food issues
Ariana POV
- So, wanna hang out someday? - Dalton asks - We could go to this restaurant that has a playground for the girls. It's also a little's place so...
- Yeah sure! We could tomorrow night if u want, I'm free...
- Okay well, give me your number I'll text you.
I gave him my number and call Olivia.
- Livvy, let's go! - I said walking close to her.
- Now?? I don't wanna go now! - she said whining
- Yes now, the place is almost closing...
She put her arms out pouting and I pick her up.
When we get home tho, she starts to feel weak and it's worrying me a lot. She's been basically only drinking milk.
- Mama carry meeee! I feel dizzy. - She asks when I open the car door for her to get out.
- Kay bubba. Let's go cuddle huh?
She nods and lays her head on my shoulder closing her eyes.
She's getting lighter day by day and Im not sure what to do but Im taking her to the doctor tomorrow. I can't wait anymore.
We're watching Beauty and the Beast, well I'm watching she's deeply sleeping, and I got a text message.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Heyy, Its Dalton! Me and Elena are going to the mall I was wondering if maybe you and Livvy wanna come?
I quickly add his number and answer.
Me: Hii! I can't today, Livvy is sick 🤕 maybe tomorrow we go to that restaurant?
D: Yeah sure! I hope she feels better soon! 🥰
Me: Thanks! See ya 👋
- Hi babygirl - I say when I notice Livvy's awake, her eyes glued watching the movie.
- Hi mommy.
She puts her head on my lap. She's so cute and adorable. Sure, she has her moments, but who doesn't?
- I was thinking, what if mommy order's a nice dinner for us?
- N-no! Milk!
- You'll only drink milk tonight if you have proper dinner.
I say getting my phone to order something for us to eat while she keeps whining and kicking the bed.
- Olivia stop it, this is for your own good.
She stops and starts crying. Of course I'll
give her milk even if she doesn't eat, but I'm trying everything to make her eat.
- You can cry, but you're having proper dinner today.
I order some vegan food for us and pick her up. She's so weak her body goes numb all the time.
- Mamas giving you a bath before food gets here.
I choose a bubble bath and put her on the bathtub. I start washing her hair then her tiny body.
I finish her bath and put some pajamas on her.
By the time I'm finished, the food is here.
- Okay baby, try this one.
I said trying to feed her w her child sized fork, but all she does is close her mouth and turn her head away.
I sigh knowing this probably won't work.
- Only two bites and then you can have your milk.
Olivia POV
When she says that I decide to let her feed me the two bites so I can have my milk.
I'm in a place where I need her breastfeeding or feeding me w a bottle of milk so I feel less stressed out.
I open my mouth and she smiles feeding me.
- Two bites mama now milk! - I said whining
- Okay okay, but let mama finish eating first.
I drink water from my sippy cup while she finishes her food, then she takes me to her bedroom and feeds me.
She holds me in a baby position and as soon as I see her boob I latch on her and start sucking as much milk as I can.
Soon I feel myself calming down and fall asleep in her arms.
I wanna thank u guys sm for supporting me. Hope ur enjoying 🤍
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