🖤I haven't done one for Virgil in a while.
💜 Or Talk with us
💜What did I scare you?
🖤 Kinda!
💜Whatever just start
🖤 Also! I just saw the new Video and Deceit's Real name is Janus??
💜That's Correct.
Panic Attack
~Virgil's POV~
You know when I left the dark sides I thought the problems they gave me and Thomas would too. I thought Deceit's lies would be gone, I thought Remus' outbursts would be over with...I thought finally...(Y/N), Paranoia, would leave me alone! I know that the last one may never happen. We feed into each other. Whenever Thomas gets Paranoid he gets anxious and when he gets anxious he gets paranoid. They'll always be around as long as I am. They bug me more than Deceit or Remus hell even more than Princey!
Why can't they just go away! I growled and gripped onto my hair. I turned up the volume in my headphones Patton gave me. "Just leave us alone Para" I mumbled. "You know that's not possible Virgil." I snapped my head up and saw Logan. I sighed and looked back down, taking off my headphones. "You both popped up together and will forever be bonded to each other. Similar to Remus and Roman." "Ew, so they're my sibling?" "No, not exactly. You didn't start as the same person then split. You both always were separate but forever connected." "UGGGHHH!!! FUCK!" "Virgil, Language"
"If they ever end up disappearing so do you and vise versa," I Growled once more. "I thought leaving the Darksiders everything would be better." "It's not that easy Virgil." "Thanks, Logan very reassuring." "Sarcasm noted"
~Your POV~
"FUCK ME!" "Language (Y/N)!" "Shut it Snake Ass!" Remus chuckled at the two of us. "Rat shut your lips or I'll rip off your fake ass mustache!" He gasped and put his hand on his chest. "It is very much real!" "What's got you in such a pissy mood?" "Fucking Virgil!!" "You-" Deceit threw his hat at the twin shutting him up. "Explain"
I growled and rakes my fingers through my hair. "He's Talking about me again I can fucking feel it." "What the fuah?" "How can you tell?" I rubbed my hands up and down my arms. "I just know he's always wanted me gone." Deceit sighed. "Your just...well...You." Remus jumped up and wrapped his arms around me. "Yeah, Para, you're just....paranoid!" I sighed and shook my head. 'I know I'm right.' "Sure whatever." I pushed Remus off of me and got up walking to my room.
"I swear that purple-haired bastard is talking about me. I know he wants me dead. I know he hates me. I'm not stupid." I clawed at my shoulders leaving marks. "I haven't done anything to him. It's not my fault we're intertwined." I cratched down leaving a stinging pain. I looked over and slight blood was trickling down. "Damn me..." I gripped onto my hair and rocked forward and backward. 'What if he is gonna tell Thomas to get therapy or get medication. Then I'd be gone...He would be gone...Does he hate me that much that he's risking himself??? What have I ever done? I just show up. I never do anything but my job. When Thomas is anxious I can't help but be there....being...Paranoid..'
my breathing started to get out of control. My throat felt like it was clamping shut and my breathing was short but rapid. my chest hurt so fucking much. My body tensed up quickly and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest hell I could hear it. My body felt like it was on fire and I was sweating. The room was spinning and I felt hella dizzy. I started shaking and clawed at my shoulders more. I realized what was happening and it only got worse.
I was having a Panic Attack
~Deceit's POV~
"I'm worried about (Y/N)" "Why?" I looked at Remus' door. "Come on Janus it'll be okay." I sighed and looked at him. "Your right." "That was a lie." "no, it wasn't" He sighed and ran his hand through my hair. "We can try and talk to Virgil about it." "Do you think he'll listen?" "We can try." I nodded and we left the mind palace to find Virgil on the couch. He saw us and hissed. "Oh Virgil my best and calm friend," I said sarcastically. "What do you want Snake?" I sighed as Remus took over. "have you been talking about Para?" "(Y/N)? what's it to ya?"
"If you have to stop it Virgil" "Why? I'm not doing anything wrong." I sighed and gripped onto my hat. "Why don't you too just try and talk?" He hissed and glared at me. "Like HELL I'd do that!" Remus got in front of me and gripped on Virgil's Jacket lifting him up. "Virgil Sanders. Go and at least a-fucking-pologize her Para!" His eyes dimmed and his eyeshadow got darker. "I wouldn't want to tear something I worked so hard to make for you" He growled before dropping Virgil and turning away. "Come on Janus, I think I made our point very clear."
My eyes went wide but I nodded. 'Damn since when was Remus genuinely terrifying?' I looked at Virgil with a knowing look before turning and following Remus.
~Virgil's POV~
I shook off feeling Remus gave me and fixed my jacket. I sighed and gripped on my hair. I know Remus, when he gets really pissed it's gonna be more than my jacket getting ripped to pieces. I sank down and appeared right at (Y/N)'s door. I knocked and heard nothing. "Hey...Paranoia?" I knocked again and heard....Rapid breaths? 'The hell?' I tried to open the door but it was locked shut. "(Y/N)?" I could hear whimpering and gasps for air. "(Y/N), I'm coming in!" I rammed into the door with my shoulder and it flung open.
"(Y/N)?" I looked over and (Y/N) was gripping on their hair and rocking back and forth. They were shaking and their breath was rapid. I immediately connected the dots.
'They're having a panic attack!'
I ran to their side and hugged them. I rubbed their back and said calmly and softly. "(Y/N) listen to me okay? I need you to focus on my voice." They were shaking harder but nodded. "Good, your gonna be fine. I need you to breathe in for 7 seconds, hold for 4, and release for 6 seconds okay?" I could feel their breathing matching the seconds I asked of them. I let them breathe for a few minutes before rubbing their muscles. They were so tense.
"Okay, you're doing great (Y/N), Could you name 5 things you can see?" They nodded and with a shaky voice said. "Yo-Your hoodie, Y-Your shirt...., Your headphones" They lift their head up, their body still shaking but not as much. "M-My bed...My hair....and y-your eyes." I was taken aback but kept going. "Great how about 4 things you can hear?" "Y-Your voice...footsteps...the creak of the floor....music coming from your headphones." I smiled and rubbed her back. "Now 3 things you feel?" "Your hand...rubbing my back, Your hoodie against my chest, and my hair on the back of my neck." "2 Things you can smell?" "I can smell...my Strawberry shampoo still lingering in my hair....and You.."
I blushed softly but continued. "One thing you taste." "A sour taste in my mouth probably cause I threw up a little bit ago." I smiled and rubbed their sides relaxing their muscles. "Perfect." Their body has stopped shaking and their breathing was even and relaxed. "How are you feeling." They just nodded. "That's not a good response." I joked but they slightly heavier. I raised an eyebrow and looked at their face. 'They fell asleep?'
I sighed and picked them up and laid them on their bed. Although their grip was tight on me so I ended up having to lay down with them. I sighed and played with their hair.
'Maybe I was wrong....They don't mean harm...they're like me'
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