Remus! Bro this dude is my soul and life! He's so funny I love him so here is a chapter dedicated to the stinky trash man!
~Your POV~
I was laying down in my bed. My (E/C) eyes focused on the TV with a soft grin. I was watching Beetlejuice and Beetlejuice reminded me so much of Remus it was hilarious. I was laying on my stomach and my (F/C) tipped brown hair covering my eye.
I was watching the last bit when Adam and Barbara were dying again thanks to The red tux bitch when a knock came on my door. "Open~!" I sang out and the door opened up revealing The duke, the rat, the all known trash man Remus Sanders.
"Hello there Jealousy~!!" I rolled my eyes "I told you it's (Y/N) Remus." "Right I just always forget~!" I sat up and looked at the Deodorant eating Man. "What did you need anyway?" "I'm so bored!!!!" "Well, I'm watching Beetlejuice" "Who the fuck?" "Beetlejuice aka you reincarnated"
"No one is like me Jealousy!" I sighed once more and grabbed his hand pulling him onto the bed. "Oh if you wanted to get down you could have just said so~!" I rolled eyes and punched his arm. "No dumbass just watch" I restarted the movie and smiled at the opening credits popped up.
~Remus' POV~
I leaned back and crossed my arms over my chest. The opening credits of the movie appeared and I raised an eyebrow 'what's so interesting about this? I don't understand.....but (Y/N) seems to like it so...I'll shut up'
Yes, against popular belief, I can be a gentleman. I am a duke after all! But I also....maybe kinda sort of actually really do love (Y/N) aka Envy. They made Thomas jealous and envious of others for having better things or being better at something. It was admirable in my opinion.
We watched the movie and I actually started liking it. I mean the two main characters DIED! It was funny to me. When this Beetlejuice came on-screen (Y/N) grinned. "It's you!" I blushed softly and looked away "No it's not! My behind is 10 times more amazing! And my hair is not that crazy!"
They just laughed at my pouted face and I smiled softly. Their smile and laugh was bright enough for anyone to be envious. They yawned into the back of their hand and rested their head on my shoulder. 'OH SHI-'
"Your extremely comfortable" They mumbled. "R-Really?" "Yep" They yawned before their body went limp. Their breathing evened and they were out like a light.
I blushed softly but held them. "I love you (N/N)..."
I swear I'll tell them....just not now
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