose hesitantly not wanting to make them uncomfortable. "That's great. You want a hug?" I nodded and almost immediately wrapped my arms around them.
I could hear their heartbeat and the soft seemingly thankful sigh that left their lips. I closed my eyes and listened to the beating of the drum that was their heart. It was like it was purposely making a comforting beat for me to listen to. I felt their fingers rake through my hair comfortingly and my shoulders relaxed and my breathing evened out. "I'm proud of you Roman. You know this right?" I didn't say anything but I let a small smile grace onto my lips. "I'm proud of everything you do. I admire your work and what you've accomplished. I love that you help and 'save' everyone you possibly can."
My eyes started to water once more but this time it was different. It felt as if the shattered pieces of my heart were being found. Every last shard being found and slowly being forced back together. "And if nothing else I said matters to you" They lifted my head and made me look at them. They had a gleam in those (E/C) eyes. Their smile, brighter than the stars on a dark night. Their skin soft and more gorgeous than Snow white's ever could be. They leaned forward and placed a soft and gentle kiss on my forehead. I blushed a deep red. Their face complimented mine and darkened a few shades as well.
"You're my hero."
🖤Aww! So cute-Wait where is Roman?
💙He left. remember?
🖤Oh Yeah since I roasted the SHIT outta him at the beginning. I need to apologize for that I was just NOT in the mood for him.
💙I'll find him for you Alright?
🖤Thanks, Lo-Lo!...And he's gone hey you guys! Yeah, Guys Gals and Non-Binary Pals! I have a question. I'm drawing my own Sides and I was wondering when they're done if you'd like to see them! Thanks! PEACE OUT
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