Olivia's POV
It's night time and I guess Ariana is suspecting about my "diet", she offered me dinner again, veggies, beans and eggs and I only ate some veggies.... I mean Im not even trying to hide thet fact that this "diet" is bullshit. What doctor would give a teenager a diet that consists on eating two fruits and a small portion of veggies for a day? Ofc she's not buying it your dumbass...
Anyways, I asked her to help me go to my headspace, I just want to feel loved and not worry about my weight for awhile...
A: Hey sweetie, did you finish your veggies?
O: Yes... Can I have water please?
A: Ofc hun, I'll put it on a bottle tho, okay?
O: Kay :)
She got the bottle then picked me up, we sat down on the couch and she put some kids channel on.... I'm feeling very little already, I'm sitting drinking my water and she started to caress my hair... How old am I again???
O: Awiana can we watch tangwed pwease?
A: Ofc we can hun, and call me Ari! Or mommy, its your choice babygirl!
Ariana's POV
I'm so happy I'm helping her go to her headspace! She's so cute!!!
O: Hewe Awi my bottwe done! I dwank aaaaall the watew, see??
A: Yes Hunny I can see that, good job! You're gonna pee a lot now wont you??? - I said tickling her
O: Yesssh and you help me to the bafwoom?
A: Yes baby, just let me know when you need to go Livvy
We stayed there watching the movie and she fell asleep on my lap, its only 9 pm tho, and Idk her sleeping habits so Idk if I should let her sleep so soon... I picked her up again, oml she's so light, its like I'm picking up a 5 year old.
I lay her down and as soon as I do that she asks me to go to the bathroom.
A: Sure Livvy come, and you need to take a bath before you go to sleep. I have some hoodies that may fit.
O: No mommy no baths! - she said starting to wiggle on my lap. I know she's tired but I mean, she has to take a bath she never took one the whole time she was here!
A: Olivia, pee, and then bath! I don't wanna hear any complaints! You basically didn't eat all day, and I allowed you because I don't wanna force if it is your diet, but I'm pretty sure you're allowed to bath. So pee and while you do that I'll organize your bath, call me when you're done. - I say putting her in front of the toilet. I go to organize the bath and put some bubbles and stuff...
O: Mommy I done but I no want bath!
I was gonna turn around to call her off again but I see she's crying so I ran over to her and wipe her off.
A: Hey sweetie what's wrong? - I say picking her up. She puts her head on my neck and keeps crying. Why is she crying over taking a bath tho??? That is weird.
Hey guys I'm so sorry I didn't update before, I'm with my friend the whole week so it's been hard to find time. This is a small chapter but I'm gonna update asap!!!
Comment here, why do you think she's crying over taking a bath???
xoxo 😘
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